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07-27-2006, 12:33 PM
Exxon Mobil Profit Jumps 36%

DALLAS (AP) -- Exxon Mobil Corp. said Thursday it earned $10.36 billion in the second quarter, the second largest quarterly profit ever recorded by a publicly traded U.S. company.

Surprised? (http://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory?id=2243503) As we try and spread democracy through violence in the Middle East, South Korea tests Nuclear Weapons that can cross oceans, Israel bombs the fuck out of it's neighbors, level 5 hurricanes hit US shores, Artic ice melts away, somehow ExxonMobile found a way to make a tidy profit from their lack of production capabilities.

Way To Go ExxonMobile! (y)

07-27-2006, 12:42 PM
They have every right to make that much money. It all goes back into research. Every penny. And to pay for government restrictions. Oh wait, profit?

kaiser soze
07-27-2006, 02:16 PM
good to hear we're making them even more rich

07-27-2006, 11:21 PM
Hey, it's simple economics. If there's less oil, they have to charge out the ass to make more money. Don't even think about WHETHER they'd still make more than enough money by charging less, because that's not the point! The point is, rich whiteys have money, and rich whiteys have SUVs. When you add the equation White + SUVs, it will always = profit for you!


07-28-2006, 11:50 AM
i guess you kids are too young to remember the 1980s when oil was going at $10-15 a barrell and oil companies were consolidating in order to survive....nobody raised hell back then..

but now...wow...we gotta break up the oil companies

and guess what, their profits margins still aren't as big as other industries...

for example, wonder how much it costs to produce each copy of the AIFST DVD, and how much are they getting for it?? bets its a higher profit margin than oil...some of you kids with nothing better to do today should research that..

queen, sounds like you got something against "rich whitey"....i guess you are assuming non "whiteys" can't afford to invest in the stock market and share in the profits of Exxon, BP, etc......

07-28-2006, 12:42 PM
The overall effects of higher oil prices in the 70's and 80's does not reflect the national debt of 2006 (http://home.att.net/~mwhodges/debt.htm), nor the knowledge of record corporate profits (http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/chi-0607280196jul28,1,7683781.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed), quarter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_price_increases_of_2004_and_2005#Hurricane_Kat rina_.28late_summer_2005.29) after quarter (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7789491/). I don't think the oil companies nor the American public have begun to realize what we have wrought.

The profit margins are not as big as other industries but they are the largest profits ever recorded by any industry ever. Even the POTUS (http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2006/01/20060131-10.html) has said we are addicted to oil. So while he finally acknowledge "Global Warming" and "Oil Addiction" the US still rewards those who profit the most. Though our elected officials did give some "Very Spooky Lip Service" (http://money.cnn.com/2005/11/09/news/economy/oil_hearing/index.htm).

I don't know about everybody else, insurance, maintenance and rising gas costs has my vehicle expense creeping towards 15% of my budget (I get 35-37 mpg). For me it means less dining out, less entertainment, less heating and more debt. Nationwide we have an epidemic of 2nd mortgages and low rate 3rd tier credit card companies that offer ugly money to pay already bad money on top of low wages we are required to live on, I suspect millions of people are going into debt at a record rate, and a fuel based economy has a major effect on spiraling debt.

So fuck ExxonMobile, they can become more of a citizen than they have been. While they espouse all the great things they're doing :rolleyes: and the low profit margins, they never mention that they have the consumer (http://www.rte.ie/business/2006/0728/usa.html) and the enviroment (http://money.cnn.com/2006/07/27/news/companies/exxpose_exxon/) by the balls.

07-28-2006, 01:22 PM
so yeah,
who gets to dictate how much profit is enough? the fed govt (the same one that was handing out cash cards later used for ipods and lap dances)

politicians...the same ones that treat tax money like heroin?

watchdog groups....they have their own agendas

face it...its the beauty of capitalism...what should be done is the lowering of barriers to the oil market and let others enter it..the competion SHOULD lower prices based on the current demand..

or maybe you are upset that you neglected to play the oil futures and/or invest in oil stocks about 3 years ago...
oh, i can tell you from personal experience that railroad stocks are doing very well right now following the traffic congestion problems they experienced in 02-03......

