02-22-2006, 12:17 PM
I put light on the roaches and they scatter and all they can do is reply that this is stupid when they have been exposed....whatever then call it stupid, but let it be known that I wasn't the one who first posted the video on the board (*cough cough) trying to be funny and shit and then have it back fire on me because "the clique" ain't coming to my aid. Damn this shit is like Ether, I can't believe one video of me in the flesh could destory so many people's egos. Thats why you have to have alter egos on top of your egos people. Thread of the year....if you win shout me out in the acceptance speech. I'm sorry for those (who are not the 3) finding it gay or whatever, obviously your more laid back then me and I envy that to an extent. But what I said has been echoed through the board for a while now, and unlike some I didn't just leave it to the chatrooms, I took it to the people str8 up. Nothing childish about that, I had beef I took it to the PM's...thats what I said I would do!!!I didn't post the video trying to be funny for the board to see; however, I thought more then likely the two people (I didn't even send it to Mickill cuz I had already got at him on AIM) would more then likely show it espcially given Cosmo's status on here and her ego. So you see all the talk about how I type run-ons, I predicted every move you'd make even the showing of the video to the MODS (if they did see it which I assume they did given the first thread was erased). I guess I was on some "Wu-tang" tip with the mental chess...I feel like I won, but lost because now I realize who are the fake ones and who are not.

Okay, that was corny.

You people have issues. Seriously. All of you.

Initially, I thought I'd just ignore this, but before it becomes an even bigger issue, I'd just like to tell my side. Then you all can go back to making up shit about how bigfoot was there too and how we're all racists and whatever.

I was invited into a chat by cosmo. DandyFop was there, too. The topic of g-mile's Valentine's Day song came up. We started talking about the part with the waves slamming against people's faces and whatever, which we all thought was pretty funny. cosmo had also invited Auton and kll (who popped in and out every few minutes, similar to what I was doing). Auton made the beat for the song g-mile rapped over. When I saw that he'd just entered the room, I started jokingly saying "Yeah, but the music was really good!". Auton knows my style. He's shown me his stuff before. He's sent me a song by g-mile before, as well. I've given him constructive criticism and have always been straightforward about my opinions. He knows I never really liked g-mile's lyrical content. I believe he also passed this information on to g-mile, which is fine. Now, he saw through my little quip and replied with his usual, "Fuck you, Mike" and proceeded to enlighten us further by saying that a "60 dollar beat is a sixty dollar beat" or whatever. He knew it and I knew that it wasn't his best work. Either way, I don't dance around shit. Anyhow, later in the conversation, YES, I did my little g-mile impersonation of his "might-tee-fine" line, which to me is funny. I mean, if you don't think it's corny, that's great. But if I'm gonna pretend to talk like g-mile, I may as well exaggerrate the hell out of it, I figure. Which I did. I never denied this to anybody. We laughed about it for about 20 seconds and then the conversation moved on. Somewhere in that time, Auton left the room, which isn't uncommon.

Now, I used to poke a little fun at g-mile on the board. That's pretty much all I do half the time, is make fun of you all. I do it to people I talk to off the board, people I like and dislike, people I hardly knew existed. Is it arrogant? Yes, maybe. It's sometimes insensitive, too. I agree. But it's not like I'm a monster. Seriously. I don't sweat it when people say all kinds of inane made up shit about me on this board. I mean, look at all these whiney tweens that seriously can't go one day without talking about slapping me with Paul Wall records or calling me gay to somehow make themselves feel special.

Anyway, cosmo posted the video g-mile sent her way over the weekend. I watched it. I posted in the thread explaining that it was seriously nothing. I did make the effort to apologize to g-mile, since it had evidently hurt his feelings. This is before he started making an even bigger ass out of himself today like this is an actual "beef". Seriously now. I had no problem humbling myself, though. My history with him isn't anything special. We talk occasionally, I've PM'd him in the past, which he mentioned, telling him not to take anything I say too seriously, as a gesture. Not me trying to hide from anything, but because I could see he had taken things personally. After that we were cool, I guess. I was pissed off when cosmo had the thread deleted. I told her, too. I felt like it was weak, considering she posted it in the first place. I had made an effort to end the bullshit right there, and by asking to have it deleted, it just drew more attention to this sopa opera and gave that instigator Qdrop a reason to start another thread about this idioticness.

