View Full Version : John Kerry: incompetence or conspiracy?

09-18-2004, 01:41 PM
Is John Kerry throwing the election to his fellow Bonesman George Bush, who is also member of a secret society called the Order of Skull and Bones? The evidence suggests that he certainly is. The fact that he hasn’t hired any competent consultants like Jim Carville certainly suggests that he is not putting his all into this campaign fight. To the informed observer, it certainly appears that this so-called incompetence may be more calculated than inadvertent.
The fact that his campaign staff is largely comprised of thirty-something wide-eyed liberals who don’t know the realities of Washington and who weren’t there in the 1980s, as it were, and don’t know what’s happening, do not know the realities, would suggest that this is not an unintentional level of incompetence, but an intentional level of incompetence designed as a losing proposition at the polls.

Indeed, Kerry is being looked at increasingly as a losing proposition by other Democrats because senior Democrats, all of whom are wealthy, do not want to stick their neck out to support Kerry, since their vested financial interest (as is Kerry’s vested financial interest being the spouse of a multibillionaire) is aligned with Bushonian interests.
It should be remembered that Kerry is married to a woman who is a beneficiary of an $8 billion trust, whose principal assets, by the way, are not Heinz stock, as is commonly presumed, but stock positions, or share ownership, in other words, of the so-called group of 117 corporations, which is the so-called preferred group, from which more than half of all Republican political and special interest money comes from. These are the 117 corporations, making up the bulk of the defense- pharmaceutical/ health care-tobacco, etc. industries, which constitute the core of Republican money. In fact, those industries, indeed, represent the control of the planet. If you take the largest energy companies, the largest health care and pharmaceutical companies, the largest defense companies, the largest financial services companies, etc., they do, effectively, constitute control of the planet’s financial resources.
The only other assumption that can be made is that the Kerry campaign is simply incompetent by its very nature and not by design. John Kerry is a politician who was, after all, a compromise candidate for the Democratic ticket and whom the Democratic National Committee thought could be swept in on an anti-Bush vote. Therefore you put in a compromise candidate who is reasonably clean, i.e. not involved in any major frauds and can’t be connected to any, but also a guy who is frightened to stick out his neck, as it were. This is a man that dropped the ball in the Kerry Committee hearings, who purposely did not look at Bushonian involvement during the 1980s Iran-Contra period in a variety of illegal acts. That would bespeak of a man who has common interests with the Bushonian Cabal.

The very fact that he dropped the ball, that he did not look at the panoply of Bushonian-inspired fraud -- insurance fraud, banking fraud, securities, oil and gas, and real estate fraud: “the five all-time favorite Republican frauds,” to use Richard Secord’s words. And he ignored the CIA trafficking in cocaine.

So the question remains: is it conspiracy or is it incompetence? Is he actually conspiring? Is his seeming incompetence as a candidate, both individually and the campaign organization behind him, is their seeming incompetence tantamount to a conspiracy to make sure that he loses? And to make sure that George Bush and Bushonomics is maintained, from which the $8-billion trust that his wife is the primary beneficiary?

Look at it in terms of net worth. Here’s an interesting point - Teresa Heinz Kerry is one of the top 100 individual citizens in the nation who has benefited MOST from Bushonomics -- by virtue of the net value of her assets increasing after taxation due to Bushonomics. She is one of the top 100 people in the nation who has benefited from Bushonian tax cuts for the wealthy.

From that perspective, John Kerry’s professed agenda, wherein he said he would raise capital gains tax, for instance, that he would raise unearned income tax, i.e., taxation on dividends and interest (the reason he’s saying that) is that he would have to do so in order to reduce the Bushonian budget deficits he would inherit. However, if you look at the numbers that he is talking about in terms of raising capital gains taxes, in terms of raising unearned income taxes, it would incre4ase his wife’s income tax liability by some $50 million per annum.

Simply put, if Kerry is elected, and if he makes good on his promise, which he would have to do in order to combat the fiscal mess he is inheriting (i.e., Bushonian budget and trade deficits) he would have to raise capital gains taxes and unearned income taxes. If you look at the numbers that he is talking about, the numbers that he has implied that he would increase capital gains and unearned income taxes by, the amount of tax shelters, offshore tax shelters that he said he would close if elected, that would be correct

Of course, he would be acting against his own best interest. This gets back to what George Wallace said There ain’t a dime’s worth of difference between a Democrat and Republican -- when both of them have a net worth of more than $10 million. And George Wallace knew he was right. That is one of the great truisms of American politics.

