View Full Version : Why do U like the Beastie Boys?

04-13-2006, 09:31 PM
so why do u like them? what is it about them that made u become a fan?
sorry in advance if i get to deep and serious ok.

this is my reason: a few months ago i first saw them perform on SNL it was a re-run from 98' and they had such an awesome vibe about their performence that it made me wanna check em' out. and i discovered the craziness of Licensed to Ill and then i saw them change from these obnoxious frat boys ryming to these respected brilliant artists that they are today. the music is brilliant too. u can tell how much they have changed by listening to their music and be amazed.

wow i have gotten really serious and deep today

so wut made u wanna check em out? or why r u a fan of them?

04-13-2006, 09:38 PM
I would have to say that it was part of the rebellion of growing up that got me into them.

LTI hit and I was about 14. I can't think of a more rebellious age than that or a better rebellion album at that time. As I grew older and matured, their music did the same. I guess you can say that their music is a part of me just like my hand or my foot.

04-13-2006, 10:07 PM
I would have to say that it was part of the rebellion of growing up that got me into them.

LTI hit and I was about 14. I can't think of a more rebellious age than that or a better rebellion album at that time. As I grew older and matured, their music did the same. I guess you can say that their music is a part of me just like my hand or my foot.

Exactly what he said...except I was 16. :)

04-13-2006, 11:52 PM
i heard sum of there tt5b stuff and it sounded alright, but i neva really had a chance to consider them as a band, then i heard the LTI stuff late 2004 and i was like WOW, this shits ok, so then i started to check more of it out, and the more i heard the more i liked it. like all there albums and all the stages they've progressed through as artists are just sick!

04-14-2006, 01:08 AM
cause they don't suck

04-14-2006, 03:59 AM
because they are very versatile musicians, an amalgam of so many different genres and styles...i dont view them as a hip hop group or rock group...just a group of eclectic musicians who's influences hold no bounds...they are always outside of the box.:eek:

04-14-2006, 05:57 PM
when i was in first grade i loved the body movin' music that my dad would let me wacth all the time. And today i still like them, more then ever!

-sorry if it didin't made sense.:(

04-14-2006, 07:20 PM
i remember seeing them on and off as a kid on Mtv with their videos and didn't think much about them at the time...then one summer i was watching music videos at 2 am and they showed the intergalactic video and i was COMPLETELY blown away!! The beats they laid down for that song were the krunkest i've ever heard at that time!! The video was so damn originial too that i couldn't help but to fall in love with these guys. I remember listening to them every morning before i went to school like sipping on a cup of coffee... needed that beastie fix...it got me thru the day!

you've already won me over,
in spite of me
and don't be alarmed if i fall
head over feet
and don't be surprised if i love you
for all that you are...
i couldn't help it,...

04-14-2006, 08:29 PM
It was a glorious day in my mothers womb...

I was chillin, relaxin, watching my fingers sprout, just finding out what a "pee-pee" was. I was mooching off my mom's meals, boy were they delicious, i remember the exact last meal i had before IT happened... I was taken...

there was a strange light, an oppening, i think. Before i had time to run in the other direction, i was pulled out, wailing, screaming, all bloody. "NO! put me back!" i said. but no. the next thing i know im all wrapped up in a cozy blanky, cuddling in my moms arms, and i looked her in the eyes and said... "I like it here"

All of this happened on February 27, of the year 1992.

And that's how i was born.

04-15-2006, 12:35 AM
"i have never been more ready in my entire life, to do this right now, never.'

it's all leading up this moment

M.C. Guevera
04-15-2006, 07:15 AM
I guess it's because I can relate to them more than some other rappers. I dress like them. I'm into some of the music they're into. They're also down to earth nice, funny guys, so that helps too.

04-15-2006, 09:07 AM
Yauch's fingers.

It was a glorious day in my mothers womb...