Regardless of whether or not you'd consider this gossip, or slander, or the attempted assasination of dude's character, or whatever he said it was, it is what it is. g-mile, if you missed it, sorry for upsetting you. My opinions of you music or persona on the board remain as they are, though. And I'm not speaking for anyone else involved, but I don't think I'm above addressing this "issue". I think it's retarded, but if you want to get shit off your chest, that's fine. I know Auton doesn't "think about this board once he logs off" and couldn't care less about anything that's said here, and that's great. Others say it's "just the internet" or whatever. I don't really particularly buy into any of this, but I also don't care. I know Auton claims his phone has been ringing off the hook non-stop and whatever since this happened, but I never called him. I don't even know dude's number.

One thing I left out is how Auton warned me to never to get into an argument with g-mile, because he's notorious for never letting it go. I can see that now. We also never really touched on how Auton's mentioned to me several times that he gets embarrassed of how g-mile behaves on the board, particularly in the Sure Shots forum. He's actually said a a lot of unflattering things about him, but they're not related to this issue. I'm not the only one that's heard it from him either.

Anyway, thanks for this high school shit, everybody. g-mile, it was never personal, but take it how you want to. Ed/Auton/Antoine or whatever you want to be called, go punch yourself in the face.

Take care, everybody.

Kid Presentable
02-22-2006, 12:23 PM
1: It's 'idiocy'.

That's all.

02-22-2006, 12:28 PM
1: It's 'idiocy'.

That's all.

this is all too weird and funny

02-22-2006, 12:36 PM
Yeah, this all has been rather stupid. Be nice if we could talk about stuff like grown ass men but because of the nature of the comments made I do not believe that is possible.

You're the only one of whomever that has come out and actually said something of substance. As far as that, kudos.

You've all have got to understand is that not everyone deals with things the same way. I would have dealt with things much differently, but what's correct and proper is all in the eye of the beholder. You grow up differently, people are from all over here, not everyone is from Kansas Dorothy. Just thought that needed to be said.

Kid Presentable
02-22-2006, 12:37 PM
Yeah, this all has been rather stupid. Be nice if we could talk about stuff like grown ass men but because of the nature of the comments made I do not believe that is possible.

You're the only one of whomever that has come out and actually said something of substance. As far as that, kudos.

It's quite a talent, simulataneous dickriding.

02-22-2006, 12:37 PM
'Bout time!

02-22-2006, 12:38 PM
It's quite a talent, simulataneous dickriding.
What? That threw me off completly, what do you mean man?

02-22-2006, 01:02 PM
i'm probably gonna have to make a video diss about mike calling me an instigator, and send it to everyone.
just a fair warning.

gotta save face on the street...

02-22-2006, 01:04 PM
i'm probably gonna have to make a video diss about mike calling me an instigator, and send it to everyone.
just a fair warning.

gotta save face on the street...

they hunrgy kid,


for my post on this thread I'm not bout to help this one grow :)

Extra Cheese
02-22-2006, 01:15 PM
just keep it on wax, just keep it on wax. we already lost freaky tah and busta's bodyguard.

02-22-2006, 01:16 PM
just keep it on wax, just keep it on wax. we already lost freaky tah and busta's bodyguard.


02-22-2006, 01:17 PM
just keep it on wax, just keep it on wax. we already lost freaky tah and busta's bodyguard.

Wu-Tang for the kids man, what bout the chitlens?

Anne Lauren
02-22-2006, 01:17 PM
they hunrgy kid,


for my post on this thread I'm not bout to help this one grow :)

A/S/L? As Sooner than Later? :confused:

Sarky Devotchka
02-22-2006, 01:18 PM
it's pretty lame to call out auton. especially since now I know that his name is Ed.

everyone just needs to calm the fuck down and have some cookies and milk. I know that's what I'm gonna do.

02-22-2006, 01:19 PM
it's pretty lame to call out auton. especially since now I know that his name is Ed.

everyone just needs to calm the fuck down and have some cookies and milk. I know that's what I'm gonna do.

I hope you goin shave your legs too ;)

Sarky Devotchka
02-22-2006, 01:26 PM

02-22-2006, 01:27 PM
gave that instigator Qdrop a reason to start another thread about this idioticness.

That, I think, is the one true unforgiveable sin. God damn you all.

I find it hilarious that concepts of status, prestige, and image, as well as associated social hierarchies, can develop almost unconsciously among a group of people who have never even met and whose relationship is only made possible through digital communication. Human societies seem to sort themselves out in an almost automatic fashion even when absolutely nothing is at stake and there is no real, pragmatic investment in their development. Somebody ought to do an anthropological study - you could do all the field work from the comfort of your computer room.

02-22-2006, 01:30 PM
That, I think, is the one true unforgiveable sin. God damn you all.

I find it hilarious that concepts of status, prestige, and image, as well as associated social hierarchies, can develop almost unconsciously among a group of people who have never even met and whose relationship is only made possible through digital communication. Human societies seem to sort themselves out in an almost automatic fashion even when absolutely nothing is at stake and there is no real, pragmatic investment in their development. Somebody ought to do an anthropological study - you could do all the field work from the comfort of your computer room.