09-18-2004, 02:17 PM
It does look like he is throwing the election, you are quite right. Anyone would think Bush is unelectable. However, the fact that US democracy can be seen to have illustrably failed twice in a row might help US citizens wake up to the fact that their country stinks.

09-18-2004, 02:39 PM
Well lets just say if Bush gets re-elected, I will exercise my 2nd Amendment right.

09-18-2004, 02:45 PM
Incompetent. He's a flip-flopping pussy who's unable to beat a retard. Nader please.

09-18-2004, 02:47 PM
I've often thought Kerry is purposely blowing the election but it could be he waiting till closer to the election to really crank it up.

Reason for blowing the election would be so that Hilary is a shoo-in in '08 and the demos don't have to inherit the massive problems bush has caused.
In many ways I'm tempted to vote bush just so he can clean up his own fucking mess for once in his life.
A second bush presidency would also guarantee that the republicans are out of the running for a long time if there is anything left of this great country to salvage.

09-18-2004, 03:11 PM
That is not necessarily a good thing though, Infidel. Ithink a lot of UK voters felt that way about getting rid of the Conservative party after they had been in power for over a decade. We got stranded with new Labour, and the unelectable Conservative party became an impotent and redundant opposition party. On the brigther side, this has led to the rise in popularity of the Lib Dems, and people actually becoming more aware of what a crock partisan politics is, and thus (although resulting increased voter apathy, which is bad) a lot of more voters have become policy inspired rather than party / ideology inspired.

However, we have had to suffer 8 shit years of New Labour to get there.

09-18-2004, 03:17 PM
GMA']Incompetent. He's a flip-flopping pussy who's unable to beat a retard. Nader please.

Yeah. Nader's able to beat a retard. With a WHOPPING 2%! He totally rules!

I think Kerry's biding his time, like a ninja. He'll pull out everything come the end of September. He did it in March to win the primaries, and he'll do it again.

09-18-2004, 06:16 PM
I think Kerry's biding his time, like a ninja. He'll pull out everything come the end of September. He did it in March to win the primaries, and he'll do it again.

You know, I think you may be onto something with what you've just written.
You and I see the obvious responses that are going by the wayside. Yet we are just schlumps (I mean that in the most positive way possible and more :D ) on a chat board. His campaign has seasoned pros at manipulating the media. It may be that Bush is putting on his best game now, while Kerry is sandbagging him. I cannot think of any other reason why he is so lame.

Underdogs are never really underdogs, they are made to win.

09-18-2004, 06:20 PM
I can.

Although, the debates are ahead. If Kerry has anything worthwhile to him he will OBLITERATE Bush in these debates. I don't know if he has it in him though. Is he Gore 2?

09-18-2004, 08:16 PM
Yeah. Nader's able to beat a retard. With a WHOPPING 2%! He totally rules!

I think Kerry's biding his time, like a ninja. He'll pull out everything come the end of September. He did it in March to win the primaries, and he'll do it again.

Yeah, I've been hearing that Kerry's people are good at pulling a fast one in the end. Afterall, Kerry was LOWER THAN SHARPTON back when there was 9 or 10 Democrats vying for the nomination.

If he achieved that miraculous recovery for the primaries, there's no telling what shit he could pull in November. :)

P.S. - I STILL miss Dean (yeah I said this 15 billion times before). He better get a cabinet position in the heroic Kerry administration. (y)

09-18-2004, 09:51 PM
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhh! I never really liked Dean, but at least he wasn't a total fucking robot. He had some attitude. Commentators labeled this "anger" and "aggressiveness", but he wasn't the one who supported bombing the shit out of Iraq, was he?

Kerry seems to be taking Gore's approach. Bore the electorate into voting Democrat, that's the idea!

