View Full Version : Vegan Thanksgivin'

11-15-2004, 11:07 PM
yup, it's not easy. i have to make all my own stuff. but then again, it's my choice, so i don't expect everyone else to accomodate me.

anyway, for all the other vegans out there in mb land, what are you doing this year? i'm trying to decide between the Celebration Roast (http://www.celebrationroast.com/), which i am testing out tonight, and the Tofurky Roast (http://www.tofurky.com/products/tofurkyfeasts.htm), which i have had before and enjoyed immensely. aside from that i'll probably be baking this Wholly Healthy apple pie (http://whollyhealthy.com/products.htm#pies) and making some mashed potatoes with rice milk and Earth Balance Buttery spread. if you've never tried that stuff, i highly reccomend it. it's an amazing replacement for butter. it actually tastes like it, melts well, and you can even cook with it.

any other vegans have anything to add? :)

11-15-2004, 11:11 PM
Yeah, a BIG ass fucking TURKEY with butter shooting out of its pores from being overly basted with BUTTER.

YUM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-15-2004, 11:17 PM
was that supposed to upset me or something? :confused:

11-15-2004, 11:19 PM
was that supposed to upset me or something? :confused:

probably, coming from her...

but she stole my line, so now my post seems pretty pointless... :(

11-15-2004, 11:21 PM
Yeah, a BIG ass fucking TURKEY with butter shooting out of its pores from being overly basted with BUTTER.

I like that she had to emphasize butter twice.

11-15-2004, 11:24 PM
I like that she had to emphasize butter twice.

especially since butter isnt a basting liquid...in fact..its not even a liquid

11-15-2004, 11:28 PM
especially since butter isnt a basting liquid...in fact..its not even a liquid

You dont put butter on your bird?

I know you baste with the natural fats that drain from the bird that go into the roasting pan.

11-15-2004, 11:28 PM
yeah...my roommate's a vegetarian...she'll be making a tofurkey...i, on the otherhand, will be making a turkey and all the trimings. :) should be fun, i'm excited.

11-15-2004, 11:55 PM
I like that she had to emphasize butter twice.
hah. yeah. weird.

anyway, the vegan grain roast left a little to be desired. the taste was amazing - i'll give them that. the seasonings were awesome. but the texture...i just can't get past the wheat gluten texture. i had an Unturkey last year that was made of similar stuff. and it's kinda rubbery. looks like i'm sticking with Tofurky this year (y)

11-16-2004, 12:05 AM
You dont put butter on your bird?

I know you baste with the natural fats that drain from the bird that go into the roasting pan.

i dont know why i would want butter on my bird....i dont really care for butter... (n)

11-16-2004, 10:33 AM
yup, it's not easy. i have to make all my own stuff. but then again, it's my choice, so i don't expect everyone else to accomodate me.

anyway, for all the other vegans out there in mb land, what are you doing this year? i'm trying to decide between the Celebration Roast (http://www.celebrationroast.com/), which i am testing out tonight, and the Tofurky Roast (http://www.tofurky.com/products/tofurkyfeasts.htm), which i have had before and enjoyed immensely. aside from that i'll probably be baking this Wholly Healthy apple pie (http://whollyhealthy.com/products.htm#pies) and making some mashed potatoes with rice milk and Earth Balance Buttery spread. if you've never tried that stuff, i highly reccomend it. it's an amazing replacement for butter. it actually tastes like it, melts well, and you can even cook with it.

any other vegans have anything to add? :)

Yo Cosmo, If I can dig it out or if you can find it, there is an awesome pie you can make---vegan key lime pie with cinnamon cracker crust topped with mango's

Now, the whole trick if I remember right is that to get the jelly like pie (with out using knox) you use some kind of powdered root....and that is what I need to find...I guess this is no help but a suggestion!! Have fun, I have done vegan thanksgivings for friends in the past...you can get really creative!!!
Respect, DUB L IRIE ;)

11-16-2004, 10:43 AM
ah, thanks for the suggestion. i actually have a lot of awesome vegan recipes. i think i've got one for key lime pie, now that i think about it. if you find it, feel free to post it! i'd love to try it out. and i LOVE key lime pie (y)

11-16-2004, 10:47 AM
Word and keep eatting well -- that will help with the mood swings too :)

12-13-2004, 10:27 PM
it's been my ritual for the past 4-5 years to go to the VSDC (veg. society of D.C.) life affirming thanksgiving day celebration in bethesda, maryland. good eats and no clean up. i did however do a thanksgiving spread this past weekend when my mom was up visiting. i'll post some recipes.....best vegan pumpkin pie evah!

my keyboard is fucking up, so i'll post those later this week. sorry, the recipes weren't in time for thanksgiving, but maybe you'll see something you like for the other winter holidays.