I did suggest to Droppin I think that we should do a video but that was while back and that was to see if some of the girls on here are as wild as they say...

02-22-2006, 01:31 PM


this whole beef...people aren't even rolling deep I mean


when you got people OG like this inthe world then why even have funk'

Anne Lauren
02-22-2006, 01:31 PM
That, I think, is the one true unforgiveable sin. God damn you all.

I find it hilarious that concepts of status, prestige, and image, as well as associated social hierarchies, can develop almost unconsciously among a group of people who have never even met and whose relationship is only made possible through digital communication. Human societies seem to sort themselves out in an almost automatic fashion even when absolutely nothing is at stake and there is no real, pragmatic investment in their development. Somebody ought to do an anthropological study - you could do all the field work from the comfort of your computer room.

Very true...that's gonna be the case in any setting, really.

People's personalities will come out reguardless...some people are wittier than others, some have to be the center of attention more than others, some will always be the subject of "being picked on", etc...

02-22-2006, 01:45 PM
that's gonna be the case in any setting, really

I would expect it in any real-life setting for sure. But for these tendencies to carry over into an essentially impersonal, text-based medium defined exclusively by indirect conversational interaction strikes me as quite significant. You never talk to somebody on an internet message board; you only really interact with words on a screen. Shit, the text itself doesn't even really exist - it's an ethereal construct, the manifestation of digital code on an electronic medium, and for all practical purposes it ceases to exist when you log off from your machine. I'm talking to Anne Lauren - but who really is "Anne Lauren?" And am I really "talking" to her right now?

If anything, the experience of gmile, cosmo, Dandyfop, mickill, Auton, and the others points ultimately to the insubstantiality of human relationships. This has, of course, been a dominant subject of thought for decades now, but in an age of digital communication the concept is more relevant than ever. Our social lives are affected (and in the case of sophomoric drama queens like Qdrop, dramatically affected) by the interaction of people whom we cannot be sure even exist. The destruction of primary social relationships noted by anthropologists studying the urbanization of human society in the last two centuries has transitioned to a new phase: the internet is the new city, the global city, where you can be extremely "close" to somebody without ever being sure of their very existence. In growing closer to our fellow humans we are simultaneously further removed from them than ever before.

It's a scary thought. The only comfort to be drawn from this line of reasoning is the possibility that Qdrop might not exist after all.

that was while back and that was to see if some of the girls on here are as wild as they say

That's what I'm sayin. Ya heard?

02-22-2006, 01:48 PM
I would expect it in any real-life setting for sure. But for these tendencies to carry over into an essentially impersonal, text-based medium defined exclusively by indirect conversational interaction strikes me as quite significant. You never talk to somebody on an internet message board; you only really interact with words on a screen. Shit, the text itself doesn't even really exist - it's an ethereal construct, the manifestation of digital code on an electronic medium, and for all practical purposes it ceases to exist when you log off from your machine. I'm talking to Anne Lauren - but who really is "Anne Lauren?" And am I really "talking" to her right now?

If anything, the experience of gmile, cosmo, Dandyfop, mickill, Auton, and the others points ultimately to the insubstantiality of human relationships. This has, of course, been a dominant subject of thought for decades now, but in an age of digital communication the concept is more relevant than ever. Our social lives are affected (and in the case of sophomoric drama queens like Qdrop, dramatically affected) by the interaction of people whom we cannot be sure even exist. The destruction of primary social relationships noted by anthropologists studying the urbanization of human society in the last two centuries has transitioned to a new phase: the internet is the new city, the global city, where you can be extremely "close" to somebody without ever being sure of their very existence. In growing closer to our fellow humans we are simultaneously further removed from them than ever before.

It's a scary thought. The only comfort to be drawn from this line of reasoning is the possibility that Qdrop might not exist after all.

That's what I'm sayin. Ya heard?

someone got that thinking cap on (lb) and thats all good! Valid points espcially the one bolded

Anne Lauren
02-22-2006, 01:52 PM
I would expect it in any real-life setting for sure. But for these tendencies to carry over into an essentially impersonal, text-based medium defined exclusively by indirect conversational interaction strikes me as quite significant. You never talk to somebody on an internet message board; you only really interact with words on a screen. Shit, the text itself doesn't even really exist - it's an ethereal construct, the manifestation of digital code on an electronic medium, and for all practical purposes it ceases to exist when you log off from your machine. I'm talking to Anne Lauren - but who really is "Anne Lauren?" And am I really "talking" to her right now?