09-19-2004, 12:07 AM
Well , let me tell you another reason why I made this thread.... Why on earth would this fake document scandal come about at all? If it's such a easily identifiable fake, why would CBS so easily be taken in by it when it seems the rest of the world is not? All it accomplishes is that the serious questions of Bush's shaky war record go by the wayside to all the commoners out there because they will be stuck on the fact that the documents were forged.
I'm sorry but Kerry and the democrats and CBS for that matter could not possibly be this gullible and stupid. I heard some republican viagra boy saying last night that it was Karl Rove that was behind it, that he was the source of the document. If it's this easy for the spin meister to get over on Kerry's camp then Holy Shit man how the hell was this camp nominated for president? I don't like it, it reeks of conspiracy, Bevare the Skull and Bones and all that other boogie man shit, whatever stunk in Denmark has made it's way to the land of the free(in name only) and the home of the brave(the incredibly stupid?).

09-19-2004, 12:14 AM
Well , let me tell you another reason why I made this thread.... Why on earth would this fake document scandal come about at all? If it's such a easily identifiable fake, why would CBS so easily be taken in by it when it seems the rest of the world is not?

How's this for the answer?

NEW YORK — It was 11 a.m. on Sept. 8 — nine hours before "60 Minutes" was to air. But as news executives debated whether to broadcast a story on newly obtained paperwork offering fresh evidence about President Bush's National Guard service, a big question hung over CBS News' Westside headquarters: Were the photocopied documents real or fake?

Suddenly, the answer seemed to materialize, and from an unlikely source — the White House itself.
John Roberts, the network's White House correspondent, called to report he'd just completed an on-camera interview with Dan Bartlett, the White House communications director. Bartlett, it appeared, had no quarrel with the authenticity of the documents.That was the turning point.

"If we had gotten back from the White House any kind of red flag, raised eyebrow, anything that said, 'Are you sure about this stuff?' we would have gone back to square one," Josh Howard, the program's executive producer, told the Los Angeles Times in an interview Friday. "The White House said they were authentic, and that carried a lot of weight with us."


My feeling is that bushco had something to do with the forgeries in order to create a smokescreen around all the irrefutable evidence that proves bush was a deserter who would have been imprisoned or shipped out to Vietnam if his daddy hadn't pulled strings. Even the 60 Minutes show proved it without the Killian documents.

09-19-2004, 12:16 AM
Boy those guys in the White House would never lie to the very people trying to smear their boy in the west wing. Think of the logic here.... You yourself are not sure if a document is fake, so you call the very people you are trying to smear and ask them their opinion on the authenticity! It probably didn't take them very long to realize how easily they could take advantage of this situation. Don't you think ? What's more if Karl Rove were actually behind this, they would be waiting for CBS's phone call.

09-19-2004, 12:17 AM
That link is dead, as it is just the short-term headline one. Search the site for the story, and post a working one. Or don't, the nature of these documents isn't that interesting to me personally.

09-19-2004, 05:53 AM
This link works http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/nationworld/2002039928_natguard19.html

The mood at CBS was upbeat that evening when the story aired. But less than four hours later, a mysterious blogger named Buckhead was the first to challenge the National Guard documents. Later identified as Harry MacDougald, an Atlanta lawyer with close ties to conservative Republican causes and with no expertise in typography or typewriter history, he claimed the materials were forgeries and said "this should be pursued aggressively."

More proof that the repugs were instrumental in producing the forgeries, CBS was set up. Buckhead most likely was warned by bush's minions that the papers were forged.

09-19-2004, 08:44 AM
I'm telling you guys, this is the story that is going to stick....it will not stop sticking. It may be insignificant in the scheme of what folks would like to hear about in a presidential campaign, BUT, George Bush is a spoiled brat! This was shown on National TV Sept. 8th.....slowly picking up more traction and will be rubber on the road by mid October.

He is in a job WAY over his head. Surrounded by bad advice from day 1.

The swiftboats for truth was and is the biggest smear job in modern politics, the CBS 60 minutes II story is just a factual account. The documents are either real or a facsimlie of George Bushs' actual NG service. The floodgates will open and the truth will surface....soon, like this week soon.

I keep looking for the Bush campaign to refute these documents. He says he served honorably, yet the 187th doesn't remember him.

