View Full Version : FAT

02-28-2006, 08:56 PM
Going through a fat stage where every five minutes I'm like "You're a god damn COW!". Lame town. Anyone else go through these? I have a doctor's appt. on Friday. I hate getting on the scale there. Every time I go she talks to me about how I need to be more healthy and I'm overweight :( Blah.

02-28-2006, 09:01 PM
why you go to the doctor?/

and yes,,fat episode happen!

02-28-2006, 09:02 PM
Just a checkup thing at the doctor.

I constantly think about doing things to better my lifestyle by eating more healthy and excercising but I never ever do any of it. I suck

02-28-2006, 09:03 PM
i gain 20lbs every winter

02-28-2006, 09:04 PM
No offense, but the whole 'I'm a cow,' thing is not cool at all. I know for a fact i don't understand it though, because I have limited experience dealing with innermost thoughts of women. All I can do is empathize. :(

I know I'm overweight, but honestly, I'm happy with who I am and I don't let moments like that bother me much. Remembering that people like me for who I am makes me feel better...I dunno if that helps at all..

b i o n i c
02-28-2006, 09:04 PM
i gain 20lbs every winter

you're gonna be really really fat in 10 years

02-28-2006, 09:07 PM
Just a checkup thing at the doctor.

I constantly think about doing things to better my lifestyle by eating more healthy and excercising but I never ever do any of it. I suck

just start by walking a lot!

02-28-2006, 09:07 PM
No offense, but the whole 'I'm a cow,' thing is not cool at all. I know for a fact i don't understand it though, because I have limited experience dealing with innermost thoughts of women. All I can do is empathize. :(

It's so weird too, coming from me because generally I'm a confident person who isn't too worried about it. But in the past few years my confidence has taken a huge nose-dive due to my weight. I think a lot of it really has to do with that I sometimes evaluate myself related to how attractive I am to guys. I don't know why I do that...I guess it's because I always had a lot of guys that liked me through high school and all that. It's SUCH an idiotic way of thinking, and I don't suffer from it like some women do, who base their entire being on this, but I still hate that it bothers me.

02-28-2006, 09:09 PM
what happened to the days when it was a good thing to be fat?? ya know, out there in the wilderness, sleeping outdoors or in caves??

fat people were admired at one time, then that admiration turned into jealousy when all the skinny people started dying in the winter months... that's why there has been and always will be so much prejudice and hate!!

skinny people wish they were fat... not only for insolation but more cushion for the pushin' (y) ;)

02-28-2006, 09:10 PM
i had a whole buncha fat days before i started throwing up my stomach. now i wish i was feeling fat, because it's better than feeling starved. it's a terrible, terrible feeling.

and you're pretty. i dont understand how pretty girls can ever feel bad about themselves.

02-28-2006, 09:11 PM
It's so weird too, coming from me because generally I'm a confident person who isn't too worried about it. But in the past few years my confidence has taken a huge nose-dive due to my weight. I think a lot of it really has to do with that I sometimes evaluate myself related to how attractive I am to guys. I don't know why I do that...I guess it's because I always had a lot of guys that liked me through high school and all that. It's SUCH an idiotic way of thinking, and I don't suffer from it like some women do, who base their entire being on this, but I still hate that it bothers me.

I know this sounds wierd coming from me, but I totally understand that because I deal with the same thing, no jokes. Every once in a while I get caught up in how I appear to the opposite sex. The difference between you and I is that nobody found me attractive in high school at all...but I don't let that bother me because it's not about what other people think, it's about what I think of myself...

...I say that now but bah, I'm 40% about my image and 60% about my personality.

02-28-2006, 09:12 PM
Thank you for the compliment Pauli. Though i do want to aknowledge that I am NOT trying to fish for anything in this thread, I'm mostly just curious as to how many other people go through this kind of thing.

02-28-2006, 09:13 PM
when i feel fat i get off my ass

02-28-2006, 09:17 PM
ride that bike now - ya cow !

02-28-2006, 09:18 PM
when the artic air leaves

02-28-2006, 09:20 PM
soon hopefully!

02-28-2006, 09:27 PM
The "I'm fat" days have been on and off for me recently, which is odd. Especially during winter, I eateateat because going outside sucks. Smoking has helped? But I have this disgusting wheeze everytime I inhale.