If anything, the experience of gmile, cosmo, Dandyfop, mickill, Auton, and the others points ultimately to the insubstantiality of human relationships. This has, of course, been a dominant subject of thought for decades now, but in an age of digital communication the concept is more relevant than ever. Our social lives are affected (and in the case of sophomoric drama queens like Qdrop, dramatically affected) by the interaction of people whom we cannot be sure even exist. The destruction of primary social relationships noted by anthropologists studying the urbanization of human society in the last two centuries has transitioned to a new phase: the internet is the new city, the global city, where you can be extremely "close" to somebody without ever being sure of their very existence. In growing closer to our fellow humans we are simultaneously further removed from them than ever before.

It's a scary thought. The only comfort to be drawn from this line of reasoning is the possibility that Qdrop might not exist after all.

That's what I'm sayin. Ya heard?

Oh...I exist and I'm fucking great! (y) Kidding.

Hmmm...I don't know...I see your point there, I guess.

enree erzweglle
02-22-2006, 01:55 PM
I would expect it in any real-life setting for sure. But for these tendencies to carry over into an essentially impersonal, text-based medium defined exclusively by indirect conversational interaction strikes me as quite significant. You never talk to somebody on an internet message board; you only really interact with words on a screen. Shit, the text itself doesn't even really exist - it's an ethereal construct, the manifestation of digital code on an electronic medium, and for all practical purposes it ceases to exist when you log off from your machine. I'm talking to Anne Lauren - but who really is "Anne Lauren?" And am I really "talking" to her right now?
This is exactly the argument that friends of mine use repeatedly to further their case. Their case being that I shouldn't say a damn thing online to anyone. Ever.

They don't at all get the concept of online friendships.

If I didn't know how much he despises and suspects forums like this one, I would be certain that you, Schmeltz, are one particular friend of mine and that you're here to reinforce your argument. You sound just like him.

02-22-2006, 01:56 PM
Mike, I agreed with you until the part when you called out Auton. totally fucking pussy thing for you to do to get the heat off you, man.

I think everyone should drop this crap. Gmile, I like most of what you post, but you need to learn to roll with the punches and drop it because it shouldn't be important to you. everyone who was involved in saying whatever in the chat should just stop posting about it. It only perpertuates the supposed myth, and makes you all seem like idiots. everyone else (including me) should just shut the hell up. I realize that me posting this just contradicts my statement, but whatever, I'm no saint. just everyone shut the fuck up, PLEASE.

02-22-2006, 02:01 PM
Mike, I agreed with you until the part when you called out Auton. totally fucking pussy thing for you to do to get the heat off you, man.

I think everyone should drop this crap. Gmile, I like most of what you post, but you need to learn to roll with the punches and drop it because it shouldn't be important to you. everyone who was involved in saying whatever in the chat should just stop posting about it. It only perpertuates the supposed myth, and makes you all seem like idiots. everyone else (including me) should just shut the hell up. I realize that me posting this just contradicts my statement, but whatever, I'm no saint. just everyone shut the fuck up, PLEASE.

it all good thats your thoughts and don' worry I'm not attacking no one just showing my side like they are doing...it will die eventually like all threads like this happen to do untill Q nominates it for thread of the year...

02-22-2006, 02:02 PM
I think that some of you have missed the point, that Auton was the one who went and actually told g-mile about all of this in the first place. What purpose did that really serve, anyway? Heat? I'm not trying to drag other people into this, or call anybody out. He's the person that started this circus in the first place.

02-22-2006, 02:03 PM
I think that some of you have missed the point, that Auton was the one who went and actually told g-mile about all of this in the first place. What purpose did that really serve, anyway? Heat? I'm not trying to drag other people into this, or call anybody out. He's the person that started this circus in the first place.

don't worry bout Auton and him being real with me, I'm the one you want......leave him be. :D

02-22-2006, 02:05 PM
He's the person that started this circus in the first place.

that might be true, but there was still no place to say how auton is embarassed of how gmile acts or whatever. that was just dragging in a piece of unrelated material to keep this thing going.

02-22-2006, 02:06 PM
that might be true, but there was still no place to say how auton is embarassed of how gmile acts or whatever. that was just dragging in a piece of unrelated material to keep this thing going.

take your wise advice to me:let it slide....no need to get into it to thanks for mentioning that point but you don't have to get into either.

02-22-2006, 02:10 PM
why do people keep telling other people to stop talking about this? its not like this board has anything else of interest going on other than stuff like this...

02-22-2006, 02:11 PM
why do people keep telling other people to stop talking about this? its not like this board has anything else of interest going on other than stuff like this...

hahahaaha peace makers in the making..let's hope it turns out better then the poor folks over seas :(

02-22-2006, 02:13 PM
y'know whats really tasty? french fries.

