View Full Version : Priorities, Priorities...

09-12-2004, 02:22 PM
this just in........15:15 EST NYTIMES


WASHINGTON, Sept. 12 — Secretary of State Colin L. Powell said today that a huge explosion that took place Thursday on North Korea's border with China was likely "not any kind of nuclear event," but he said Washington was "monitoring" the country closely to see if a sudden burst of activity indicated the country was attempting to test a nuclear weapon for the first time.

While we keep searching for WMD in Iraq, the NKs keep playing with theirs.
Thank You Mr. President for keeping us safe from Iraq.

09-12-2004, 02:31 PM
Come on you have to see it from Bush's point of view. What are more dangerous ? WMDs that we can see and obviously hear explode... Or ones we cannot even see, find, or in any shape or form provide substantial evidence for..... I for one think imaginary WMDs are more dangerous. I for one can imagine a 100 megaton bomb filled with smallpox spores.