View Full Version : It's almost too late....

09-09-2004, 11:31 AM
I'm not sure how you feel about the current world situation but I'm getting rather nervous.

I've read recently how the government is funneling vast sums into the Selective Service System, even though we've been assured by Cheney and Rumsfeld that no plans were in motion to re-institute a military draft.
Some have come to the conclusion that they are lying and are planning to put a draft into effect in mid-2005.

I've heard before that people get the government they deserve. Do we deserve a government that lies to us and has alienated half the world? Do we deserve a government that sends our young men and women to kill and be killed in another Vietnam?

Let's take a brief look at some of our history. This great nation was built and maintained by, atrocities:
--- the almost total extermination of our Native American population
--- slavery
--- robber baron economics
--- the exploitation of Latin America (United Fruit Company, for instance)
--- the dropping of two atomic bombs on Japan (competent historians debate whether or not doing this was necessary to defeat Japan in WWII)
--- our current use of Weapons of Mass Destruction (what else would you call bombs and bullets coated with deadly, radioactive depleted uranium?)

Something is deeply wrong in the heart of America that all the upbeat talk of politicians cannot eradicate. Lies can whitewash our greed, our arrogance, and our continued willingness to exploit the rest of the world as if we own it. But the paint is way too thin, and we had better start realizing that.
An old saying goes, “The truth will out.” Can America change before it’s too late?

The world is getting more dangerous by the minute. Unstable countries like North Korea and Iran are building nuclear weapons. According to some, other countries may start doing the same. By the way, who is responsible more than anyone else for the proliferation of nuclear technology? We and the Russians, and they are having their own serious problems with terrorists now too.
How far can this madness go? Is this the world we deserve? Maybe so. We seem to care more about our TVs, our DVD players, and our cars than we do about our precious environment. Hey, I include myself in this indictment. We seem dead set on languishing in our materialistic lifestyles with little concern for others. We don’t seem to care how many people we have to kill, maim, and exploit to maintain our society the way we like it. Or maybe we just don’t think about these things. And it’s quite easy not to think about them. But we must.