02-22-2006, 02:14 PM
Goddamn, I mean goddamn. I thought the final high school bell rang about 5 years ago for some of ya. I guess not.

It's funny that it's gone to the extent it has, I guess.

02-22-2006, 02:18 PM
Goddamn, I mean goddamn. I thought the final high school bell rang about 5 years ago for some of ya. I guess not.

It's funny that it's gone to the extent it has, I guess.

5 years ago your being kind.....

02-22-2006, 02:18 PM
why do people keep telling other people to stop talking about this? its not like this board has anything else of interest going on other than stuff like this...


02-22-2006, 02:19 PM

i still got it! (y)

02-22-2006, 02:20 PM
Everyone listen to Matt.

02-22-2006, 02:20 PM
Everyone listen to Matt.


02-22-2006, 02:22 PM
I didn't read everything going on here, but just answer me one thing and I'll move on...

Is this really about mickill making fun of either A) The way Gmile Talks, or B) Gmile's rapping style?

Or is there something else going on that I'm not seeing?

02-22-2006, 02:23 PM
I didn't read everything going on here, but just answer me one thing and I'll move on...

Is this really about mickill making fun of either A) The way Gmile Talks, or B) Gmile's rapping style?

Or is there something else going on that I'm not seeing?

both as well as Cosmo, not so much Dandy (like I have said) but she went along with it...

02-22-2006, 02:24 PM
OK. Thanks. Just making sure.

02-22-2006, 02:25 PM
OK. Thanks. Just making sure.

no doubt, you might even the video soon everyone got it...it's the fad :eek:

02-22-2006, 02:28 PM
y'know whats really tasty? french fries.

I don't know why but that just reminded me of one time when I was in Jrtc at hot ass Fort Polk La doing a training exercise with opfor (enemy) after us.

Fuckin sweatin' and laying in prone waiting for the opfor to come across and the next thing I know, private Peacock comes low crawling over to me and says, "SGT. Smith, you know what's good when you're thirsty? Lemonade."

I don't know how the hell he got into the infantry. I didn't know whether to make him do push ups for being stupid or just laugh.

02-22-2006, 02:30 PM
That, I think, is the one true unforgiveable sin. God damn you all.
you've just been gunning for me lately, huh?

and out of nowhere. we used to debate on Political from time to time, and usually got along well...

where's all this hostility coming from lately?

i mean, you never come to this section, so why should my antics here bother you at all?

I find it hilarious that concepts of status, prestige, and image, as well as associated social hierarchies, can develop almost unconsciously among a group of people who have never even met and whose relationship is only made possible through digital communication. Human societies seem to sort themselves out in an almost automatic fashion even when absolutely nothing is at stake and there is no real, pragmatic investment in their development. Somebody ought to do an anthropological study - you could do all the field work from the comfort of your computer room.
yeah, and your fancy wordsmithing aside....this has been done to death on here...

most people (including me) operate on full impulse, with little or no inhibition...because there are no reprocussions.

this board is a certain part of our ID/EGO amplified 1000 times.

02-22-2006, 02:33 PM
you've just been gunning for me lately, huh?

and out of nowhere. we used to debate on Political from time to time, and usually got along well...

where's all this hostility coming from lately?

i mean, you never come to this section, so why should my antics here bother you at all?

yeah, and your fancy wordsmithing aside....this has been done to death on here...

most people (including me) operate on full impulse, with little or no inhibition...because there are no reprocussions.

this board is a certain part of our ID/EGO amplified 1000 times.

so just the tip of the ice berg, eh?

Guy Incognito
02-22-2006, 02:38 PM
why do people keep telling other people to stop talking about this? its not like this board has anything else of interest going on other than stuff like this...

Because its done with.Over Finito.Kaput. People are bored of it - g mile keeps havin to repeat what happenend and i am sure he's bored of doin that. Some people who are regulars arent botherin today and the boards missin their input a bit. I must admit I was intrigued about all this and started to read all about it but after a few pages I got BORED. Just like Qdrop gets bored of Simpsons v futurama threads.

I know i only post on here a bit but i do read most of whats written and I think that gives me the right to say whatever the hell i want. From where i'm sittin , the people involved (and some who werent but decided to stick their oar in) acted like children. Some stopped and grew up,some still havent. I suggest they drop it once and for all and go back and play with their sticklebricks.

This board shouldnt be about beefs like this. And if people have disagreements they should sort it out like adults and then move on.
Thats all I have to say cos I'm starting to sound like my dad.