07-28-2006, 01:46 PM
face it...its the beauty of capitalism...what should be done is the lowering of barriers to the oil market and let others enter it..the competion SHOULD lower prices based on the current demand..

So if the Oil corporations (not companies) fail to be responsible, the goverment should regulate corporate structure to limit it's profits. Isn't that solution flying in the face of your response to QueenAdrock? You do go around in circles quite a bit don't you.

07-28-2006, 02:10 PM
so what's your solution then when all the oil companies have reached their "allowed profit"...no more gas till the next measurable time period?

guess what....price controls dont work. profit controls dont work. business's should be allowed to make as much profit as they can, and you shouldnt tax (i.e punish) them at an even more inflated rate just because they might be more successful than other companies...

robin hood is a fairy tale, remember that

you are living in a delusional world if you feel profits should be controlled by some govt authority.

07-28-2006, 02:17 PM
so what's your solution then when all the oil companies have reached their "allowed profit"...no more gas till the next measurable time period?

guess what....price controls dont work. profit controls dont work. business's should be allowed to make as much profit as they can, and you shouldnt tax (i.e punish) them at an even more inflated rate just because they might be more successful than other companies...

robin hood is a fairy tale, remember that

you are living in a delusional world if you feel profits should be controlled by some govt authority.

yeah, you've really got me there, what are you talking about? I suggest the oil companies become better public citizens. Your the one who says barriers should be removed for more competition. I'm pretty sure that would require a tax restructure and corporate law change in the US.

The goverment makes laws and collects taxes. Continuing on with this conversation any further would make me delusional.

07-28-2006, 02:34 PM
yeah, you've really got me there, what are you talking about? I suggest the oil companies become better public citizens. Your the one who says barriers should be removed for more competition. I'm pretty sure that would require a tax restructure and corporate law change in the US.

The goverment makes laws and collects taxes. Continuing on with this conversation any further would make me delusional.

i am saying that if you dont like a few companies making massive profits, and dont like the high price of gas (who doesnt), then lower market barriers (environmental laws, govt regulations, etc) and allow others to enter the market place. just like ipods. apple dominated the market. now others are entering the portable mp3 player market. hopefully, it will result in the lowering of ipod prices as a result of the increased competition. the only difference in that with oil/gas, you are dealing with a natural commodity subject to speculation, etc. the value of your inventory can change drastically based on the day's events. hence exxon, etc are able to increase their profits as a result of the market rate of the commodity i.e. oil. you see the same thing with coffee and starbucks.

regarding taxes and laws. they are necessary, we live in a civil society. however, politicians should not abuse their power through laws and taxes to punish those they do not agree with such as "those dirty oil companies". next thing you know, they will be targeting those "dirty desktop calendar companies" or those "dirty popcicle stick companies"...

finally, if you really want to look at an industry with massive profit margins, attack the porn industry. a $20,000 investment in Deep Throat has made massive profits year after year after (y) ;)

07-28-2006, 03:56 PM
Do you think if the price of gasoline was dirt cheap people would be less offended by the war in Iraq?

do you think if cheeseburgers were less fattening vegans would be less offended by McDonalds?

07-28-2006, 05:18 PM
queen, sounds like you got something against "rich whitey"....i guess you are assuming non "whiteys" can't afford to invest in the stock market and share in the profits of Exxon, BP, etc......

Yeah, I guess rich blackies can't afford things, if that's what you're trying to shove in my mouth. :rolleyes:

Just because I have something against rich whiteys doesn't mean I don't hate on other people too. I'm an equal-opportunity hater. It just so happens that rich whiteys are the most aggrevating because they're the ones who get away with much more shit than any other race.

