View Full Version : Ramsey Clark's Indictment of George W. Bush

08-17-2004, 04:42 PM

This Criminal Indictment Charges George W. Bush, Richard
B. Cheney, Colin Powell, Donald H. Rumsfeld, John D.
Ashcroft, Tommy Franks, and his successors as Commander of
U.S. Forces in Iraq, George J. Tenet, L. Paul Bremer, III,
John Negroponte and others to be named with Crimes Against
Peace, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and other
criminal acts in violation of the Charter of the United
Nations, International Law, the Constitution of the United
States and Laws Made in Pursuance Thereof.

The Crimes Charged are:

1. Waging a War of Aggression against the sovereignty of
Iraq and the rights of its people, resulting in tens of
thousands of deaths and injuries among the people of Iraq,
most civilians, from military violence and thousands of
U.S. G.I’s. War of aggression is defined as “the Supreme
international crime” in the Nuremberg Judgment.

2. Authorizing, encouraging and condoning the use of
excessive force, in terrorem, tactics called “Shock and
Awe”, targeting defenseless civilians and, civilians
facilities and indiscriminate bombing and assaults.

3. Authorizing and ordering the use of illegal weapons
including super bombs, cluster bombs, depleted uranium
enhanced bombs, missiles, shells and bullets and
threatening the use of nuclear weapons.

4. Authorizing, ordering, concealing and condoning
assassinations, summary executions, murders,
disappearances, kidnappings and torture.

5. Authorizing, financing, utilizing and condoning
illegal violence, use of force and torture by highly paid
paramilitary civilian forces operating anonymously and not
accountable to U.S. supervisors for their acts, who kill,
coerce, control and contain the Iraqi population.

6. Authorizing, ordering and condoning the systematic
destruction of economic, social, cultural, medical,
educational, governmental and diplomatic resources,
properties and facilities throughout Iraq.

7. Authorizing, ordering and condoning acts designed to
divide the Iraqi population to cause internal conflict and
violence among major segments of the society, ethnic,
religious, political and economic, in order to weaken and
exhaust the population and bring all segments under the
control of a new surrogate government submissive to U.S.
command. .

8. Authorizing, imposing and maintaining a violent,
criminal military occupation over Iraq which kills
defenseless Iraqi’s daily and fans the flames of anti-U.S.
anger worldwide.

9. Defying and incapacitating the peace making capacity
and role of the United Nations by unilateral actions to
undermine its potential effectiveness while continuing to
coerce and use the U.N. to pursue U.S. policies in Iraq
and elsewhere, and coercing and enticing other nations to
support U.S. policies and actions in violation of
international law in the U.N. Security Council and against
Iraq and other nations.

10. Engaging in systematic acts to undermine and destroy
international laws and treaties designed to prevent and
control war, weapons of mass and indiscriminate
destruction; limit participants in military service;
protect the environment; prevent the economic exploitation
of poor nations; and engaging systematic acts to obstruct
justice by the evisceration of the International Criminal
Court and manipulation or defiance of other international
judicial and regulatory bodies that might seek to hold the
U.S. accountable to international law and the will of the
majority of the people of the international community.

11. Manifesting their continuing commitment to world
domination by ordering, directing and condoning violent
regime change in Haiti in March 2004 to replace the
independent, elected democratic President Jean Bertrand
Aristide with a U.S. selected and controlled neo
Duvalierist surrogate causing growing violence, hundreds
of deaths and further impoverishment of the Haitian

12. Threatening the sovereignty and independence of
nations, and acting to change regimes that refuse to yield
to U.S. demands for economic subservience and political
control for U.S. corporate and government interests,
including most prominently Cuba, Iran, a divided Korea,
the Philippines, Syria, Sudan and Venezuela; and
supporting Israel’s illegal occupation, brutalization and
expanding settlement of Palestine in defiance of the
United Nations, international law and world opinion; all
of which adds to international anger and violence against
the United States and its citizens.

13. Destroying the sovereignty, right to self
determination, cultural integrity and control of its own
resources of Iraq and its peoples by imposing an interim
government headed by a long time C.I.A. asset who directed
violence against Iraqi civilians for the U.S. in the
1990's; and manipulating procedures for the imposition of
a new Constitution drafted by and installation of a new
government chosen through controlled electoral processes
and subservient to the will and command of the U.S.

14. Usurping the war powers delegated in the
constitution to the Congress to pursue wars of aggression
and other unlawful military actions; and attempting to
pack the federal courts with judges committed to
ideologies in conflict with the Constitution of the United
States to achieve judicial decisions supporting those

15. Systematically weakening fundamental human rights
globally and the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution
within the U.S. enabling U.S. forces to unlawfully seize
individuals in 100 countries, including U.S. citizens and
arrest thousands of aliens in the U.S. and hold them,
transport them, torture many, deny all access to courts to
determine the legality of such seizures, arrest and

16. Making Guantanamo [U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo
Bay?] a symbol of U.S. power to imprison and abuse persons
on the soil of a foreign sovereign nation, Cuba, against
its will and to publicize U.S. contempt for human rights
by displaying its power to arbitrarily seize, confine and
abuse persons without revealing who they are, any charges
against them, or what their future may be, placing U.S.
power above all laws, international and national, and
beyond the reach of all courts, including those of the

17. Giving economic preferences to favored corporations
and business interests to extract enormous profits in both
war and peace sectors of the economy from impoverished
Iraq and U.S. taxpayers.

18. Systematically utilizing, controlling, directing,
manipulating, misinforming and restricting press and media
coverage and deliberately presenting false and misleading
reports to obtain support for U.S. military and political
and actions; and to deprive the American people of
knowledge essential to develop an informed opinion ,
which is essential to democratic processes and elections.

19. All for the purpose of dominating, controlling, and
exploiting Iraq and other non compliant nations by
military force and economic coercion.

In addition to full accountability for the foregoing
crimes and full reparation to victims, the offenses
constitute “high Crimes and Misdemeanors” under Article
II, Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States
requiring the removal from office of all the participating
civil Officers of the United States upon impeachment for
and conviction for their acts.

Dated: August 5, 2004
Ramsey Clark

08-17-2004, 04:51 PM

This Criminal Indictment Charges George W. Bush, Richard
B. Cheney, Colin Powell, Donald H. Rumsfeld, John D.
Ashcroft, Tommy Franks, and his successors as Commander of
U.S. Forces in Iraq, George J. Tenet, L. Paul Bremer, III,
John Negroponte and others to be named with Crimes Against
Peace, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and other
criminal acts in violation of the Charter of the United
Nations, International Law, the Constitution of the United
States and Laws Made in Pursuance Thereof.

Dated: August 5, 2004
Ramsey Clark

Those names are somehow familiar:

Initial Complaint

George Bush, J. Danforth Quayle, James Baker,
Richard Cheney, William Webster, Colin Powell,
Norman Schwarzkopf and Others to be named


Crimes Against Peace, War Crimes, Crimes Against
Humanity and Other Criminal Acts and High Crimes in
Violation of the Charter of the United Nations,
International Law, the Constitution of the United States
and Laws made in Pursuance Thereof.


Same shit, same faces, different day.

08-17-2004, 04:54 PM