02-22-2006, 02:40 PM
I would expect it in any real-life setting for sure. But for these tendencies to carry over into an essentially impersonal, text-based medium defined exclusively by indirect conversational interaction strikes me as quite significant. it's predictable though.
and i think you are assuming that the translation of real-world, social personality woudl equate to our "board persona's". not necessarily.
again...we are operating under little or no reprocussions. we don't have to deal with the visual emotions of others on this board. we can't be hurt, or really be affected in any substantial way.
we are fearless.
and are free to let our often surpressed personality traits run wild.

i can't walk around the office spouting off like i do on here. i can't bully my co-workers, or my nieghbor...that just wouldn't be pragmatic.
yet, in cyberspace.....i can run about in a virtual reality.
i don't have to hear any of you voices rise in anger. i can't see your facial expressions.
you barely seem real.
it's freeing.

f anything, the experience of gmile, cosmo, Dandyfop, mickill, Auton, and the others points ultimately to the insubstantiality of human relationships. online, perhaps.

This has, of course, been a dominant subject of thought for decades now, but in an age of digital communication the concept is more relevant than ever. Our social lives are affected (and in the case of sophomoric drama queens like Qdrop, dramatically affected) you're delusional if you think this shit gets carried by me after i log out. but you think what you want.

It's a scary thought. The only comfort to be drawn from this line of reasoning is the possibility that Qdrop might not exist after all. again...
are you pullin one of those "i'm gunnin for the bully, my first day in the joint" maneuver?....

figure you'll make a nice splash in the general discussion board by calling out Qdrop?
they all try it....
go ahead.

try and become the "people's champ", tough guy.

02-22-2006, 02:41 PM
Mickill's account of the chat room is accurate.

I will say that I was the one who started talking about the song.

I have never strayed away from the fact that it was talked about.

If none of you have ever made fun or talked about someone else in a joking matter, then you aren't human.

I don't really know what anyone wants us to say now. I'm not going to apologize for this. As Q said, it was a private conversation. There's a convo that I could post that would be very interesting to some people but it would be really betraying someone's trust and I'm not down with that. I saved it though just in case this shit gets even more crazy.

As far as Auton's involvement, it wasn't unfair what mickill did. Auton is the one who told Mike never to get in a fight with G, and still he told G that stuff. Now, as a friend, that's fine if he feels that's his duty. But I highly doubt he would have had he known the completely ridiculous consequemces.

02-22-2006, 02:45 PM
Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.

02-22-2006, 02:46 PM
Because its done with.Over Finito.Kaput. People are bored of it - g mile keeps havin to repeat what happenend and i am sure he's bored of doin that. Some people who are regulars arent botherin today and the boards missin their input a bit. I must admit I was intrigued about all this and started to read all about it but after a few pages I got BORED. Just like Qdrop gets bored of Simpsons v futurama threads.

I know i only post on here a bit but i do read most of whats written and I think that gives me the right to say whatever the hell i want. From where i'm sittin , the people involved (and some who werent but decided to stick their oar in) acted like children. Some stopped and grew up,some still havent. I suggest they drop it once and for all and go back and play with their sticklebricks.

This board shouldnt be about beefs like this. And if people have disagreements they should sort it out like adults and then move on.
Thats all I have to say cos I'm starting to sound like my dad.

why do people keep telling other people to stop talking about this? its not like this board has anything else of interest going on other than stuff like this...

02-22-2006, 02:47 PM
hey mike i like how you left out the part when i said i liked both the beat and the performance. yeah i said a 60 buck beat is a 60 buck beat, but hmmm maybe because it SOUNDS LIKE IT WAS MADE ON A KEYBOARD, which is what is was made on. if i had a bigger budget, it would have sounded better. thanks for trying to make me look like an asshole though (y)

02-22-2006, 02:51 PM
this would be great if it turned out to be a huge joke.

Hey auton, what is your avatar of, and do you like french fries?

02-22-2006, 02:52 PM
why do people keep telling other people to stop talking about this? its not like this board has anything else of interest going on other than stuff like this...

its like kids watchin me put my hands on there momma....they just can't stand 2 see her beat' might have to make a peace video damn'

02-22-2006, 02:53 PM
this would be great if it turned out to be a huge joke.

Hey auton, what is your avatar of, and do you like french fries?

its all fun for me'...

02-22-2006, 02:56 PM
There needs to be a Behind the Music made about this.

Guy Incognito
02-22-2006, 02:58 PM
its not like this board has anything else of interest going on other than stuff like this...

Do you know what - I was gonna reply with a list of threads that i thought were interestin but i couldnt find that many that were that good! Its a shame that some people arent contributin today though.