07-28-2006, 06:54 PM
i am saying that if you dont like a few companies making massive profits, and dont like the high price of gas (who doesnt), then lower market barriers (environmental laws, govt regulations, etc) and allow others to enter the market place. just like ipods. apple dominated the market. now others are entering the portable mp3 player market. hopefully, it will result in the lowering of ipod prices as a result of the increased competition. the only difference in that with oil/gas, you are dealing with a natural commodity subject to speculation, etc. the value of your inventory can change drastically based on the day's events. hence exxon, etc are able to increase their profits as a result of the market rate of the commodity i.e. oil. you see the same thing with coffee and starbucks.

(y) ;)

You aren't trying to comapre a renewable crop (coffee) with a non-renewable resource such as oil are you?

And as for competition, you mean like the competition that existed between Exxon & Mobil prior to their merger?

07-28-2006, 08:48 PM
are you?

And as for competition, you mean like the competition that existed between Exxon & Mobil prior to their merger?

exactly...nobody was concerned when oil was sucking wind and oil comp had to merge to survive...now that oil is up in price and there's less competition, politicians are

competition is always good. look how cable tv has reacted to sat tv. in the industry i am in, trucking, competition is cut throat and shippers are able to better negotiate pricing as a result. with oil, we haven't allowed any new refineries since the 1970s yet the marketplace has grown with a bottlenecked supply chain. if we had more oil suppliers, maybe the consumer would be better off.

07-28-2006, 08:52 PM
Just because I have something against rich whiteys doesn't mean I don't hate on other people too. I'm an equal-opportunity hater. It just so happens that rich whiteys are the most aggrevating because they're the ones who get away with much more shit than any other race.

yeah, thats right. rich whiteys just had all that money dumped in the lap or stole it or inherited it. steve jobs didnt start apple in a garage, he just became a rich white man. same for bill gates.

you plan on being a poor whitey all your life and complaining while others suceed in life? just drop out of umd then and join all the other complainers and whiners. :D

Pres Zount
07-28-2006, 10:14 PM
So I take it you are a CEO of a multinational then? Earning millions are we?

07-28-2006, 10:38 PM
exactly...nobody was concerned when oil was sucking wind and oil comp had to merge to survive...now that oil is up in price and there's less competition,

Times were tough back in the lean years, Lee Raymond was only making $3.3 million a year in '98 when poor Exxon was just scraping by and then the CEO's thought about it, "Hey heres an idea, let's take this backwoods loser and merge with Mobile, so..........

In 1998, Exxon and Mobil signed a US$73.7 billion definitive agreement to merge and form a new company called Exxon Mobil Corporation, the largest company on the planet. After shareholder and regulatory approvals, the merger was completed on November 30, 1999.

And yes, as hard as it is to believe, people have been concerned about Exxon for years. Even in the pre-merger years (http://webpages.marshall.edu/~ewen/exxon.htm).

07-28-2006, 11:28 PM
yeah, thats right. rich whiteys just had all that money dumped in the lap or stole it or inherited it. steve jobs didnt start apple in a garage, he just became a rich white man. same for bill gates.

you plan on being a poor whitey all your life and complaining while others suceed in life? just drop out of umd then and join all the other complainers and whiners. :D

Whoa, you have quite the talent of reading things the way you want them to be read. I guess that's why you're a Republican. I don't hate the rich whiteys because of their money, I hate them because of their attitudes.

Tell me where I said that rich whiteys had the money dumped in their laps? Or where I said they stole it or inherited it? Hmm? I could have sworn I just said that they were the ones that buy the gas-guzzling SUVs. Which is true, you know that as well as I do - you've driven in 495, no? Tell me, are majority of the folk poor, or are the people behind the wheel blonde bitches living off their husbands dime? I'm not saying they didn't earn their money, I'm saying they don't give a shit about others now that they have it.

