View Full Version : Cure for my hangover

09-09-2006, 11:39 AM
So I had kind of some ass news come down the pike last night. and It's my night off, so i went out and ate sushi and drank sake with some good friends. proceeded to drink more at a party.

woke up at my friends house with a wicked bad hangover. But now it's gone!

1) vitamin B complex (works every time)
2) aspirin
3) curb your enthusiasm
4) singapore take out food
5) strong fucking coffee.


09-09-2006, 11:43 AM
think about me ;)

icy manipulator
09-09-2006, 11:47 AM
for my 21st some bought me 52 hangover cure's playing cards. lets pick one at random.

8 of diamond: WATCH YOUR COLOURS - the darker your drink, the worse it will hit you. Red wine is more potent than white, brandy will hit you harder that vodka. you get the idea

hmm, not really a cure, i guess the people who made these cards were just slack

funny, weird coincidence, the song i'm listening too atm is called Hold Your Colour, and look what the title of this card is :eek:

09-09-2006, 12:03 PM
All of these recommendations are well tested by me except the vitamin B complex one. What does that do for your hangover?

im familiar with the deficiencies of vitamin B. which can be attributed to drinking too much coffee of all things.

icy manipulator
09-09-2006, 12:13 PM
King of diamonds - EXERCISE : even though the last thing you want to do is move even your big toe, a short walk can clear the head and get your blood flowing. you'll feel much better afterwards.

come to think of it, it'd be much easier to make a thread of these cards in sure shots

09-09-2006, 12:21 PM
take one greggs sausage roll (or two, go on!) and one botte of lucozade/irn-bru.
works every time!

09-09-2006, 03:45 PM
you should have been in Vegas anyway. that's what you get. shit, even jarobi showed up! JAROBI!

icy manipulator
09-09-2006, 03:48 PM
in the words of the Funkoars - avoid hangovers, stay drunk

09-09-2006, 04:12 PM
Larry David could cure a morning of the tequila shits. The man is hilarious.

Like him, I absolutely HATE the "stop and chat".

And a good dose of V-8 and ibuprofen always worked for me.

09-09-2006, 05:48 PM
you should have been in Vegas anyway. that's what you get. shit, even jarobi showed up! JAROBI!

snap! that blows man. ugh! *does a shot of jågermeister*:mad:

09-09-2006, 05:54 PM
All of these recommendations are well tested by me except the vitamin B complex one. What does that do for your hangover?

Oh Boy! You don't know about this yet...
I get like Ron Popiel when it comes to Vitamin B and Hard Drinkin
The shit is THE MIRACLE DRUG and if you do it right (which I didn't last night) there is no hangover, unless of course you go off on a retarded Whiskey or Scotch bender. But you're asking for trouble with that shit anyways, so hangovers are deserved.

Follow these steps!
1) Buy Vitamin B complex or B-12. Try to get one that has a 100,000% of the daily allowance. The bigger dosage the better.
2) Take one about an hour before you start drinking
3) Take another when you get home with a full glass of water
4) If you wake up in the middle of the night with a dry mouth, take another one.
5) Take one as soon as you get up.


09-09-2006, 05:56 PM
I used to be really quite sensitive to hangovers. I can handle my drink so i can tend to overdo it once in a blue moon, but i've found that if you drink a glass of somethin heavy, like fruit juice, or milk, or just shitloads of water before you go to sleep you wake up completely clear headed yo.

Although that's easier said than done when yer fucked, jim.

09-09-2006, 08:27 PM
Beddy intevestink! I'll have to buy some of that shit when I get the chance. Seeing as how an old fogey like you needs it. ;) im getting up there too, no worries

I do the water thing and that's usually all I need. I'm going brown tonight so we'll see how it works out. Hope I can make a post in HEIRESS' thread in about 6 hours and take the embarassment off of her. ahahaha!