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04-23-2005, 01:15 AM
I won't say anything. Just look at this forum. Have you noticed something
I don't know why I bothered to post all those photos.
I guess I was stupid.
I was apparently stupid enough to think that it would be great if this site had pretty exhaustive collection of photos.
That no fan could find a better one.
Before I added my photos this collection was already impressive.
I just wanted to contribute to the site of the band I admire.
I couldn't think of any other way. That was the only thing I could do.

Now most of the stuff is gone.

04-23-2005, 02:27 AM
i'm maybe in lack of sleep, but what are you talking about? what's gone? i'm gone. who's bad? i'm bad. no, MJ is bad. :confused:

04-23-2005, 02:45 AM
:eek: are all wints' threads gone?

all i know is people, threads and posts are disappearing from this site at an alarming rate :(

and i should be in bed but i decided to check in one more time before heading there..

sorry to see that happen after all the time you spent, midzi :(

enree erzweglle
04-23-2005, 05:46 AM
Maybe I missed something but can't someone who doesn't want to be here anymore sort of just fade away from the boards. Can't you do that without having all of your posts removed. I mean, if you wanna go away, you just stop posting, right, and your existing posts remain.

But I guess it's not as dramatic that way.

04-23-2005, 05:49 AM
... well, life goes on...

I didn't start this thread so that it would become next battlefield,
but when I noticed what happened I was frustrated enough to say
what I've said. It wasn't directed at anybody.

strange things happen here lately

I hope that you saved the pics that you liked. :)

04-23-2005, 08:49 AM
:confused: WHAT PICS? WHY?

enree erzweglle
04-23-2005, 09:47 AM
midzi, your photos were amazing--hope you have time to repost them or some of them.

04-23-2005, 10:11 AM

04-23-2005, 10:25 AM
I posted a lot of photos in those deleted threads. I will be happy to repost them if someone wants to take the lead in rebuilding the forum. I nominate midzi for the job. :)

I'll second the midzi nomination. He/she has come through with some incredible stuff.

04-23-2005, 11:30 AM
I can repost them gradually. I won't post photos with watermarks
and I'll try to do it in a more ordered way than I did.

04-23-2005, 01:55 PM
Thanks midzi and miramanee! I'm so sorry all you did before is gone.

I wish there was a way for people to delete themselves without taking the threads they started with them. It's not important with the vast majority of silly threads, but the threads in here should be built to last!

I'm also sorry that I'm completely inept and I can't help. I'm just a sponger in this forum.

04-23-2005, 01:59 PM
Ok- I'm confused. Wints is gone- and why? What was wrong with the Wints sign on- did Wints reincarnate? And why?

enree erzweglle
04-23-2005, 02:20 PM
I wish there was a way for people to delete themselves without taking the threads they started with them. It's not important with the vast majority of silly threads, but the threads in here should be built to last!
Why do people expunge their accounts completely like that? Seems punitive or immature to me, like during a bad breakup when someone destroys the other person's <n> collection or something. Something you see in the movies. Weird.

04-23-2005, 03:11 PM
Why do people expunge their accounts completely like that? Seems punitive or immature to me, like during a bad breakup when someone destroys the other person's <n> collection or something. Something you see in the movies. Weird.
It's not a choice I would make, but I completely understand the impulse. I have thought about leaving a few times, and then I changed my mind. So if I really felt that this place was not good for me, and I wanted to make sure I stayed away, I'd ask to be deleted. Lots of people seem to do it in BF because the board is hurting their school work or something (Freebasser), and then they seem to come back when their personal lives are under control. I think it's more rare on this side of the board though. Some of them go out with a bang like Profjim and some recent others who I didn't know, and some disappear quietly like Freedom Toast.

I don't think wints was being punitive. I'm sorry this is how it ended because she has a great sense of humor and a huge heart.

I don't have experience with other message boards. If I ran a message board, I'd think about making a rule where people couldn't delete themselves, but I suppose if people need to get away that bad, you should let them.

A long time ago, wints posted in a thread with Kristen, I think, and she said she would not be able to pay for the account the photos were in long term. Maybe it's better to start over in here than to have all the Xs for pages and pages. I'm really sorry that other people lost things they put so much effort into with wints' deletion. I hope that the generous people who posted before will post again and it will be fun all over again to watch and see the photos pop up.

P.S. If I am ever deleted, it will not be because I asked for it; it will be because Minton couldn't take it anymore. :D

04-23-2005, 04:02 PM
Oh what drama!
After all that work she'd done was it necessary to delete all the posts?
You can just stop posting here anytime, but removing everything was a bit unnecessary...

enree erzweglle
04-23-2005, 04:17 PM
Maybe it takes awhile to take but it doesn't look like she had her account deleted. If you look at the member list, she's still there (http://www.beastieboys.com//bbs/member.php?u=15487) but her post count is 0. That's why, to me, it seems like she might have had punitive motivations. I wouldn't do that but hey--people have different ways of dealing with themselves, stress, their problems.

04-23-2005, 10:10 PM
I'm not sure how it all works either. But if someone posts pics here isn't there a way that they would be a "gift" to the site and the site "own" them too.