I'm not complaining about them making money, I'm complaining about them being insensitive pricks with their money. They could donate to noble charities, do SOMETHING positive with their money. But the selfishness of the ones I see around me astounds me. I know one multi-millionaire that spends all day lounging around his house (because, yes, he DID inherit his money), and orders more crap for his mansion. He doesn't donate to others, he just donates to his "I need a 2nd Hummer" fund, and the second most important "I need gasoline for my 2nd Hummer" fund. If you've ever done volunteer work around here, it's not the rich guys in business suits coming in.

Oooohh, drop out of UMD. That'd be a good idea if I hadn't graduated already. I should probably give back my bachelor's and quit my awesome-paying government job because I want to be a poor complainer like you said. Wait, I have a better idea. Why don't I make my money, and set an example for the rest of the pompous rich pricks out there and donate a large chunk to savedarfur.org? No, no. That's a terrible idea. Fuck those guys.

07-28-2006, 11:42 PM
so what's your solution then when all the oil companies have reached their "allowed profit"...no more gas till the next measurable time period?

Or maybe breaking them up using anti-trust laws, a solution originating with super-powerful gas companies in America that was quite sucessful in safeguarding the American people from an unelected body with more power than their government?

you are living in a delusional world if you feel profits should be controlled by some govt authority.

Yah, they should be left to the consciences of the people who get rich while everyone else gets poorer. Can't see any problems with that.

07-29-2006, 05:10 AM
so what's your solution then when all the oil companies have reached their "allowed profit"...no more gas till the next measurable time period?

guess what....price controls dont work. profit controls dont work. business's should be allowed to make as much profit as they can, and you shouldnt tax (i.e punish) them at an even more inflated rate just because they might be more successful than other companies...

robin hood is a fairy tale, remember that

you are living in a delusional world if you feel profits should be controlled by some govt authority.
You really are stupid val, you gave me quite a laugh.

Look up collusion in the dictionary.

"corporations should be allowed to assfuck consumers until their rectums are bleeding" , "oooo can you fuck me some more mr big oil man it gets me so hot ", says the backward-ass intellectually deficient republitard.

07-29-2006, 02:37 PM
July 28, 2006 Late Show with David Letterman

Top Ten Dumb Guy Ideas For Lowering Gas Prices

10. Make all roads downhill

9. Cheaper self-service price if you pump the oil and refine it yourself

8. Gas comes from dinosaurs, so all we need are more dinosaurs

7. Invade Iraq

6. Give Cheney a sawed-off shotgun and have him stick up an Exxon

5. Tax cuts for the rich

4. Get Bush and the middle east to straighten everything out on Oprah

3. Jet packs for everyone

2. Gas only costs 12 cents a gallon in Venezuela; drive to Venezuela for gas

1. Get tubby genius Al Gore to figure it out

07-29-2006, 04:43 PM
Or maybe breaking them up using anti-trust laws, a solution originating with super-powerful gas companies in America that was quite sucessful in safeguarding the American people from an unelected body with more power than their government?

Yah, they should be left to the consciences of the people who get rich while everyone else gets poorer. Can't see any problems with that.

what do you care how much oil is, don't mommy and daddy pay all your bills (assuming you are even old enough to drive)

07-29-2006, 04:46 PM
I'm not complaining about them making money, I'm complaining about them being insensitive pricks with their money. They could donate to noble charities, do SOMETHING positive with their money. guys.

oh, so you dont mind rich whitey making money, you just want to be able to dictate what they do with it???


what a person does as far as charity goes is between that person and those they wish to aid....

07-29-2006, 05:25 PM
As USUAL, you've misread. The word "COULD" is the key word there, as in "they COULD donate to charities". I didn't say I wanted to dictate where they put it. Nowhere did I say that they should HAVE to donate to charities. I WAS commenting that their selfishness and greed is astounding. I wish they wouldn't be insensitive pricks and actually donate towards good causes rather than be selfish, but who am I to tell them to actually do it?

