View Full Version : hey dubya, thanks for making us Osama's bitches

09-19-2004, 01:16 PM
i just read this op-ed piece from Paranoia: The Conspiracy Reader, a magazine I picked up the other day. It's called "Osama Won, But No One Noticed" read on- pretty interesting stuff:

Osama Won But No One Noticed from PARAnotes compiled by Al Hidell

Why did Osama bin Laden allegedly launch the 9/11 attacks? Most thinking people reject the Bush administration's feeble explanation that he "hates our freedom." Somewhat closer to the truth is that bin Laden hates our decadent Western society and its spread to the Islamic world. However, President Bush saying bin Laden did it because he "hates Britney Spears" wouldn't have quite the same dramatic effect. A more significant motive, though not widely discussed, might be America's support of Israel. However, by his own account, bin Laden's top grievance was the presence of American troops in Saudi Arabia, a place of much greater religious significance to Muslims than Israel.

Well, in May 2003, the United States announced it had decided to end military operations in Saudi Arabia by removing most of its forces from the kingdom. Sounds like giving in to terrorists to me, though no one seems to be making that connection. In fact, Osama must also be applauding the FCC's post-Janet Jackson crackdown on Howard Stern and indecency. Also, though the United States will never end its support of Israel, it has now expressed its support for a Palestinian state.

Lastly, even if bin Laden's motive was that he "hates our freedom," the erosion of our civil liberties since 9/11 suggests that here, too, the Bush administration is doing just what he wanted. Great job. It's no wonder there hasn't been a terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11- it worked the first time.
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I guess this makes reason #51 to not vote for gw :mad:

09-19-2004, 01:46 PM
I've often thought bin Laden hung up his "mission accomplished" sign right after 9/11 when he proved to the world that a small, under financed and loosely knit organization could bring military king America to it's knees.
al Queda has no use now, small groups can and will accomplish the same goals at will.
The only reason the homeland of America hasn't been attacked is because they haven't tried, easier to pick off Americans in Iraq.
The war on terror will never be won till the last person that hates America is dead, something that will never happen. A lost battle.

09-19-2004, 01:59 PM
I've often thought bin Laden hung up his "mission accomplished" sign right after 9/11 when he proved to the world that a small, under financed and loosely knit organization could bring military king America to it's knees.
al Queda has no use now, small groups can and will accomplish the same goals at will.
The only reason the homeland of America hasn't been attacked is because they haven't tried, easier to pick off Americans in Iraq.
The war on terror will never be won till the last person that hates America is dead, something that will never happen. A lost battle.
And how this simple but undeniable logic escapes so many is beyond me.

09-19-2004, 02:09 PM
Lead. As in the metal.

09-19-2004, 03:51 PM
i didn't even make that connection until i read that piece...and weren't we taught in history class that the policy of "appeasement" was a factor in making the Nazi's think they could get anything they wanted?