09-19-2004, 12:23 PM
Hey remember that little thing called THE WAR ON TERROR, I don't give a fuck if cocaine snorting Bush pussied out from the National Guard, I would expect as much.

09-19-2004, 05:27 PM
Hey remember that little thing called THE WAR ON TERROR, I don't give a fuck if cocaine snorting Bush pussied out from the National Guard, I would expect as much.

100% agreed with your statement ASsman. You care enough to already know the score. It is a petty thing Bush's NG service. I would say 10% of the world thinks like you do. 100% of the Middle East does. Because that is where were at.

Unfortunately, here in our country, he has turned the truth upside on every issue and here is one issue that is going to stick and glare. That is important in perception of character....which he is trying to steal, because his character IS truly questionable. He is winning this race because he is a very good thief.

Character Counts. Perception of character is Karl Roves baliwack.

09-19-2004, 05:42 PM
Wheres my GUN!
WHeres my Bourbon!

09-19-2004, 05:51 PM
Bush reminds me of my youth. I never got caught! Getting caught is what I would prepare for.....over and over....but I was good and if it looked as though I was going to get caught, I fell into character. False character. Then the day arrived when I grew up and was caught red handed. I am through with dishonesty and thievery.

Little things are huge things, the Republicans do not want a timeline of W's military service printed in the National media. Especially Rove. It is hard to overcome the fact that Bush was totally fucking off while others his age died in less than a week of landing in Vietnam, it does not bode will for our President. That is reality. Especially in the light of Swiftboats.

09-19-2004, 08:36 PM
Bush is a real dumbass, he would have probably drowned in some Vietnamese puddle.

09-19-2004, 08:43 PM
Bush is a real dumbass, he would have probably drowned in some Vietnamese puddle.

if only Kerry would say that...he'd have this sucker wrapped up already. (y)

09-19-2004, 08:59 PM

09-20-2004, 12:09 AM
Not conspiracy, but complacency. Who is this challenger, really? A member of the aristocratic elite whose position won't be eroded a single iota if dealt an electoral defeat, who's probably enjoying the media limelight of the campaign circuit almost as much as he would enjoy an actual victory. It strikes me that John Kerry really doesn't have anything to lose in playing the role of Democratic contender for the throne. Intrigue is good publicity.

The ruling elite knows that it doesn't matter who wins anymore. The course of the nation is charted, and it's honour enough just to be considered for the essentially irrelevant position of helmsman. There's no more conspiracy to this than there was two thousand years ago; it's simply history repeating itself anew.

09-20-2004, 12:45 AM
Not conspiracy, but complacency. Who is this challenger, really? A member of the aristocratic elite whose position won't be eroded a single iota if dealt an electoral defeat, who's probably enjoying the media limelight of the campaign circuit almost as much as he would enjoy an actual victory. It strikes me that John Kerry really doesn't have anything to lose in playing the role of Democratic contender for the throne. Intrigue is good publicity.

The ruling elite knows that it doesn't matter who wins anymore. The course of the nation is charted, and it's honour enough just to be considered for the essentially irrelevant position of helmsman. There's no more conspiracy to this than there was two thousand years ago; it's simply history repeating itself anew.
Well said Schmeltz... I just can't contain my thought process with this administration. I don't put anything past them including making a new history where battles are fought in the streets of Los Angeles ,as Rage put it, rather than at a great distance.

09-20-2004, 11:10 AM
Well lets just say if Bush gets re-elected, I will exercise my 2nd Amendment right.

(y) :cool:

09-20-2004, 07:37 PM
So now that he is down in the polls it's a conspiracy? You people never quit, everything is a freaking conspiracy isn't it? I mean c'mon, if it is Kerry is gonna owe George Soros A LOT of caish!

09-20-2004, 08:14 PM
I forget what side of the idiot fence you're on. Yah everythings a conspiracy to "us" people, you damn Native American hating racist!

09-20-2004, 09:32 PM
I forget what side of the idiot fence you're on.

Happily, the non-idiot side looking over at your dumb ass!

Yah everythings a conspiracy to "us" people,

I meant this board in general, douchebag!

you damn Native American hating racist!


09-21-2004, 09:28 AM
Temper temper, we'll have none of that around here. PM each other and make good like a couple of sports.