View Full Version : Race, Racism and the Law: January 2004: The Recasting of MLK as a Conservative

01-10-2005, 05:01 PM
Here is a very good essay regarding MLK Jr. and affirmative action. It's time to set the record straight!! *Mike D voice* "Time for livin'! Time for livin'!"


Race, Racism and the Law
January 2005 Volume 7 Number 1
Speaking Truth to Power!!

Dear Friends,
As we begin this new year and continue to work on eliminating institutional
racism, we are loosing the opportunity to turn Martin Luther King Holiday
into a meaningful effort on equity and justice.

I am reminded of that because just before Christmas break a young, white
male law student insisted to me that Reverend King was anti-affirmative
action. This argument is made frequently from students. These students
generally don't have a clue about Reverend King. They haven't studied his
writings; and their only exposure to Dr. King is the birthday snippets of
his speeches. They seem to think that Dr. King's stance on Affirmative
Action is a matter of opinion. Consequently, their opinion is as valid as
my opinion.
Their ignorance is, if not forgivable, is at least understandable. What is
not understandable are the many non-students, particularly faculty and
other professionals, who make the same argument. Either these individuals
are incredibly ignorant or they are exceedingly devious and disingenuous.
Not only stripping Dr. King of all his relevance, but also co-opting his
efforts for their own use against Dr. Kings' own agenda of racial, economic
and social equality.

Many Americans, want a Dr. King coated in "warm milk- with sugar" - milk
toast. This kind of King can be celebrated because he does not disturb
"white privilege". But Dr. King was both a radical and a progressive and
we cannot allow him to be diminished and used against our efforts. So as we
celebrate MLK Birthday, lets aggressively debunk the right-wing
conservative efforts to co-opt him and by extension the efforts to create
an equitable and fair society.

For those interested in knowing the "facts" about Dr. King this edition
presents several articles. Professor Randall Kennedy provides a factual
and legal history of the Montgomery Bus Boycott in Martin Luther King's
Constitution: a Legal History of the Montgomery Bus Boycott .
In Recasting MLK as an Opponent of Affirmative Action, Paul Rockwell sets
the record straight on Dr. King's position on Affirmative Action.

Finally, In The Dangers of Misappropriation: Misusing Martin Luther King,
Jr.'s Legacy to Prove the Colorblind Thesis , Professor Ronald Turner
shows us that Dr. King was not color-blind but color-aware.
The goal of this edition is to arm you with the information you need to
debunk the color-blind, anti-affirmative action portrayal of Dr. King.

Stop this study by the EPA

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking input on a new
proposed study in which infants in participating low income families will
be monitored for health impacts as they undergo exposure to known toxic
chemicals over the course of two years. For taking part in these studies
each family will receive $970, a free video camera, a T-shirt, and a
framed certificate of appreciation. The study, entitled Children's
Environmental Exposure Research Study (CHEERS), will look at how chemicals
are ingested, inhaled or absorbed by children ranging from babies to 3
years old. Please take a moment to follow this link and petition the EPA to
terminate this study prior to its proposed launch in early 2005. More
information, related newspaper headlines and petition are at the link:
http://www.organicconsumers.org/epa-alert.htm .

Yours in the Struggle!
Vernellia Randall
Professor of Law
The University of Dayto n