At work they call me the "Black Widow" because of how much rice I eat, the whole "LOLZ, you wanna be aZn"-thing. :(

02-28-2006, 09:30 PM
At work they call me the "Black Widow" because of how much rice I eat, the whole "LOLZ, you wanna be aZn"-thing. :(
is your email LiLz_AzN_Dr@g0N_AnG3L_PrYDe@whatever.com? :D

02-28-2006, 09:33 PM
is your email LiLz_AzN_Dr@g0N_AnG3L_PrYDe@whatever.com? :D

Maybe if I were 13 again.

Honestly, as much as I love Japanese stuff, and appreciate the culture, the hair is by no means me trying to be Asian. Nor the eye make-up. :cool:

02-28-2006, 09:42 PM
every time i try on jeans.

kaiser soze
02-28-2006, 09:50 PM
dn't beat yourself up...flip it around into something positive!

since winter kicked in I've softened up a bit...but it goes away in a couple days if i cut back my consumption

I can't wait for spring...my bike and blades are getting dusty and i'm gettin' "gutsy"

02-28-2006, 09:52 PM
I need to lose about 10-15 pounds. I just weighed myself before and whoa that sucked.

02-28-2006, 09:53 PM
Put your bicycle INSIDE the house and mount it on a trainer - which makes your bike stationary and capable of setting a resistance knob so its as hard to pedal as you can handle, pop in some good tunes cranked up with some headphones on and go for at least 30 min. a night. You'll sweat your ass off and the unwanted pounds at the same time. I've been doing this everynight for close to a year and have got a 32" waist back again and have built my metabolism back up too.

http://www.performancebike.com/shop/profile.cfm?SKU=17878&subcategory_ID=4120 any sort of bicycle will fit too.

02-28-2006, 09:54 PM
i haven't weighed myself in months but i know i'm about 10 pounds overweight. it's not so bad, i just have no muscle tone right now. i let myself get soft and i hate that. i'm trying to do pilates breathing and posture constantly now, and it really is a workout.

it was a big wakeup call when i calculated how many calories i need a day. about 500 less than i'm consuming :\

02-28-2006, 09:55 PM
Put your bicycle INSIDE the house and mount it on a trainer - which makes your bike stationary and capable of setting a resistance knob so its as hard to pedal as you can handle, pop in some good tunes cranked up with some headphones on and go for at least 30 min. a night. You'll sweat your ass off and the unwanted pounds at the same time. I've been doing this everynight for close to a year and have got a 32" waist back again and have built my metabolism back up too.

http://www.performancebike.com/shop/profile.cfm?SKU=17878&subcategory_ID=4120 any sort of bicycle will fit too.

that's just silly

02-28-2006, 09:55 PM
i used to a bit. i used to have an eating disorder and i still get those kind of feelings. not so much recently, but i have lost a lot of weight because of this gastroenterological problem i have. i just try to get clothes that fit me well, and cover up what i can.

02-28-2006, 10:01 PM
Cut out ALL junk food and sweets and start drinking more water and diet colas. If I can do it ANYONE can too and you'll feel and look so much better - but ya gotta stay determined and keep at it ! (y)

02-28-2006, 10:05 PM
Cut out ALL junk food and sweets and start drinking more water and diet colas. If I can do it ANYONE can too and you'll feel and look so much better - but ya gotta stay determined and keep at it ! (y)

I love when fat people come to the restaurant and order a greasy cheeseburger and then ask for a coke.

"We have Pepsi, is that okay?"

Ya' know what... Make that DIET Pepsi then.

02-28-2006, 10:06 PM
soda = evil

02-28-2006, 10:56 PM
Funny.Everytime me and my boy rhyme,its like blah blah blah and I dont know how.Blah blah blah Im fat as a cow.

02-28-2006, 10:59 PM
soda = evil

how can something evil be so, so delicious

03-01-2006, 12:46 AM
my mom always made fun of my thin arms as a kid and now i have a complex about showing them.

also, she was positive i was anorexic. she held that belief even after she dragged me to the doctor's office to have a blood test and the doc determined i was healthy.


Anne Lauren
03-01-2006, 01:37 AM
You're not fat, Dandy. I'm not just saying that to be nice and polite, either...or I would've just not commented, at all. And I've seen your picture (a recent one)...so, I know what I'm talking about.

So, you've put on more weight then you're comfortable with...you'll lose it. And besides, your strong personality makes up for any physical insecurites you might be feeling...and, honestly, personality will either make you or break you, as far as, someone noticing you and finding you attractive.

