View Full Version : music swap 2?

08-29-2005, 01:36 PM
me and dr deaf did this a while ago, a cool way to fill in some gaps in your collection. i helped him out with some mixtapes he was missing and in return i got some cool stuff. i also introduced him and beth to some irish hip-hop which they digged which i was proud of!

suppose the point is not to swap obvious stuff that you can pick up in your shop (like kanye or something) but to send stuff which you mightnt be able to get (like us euros could send some grime or euro hip-hop etc.)

im looking for mainly mixtapes (eg Z-Trip "Uneasy listening" etc)

Lemmy's Liver
08-29-2005, 06:12 PM
you'd only get some music to scare your neighbors/girlfriend/boyfriend/pets with from me