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View Full Version : CIA & FBI overhaul

12-07-2004, 11:32 PM
The inquiry found the country's intelligence agencies failed to share information and were often engaged in bureaucratic competition.

What, competition between two rival entities doesn't spur them on to superior performance?

Guess that proves how false capitalism as an ethos is. "Oooh, we need capitalism to compete, so we get better" - except for the hundreds of industries where it fails totally again and again, fucking everyone over.

In effect, a single individual will be put in charge of co-ordinating the work of the country's 15 spy agencies, as well as their multi-billion dollar budgets.

Goodie! Now the government only has to buy out *ONE* man in order to fuck over their people.

"We found the parliamentary system inferior due to the politicians being in bureaucratic competition with each other. So we put one man in charge. Me." - Adolf Hitler.


12-08-2004, 12:16 PM
America sure is a bastion of capitalism...until we bail the failing corporations out.

Yay for corporate welfare!


12-08-2004, 04:39 PM
Wal-Mart .... Why capitalism roxors.
I really don't know how long it's going to take this government to revert to a Monarchy. But I don't want to stay around and find out.

12-08-2004, 04:51 PM
yeah, the one man over 15 agencies thing has been passed by congress...now for the white house to pass. :confused:

12-08-2004, 05:55 PM
Next I hope the CIA and FBI get 'Pimped'.