Anyway, I read this and had to make this comment because it's important that you know that because it's the truth...and all that was a compliment, by the way.

03-01-2006, 02:21 AM
I am terribly overweight and it really bothers me. I have always been afraid of getting too heavy, because it runs in the family from my mum's side (I had an aunt who weighed over 200 kilos, she died because of it). Once I counted I'd gained 1 kilo a year since turning 20. Luckily this winter I lost 4 kilos because I couldn't afford to eat or travel so I had to ride my bike everywhere. A few years ago I went to the doctors (there I met a woman who'd also gained an awful lot after hysterectomy so we suspected that has something to do with it as well) and I got these pills that make you eat less. I lost about three kilos, but I'd started working at the same time, where I had to walk alot.
I really need to loose weight, my condition is so bad, and I think it's weird I don't loose more. I move a bit (propably not enough) and I don't eat junk food. I have an occational cookie or bun and maybe a packet of crisps a month so I don't do that in eccess either. Sometimes I don't care that I'm so fat, but when I see pictures of me these days it makes me wanna hide, and it's rare I find nice clothes that fit. I think the only thing that works now is liposuction.... :(

03-01-2006, 04:23 AM
I'm claiming "exemption" at the moment. They're all fat days for me right now. Fortunately though I don't think I'm gaining much that isn't just regular pregnancy wieght. I hope not anyway.

I do have days lately where I pretty much just eat all the livelong day, but mostly it's good stuff, lots of fruit and nuts and yogurt. There is of course the odd "bad thing" thrown into the mix though - yesterday at work we had a lunch meeting and my colleagues were having a laugh at the fact that my lunch was an organic turkey and organic cheddar cheese sandwich on organic 7-seed wholegrain bread with organic mustard and organic alfalfa sprouts, and a bag of cool ranch doritos.

03-01-2006, 04:44 AM
You're not fat, Dandy. I'm not just saying that to be nice and polite, either...or I would've just not commented, at all. And I've seen your picture (a recent one)...so, I know what I'm talking about.

So, you've put on more weight then you're comfortable with...you'll lose it. And besides, your strong personality makes up for any physical insecurites you might be feeling...and, honestly, personality will either make you or break you, as far as, someone noticing you and finding you attractive.

Well I really thank you for all of that, though to be honest, there's a reason there's usually only pictures of my face around here. My face isn't fat, my stomach is. I know I will lose it eventually, it's just that this is how the past 3 years have been, and every few days I'm like "this is the week, I'll do it!". yeah never happens. Hopefully after I get out of school I can live up to it.

03-01-2006, 04:46 AM
Sometimes I don't care that I'm so fat, but when I see pictures of me these days it makes me wanna hide, and it's rare I find nice clothes that fit. I think the only thing that works now is liposuction.... :(

Yeah, pictures are the WORST. Anything from the neck down makes me wanna barf. My boobs also tend to make me look fatter than I actually am. I'm sorry you've struggled so much with it - it does sound like you lead a healthy lifestyle and that sucks that it hasn't gotten you to where you want so far :( Keep trying though. We should be internet workout buddies :D

03-01-2006, 07:19 AM
My buddy went on something like the Atkins Diet where he intially ate nothing but steak and eggs. And shit howdy he was eatting like feeding time at the zoo. The Dr.'s slowly but surely weened him onto other foods~vegetables but not starches. Long and short of it is he lost a small thai persons weight. I think supplements were involved as well.

The best self imposed diet I was on was a mountain of coke and beer. Sunken cheeks in no time but was rather expensive and nerve wracking

03-01-2006, 07:59 AM
i'm so glad i'm not a woman.

you ladies spend 50% of your LIVES obsessing over your weight.

when will women, and society at large, wake up and realize that women are SUPPOSED to have plump hips and a pooch belly.
that's the natural state of the female body (on the average).

the women you see in the media are the TINY fractional exception (the far end of the bell curve), yet they are put on a pedastal and get ALL the exposure...so women and society start considering THAT to be the "norm".


accept your curves. accept your pooch belly. except a little cellulite.

so you got a little roll around you hips.
so you can't see your ribs.
who gives a fuck.

as long as your not obese or seriously unhealthy...

worry about things that matter.

