View Full Version : celebrate your health

06-22-2006, 02:05 PM
working for a disability insurance company has made me appreciate my health lately. i used to work in short term, meaning for the most part, they were people who suffered temporary illnesses or injuries that kept them out of work for a little while. that was depressing enough, but now i'm in the long term department, where the majority of the claims have illnesses that are basically disabling them until they die. you read through the files and you read the medical records, and it's basically telling you how long they expect the people to live, it kind of makes me feel good about my own health. my legs work, my bones stay together, my heart works, my brain works, i sleep ok, i breathe ok, i'm not obese, etc. etc.

i mean, i complain when i get a sore throat, but these guys, yeesh. i know it sounds sappy, but i've sort of come to appreciate my health. i bet it's one of those things you take for granted, that you don't care about till it starts to fail.

not me though, not anymore. every day my throat feels fine, every day my nose doesn't run, every day my back doesn't hurt, i'll be glad about that.

until i do get sick. then it will be BITCHFEST CITY

06-22-2006, 02:13 PM
Some people can't even imagine what life would be like not feeling like shit every day.

Sometimes I see people and it looks like simple walking is awkward and painful for them, I don't know what's wrong with them. And then I realize...simple walking is awkward and painful for them.

It's not enough for me to just feel good enough though. I have to feel like I can twist up like a pretzel and stand upside down and kick my legs all willy nilly in the air and spin in circles...or else I feel like I'm falling apart or swallowing myself up into my own fat stores.

Does Bitchfest city have a tourist season? If so, it's probably in the winter.

06-22-2006, 02:17 PM
it's a year-round hot spot for the self-conscious.

this is probably the second-gayest topic i've ever made, i'm aware, but nuts to it. i'm in my prime

06-22-2006, 02:19 PM
Every now and then I remember to be grateful I don't have a cold. That's kind of lame compared with, say, MS or something, but, seriously -- colds really, really suck and I'm glad to be grateful when I don't have one.

06-22-2006, 02:22 PM
I'm grateful that there's nothing wrong with the inside of my mouth, because when there is, that is impossible to ignore.

I wonder if my parents raised me well, or if I'm of naturally strong stock. I'd like to think so. But I'm a wuss. But I'd like to think that if I had lived back in the mideival times, that I'd have survived passed age 6.

06-22-2006, 02:24 PM
Every now and then I remember to be grateful I don't have a cold. That's kind of lame compared with, say, MS or something, but, seriously -- colds really, really suck and I'm glad to be grateful when I don't have one.

yeah! that's how i got started thinking about it too. i do exactly the same thing, occasionally i'll think to myself "i'm really glad i don't have a cold". i don't get them too often, so it really sucks when i do. same thing for sore throats and canker sores and stuff.

and then i thought, if colds suck so much, imagine how bad it must be to have, you know, irritable bowel syndrome or HIV or something. then i look at the file i'm holding and this guy has both. and he's recovering from a stroke. lovely.

a clean bill of health is a nice thing.

06-22-2006, 02:28 PM
...but you always have your message board addiction to fall back on. (y)

06-22-2006, 02:28 PM
...but you always have your message board addiction to fall back on. (y)

AKA, bitchfest city

06-22-2006, 02:31 PM
I was blesssed with a strong will (mental health), for when I talk to some of these people that seem to come to me with their problems I am thankful that I have been where they are and not let it make me crumble...for if I did have a weak will or weak mind I might just have jumped off the tallest building in bitchfest city by now.

06-22-2006, 02:31 PM
AKA, bitchfest city

...jeez. I heard Axl Rose in my head when I read that.

The Notorious LOL
06-22-2006, 02:32 PM
I rarely get sick but when I do its like the six or seven flus everyone else has caught that I didnt get all come at once.

06-22-2006, 02:51 PM
I used to think "I'm from good stock" too. Then, I almost died and was on short-term disability thanks to a blood clotting condition. Puts things in perspective, or so you'd think.

