View Full Version : PM MADLIBS

09-01-2005, 03:35 PM
Take a PM that you have either sent or received - one that doesn't betray the author or recipient, but take out whatever words you want.

Then post a list of the kinds of words that you took out.

The next person to post will provide you with the new words, that you will use in place of the words you took out.

Then post the PM with the new words.

(hint) the easiest way to do this is to copy the PM and paste it into a word document, then highlight the words you're changing, so it's easy to keep track.

Heres the list of words I need.

past tense action verb
verb ending in ing
plural noun
action verb ending in ing
acting verb ending in ing
adjective ending in est


09-01-2005, 03:40 PM
you are bored today, huh?

09-01-2005, 05:03 PM
HEY! (http://www.beastieboys.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=50580&highlight=mad+libs)

09-01-2005, 05:07 PM
Fine. I just can't have ANY fun, can I?

*slams bedroom door and blasts Smashing Pumpkins*

09-01-2005, 05:14 PM
Fine. I just can't have ANY fun, can I?

*slams bedroom door and blasts Smashing Pumpkins*
*knocks on the door loudly*

Turn that down I'm trying to fricken watch The Facts Of Life!

09-02-2005, 12:27 AM
Heres the list of words I need.

verb hump
past tense action verb boinked
verb ending in ing bonking
adverb vigourously
adjecvtive boinkable
adjective sexy
verb dryhump
plural noun boobs
action verb ending in ing humping
verb lick
acting verb ending in ing juggling
verb smack
adjective ending in est sweatiest
adjective plump
noun hand
verb slap
noun scrotum
noun nipple
adjective chubby
noun rod
adjective luscious

09-02-2005, 07:34 AM
Ooops I just noticed I need another verb and another adjective

09-02-2005, 07:49 AM
PM received, thanks!

This is worked out better than I ever imagined.

You've got so much to hump out for. I think that if I boinked like you weren't boinking me, like if you got vigorous with me, then I'd be boinkable and jealous of whomever you thought was more sexy to dry hump to. I'm like that with all my boobs though. I always want them to keep humping me and not lick me for someone else. Maybe it's all the juggling you do. You set people up. You make us smack like we're the sweatiest, most plump hand you've got. Then when we slap, you warn us and we start to cling to your scrotum. It's like what No-Boobs McGee said about Dickie in The Talented Mr. Ripley - "When you have his rod it's like the sun is shining on you and it's luscious. Then he pokes you and it's very very slippery."

"We start to cling to your scrotum" ahhh you can't plan beauty like that.

09-02-2005, 07:55 AM
PM received, thanks!

This is worked out better than I ever imagined.

You've got so much to hump out for. I think that if I boinked like you weren't boinking me, like if you got vigorous with me, then I'd be boinkable and jealous of whomever you thought was more sexy to dry hump to. I'm like that with all my boobs though. I always want them to keep humping me and not lick me for someone else. Maybe it's all the juggling you do. You set people up. You make us smack like we're the sweatiest, most plump hand you've got. Then when we slap, you warn us and we start to cling to your scrotum. It's like what No-Boobs McGee said about Dickie in The Talented Mr. Ripley - "When you have his rod it's like the sun is shining on you and it's luscious. Then he pokes you and it's very very slippery."

"We start to cling to your scrotum" ahhh you can't plan beauty like that.

I've been doing that with the blank spaces in wedding vow planners. But I can't show you that, so :(

09-02-2005, 07:55 AM
how ruthlessly absurd

09-02-2005, 08:27 AM
Like a dirty French novel, combines the absurd with the vulgar.

09-02-2005, 09:16 AM
i never liked doing madlibs because i couldnt ever remember what an adjective was

09-02-2005, 09:38 AM
yeah that's a tough one

09-02-2005, 12:02 PM
I need:

past tense action verb
action verb
past tense action verb
fruit flavor
fruit flavor
name of a place
action verb
action verb
board member' name
online store name
verb ending in "ing"

09-02-2005, 12:44 PM
you need a better more challenging job
That's very true.

09-02-2005, 12:47 PM
I was referring to Nuzz, who posts an average 30 times per day :confused: quite possibly the new Mae. Sad.
I kind of figured that's what you meant but it very much applies to me. I hate my job. I am ready for a job that I could care about.

09-02-2005, 12:50 PM
sorry to hear that, but only you can fix it. :)
yeah, I'm working on it. :) The fun thing will be finding a job in Amsterdam considering that I know exactly two phrases of dutch. Well, a job that is not hookerish.