I was chillin, relaxin, watching my fingers sprout, just finding out what a "pee-pee" was. I was mooching off my mom's meals, boy were they delicious, i remember the exact last meal i had before IT happened... I was taken...

there was a strange light, an oppening, i think. Before i had time to run in the other direction, i was pulled out, wailing, screaming, all bloody. "NO! put me back!" i said. but no. the next thing i know im all wrapped up in a cozy blanky, cuddling in my moms arms, and i looked her in the eyes and said... "I like it here"

All of this happened on February 27, of the year 1992.

And that's how i was born.
lol. and it has nothing to do with the topic. gotta love it.

MC Boulangerie
04-15-2006, 11:03 AM
I like Beastie Boys because when they speak French it's hilarious, listen (http://oguzdemir.free.fr/bbfrench.mp3) :D

I joke :D

04-15-2006, 11:25 AM
Beasties have been in my life since they first busted on the scene in the 80s. My older brother would blast his stereo loud as hell. So I have always been a fan. They really got my attention with Hello Nasty.

Chicka B
04-15-2006, 11:39 AM
Well when I was in my mommy's tummy my dad would jam Licensed To Ill and I would kick. So maybe I was born to be a fan. :D But I always heard songs from them throughout my life, like on the radio, or tv, but didn't think much of it except I liked it. And I remember the Check It Out video would come on MTV a lot. I remember thinking that they were very unique, and I liked the song, I just didn't know what the hell they were saying. When I saw who it was by, I thought the Beastie Boys sounded very familiar. But later, I was staying up, and the 2 dollar bill show came on and I watched it and was all like "damn". I never seen anything like it, 3 white guys rapping and it was actually good. Also I thought they were hot (I just turned 14 then). :p I was at my friend's house, and her cousin had TT5B and I was like "Beastie Boys? Let me listen!". At first he wouldn't let me listen to it because he was very touchy with his cds, but I snatched it, ran up the stairs, and locked the bathroom door haha. I think what made me even a bigger fan was finding this site. Because I was looking up the Check It Out lyrics, and I found a bunch of sites with lyrics and read them and was like wow, I gotta hear these songs. Then I found this site, and it said official, so I was like "eh?" and I think it wasn't even fully done yet, but I signed up, read, and BAM! I was offically a fan. Then I got all their albums, one by one, and was addicted to them all. Listened to it over and over, bought another one. Wasn't that a wonderful story? :rolleyes: Oh yeah, and I love them, yeah that's right LOVE, because they're so unique and different then anything I ever heard. Obviously, I like their music and they seem like very down to earth funny guys, and just have an all around cool vibe. You know?

04-15-2006, 01:03 PM
you just made more sense than ever, Chicka. :D

Chicka B
04-15-2006, 02:05 PM
you just made more sense than ever, Chicka. :D

For real? I was really trying to. :o

04-15-2006, 02:25 PM
b/c they're in my heart.

b/c they make me contemplate nothing something and everything inbetween sometimes (*and it's never depressing*) (y)

b/c they are part of my soundtrack for life

b/c I remember the first time I saw the video FFYR. I was 8 bored and flipping for cartoons and I caught the vid when they were doin' the same thing. I thought-"yeahp, I'm doin' the same thing." and my life changed after I saw that vid. Dunno why.. like grinches heart I think my consciousness grew 3 sizes that day. After that I added Mtv to my flipping stations in the morning in hopes of catching another glimse of that video that is hilarious as an 8yr old or an adult.

04-15-2006, 03:55 PM
It was a glorious day in my mothers womb...

I was chillin, relaxin, watching my fingers sprout, just finding out what a "pee-pee" was. I was mooching off my mom's meals, boy were they delicious, i remember the exact last meal i had before IT happened... I was taken...

there was a strange light, an oppening, i think. Before i had time to run in the other direction, i was pulled out, wailing, screaming, all bloody. "NO! put me back!" i said. but no. the next thing i know im all wrapped up in a cozy blanky, cuddling in my moms arms, and i looked her in the eyes and said... "I like it here"

All of this happened on February 27, of the year 1992.