It's like me saying "I wish people would be peaceful and not fight in the middle east," and you come back with "Oh, so it's up to you to tell them not to fight over their land?" No, they're going to be stupid assholes regardless, and that's SAD. Hoping that people do the right thing and actually forcing them to do it are two different things. You're right though. I should just sit back, watch them wastefully spend their money, put a stupid smile on my face and say "GOOD FOR THEM! Another gas-guzzling SUV! Yay! They're using our finite resources at a staggering rate instead of buying a sensible car and doing something good for mankind with their money." Because ignorance is bliss, right?

07-29-2006, 05:32 PM

Phantom Menace
07-29-2006, 05:35 PM
Shhhhhhhhh, ExxonSecrets (http://www.exxonsecrets.org/html/listorganizations.php), Shhhhhhhhh

07-30-2006, 02:22 AM
what do you care how much oil is, don't mommy and daddy pay all your bills (assuming you are even old enough to drive)

No, I use the money your mother pays me for fucking her wrinkley ass. Is that the best you can do Valvano? Your best reply is to use one of Q-drop's cusses? I know you like to have other people construct arguments for you, because you are a fucking moron, and I know that you aren't to fussy who or what you use to justify your ignorant assertions just as long as it is in agreement with your close/wrong-minded preconceptions, but jeez, can you at least try and make it *look* like you have an opinion worth listening about?

Now, you may not have thought about this too much, because you are an idiot, but plastics are made from oil, and plastics are used in all aspect of peoples lives, whether they drive or not. Never mind the fact that non-plastic based products are transported around by *other people*, and machinery I benefit from (IE that used in power-stations) required oil to lubricate moving parts, etc etc - the plastic used in the PC I am typing on, for starters, is made in a large part from oil.

I know in your simplistic mind petrol = oil, and thus only people who personally run cars need be concerned about it, but in the real world (IE the one that isn't limited by your woefully insufficient ability to perceive it) it is a little more complex than that.

Val, you are easily one of the most pathetic posters here, and I hope you realise that your inability to construct a coherent argument, or support your bullshit ideological hit-and-runs with anything other than self-contradictory bluster, not only detracts from your credibility, but makes you look like the worthless cretin you are.

07-30-2006, 07:55 AM
Now, you may not have thought about this too much, because you are an idiot, but plastics are made from oil, and plastics are used in all aspect of peoples lives, whether they drive or not. Never mind the fact that non-plastic based products are transported around by *other people*, and machinery I benefit from (IE that used in power-stations) required oil to lubricate moving parts, etc etc - the plastic used in the PC I am typing on, for starters, is made in a large part from oil.

Val, you are easily one of the most pathetic posters here, and I hope you realise that your inability to construct a coherent argument, or support your bullshit ideological hit-and-runs with anything other than self-contradictory bluster, not only detracts from your credibility, but makes you look like the worthless cretin you are.

I guess the lubricant you use while jacking off while on your PC is also made of oil??

That's funny, somebody who can't hold a job and has to move back in with mommy and daddy calling somebody else pathetic........

The fact you admit you use a PC show's you are a loser....

07-30-2006, 08:18 AM
I guess the lubricant you use while jacking off while on your PC is also made of oil?

Oil based lubricants can degrade the rubber used in contraceptives. Your parents were probably equally unaware of this, explaining your presence here.

That's funny, somebody who can't hold a job and has to move back in with mommy and daddy calling somebody else pathetic...

No, what's funny is an imbercile like you pretending they know the first thing about me, or my lifestyle. According to you, I am handicapped in a wheelchair, funny how you dropped your own little meme after it didn't catch on, so you have to use someone elses. *That* is pathetic.

I also call you pathetic because you *have* to "hold a job." I fail to see what is so admirable about you being unable to provide for yourself and family except by having to work day in day out. Of course, if I was you, I'd also define success in terms of how much time I can spend away from Mrs Valvano and your water-headed offspring, even if it means I had no time to pursue my own interests.