03-01-2006, 08:11 AM
^ my bf says that. but then complains about his little belly (which is basically non-existant. the boy is built like god.) he says he likes me a little bigger. but... im so much bigger now than i used to be. my damn meds made me gain SO MUCH WEIGHT.

eh... feeling fat sucks. but even when i was skinny, i always felt fat (thus, eating disorder).

im gonna try to eat now. (y)

03-01-2006, 08:12 AM
Q we'll stop worrying about it just as soon as men stop worrying about hair loss.

03-01-2006, 08:32 AM
Q we'll stop worrying about it just as soon as men stop worrying about hair loss.

I am pretty much bald, have been since I was 23 - it doesnt bother me in the slightest. It gives me a good excuse to own a fine selection of hats and I look awesome in a Trilby (y) (y)

I am also overweight and that does bother me - I dont think its just a female thing - my weight is directly linked to my happiness/quality of life. As someone whose weight yoyos from average to obese I have realised that people treat you very differently when you are fat. It sucks

03-01-2006, 08:37 AM
Q we'll stop worrying about it just as soon as men stop worrying about hair loss.




kaiser soze
03-01-2006, 08:41 AM
my mom always made fun of my thin arms as a kid and now i have a complex about showing them.

also, she was positive i was anorexic. she held that belief even after she dragged me to the doctor's office to have a blood test and the doc determined i was healthy.


yeah, same here ( besides my mom calling me an anorexic )

Even when i did work out I didn't bulk up much, just toned out

I think my physique is designed for speed, I'm quite explosive in a sprint and can get jettin' on my bike/blades

03-01-2006, 08:49 AM
Fuck you all.

I've been living in a "fat stage" since 5th grade.

03-01-2006, 08:58 AM
i'm sure you're just big boned

03-01-2006, 11:46 AM
you are a very pretty girl and are certaintly not "fat" by any means.
i have a right to say this as i am also a hot curvy girl!

of course, all women have "fat" days.
i started going on the pill about 4 years ago and i gained a lot of weight very quickly, and it left me with some stretch marks on my tummy. it could be worse, but it could be a whole lot better. that is what most gets me down when i have those days. it's like "oh, yeah, what, so i'm not stick thin but thank you got for permanently SCARRING ME to remind me of my curvy-ness!" i wouldn't mind so much being this shape, as long as i didn't have those marks to fucking ruin it. too many tears have been shed over this bullshit, gah!

what gets me is that there is a woman on celebrity fat/fit/whatever club right now that is about half a stone lighter than me [albeit she is also about half a foot shorter so that would make her actually overweight!]. and it's not as if i live a completely ridiculously unhealthy lifestyle. again, it could be worse, it could be better. i don't eat a lot of junk food. i just eat normally. i always fill half my plate with salad because i, get this, ENJOY it! but the rest of the plate i will have normal, wholesome food like lasagne or pasta or chicken and pesto or chilli or whatever. i walk quite a lot. i drink lots of water. i'm not afraid of carbs. every now and then i'll have something naughty but i don't feel bad about it. if there's something that is "off limits" that just makes me want it more. everything in moderation.

it is just the way of my body and i know i could be slimmer but do i really want to enter regime of going regularly to the gym for the rest of my life [for that, rather than diet for me, is what actually shifts the pounds]? no. because i find it really fucking boring and i could think of better ways to spend my time. like, uh, playing computer games or reading a book. and.. stuff.

shopping for clothes can sometimes bring me down a peg or two but i have a new philosophy about things. two days ago i went shopping and saw a skirt, and it screamed everything bad according to those bastardly magazines for curvy girls: "SATIN! PENCIL SKIRT! BELT!" but i thought holy crap, that looks nice so i tried it on. i was in two minds whether the b00tay said "fat ass" or "totally hot ass" but i went for "totally hot ass" and i agree, it is.. er, totally hot.

my boyfriend thinks i am the hottest person on the planet.
i never agree with him.
.. but in my new pencil skirt, i do! :cool: hehe.

03-01-2006, 01:42 PM
I have issues with overweighness. I think I have anger toward my mother that I'm leaqrning to admit to for having been obese throughtout my youth and then dying early from it. I have hostile feelings about people that are not very rational. I overcome them outwardly and manage to be warm and human to all body types, but I still have a rather unfortunate set of feelings to work through.

When I was a lad on the east side of town --the ghetto-slums-- I used to run about with my friends for all the daytime hours and I was quite thin. The only time I've ever been skinny.

