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View Full Version : Drug legalization???

11-22-2004, 02:02 PM
Just curious of everyones stance on drug legalization (obviously of all or most current illegal substances)....in the U.S. or in your own country.

for, with restrictions?


little j
11-22-2004, 02:08 PM
i think marijuana should be legal maybe with an age limit, like youhave to be 18 to vote/drive/smoke pot.

or something.

other than that i think that all other "illegal" drugs should remain illegal.


i thinkthe drinking age should be lowered to like 12 in america. then it wouldn't be such a big deal. you learn responsiblilty at a young age, and lots of stupid college people wont die from binge drinking or drinking and driving.

also i think cigarettes should be illegal to anyone under 21.
its a naaaaaasty habit. disgusting and SO bad for you.

also i think the driving age should be higher. teenagers are stupid, why should they be driving. either that or have them drive with an adult for a year before they can get their license and drive on their own.

if i dont make sense to you, then you obviously aren't with it.

11-22-2004, 02:29 PM
if i dont make sense to you, then you obviously aren't with it.

LOL....nice closing. that definately is the required MO of anyone posting in the Political forum apparently.

11-23-2004, 08:55 PM
i've tried raising up this topic on this board before but it seems of little interest to people...and that's a shame because the war on drugs is one of the most hypocritical farces that mankind has ever been subjected to...i'm for legalizing all drugs but at this point i'll even take just legalizing marijuana/hemp...i wonder if there will ever be a million man/woman marijuana march on Washington (sigh) :(

Paul Nice
11-23-2004, 09:01 PM
i've tried raising up this topic on this board before but it seems of little interest to people...and that's a shame because the war on drugs is one of the most hypocritical farces that mankind has ever been subjected to...i'm for legalizing all drugs but at this point i'll even take just legalizing marijuana/hemp...i wonder if there will ever be a million man/woman marijuana march on Washington (sigh) :(

Well said and I agree wholeheartedly. The federal war on drugs is ILLEGAL. The Constitution of the US does not empower the federal government to regulate any drugs whatsoever.

11-23-2004, 09:48 PM
about marijuana...i am neither for it or not for it...if its legalized or not doesn't matter to me, Canada is always talking about making it legal.

in my opinion it would have to me controlled....legal age(mentioned), like in Amsterdam...certain places to buy and smoke it, of course medical reasons. and its not as much of a problem with the teenagers(excessiveness) over there as it is here. if that whole schpiel made any sense

11-23-2004, 11:41 PM
I think drugs should be legalised, as mentioned before, with an age limit. Maybe a similar program to the Dutch method, with tweaks here and there to reflect our situations.

Seriously unhealthy drugs (tobacco, cocaine, crack, heroin, etc) should be regulated I think.

Anyone read Drug Crazy (http://www.drugcrazy.com/)? Great book on the pointless and illegal war on drugs.

11-23-2004, 11:55 PM
Well said and I agree wholeheartedly. The federal war on drugs is ILLEGAL. The Constitution of the US does not empower the federal government to regulate any drugs whatsoever.
(y) (y)

11-24-2004, 03:06 AM
Legalize drugs which aren't physically/chemically addictive.

Rosie Cotton
11-24-2004, 03:30 AM
If you did that then nothing would be legal. Not even most prescription drugs.

11-24-2004, 03:47 AM
Legalise weed, it would stop al the prejudices had by non-smokers but there should be an age limit...

Rosie Cotton
11-24-2004, 04:00 AM
The possibilities with weed are endless. Medicine, clothing, alternate energy source. And when it's illegal it just increases the problems that surround it. Most illegal drugs can be used for medicinal purposes. Why the hell are we wasting these resources?

11-24-2004, 04:30 AM
Well said and I agree wholeheartedly. The federal war on drugs is ILLEGAL. The Constitution of the US does not empower the federal government to regulate any drugs whatsoever.
the federal government does a lot of things it is not empowered to do. it has taken an exhorbitant amount of power it was never intended to have through its power to regulate interstate commerce.

it's bullshit.

11-24-2004, 04:52 AM
I say, Legalize weed so the stoners quit whining. Then, when they quit whining about that, they'll realize their lives have no point and then they'll get a job, you hippie.

11-24-2004, 05:58 AM
I say, Legalize weed so the stoners quit whining. Then, when they quit whining about that, they'll realize their lives have no point and then they'll get a job, you hippie. Couldn't agree more, there's nothing more lazy and pathetic than a Stoner, grand ideas, no motivation. Been there, not worth it.

In the European countries where drugs have been decrminalised, people still use them, but at least they get uncut stuff from their Doctor (they have to register as an addict and receive counselling). In the countries where weed has been 'legalised' (tolerated by the cops, as long as it's discrete and restricted to certain areas, like coffee shops or home) people smoke just as much as in the countries where it's illegal, possibly less. It's mainly people who visit those countries who overindulge and cause problems.

The main difference is that the cops are free to investigate other crimes, because they're not always busy busting stoners.

It is illegal to smoke ganja in France and all the young people smoke it up.

11-24-2004, 06:11 AM
I'm from Amsterdam, never smoked, never will. It's good that it's available though because if I see how it works in Italy (and presumably other countries) we've got the far better deal.

Here you walk into a shop, buy some, smoke it there or smoke it at home.

In countries where it isn't 'legal' (it's not strictly legal here either, think of the first scene in pulp fiction) people buy poorer quality, it's more expensive, it's unhealthy as you have no clue whether you are smoking hash or shoe sole, the market is owned by criminals instead of by businessmen with a reputation to uphold and who pay taxes.

In vaguely related news...


It's a competition between seed growers and coffee shops. They compete for the award of best cannabis.

The venue?

A hall one floor down from my office.

I've been sitting in the smell of weed and the bass of Reggae and I recognised the Black Sunday album by Cypress Hill ("stereotypes? let's confirm them by playing that!").

This has been going on since tuesday...

Believe me, apart from the fact that I don't smoke weed the idea of being in the scent of weed all day sounds better than it is.