Would that require the site to purchase additional space or something?

04-24-2005, 08:47 AM
I can repost them gradually. I won't post photos with watermarks
and I'll try to do it in a more ordered way than I did.

:) For a while there I thought you were done with it.

Nice work rebuilding, everybody... this reminds me of an Amish barn-raising. :)

midzi, do you have anything from the Fairfax show? If you posted pics from that before, I missed em. Thanks in advance..

RaZoRbLaDe KiSs
04-24-2005, 08:18 PM
oh that just figures, that was so fucking selfish :mad: (n) I am officially pissed now. what a bitch.
Go head with your bad self Midzi (y) Post away.

enree erzweglle
04-24-2005, 09:01 PM
oh that just figures, that was so fucking selfish :mad: (n) I am officially pissed now. what a bitch.
Go head with your bad self Midzi (y) Post away.
If wints had to pay to host those photos, then I'm grateful that she did it for as long as she did. I don't know how all of that worked, though. I know it seems like it was a punishing act, but we don't understand all of the details and we probably never will.

I feel badly that it ended the way it did and I don't like to think that anyone is feeling that angsty.

I'm happy that midzi has such a nice collection that she's willing to share. Thanks for your effort, midzi. Big thanks.

04-25-2005, 01:22 AM
I know that a lot of people contributed to those threads, but I don't remember who posted what and I have terrible mess in my files now.
I hope that you don't mind if I post some of your photos.

It would be great if you helped in rebuilding this forum.

Thank you.

04-25-2005, 07:47 AM
I think I've saved all the pics that have been posted on these pages, so if there's any special one people want to be put up again I'll do it.

I've got limited time to be here these days so I can't start re-loading everything through imageshack (wints posted most of hers through there as well and it doesn't cost a thing), I've got almost 10 000 pics on my files (yes there's bound to be doubles, but I've been trying to clear my files and re-naming all those long numbers to more appropriate titles) and I've got plenty of articles and my own photos that I'd like to scan sometime, but alas I'm busy with other stuff right now that's my priority...

04-25-2005, 07:49 AM
I know that a lot of people contributed to those threads, but I don't remember who posted what and I have terrible mess in my files now.
I hope that you don't mind if I post some of your photos.

It would be great if you helped in rebuilding this forum.

Thank you.

I sent quite a few to Wints for her to post. But unfortunately those pics were on my old PC that died. :(

enree erzweglle
04-25-2005, 08:35 AM
I've got limited time to be here these days so I can't start re-loading everything through imageshack (wints posted most of hers through there as well and it doesn't cost a thing)...
Then I don't understand why those posts had to go away like that.
Rather, I think I understand it, but I was hoping for a sort of optimized explanation.

04-26-2005, 08:05 AM
I think I've saved all the pics that have been posted on these pages, so if there's any special one people want to be put up again I'll do it.

maybe something from LTI and PB especially if you have photos which
hadn't been posted here before(I really liked the ones you posted in LTI thread)

it's not urgent


04-26-2005, 07:36 PM
I think I saved almost all the pictures that wints had posted on a DVD. If you need help in locating some of the "lost" pics, let me know. I would like to contribute in the "rebuilding" if I'm needed. I'd just need someone to tell me how to post them. :o

04-26-2005, 10:38 PM
I think I saved almost all the pictures that wints had posted on a DVD. If you need help in locating some of the "lost" pics, let me know. I would like to contribute in the "rebuilding" if I'm needed. I'd just need someone to tell me how to post them. :o

go here (http://www.imageshack.ws/) to upload your photo,
then take the URL(which is in the last box at the bottom of the page)
when replying click on the yellow mountain to insert your URL and thats it

04-27-2005, 04:35 PM
cool! I'll bring the DVD to work with me tomorrow and try it out!

05-05-2005, 11:36 AM
this was TOTALLY unecessary. It really was. Wints is a fucking bitch. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm glad her know it all ass is gone, but she didnt have to go out like this. (n) :mad:

05-08-2005, 12:16 PM
wow.. i missed something and i'm totally confused :confused: :confused:

anyway.. can all the pictures be gone cause a while i ago .. wints said she pays to host all her pictues and she said soon they'll all be gone cause she won' pay anymore.. i can't find the post cause all her entries are deleted.

05-08-2005, 12:45 PM
like scheming on a plan that goes all wrong....

05-19-2005, 06:41 PM

Brooklyn Babe
05-24-2005, 08:40 PM
this was TOTALLY unecessary. It really was. Wints is a fucking bitch. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm glad her know it all ass is gone, but she didnt have to go out like this. (n) :mad:
you read my mind - perfect post - well said (y)

05-25-2005, 10:55 AM
you read my mind - perfect post - well said (y)

haha thanks BBabe. I was just really pissed off when I wrote that, haha.... (y)

06-25-2005, 02:45 AM
OK I'M SO LOST! I havent been on here in 2 months...I noticed the threads arent the same and some pics are missing...but WINTS LEFT?! sigh. oh well atleast I still got my soulmate twin...right?

06-25-2005, 04:48 AM
We really appreciate all ur photos Midzi. They're pretty sweet. They look awesome... those photos, they're... they're incredible!