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View Full Version : Beheading Hoax

08-07-2004, 03:39 PM
Turns out some beheading video on the internet was a hoax.

The FBI interviewed Benjamin Vanderford, the guy who made the video, and has opened an investigation.

FBI spokeswoman LaRay Quy said that all legal venues will be pursued against Vanderford. Some attorney general or some shit was "in the process of determining what charges will be filed" against him, or something like that.

And on Fox News they had a clip of some FBI commentator, saying "This man should go to prison, because he is evil and has no consideration or sensitivity for human life," or something to that effect.

This is fucking sick. SICK!! Give me a break! Honestly, what the fuck is going on around here?

08-07-2004, 04:03 PM
Maybe paulk is saying the knee-jerk response by Fox News is "fucking sick" :confused:

08-08-2004, 08:56 AM
A lot of people have questioned the authenticity these beheading videos. Particularly the Nick Berg one. Apparently Benjamin Vanderford wanted to show how easy it is to fool the media. Which he did.

"I thought about the nature of the American media and how easily it can be manipulated," he said on the World Today programme.

Once the Arabic news channel al-Jazeera broke the story, it was picked up by the Associated Press news agency "and then suddenly it was the 'truth', when actually no physical evidence has been recovered", he said.


08-08-2004, 09:13 AM
FBI spokeswoman LaRay Quy said that all legal venues will be pursued against Vanderford. Some attorney general or some shit was "in the process of determining what charges will be filed" against him, or something like that.

And on Fox News they had a clip of some FBI commentator, saying "This man should go to prison, because he is evil and has no consideration or sensitivity for human life," or something to that effect.

This is fucking sick. SICK!! Give me a break! Honestly, what the fuck is going on around here?

What a surprise, an "attourney general or some shit" is desperately trying to find a law he can use to persecute someone who made a valuable point about the US media - it's a load of hokey shit. If it's something they want to use, they'll use it, irrespective of accuracy.

The only charge I think he should have filed against him is exposing the US media and government for being the shifty and unreliable fucks that they are.

08-08-2004, 09:56 AM
Their not important right now. We've got someone who hasn't been beheaded to catch for saying he was beheaded!

08-08-2004, 07:48 PM
Maybe paulk is saying the knee-jerk response by Fox News is "fucking sick" :confused:

Yeah that's right, thank you. I should have been more explicit as to what was fucking sick.

And fuck the self-righteous.

08-08-2004, 08:22 PM
They want to arrest a guy who FAKED his own death and shared the video on Kazaa?
Uh, is this true? Or do you believe Kazaa is the alpha and the omega of the internet.

08-09-2004, 11:50 AM
Uh, is this true? Or do you believe Kazaa is the alpha and the omega of the internet.

yeah, i didn't quite catch your point either......?

08-09-2004, 12:02 PM
Video I an easily manipulated medium. The majority of people don't even realize how easily they are decieved by the media on a daily basis. Personally I don't se why this guy should be procecuted for his video.

08-09-2004, 12:16 PM
Video I an easily manipulated medium. The majority of people don't even realize how easily they are decieved by the media on a daily basis. Personally I don't se why this guy should be procecuted for his video.

I really don't see why they would even waste this much time on this guy, but then again, I don't really see why they do a lot things pertaining to criminal prosecution...even if it does involve hairy men in underwear playing on the internet while they lay on their floor-mattress.

I also agree greatly with what you said about video manipulation. I mean, there are programs you can download in minutes that will let you put together a video that could sink a precidency, if it could hold up to fact-checking and legitimacy.

08-09-2004, 12:26 PM
anyone seen the movie "wag the dog"? i guess that's what this practice of media manipulation is referred to (when the government does it)...local news is completely unwatchable you know what they had in headline local news in Los Angeles? paris hilton has to climb over a gate because she was locked out of her friend's house...fucking unbelievable!!! :mad:

08-09-2004, 01:43 PM
Meh, was a question. I myself haven't read much about it, wasn't sure if what he said was indeed true.

09-20-2004, 09:23 PM
while talking about hoax this one of Eugene Armstrong is definately not a hoax
check it out

09-20-2004, 09:28 PM
I would rather not, it in no way helps mine or anyone elses situation.