View Full Version : 2nd Greatest Album in UBM

01-01-2005, 01:36 AM
It's kind of old but UBM listed 50 greatest urban albums that shaped urban music today and Paul's Boutique came in at No. 2 but it listed it from 1987. Here's the transcript:

2004 October 06 -Urban Beats Magazine
Issue No. 02

02. Beastie Boys
Paul's Boutique (1987)

'Sure, they aint what they used to be, but the Beastie Boys dominated the '90s with a universal sound that captured the frenzied, splintered and discordant mood of Generation X and finally brought headbangers together. The fact that the New York quartet deserve a spot in the Top 10 is undebatable but settling on an album was far more difficult- 'cos they're all just so freaking good. From License To Ill, to Ill Communication, each album built on the strengths of the former, while the Boys blazed forward into new sonic territory. But the creative cornerstone that afforded the Beasties license to take a few risks was Paul's Boutique. Not only is this record one of the finest hip-hop albums of all time, it's one of the best albums ever, full-stop. Comical and intricate lyrics, radically improved delivery and some of the richest production that has ever been heard make Paul's Boutique the shizzle. Who else but the Beastie Boys can get away with lines like; "Cheech wizard in a snow blizzard/ Eating chicken gizzards with a girl named Lizzie/ Dropping science like Galileo dropped the orange..." What da...? If you're too young to know about Paul's Boutique, run outside, arms flailing, and purchase a copy immediately. Or at least pinch one off the Net.'

Artist's Pick
Dave Crane of Butterfingers
Beastie Boys- Paul's Boutique

'This is my favourite Beastie Boys album and it's really good. I got it on vinyl coz all the best albums sound better on vinyl and the cover has a great picture on it with lots of nice colours. I've been into the Beastie Boys since I was 13, but when I was a little older I bought this ripper and at the time I used to spend all my money on punk rock records, so it was a nice change of pace. There are some classic tracks like 'Shake Your Rump' and 'Hey Ladies' in the mix but I like it for the general madness of the whole damn thing... so many samples and sections and cheeky sound bytes that you never get sick of listening.'

The top ten list was:
01. Dre Dre
The Chronic (1992)
02. Beastie Boys
Paul's Boutique (1987)
03. Eminem
Marshall Mathers LP (2000)
04. A Tribe Called Quest
Midnight Marauders (1999)
05. DJ Shadow
Endtroducing (1996)
06. Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five
The Message (1982)
07. Public Enemy
It Takes A Nation To Hold Ud Back (1988)
08. Run DMC
Raising Hell (1998)
09. De La Soul
3 Feet High and Rising (1989)
10. 2Pac
All Eyez On Me (1996)

01-01-2005, 01:48 AM
I agree with the most part except for the beginning where it says 'Sure, they aint what they used to be' coz I still think they're awesome and it's good that they've been given props and came at No. 02 but I wish they were No. 01. I also thought that it should have been The Low End Theory instead of Midnight Marauders and should have been higher than Eminem but that's pretty cool that A Tribe Called Quest was No. 04.

01-01-2005, 06:10 AM
Or at least pinch one off the Net.

how rude. you have to buy it feel the bass in your face, hehe


01-01-2005, 04:29 PM
PB actually came out in 1989, looks like UBM made a little mistake.

01-04-2005, 02:35 PM
That's all well and good, but Marshal Mathers LP at number 3? What are these people on crack?