Also, if we are going to talk about you having no respect for people who have provisions made for them by their parents, what about your beloved George Bush, who managed to get BUSINESSES given to him by his father, and single-handidly managed to run them into the ground? If you are going to rail against silver-spooners, perhaps you could do it in a way that doesn't make you look like a hypocrit?

The fact you admit you use a PC show's you are a loser....

PC = Personal Computer. I am not sure how you access this forum other than using a personal computer, but I seriously doubt it somehow makes you "cool". I am guessing you use a Mac. Which doesn't surprise me, it is the Fisher Price of home computing.

07-30-2006, 08:25 AM
you seem to have a thing for my wife......too bad you don't have one of your own.... you remind me of the seinfeld episode where george is living with his parents because he is unemployed (just as you are) and has to bring home a girl to his parents house, and it just goes down hill from there

maybe if you got out on your own, supported yourself instead of waiting for your next welfare check (you've bragged in the past about the socialists handouts of your country), you too can get yourself a wife...

that is, if you are even old enought to obtain a wedding license..

:D :D :D

07-30-2006, 08:41 AM
you seem to have a thing for my wife

I do. I find it amazing that someone with the mental age of a child could be legally married. Mind you, I suppose I shouldn't be so shocked, it's not like you don't try and execute people with the mental age of children. And you rednecks often marry children too. And family members.

...too bad you don't have one of your own...

Indeed, if only I was as stupid and ignorant as you, I might be able to snag a snaggle-toothed morbidly obese hickette and start living the good life.

supported yourself instead of waiting for your next welfare check (you've bragged in the past about the socialists handouts of your country),

Indeed I have, and it is a great thing. A hallmark of the civilised qualities my nation has, and which your's is sadly lacking. However, I am not on "welfare" and do not receive any benefits whatsoever, so I guess that makes your comments rather irrelevent.

you too can get yourself a wife...

If she's the sort of person that would settle for you, then I am sure I can do without. Mind you, it doesn't surprise me that you think that employment is the cornerstone of a good marriage. In your case, I can see that being a certainty.

that is, if you are even old enought to obtain a wedding license..

See, it amuses me that you make all these comments, and yet don't know ANYTHING about me. You are too stupid / lazy to check my profile and find out what my actual age is. Why not ask Qdrop to tell you, if you can't figure out how to find out. Maybe you can ask one of the other morons like Tony Capone if they have been paying attention?

And seriously, if you are going to try to pretend you know anything about my lifestyle, why not share yours with the class, if it is oh so great? Tell us about what makes you such hot shit?

I mean, it's clearly not your intelligence, you've proven yourself to be really stupid. It's not your personality, as you are devoid of any sort of wit or charm. If you feel you need to defend your baseless opinions by impugning my lifestyle, don't you think you should perhaps tell us precisely how yours is superior?

07-30-2006, 11:16 AM
blah blah blah

its funny, for every 5 words i type you see the need to type 50 words in a long winded response.........i am glad to know i have the power to waste that much time of yours..but its equally as sad to know you have that much time to waste...


07-30-2006, 11:54 AM
its funny, for every 5 words i type you see the need to type 50 words in a long winded response...

That's because I see the world in a slightly more sophisticated way than you do. Which is why you make half-assed unsubstantiated comments and look like a tool, whereas I refute arguments and look right.

i am glad to know i have the power to waste that much time of yours...

I type fast. It comes from having sufficiently evolved fingers that allow great levels of manual dexterity. Your incest-bred webbed fingers probably complicate the business of posting more than it needs to be.

but its equally as sad to know you have that much time to waste...

Yes, you have a point. Conversing with someone as ignorant as yourself is certainly a waste of time for a number of reasons, most of them relating to your limited mental faculties.

07-31-2006, 12:54 PM
valvano, I live on my own and work full-time in order to pay my rent, bills, and university tuition (I have never taken a loan and will never have to). I am debt-free and have a perfect credit rating.

Do I have enough street cred to tell you you're full of shit?