View Full Version : watching drunk people while you're sober

09-01-2006, 10:53 PM
Kinda makes me realise why I've decided to slow down to a stop. I've had my one time of drinking since I've been on vacation and it's most likely to be my last one. I shouldn't have even drank that one night but shit happens.

Anyway, tonight I saw one of my good pals drunk off his ass and I've seen how annoying it is while I'm sober. I've never been the sober person amongst drinkers so I didn't have time to notice. I have to question myself, am I as obnoxious whilst being drunk?

He's a great friend and all but, I had to leave from his place early because he was annoying my wife and me.

09-01-2006, 11:09 PM
I'm a designated driver at least once a month. The best part is I'm also a confident for drunk rambling, I've got a hell of alot of secrets and dirt on everybody. :D

The best part is watching everyone change while the night progresses, I get a kick out of it.

Haven't had a drink myself in years. But I love to party.

RaZoRbLaDe KiSs
09-01-2006, 11:11 PM
Oh man what are you talking about? Being sober while everyone else (besides one or two other people so you have someone to hang with..) is drunk is the best!
I remember this one time all my friends were drinking, and there was this younger girl at the party and it was her first time drinking. She drank a whole glass of Burbon by herself, and me and my friend Adam just sat there and watched her laugh at nothing as her head bobbed back and forth.
Then some other sober people and us got to take permanant marker to her face when she passed out.
I know that's terrible of us..
But I dont really drink anymore because it's more fun being sober.

09-01-2006, 11:19 PM
Oh man what are you talking about? Being sober while everyone else (besides one or two other people so you have someone to hang with..) is drunk is the best!
I remember this one time all my friends were drinking, and there was this younger girl at the party and it was her first time drinking. She drank a whole glass of Burbon by herself, and me and my friend Adam just sat there and watched her laugh at nothing as her head bobbed back and forth.
Then some other sober people and us got to take permanant marker to her face when she passed out.
I know that's terrible of us..
But I dont really drink anymore because it's more fun being sober.

It's understandable if you watch happy drunks but, depressive and argumentative? He was about as drunk as I used to get. Lately that's been the only kind of drunks I see.

09-01-2006, 11:22 PM
It's understandable if you watch happy drunks but, depressive and argumentative? He was about as drunk as I used to get. Lately that's been the only kind of drunks I see.

The pee in your pants runof the mill matted down hair drunk is annoying, you have a point there, I'm jealous of the drunks I hangout with because they can truly maintain and have a great sense of humor.

I never could.

RaZoRbLaDe KiSs
09-01-2006, 11:27 PM
Yeah, i've delt with the depressed drunks too. My X boyfriend used to get drunk every single weekend and sit in a car by himself for HOURS, and then when you went to talk to him he'd just sit there and talk about his lost loves and his sucky life and no one love's him, he should just kill himself.. all while your sitting right next to him, your the person he's dating, and you dont count for shit. Then he runs away, threatens to throw himself into a quarrey, ect, ect..

every weekend for a year. Thankfully I eventually learned to move on, which just resulted in more of his boo hoo, no one loves me, im going to kill myself, bullshit.

Your right, after time, it sucks. (n)

09-01-2006, 11:28 PM
I can guess that the last time I got drunk, I was no treat to watch. I mean, I pissed on my friend's couch. Come to find out, that same friend and on that same night, tried to piss on a chair in his kitchen while his wife and her friends were there chatting.

It's hard not to laugh about it but we're grown men and we're trying to piss on things that weren't made to be pissed on.

b i o n i c
09-01-2006, 11:33 PM
how old are you

RaZoRbLaDe KiSs
09-01-2006, 11:38 PM
I've never honestley been one to get pissed drunk. I find no pleasure in it what so ever. I've never thrown up while drinking, only after. I dont see any point in spending 20 bucks for a bottle of JD or Vodka, only to puke it up an hour later. If I wanted to waste my money like that, I'd go to a friggin strip club or something like that.
I just hate the aftermath, the hangover's are the worst. I hate it when it takes you two days after you drink to even be able to LOOK at a hotdog or food because your stomach is so fucked up.
I was so bad the day after new years eve, I couldnt even drink Coke because every time I drank it I tasted Jack Daniels in it and it made me sick.
Once I was so hung over I puked all over my friends kitchen, and It wasnt at all appealing. (n)
Drinkings fun, and the side effects suck, but I've always said if your gonna be dumb you gotta be tough.

