View Full Version : Poll results

10-01-2004, 12:37 PM
Three post-debate polls suggested voters who watched the policy-driven confrontation Thursday night were impressed by Kerry. Most of those surveyed said he did better than Bush.
George Bush reiterated time and again last night that it was hard work to run this government. It was hard work to lead a country out of tyranny and into democracy. It was hard work to read casualty reports. The war was hard work. And he made it plain that talking with somebody about his record as president was the grueling, hardest work you could want.

He showed for all to see what a minor mind he goes around with. I looked at this guy Bush last night and thought about young people dying in Iraq because of him. And there will be more and more because he is a man sitting with a car full of people on the train tracks and he doesn't know enough to get off with the train coming. Watch the ages of the dead night after night, day after day - 21 ... 23 ... 19 ... 25 ... Anybody responsible for getting people this young killed is a national menace.

Dumb people always are.
And don't tell me he's not dumb. Yes, he was matched against an absolutely first-rate mind last night. But he could have done a little bit better at covering his helplessness than flusters of college boy anger.

He whined and brayed about consistency. He used that word so he could underline his famous "flip-flop" attacks on John Kerry. He said that by opposing the way the war in Iraq is going, Kerry was sending "mixed messages" and they are harmful to our troops. I, Bush, never change.
There were problems to this. One, Kerry cheated on him and turned a fine line: "Don't confuse the war with the warriors." Then in the middle of Bush's reiteration of dusty phrase after dusty phrase, we should remain as we are, was Ralph Waldo Emerson's, "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen ..."

It was better than anything you are going to read from anybody from now to the end of the election, and you will see that Emerson quote come alive whenever Bush opens his mouth and starts the same old lines. George Bush writes in crayon.

The other problem for Bush was that the president on the stage last night was John Kerry. He was strong, articulate - I make him as plain and understandable and yet powerful as anybody we've had around for many years.

I don't know where Kerry has been for all this time. He made a speech at New York University the other day that was strong and I thought he was on the way. Then he disappeared again. It seemed like a campaign by George Bush of small, endless stupidities, delivered in country boy shirtsleeves, was going to win an election that could end this country as we know it.
If you have four more years of John Ashcroft and a Supreme Court backing him up, you watch the end of rights as you were raised to believe in.
That was the fear at the start of the night. Then they opened the night with John Kerry talking. He was strong, passionate, sending a fine intellect out into the night. And when he got tough, he looked like a guy who could kill somebody if he had to for the country. Again. And that wimp next to him looked like he would, again, flee to the dentist.

10-01-2004, 01:07 PM
Go to http://www.foxnews.com/ and vote in their poll.
So far it's a tie between bush and Kerry

10-01-2004, 02:22 PM
Hey! Guess who voted "Tie"

Bush lost last night. I don't care. I give up.

10-01-2004, 07:58 PM
Have any scientific polls been done?

10-01-2004, 08:27 PM
I thought Kerry was totally going easy on Bush. I don't know whether to put this down to him waiting for the 2nd and 3rd debates so he can unleash his rule-breaking fury, or if it is part of the traditional "one hand washes the other" bipartisan ass-touching that goes on in the US, or if he was just illustrating that he is only marginally more competent that the strictly mediocre Bush-administration (and yes, I know the chimp in a suit is a moron).

I think his situation is complicated by the fact that he is not a reformer, and thus his position is totally "Republican-lite" - It's just Bush, minus the more extravagent tyranny and total incompetence.

My highlight moment would be the tell-tale excited "I can answer that one!" Bush squeaked in return to one of Kerry's points (just as the adjudicator was going to tell him his time had started) which would suggest to me that the moron can't even conceal the fact that the vast majority of material he used in that "debate" had been written for him, and he was just parroting it. Also, even if you discount this, who did he think was goign to be awarded the opportunity to rebutt? Kerry was going to rebutt his own points? And, to cap it all off, his "rebuttal" was feeble anyway IIRC.

Pisspoor performance, but enough to get the hicks onboard. It is a sad state of affairs, but it seems a lot of stupid dumb yanks believe that if a lie is repeated enough, actual logic, rationale, or facts are unnecessary - it becomes truth.

Look at Sisko for proof of this, he is convinced that him merely saying something is true makes it so. Anyone objectively looking at what he says in relation to any sort of facts (and he NEVER cites any facts whatsoever, just dumb opinion pieces) would see clearly that Sisko saying something as true is merely suggesting the probability of the exact opposite.

10-01-2004, 11:07 PM
Have any scientific polls been done?They say it will be 72 hours after the debate is over before any real poll results will come out.