I give up! I still think its a mountain/molehill situation but fuck it! I'll just carry on readin!

02-22-2006, 02:59 PM
There needs to be a Behind the Music made about this.

haha!!!!!g~mile with the gospel apostles hear its so clear I pump fear 2 the households near....

02-22-2006, 03:00 PM
I'll pop the kettle on.

02-22-2006, 03:01 PM
If only mickill was a black panther. That would make a good behind the music.

02-22-2006, 03:02 PM
If only mickill was a black panther. That would make a good behind the music.

brothaz at arms (!)

02-22-2006, 03:02 PM
If only mickill was a black panther. That would make a good behind the music.

like in the Black Panther orginization, or an actual black panther?

02-22-2006, 03:04 PM
I saw a Law & Order the other day with Link from the Mod Squad. He was a black panther facing murder charges. He won. Because he is Link.

02-22-2006, 04:04 PM
I don't understand a damn word of any of this but I do see one thing pretty clearly and that is that Mike, you are slumming, son. I don't mean it was beneath you to talk shit about someone... that I condone and even encourage, but to talk about talking shit about someone even further, to explain things like this? It's not worth a second of your time. Look at yourself! Look at what this has made you become. You're a gossip hound, you're a petty chatroom mudslinger and you actually resemble CARING about some total stranger buffoon! I thought you were classier than this.

02-22-2006, 04:12 PM
I don't understand a damn word of any of this but I do see one thing pretty clearly and that is that Mike, you are slumming, son. I don't mean it was beneath you to talk shit about someone... that I condone and even encourage, but to talk about talking shit about someone even further, to explain things like this? It's not worth a second of your time. Look at yourself! Look at what this has made you become. You're a gossip hound, you're a petty chatroom mudslinger and you actually resemble CARING about some total stranger buffoon! I thought you were classier than this.

;) guess you didn't liek me mentioning you on the video too....I knew was wasn't on your great level'

02-22-2006, 04:16 PM
Anyway, in my eyes you're still on a higher plane than Auton and Gmile - those clowns. I've never valued anything they've said or done but I have valued your input and your style and what you bring to this board and to me as a distant "friend"...type thing. I think this doesn't touch or tarnish you in my opinion, because I've been there and it was just as stupid, and I left the board completely because nothing was holding my interest otherwise. I'd rather knock over my own house of cards that I'd built, than to have some mouth-breather hovering at my elbow trying to make me lose my steady hand. You smell what I'm saying? This is playskool. Gmile invites comments, he's duckpants - where's DroppinScience for my 'AMEN'?

02-22-2006, 04:18 PM
;) guess you didn't liek me mentioning you on the video too....I knew was wasn't on your great level'

I never saw this video, I have no interest in seeing it, you're a totally ridiculous human being.

02-22-2006, 04:18 PM
this would be great if it turned out to be a huge joke.

Hey auton, what is your avatar of, and do you like french fries?

Peter Gabriel circa 1971

and of course i like french fries

02-22-2006, 04:21 PM
nuzz, you're silly

02-22-2006, 04:22 PM
nuzz, you're silly

shucks :o

02-22-2006, 04:23 PM
Anyway, in my eyes you're still on a higher plane than Auton and Gmile - those clowns. I've never valued anything they've said or done but I have valued your input and your style and what you bring to this board and to me as a distant "friend"...type thing. I think this doesn't touch or tarnish you in my opinion, because I've been there and it was just as stupid, and I left the board completely because nothing was holding my interest otherwise. I'd rather knock over my own house of cards that I'd built, than to have some mouth-breather hovering at my elbow trying to make me lose my steady hand. You smell what I'm saying? This is playskool. Gmile invites comments, he's duckpants - where's DroppinScience for my 'AMEN'?

duckpants??Tag your it?Wow those clowns when Auton didn't even do shit, I understand your gripe with me, but what the fuck Auton done to you?Are you that much of a pompous girl...I also tried to be cool with you too and here you are attacking me and defending someone you don't even know in real life. Just prove my point that it is you, not me, that takes this board too seriously. You have the nerve to talk on me when I always see you and Q going at it? And if your just joking with him tha still is "Playskool". You just had to add your two cents, didn't you? It's all good though, you keep doing you and keep trying to come off as your on such a higher plane, even though your not. Your shit talking just like your telling Mike not to do. And I know you reply with some smart-ass comment trying to get people to be "she's right" and all this lollypop gumdrops type of noise, but that's you they need you to restore their crediblity.

Now you could also be kidding too so if your are kisses if not :mad: rage firey rage

02-22-2006, 04:30 PM
Nuzz, you're way too good for this.

02-22-2006, 04:33 PM
Just prove my point that it is you, not me, that takes this board too seriously.