When we moved over to the west side of town we got cable tv, an atari 2600 and an inexhaustable supply of 2 liter soda bottles and started going to McDonalds and ordering in a pizza anytime I asked for it. I started to become really overfat. And then I would get a really negative self-image about my body and begin dieting, which would make things worse. I suppose I was enacting the model set forth for me by my mother. I would feel really bad about myself and start lifting weights for a time and I would become a fat guy with muscles underneath. And there was one unfortunate period where I got a girlfriend and we had a bizarre codependancy thing and we became really fat together.

When I was in college I decided to never drink carbonated beverages again. Then I become a vegetarian. Those helped a little. I realized that I could sink lots of hours into basketball and it was fun enough that it didn't seem like exercise. And most importantly I found a book, Bodyfueling by Robyn Landis, that taught me the info that was vital to my future health.

I tried to share all of this info with my mom but she was always all Anikin Skywalker on me "It's too late for me son..."

I got really pissed about all of the CO in the air and ditched my motor vehicle in favor of walking. That was too slow so I stepped up to biking which has been working for me.

Presently I earn a living doing hard physical labor for 6 to 10 hours at a stretch so it isn't much of an issue. I'm probably in the best mid-winter shape I've been in in my whole life. Would not for the fact that the piss-poor air quality at work gives me resperitory issues and the work gives me repetitive motion injuries I'd give myself the perfect bill of health.

03-01-2006, 02:07 PM
Q we'll stop worrying about it just as soon as men stop worrying about hair loss.

I can't really relate to that whole hair loss/vanity thing. Sure, my hair is going at a fairly rapid rate, but I love it. I always hated my hair, and starting to lose it was a realy good excuse to shave it all off. And I've recently started getting into hats too (y)

03-01-2006, 02:25 PM
Every thin and in-shape girl I've known has had fat days, some of them just joke about it and don't seem to mind.

I feel fat each time I get ready to go into dance class, lycra and spandex, a wall of mirrors. I feel fat when I'm lying in bed next to my bf in just shorts or less and I look down and see the squish in my thighs pushed out. The worst is when I'm feeling normal and thin, then suddenly feel fat because I look down and my tummy is bulging over my waistband, and I'm still hungry. Yeah, I've felt fat almost everyday this month. I eat junk all the time, drink soda every day. I don't get enough exercise at all.

03-01-2006, 03:14 PM
Chubby women are sexy. When women are hourglass shaped, irrespective of the proportions of the hourglass, they are a wonder to behold. It is the pear shaped bodies that I fail to find the physical attraction in, and just start looking for the beauty in their personhood or wherever it is to be found.

But yeah. Chubby women are hot. As are thin women. Women who find themselves attractive are generally the hottest women around. They carry themselves in an attractive way or something. It can even make up for other things that are lacking.

The other thing that's really attractive on a woman: brains (see also, HEIRESS)

cj hood
03-01-2006, 03:21 PM
Going through a fat stage where every five minutes I'm like "You're a god damn COW!". Lame town. Anyone else go through these? I have a doctor's appt. on Friday. I hate getting on the scale there. Every time I go she talks to me about how I need to be more healthy and I'm overweight :( Blah.


03-01-2006, 03:22 PM
you are a very pretty girl and are certaintly not "fat" by any means.
i have a right to say this as i am also a hot curvy girl!

of course, all women have "fat" days.
i started going on the pill about 4 years ago and i gained a lot of weight very quickly, and it left me with some stretch marks on my tummy. it could be worse, but it could be a whole lot better. that is what most gets me down when i have those days. it's like "oh, yeah, what, so i'm not stick thin but thank you got for permanently SCARRING ME to remind me of my curvy-ness!" i wouldn't mind so much being this shape, as long as i didn't have those marks to fucking ruin it. too many tears have been shed over this bullshit, gah!

what gets me is that there is a woman on celebrity fat/fit/whatever club right now that is about half a stone lighter than me [albeit she is also about half a foot shorter so that would make her actually overweight!]. and it's not as if i live a completely ridiculously unhealthy lifestyle. again, it could be worse, it could be better. i don't eat a lot of junk food. i just eat normally. i always fill half my plate with salad because i, get this, ENJOY it! but the rest of the plate i will have normal, wholesome food like lasagne or pasta or chicken and pesto or chilli or whatever. i walk quite a lot. i drink lots of water. i'm not afraid of carbs. every now and then i'll have something naughty but i don't feel bad about it. if there's something that is "off limits" that just makes me want it more. everything in moderation.

