View Full Version : i need to react aggresively

09-15-2005, 06:22 PM
you know what sort of pisses me off? the limiting type of communication we have through the internet: typed words. that this place is only good till a point. typed words can only go so far. how about when you dont feel like choosing the best adectives, worrying about the flow, making sure youre being clear because youre at one of those moments where you just need to scream and insult the circumstances and sigh like an animal, in other words (words,only godam thing we have here)when you need to lose it? facing this screen like this makes me want to leave it...

eventually, at these times, you do

because it does nothing for you at these moments

reminds me of how good real life is

....so fuck the internet for its cold, unnatached, boring, lifeless, limping, grey, emotionless life and fuck it for making our lives momentarily like that

09-15-2005, 06:25 PM
It's colder outside here than on the internet.

09-15-2005, 06:31 PM
Yeah - throw a goddamn good tantrum for the fuck of it ! And do sum looting while your at it. :D

09-15-2005, 06:34 PM
i find that if you swear a lot, it conveys out of control anger pretty well

09-15-2005, 06:45 PM
does the internet de-emotionalize the feelings in our words?

the feelings we expose through expressions and our eyes, and our laughter and our pause and our cough not permitting you to understand my last word, the siren off in the background that distracts the conversation and makes it turn around, slow down, speed up to the point..starting to talk at the same time, smiling and letting the other continue, you cant look directly into someones eyes when you hear the words you most agree with, you cant rest your elbow on the armchair and pretend to be interested and have the other person notice and change the subject, you cant avoid someones eyes when youre having trouble saying something. the blushing? wheres the blushing. leading your companion to keep up the complimenting. i cant feel your discomfort, i cant sense you agreeing, cant feel youre thinking of someone else, cant tell you how youre looking

more than criticizing the internet im treasuring life

09-15-2005, 06:52 PM
It is now 34F, 1C outside. Summer is over.

09-15-2005, 06:53 PM
And you can't smell that fart I just did.

Treasure it :p

09-15-2005, 06:56 PM
Yeah - throw a goddamn good tantrum for the fuck of it ! And do sum looting while your at it. :D

huh?? im not talking about tantrums, im talking about when youre really pissed, or depressed or extremely enthusiastic because of something thats happened

those moments... the dangerous ones? when decisions should steer clear and not make too much noise so as not to wake up the aggresiveness (be it positive or negative)

you see what that does? these little....signs? that question mark i just typed? the parenthesis and arrow right above there? they fucking computerize and de-emotionalize our very emotional words

shame on this fucking format

and webcams turn the live, breathing, heart pumping human into a mere machine...an image in a box, limited in a box, limited like the "submit reply" and "preview post" button because of the technological rules...were put together, next to, together with other technological aspects of the page, fitting into little boxes, our voices having been turned into sounds that come out of a plastic microphone you hold with your hand. lets not form such a lovely relationship with the internet. lets not praise it so much

enree erzweglle
09-15-2005, 07:39 PM
I hear that argument each day, multiple times, from my real-life friends for why I shouldn't be here.

09-15-2005, 07:41 PM
It is now 34F, 1C outside. Summer is over.

it was like 93 here today and humid as fuck

09-15-2005, 07:46 PM
i don't know. i'm probably about to sound pretty pathetic, but it's things like that that make me appreciate the internet as a medium more. i mean, in real life, it takes more than having shit to say to hold a conversation, there's other stuff to worry about too. like maybe your mouth moves faster than your head, maybe you don't talk loud enough, maybe you're monotone, maybe people keep fucking interrupting you, maybe you have a hard time making eye contact...i don't know, i just find the internet more relaxing. i can type away and as long as what i'm saying is of any interest, i don't have to worry about being ignored or overlooked.

what i'm saying is, i hate that so much of communication depends on the delivery.

09-15-2005, 07:46 PM
it was like 93 here today and humid as fuck

Lucky you.