09-02-2006, 12:00 AM
Oh man what are you talking about? Being sober while everyone else (besides one or two other people so you have someone to hang with..) is drunk is the best!
I remember this one time all my friends were drinking, and there was this younger girl at the party and it was her first time drinking. She drank a whole glass of Burbon by herself, and me and my friend Adam just sat there and watched her laugh at nothing as her head bobbed back and forth.
Then some other sober people and us got to take permanant marker to her face when she passed out.
I know that's terrible of us..
But I dont really drink anymore because it's more fun being sober.
So how hard are you going to be laughing when she's got a tube down the back of her friggin' throat?

09-02-2006, 12:06 AM
Ever just want to cut out some drunks kidneys and sell them on the Chinese black market?

RaZoRbLaDe KiSs
09-02-2006, 12:10 AM
So how hard are you going to be laughing when she's got a tube down the back of her friggin' throat?

Hey, I told her not to do it in the first place, but people dont listen. Im not going to tell someone not to drink something they paid for. You gotta live and be stupid to learn, and to be perfectley honest when that girl got that drunk I was the one who made her drink water and eat bread, and I was the one who laid her down on the couch before she passed out.
It was funny, yes, but im not heartless. Im always the person who's holding people's hair back when they're puking or trying to coax a suicidal boyfriend out of jumping into a quarrey.
So dont even try to act like im some kinda of heartless asshole. :mad:

09-02-2006, 12:14 AM
how old are you


09-02-2006, 12:43 AM
i just spent 9-12 tonight watching frosh guides drink their asses off (because they are contractually obliged not to have any intoxicants during frosh week), and those guys, mostly 19 and 20, were a healthy mix of idiots, loudmouths, brooders and dancing fun drunks.

we made 4500 off of 2 dollar shooters and 3.50 beers.
80$ in tips ain't bad either

but i love to get my drink on every once in a while.

09-02-2006, 03:35 AM
It happened sometimes that i was sober while other ones were drunk.....it happens when It's me that i have to drive. I must admit that's quite sad to see how ppl change when drinks.... In fact I always want to go home "earlie" when I don't drink, because I'm so intractable when the others are havin' fun and I don't.... I know it's quite selfish....but I can't do nothing to change my point of view! :(

09-02-2006, 04:30 AM
I used to be the only sober one among my drunk friends a lot a few years back.

One time one of my friends was throwing a party at his new girlfriends' place and he was being all new relationshippy about his drinking and he was pretty sober at the end of the night and I had just come back from 6-8 weeks with my family in Italy so I was drinking with my friends for the first time in months.

The next day I talk to him on the phone and he said these words to me.

"Oh... by the way... for all the times that all of us were drunk and you were sober... sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry"


09-02-2006, 05:00 AM
I was always the one being sober while all my mates were pissed. Mainly because they were always drinking warm lager and it made me puke and because I thought they were being annoying little cuntbags as soon as they got drunk. It ruined quite a lot of parties for me. So then I decided just to join in, to see what all the fuss was about, and I must say I quite like it now.
I get less timid after a couple of pints and I have more fun. I talk to complete strangers and I'm singing on the streets. But the thing is that I know when to stop. When I feel like I'm getting a bit too woozy and have to do my best not to fall over, I know it's time to stop and I just start drinking lots of water. So no alcohol puking and massive hangovers for me. (y)
The only thing that induced massive puking was a kebab, but I think it was a bit off or something.

09-02-2006, 10:25 AM
"Oh... by the way... for all the times that all of us were drunk and you were sober... sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry"


09-02-2006, 01:51 PM
Drunken friends are fine so long as they haven't been drinking Red Bull with everything.

Hyper! Downer. Hyper! Downer. All night long...

09-02-2006, 02:51 PM
Ever just want to cut out some drunks kidneys and sell them on the Chinese black market?i think about that at least once a day.

paul jones
09-02-2006, 06:30 PM
I'm goin the pub tomorrow lunch for some drinks and cigarrettes and going to the bog every now and then(y)

09-03-2006, 10:25 AM
So last night, I hung with my cousin and he was wasted but, he was a happy drunk. I mean a funny muthafuckin' fucker. He even pissed his pants and walked around in his boxers. In public. Yet, here we go again with the pissy pants thing.

My friend who I initally wrote this thread about told me why he's so depressive. He's looking at 14 years in prison for back child support pay. I told him how I feel about it. You've got to pay for your kids and if you don't, you know the consequences. He shouldn't even get drunk in his frame of mind because it's going to just bring him down even more.