it is just the way of my body and i know i could be slimmer but do i really want to enter regime of going regularly to the gym for the rest of my life [for that, rather than diet for me, is what actually shifts the pounds]? no. because i find it really fucking boring and i could think of better ways to spend my time. like, uh, playing computer games or reading a book. and.. stuff.

shopping for clothes can sometimes bring me down a peg or two but i have a new philosophy about things. two days ago i went shopping and saw a skirt, and it screamed everything bad according to those bastardly magazines for curvy girls: "SATIN! PENCIL SKIRT! BELT!" but i thought holy crap, that looks nice so i tried it on. i was in two minds whether the b00tay said "fat ass" or "totally hot ass" but i went for "totally hot ass" and i agree, it is.. er, totally hot.

my boyfriend thinks i am the hottest person on the planet.
i never agree with him.
.. but in my new pencil skirt, i do! :cool: hehe.

You response ruled.

Thanks for the responses though, everyone, it's interesting to hear how this affects so many people. I would mostly like to be more healthy so I could actually have energy and do the billion things I always tell myself I wanna do.

03-01-2006, 03:28 PM
You're an ok gal. (y)

For a fop!

Cooky Puss
03-01-2006, 03:49 PM
I've been fat since I was a baby, and I must say that it screwed me up quite a bit. As soon as I came in contact with other kids (pre-school, aged 1) I got bullied. I was 'weird'. Wasn't allowed to join in games.
Now I'm concious about everything. Everyone who looks vaguely in my direction must be looking at me because i'm so grotesque.
People say I'm not that fat, but then why can't I find proper clothes? Because apparently I'm abnormal.
Some days I'm fine, when surrounded by friends or whatever. But most days I'd rather not even go out.
Flab has made me a nerd. :(

03-01-2006, 04:07 PM

03-01-2006, 04:12 PM
no problem dandy.

hey, i'm a curvy woman with a first class honours degree. this makes me a hotttt woman also according to gmile's standards, which i totally agree with! werd up. (y) i think i am having a confidence:upwards week this week in the face of all the shatty jobs i am doing to support myself. coolness. imma work it! :)

03-01-2006, 05:26 PM
i'm so glad i'm not a woman.

you ladies spend 50% of your LIVES obsessing over your weight.

when will women, and society at large, wake up and realize that women are SUPPOSED to have plump hips and a pooch belly.
that's the natural state of the female body (on the average).

the women you see in the media are the TINY fractional exception (the far end of the bell curve), yet they are put on a pedastal and get ALL the exposure...so women and society start considering THAT to be the "norm".


accept your curves. accept your pooch belly. except a little cellulite.

so you got a little roll around you hips.
so you can't see your ribs.
who gives a fuck.

as long as your not obese or seriously unhealthy...

worry about things that matter.

Some ladies do obsess, but not the logical ones...it's all about how they view the term "beauty" and "healthy"...these two terms are interlocked in terms of what we look for in an ideal mate because a lady woudln't give a shit bout how "fat" they look if they weren't trying to bag that top gun. Some might, but the majority wouldn't. But better to be healthy in look and inside more then anything. Nothing wrong with some curves and child breeding hips. Life is too short to worry about simple things like Soda, Chips and Cookies. Things like that will not kill you unlike some other bad habits as long as it is done in moderation.

03-01-2006, 06:07 PM
seeing sternims, ribs and hipbones is very disgusting. and when you slap an ass that shit should bounce. women are suppose to be soft and supple compared to men. women are suppose to have a higher body fat percentage then men. but they all want to be rails. i'd rather have a girl that's 10 pounds overweight than a girl that's 10 pounds underweight.

03-01-2006, 06:16 PM
so do you go around touching chicks often?

03-01-2006, 06:24 PM
We should be internet workout buddies :D
Yeah but all we can do here is the ten finger waltz.... :rolleyes:

03-01-2006, 06:26 PM
seeing sternims, ribs and hipbones is very disgusting. and when you slap an ass that shit should bounce. women are suppose to be soft and supple compared to men. women are suppose to have a higher body fat percentage then men. but they all want to be rails. i'd rather have a girl that's 10 pounds overweight than a girl that's 10 pounds underweight.