13:30 minute video man.

Think about it.

02-22-2006, 04:33 PM
I know it. So are you.

02-22-2006, 04:34 PM
You both are not too good for this shit, because you keep posting about it.

02-22-2006, 04:35 PM
13:30 minute video man.

Think about it.

At least it wasn't 30?But hey, I've said it before I didn't post it and the fact that some of you feel the need to waste your money on the whole thing shows that maybe I hit a nerve even online, but you all talk about "stupid this" l"let it die" then let it be...I won't reply to your comments if you don't.

02-22-2006, 04:35 PM
more blood, don't stop

02-22-2006, 04:36 PM
some of you feel the need to waste your money on the whole thing

02-22-2006, 04:36 PM
more blood, don't stop

someone gotta die sometime if the blood keep going like this...

02-22-2006, 05:06 PM
all i gotta say is that when i am on my deathbed, i am gonna be awfully pissed at myself for wasting x-amount of minutes on this bloody video...

i minimized it even, went about my work, forgot about it and then minimized my work and BAM... there it is, still going and going and going...

02-22-2006, 05:44 PM
has everybody lost their goddamn mind?

02-22-2006, 05:46 PM
has everybody lost their goddamn mind?

in the words of Cozzie: it's just the INTERNET...I'm cool it feels great.

02-22-2006, 05:47 PM
has everybody lost their goddamn mind?Many, by the way they act, even lost their goddamned minds!

02-22-2006, 05:51 PM
Many, by the way they act, even lost their goddamned minds!

i'd check if 'god' and 'damned' should be conjoined like that, but i don't want to cause an uproar and get all menstrual on you, my good man.

because, in essence, you agree. and that's half the battle, if not all of it...

02-22-2006, 07:35 PM
You know, when I have a message board fight, it's actually ABOUT something. :rolleyes:

I have agreed with Toucanspam 4 times in the past 20 minutes of skimming these threads. I'm wondering when the world is going to crack open and swallow me whole.

P.S. people who claim that they don't gossip but who carry gossip back to others or who stoke up threads like these need a lot more help than self-admitted gossips like me.

P.S.S. Is this what I'm really missing by not having AIM, etc?

02-22-2006, 07:37 PM
I'm just posting cause I want three Stephens in a row.

02-22-2006, 07:37 PM
yes you're missing all of this. you poor poor deprived little girl you.

02-22-2006, 07:38 PM

02-22-2006, 07:38 PM
let it die then'

02-22-2006, 07:45 PM
brothaz at arms (!)Isn't it "in" arms?

02-22-2006, 07:56 PM
Isn't it "in" arms?

I've heard it both ways to be real with you....

02-22-2006, 08:05 PM
yo mickie, you and your crew meet me at the roxy this saturday cause Im in the mood for some brown boys

02-23-2006, 12:40 PM
As i was reading this, I was listening to an Unkle mix, and it was playing the music from the start of 2001: A Space Odyssey (thus spake zarathusta), you know the music...and it suddenly dawned on me..

THIS is the most elaborate hoax in the history of the BBMB...it's all one big massive game...i havn't worked out who is being punk'd and who is in on it...but it's definitely a hoax.....now i must go all Columbo and find out who the conspirators are (We already know the chief 4..)

hmm..is Q in on it, or is the joke on him???

02-23-2006, 12:42 PM
I've heard it both ways to be real with you....They mean two different things, though. Are you settling or starting beef?

02-23-2006, 12:47 PM
As i was reading this, I was listening to an Unkle mix, and it was playing the music from the start of 2001: A Space Odyssey (thus spake zarathusta), you know the music...and it suddenly dawned on me..

THIS is the most elaborate hoax in the history of the BBMB...it's all one big massive game...i havn't worked out who is being punk'd and who is in on it...but it's definitely a hoax.....now i must go all Columbo and find out who the conspirators are (We already know the chief 4..)

hmm..is Q in on it, or is the joke on him???

dude, no one on here is that smart....

02-23-2006, 04:12 PM
deaths have been faked my man

oh but indeed

02-23-2006, 04:19 PM
I haven't been to The Roxy in probably 10 years, Heiress.

I don't know if I can make it, but maybe my brother could make an appearance for me.

02-23-2006, 04:21 PM
mickill has perpetrated whammies in the past, false IM conversations, but nothing like this. I kind of want to perpetrate a whammy now.

02-23-2006, 04:57 PM
mickill has perpetrated whammies in the past, false IM conversations, but nothing like this. I kind of want to perpetrate a whammy now.

yeah, i'd perpetrate your whammy ;)

oh wait a minute, i had perpetrate confused with another word...nevermind