12-14-2004, 11:19 AM
any recipes will be greatly appreciated. thanks :)

11-11-2005, 01:22 AM
just don't get all hypocritical and become a veggie crusader and try to make everyone else feel guilty about their choices. :)

i'm getting the tofurkey feast this year. it's gonna rule. (y)

cj hood
11-11-2005, 07:40 AM
especially since butter isnt a basting liquid...in fact..its not even a liquid

it's a liquid.....a very thick one......a colloid if you will!

11-11-2005, 02:52 PM
I was a vegan for three months until I notice I wasn't eating any meat. I never notice the difference but this year mmmm mmmm Turkey! I'm filling in myself with meat. Next year maybe go vegan again. It's easy.

11-11-2005, 03:47 PM
I've been trying to put a Organic Vegan Hamper together for Christmas but it's hard to source festive vegan foods, especially as something to offer for sale. There always seems a lot of pointless adding of Honey just to make everything un vegan. I have Vegan hamper that I sell but it's not very festive.

Oh, reason I'm replying to this thead is cus of what cosmo said a couple of posts back. It makes me laugh how people apologies for them for you (as in me) being veggie. I'd love to be Vegan. But eggs, it's all about not being able to cook with eggs and everything I know how to cook suddenly becomes unable to cook. Egg in egg form would be pretty easy for me to give up.

And how people think that mentioning a Bacon Sandwich is supposed to make me go "shit yeah, right bring out the dead pig" :rolleyes:

I'm kinda slowly getting into more vegan. Like I try and only use Rice Milk now. And actually Oates with Rice Milk is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay nicer than Cow Milk with Oates. But I sometimes add honey. It would easy enough to add Jam I suppose, but I like honey.

Anyway, I dunno what you yanks eat at Thanks giving and why. I'm kinda ignorant to all that...

11-12-2005, 05:01 PM
what is the best Turkey alternative out there?


11-13-2005, 05:16 AM
Vegetarian is easy. I love meat, but since giving it up, it makes you so more creative with food and so much nicer. Before, to cook a meal, you just add meat cus it's easy and makes it complete even with just one other ingredient. That ain't cookin'.

Putting loads of ingredients together, cooking without having to worry about what surface the meat has touched, which knives have been used for meat and having to clean the grill just because meat was on it a few minutes earlier to stop things getting contaminated no longer become a problem

It's more natural not to eat meat in my opinion. Most meat you have to cook before hand before it can be eaten safely. So if we was back in the wild, a natural reaction wouldn't be to take a bite out of a chicken. But a bite out of an apple. :D


11-14-2005, 12:08 AM

I honestly can't understand how anyone can be vegetarian, let alone vegan. I think it is quite unnatural. But hey, no-one is forcing me to eat your silly tofu and meat substitutes.

Must be hard especially in the festive season when everyone is enjoying a nice turkey, and you are like "TOFURKU'! WOOOOO!"
damaja, you've said this about 8 times. am i saying anything about how horrible meat is and how blah blah cows? drop it already.

skye, go with a Tofurky. 'tis the best. :)

11-14-2005, 12:02 PM
expert at what? telling people i don't care whether or not they eat meat so to leave me alone?

11-15-2005, 12:58 PM
um, tofurky roast? yeah. that's what i was talking about. i have that every year. this time i'm getting the big feast one though.

11-15-2005, 11:26 PM
whoa there. no way. let them have their turkey. it's not their choice to be vegetarian.

tofurky is pretty good - even steger was surprized at how tasty it was. but it is not turkey, and don't go into it expecting turkey.

11-16-2005, 01:55 PM
it's good! you'll like it. and you'll probably have plenty of leftovers. it makes great sandwiches. but don't force it on your family. if they want to try it, let them, but don't make them feel like they have to, and don't get all butthurt if they don't want to/don't like it.

11-16-2005, 01:58 PM
it's firm tofu. it's got the consistency of turkey, really.