And that's how i was born.

same story as me, except a day before. i remember it clearly it was February 26, 1992:cool:

04-15-2006, 04:11 PM
I mistakenly came here when i was really trying to get on the backstreet boys message board

They both start with a b ya know

04-16-2006, 04:36 PM
because they seemed different from other guys and they were dead sexy and cool and they're really the guys that made me start liking rap since like the only white guy rapper i was listening to before was aaron carter :rolleyes:

hmm...and i liked that guy yauch who i couldn't take my eyes off of! wow he's good-looking....

beastie boys and me were made for each other man.

the end. (y)
(or is it?)

04-16-2006, 05:09 PM
my uncle gave me the jimmy james and so whatcha want cd singles when i was like 8 and then in about 02 i finally picked up Hello Nasty, then PB, LTI, CYH, IC. in that order. so it was kinda all at once.

04-17-2006, 12:36 AM
Don't ask me cause I just dont know

04-17-2006, 02:34 AM
Well when I was in my mommy's tummy my dad would jam Licensed To Ill and I would kick. So maybe I was born to be a fan. :D But I always heard songs from them throughout my life, like on the radio, or tv, but didn't think much of it except I liked it. And I remember the Check It Out video would come on MTV a lot. I remember thinking that they were very unique, and I liked the song, I just didn't know what the hell they were saying. When I saw who it was by, I thought the Beastie Boys sounded very familiar. But later, I was staying up, and the 2 dollar bill show came on and I watched it and was all like "damn". I never seen anything like it, 3 white guys rapping and it was actually good. Also I thought they were hot (I just turned 14 then). :p I was at my friend's house, and her cousin had TT5B and I was like "Beastie Boys? Let me listen!". At first he wouldn't let me listen to it because he was very touchy with his cds, but I snatched it, ran up the stairs, and locked the bathroom door haha. I think what made me even a bigger fan was finding this site. Because I was looking up the Check It Out lyrics, and I found a bunch of sites with lyrics and read them and was like wow, I gotta hear these songs. Then I found this site, and it said official, so I was like "eh?" and I think it wasn't even fully done yet, but I signed up, read, and BAM! I was offically a fan. Then I got all their albums, one by one, and was addicted to them all. Listened to it over and over, bought another one. Wasn't that a wonderful story? :rolleyes: Oh yeah, and I love them, yeah that's right LOVE, because they're so unique and different then anything I ever heard. Obviously, I like their music and they seem like very down to earth funny guys, and just have an all around cool vibe. You know?
neat story, but that's not quite the question

titou lapraline
04-17-2006, 10:20 AM
I recently ask myself this question...
...Probably because I identify with the boys... I don't know why...
When I listen to other musics ( even if that's a good song)
there's not the little "knack" which makes me....................jump:)

Chicka B
04-17-2006, 02:08 PM
neat story, but that's not quite the question

Look who's talking. :rolleyes:

04-18-2006, 09:35 AM
Knowing I'm dating my old ass to this crowd, for me, it started with Cookie Puss....somewhere around the 3rd or 4th grade:eek: From there, watching kids break dancin on the playground to waxing on my little brother--cuz I got ALL the lyrics down, beasties have always been a part of me. Felt the same about RUN DMC too, til something happened and everything went to shit for them....sometime after 'Pause', I'm not sure the exact year.

The best is watching them live.....this old ass walked right up front and had to school all the youngins gettin the friggin words wrong, too :) I hear the crowds are better than previous performances, it was like watching ocean waves of people just movin and groovin.....but the crown in Boston's pretty chill, so I'm sure I'm biased not having seen them in any other major city....

04-18-2006, 09:46 AM
I was shopping for football boots in the city center and the shop was playing 'so whatcha want'. I waited until the end of the song so I could hear who it was.

I bought the cheaper boots and went into ourprice records and bought 'check your head' on tape.

I was 11 so it must have been one of my first music purchases after 2 unlimited, but lets not go there, eh?