09-02-2005, 01:01 PM
I was referring to Nuzz, who posts an average 30 times per day :confused: quite possibly the new Mae. Sad.

yeah I'm just like Mae.

A cool job would be nice.

And yet I still get all my work done. All I do is track all the billing for the internal medicine doctors, and the infectious disease doctors for the hospital, and make sure thier licenses and visas are all up to date and such, and make sure we code correctly for all the insurance companies. My mind wanders while I'm doing all the billing. I think of things to say then come here and type them out rapidly. I'm just such a brainiac, it's amazing even to me, I mean even my incredible mind has trouble comprehending itself so like that should tell you something.

But it is sad because I should be sharing my thougts with people who appreciate them, someplace where they could do some good. Do you think there is such a place?

09-02-2005, 01:30 PM
I need:

past tense action verb: knitted
action verb: knit
emoticon: :D
past tense action verb: stitched
fruit flavor: snozzberry
fruit flavor: boisenberry
name of a place: shangri la
action verb: weave
noun: basket
action verb: quilt
noun: loom
board member' name: skye
emoticon: :eek:
online store name www.basketweaving.com
verb ending in "ing": basket weaving
verb: crochet

i take the high road with my mad libs

09-03-2005, 06:43 AM
Truth: Have you knitted?
Dare: Go knit.

I stitched 2 yogurt cups, one snozzberry and one boisenberry. I'm gonna go to Shangri La in a bit and then weave the basket I bought yesterday. I have to go out anyway to quilt the loom.
Look at Skye's signature. :eek:
I was off for a while when you were gone and then I came back to check my www.basketweaving.com account. This place keeps basket weaving me in.
i crochet you!

09-03-2005, 03:59 PM
I crochet you too <3

09-04-2005, 01:48 PM
I need:

a possessive noun
a noun
a noun
a possessive noun
a noun
a verb
a person's name
an adjective
a noun
a noun
an adjective ending in ly
an adjective ending in ly
a noun
an adjective ending in ed
an adjective
an adjective

09-04-2005, 02:48 PM
mad libs just arent so funny when they're about knitting

i tried :(

09-04-2005, 03:22 PM
I need:

a possessive noun greasers'
a noun rubber
a noun cancer stick
a possessive noun hoods'
a noun copper
a verb rumble
a person's name Ponyboy
an adjective boss
a noun turf
a noun poon
an adjective ending in ly delicately
an adjective ending in ly merrily
a noun reefer
an adjective ending in ed stacked
an adjective tough
an adjective swell

09-04-2005, 03:31 PM
I used to do so bad in english class.

09-04-2005, 03:35 PM
I used to do so bad in english class.

so get the fuck out :p

09-04-2005, 03:36 PM
Had it not been for the charming emoticon we would be engaging in a spirited bout of fisticuffs, m'lady ;)

09-04-2005, 04:33 PM
But it is sad because I should be sharing my thougts with people who appreciate them, someplace where they could do some good. Do you think there is such a place?

its like threads are little short movies and they have a beggining and a build up and a climax and the sad or thought provoking parts, then the explaining or clearing up and then closure, although not all of those are always included and/or they repeat themselves in cycles in one movie/thread

is there such a place? *girl sitting at her breakfast table, looks down at cereal bowl and the letters "y", "e", and "s" are freakishly close and aligned to each other*

*Big Brother screen comes on saying its time for the daily excersizes and girl jumps back, stands up with a back to reality look in her face and gets in excercise position*

09-04-2005, 04:44 PM
Like a dirty French novel, combines the absurd with the vulgar.

Some kind of quotes are better than others.

09-04-2005, 06:40 PM
Do you think there is any positive reason to have pride in your greasers? Does it only isolate your view of yourself and decrease your capacity for rubber or does it actually do you some good? Can you even take pride in something like that? Is it wrong to feel lucky to have come from a specific cancer stick or hood? Why would some people be encouraged to take pride in their copper, while others encouraged to rumble?

I read the Autobiography of Ponyboy. I'm a white girl. I know plenty of people who take pride in being boss. I am aware of my turf, for the most part, but never took it as part of my identity. Do you? It seems like that would do me no good at all, maybe it would even be detrimental to my view of the poon somehow.

I think it is all bullshit. Delicately or merrily what you are born with is not up to you at all. When you base your reefer on something you totally have no control of and furthermore what society tells you to act or do, How can you really be at all proud? Not that you should be stacked. It's just who you are. I guess the only thing is to feel tough or swell, based on the time and place you live.

I think I'll pick up the Auotobiography of Ponyboy later today.