My mom, in trying to console herself, said, "It's a good think you're from good stock." My only response could have been, "then I would have died as oppossed to needing emergency surgery." But I let her stay in denial.

Not only is it good not to feel like shit everyday, it's good to be young. One of the first things kate(d) ever said to me on here was to the effect of 'I never want to get old, lose my faculties, and die.'

06-22-2006, 02:59 PM
I used to think "I'm from good stock" too. Then, I almost died and was on short-term disability thanks to a blood clotting condition. Puts things in perspective, or so you'd think.

My mom, in trying to console herself, said, "It's a good think you're from good stock." My only response could have been, "then I would have died as oppossed to needing emergency surgery." But I let her stay in denial.

Not only is it good not to feel like shit everyday, it's good to be young. One of the first things kate(d) ever said to me on here was to the effect of 'I never want to get old, lose my faculties, and die.'

yeah, i'm beginning to think that way too. some of these disabilities aren't even from a specific event, it's just from aging. i quite like being spry. i don't have a frame of reference but i do like it. i should take advantage of it. learn a martial art or tai chi or take a dance class or something.

06-22-2006, 03:02 PM
It's all downhill from here.

06-22-2006, 03:02 PM
It's all downhill from here.

unless your Hugh Hefner'

06-22-2006, 03:03 PM
It's all downhill from here.

yaup, that's pretty much what i'm saying.

06-22-2006, 03:05 PM
Well then, you are right. The best way to celebrate your health would be to take advantage of it while it's still letting you live in its house, propping your feet up on its coffee table, cleaning out its fridge and watching its TV.

06-22-2006, 03:06 PM
I take a dance class with 8 year olds. One of them is my friend.

enree erzweglle
06-22-2006, 04:05 PM
Well then, you are right. The best way to celebrate your health would be to take advantage of it while it's still letting you live in its house, propping your feet up on its coffee table, cleaning out its fridge and watching its TV.And do stuff that'll promote good health and don't do stuff that'll risk your health. Even if you can add a few healthy things and cut out just a few unhealthy things, those are valuable contributions. Everything I do wrt exercise and eating, I do to contribute to my overall health and staving off the illnesses that run on one side of my family. I think our bodies are gifts and yeah, I owe it to myself to make the best of it.

There is an enormous storm brewing outside and the air is green. (y)

06-22-2006, 05:58 PM
It's all downhill from here.Doesn't that mean things get easier?
I take a dance class with 8 year olds. One of them is my friend.The rest don't like you? :(
And do stuff that'll promote good health and don't do stuff that'll risk your health. Even if you can add a few healthy things and cut out just a few unhealthy things, those are valuable contributions. Everything I do wrt exercise and eating, I do to contribute to my overall health and staving off the illnesses that run on one side of my family. I think our bodies are gifts and yeah, I owe it to myself to make the best of it.

There is an enormous storm brewing outside and the air is green. (y)Is that last line a metaphor?

I agree that we owe it to ourselves and families to stay as healthy as possible. :D

enree erzweglle
06-23-2006, 12:00 AM
There is an enormous storm brewing outside and the air is green. Is that last line a metaphor?No. It was just my thoughts jumping to the cool storm outside. I was sitting by a big window with my laptop. (y) It turns out that that storm was like some big bully storm. A whole lot of rumbling and green and posturing and it mostly rolled overhead to bully the smaller outlying neighborhoods.

I agree that we owe it to ourselves and families to stay as healthy as possible. :DSee you had a fairly big episode in your life with your own health and it maybe was a turning point or a waking up point for you to shift attitudes. That happened to me at a fairly young age when someone close to me died and then it was reinforced when my ma died [illness] when she was pretty young. A set of tought defining moments that had net positive effects.

Someone once told me that my drive to be healthy and to exercise is a gift that I take for granted. As if this just happened...bing...and sustains itself effortlessly with me. As if I don't face the same urges and have to make the same sets of decisions that anyone else faces. :rolleyes: