View Full Version : leap of faith....

09-11-2006, 06:07 PM
sorry this is going to be kinda vauge. I'm horrible about making decisions, always worried I'll make the wrong choice.

is there really any difference between jumping blindly into something and taking a leap of faith?

09-11-2006, 06:10 PM
Well perspective is really important. I think in life, you can generally decide how you're going to feel about anything.

So, really, it depends on how you see it.

09-11-2006, 06:11 PM
kierkegaard would say that a leap of faith is to live in a categorie of infinity even though you're finite. Jumping blindly on the other hand was not his strong point. He once jumped blindly from a balcony at the opera in Cöbenhavn which for a short time made him wonder if hadn't been better off with the hegelians

09-11-2006, 06:13 PM
sorry this is going to be kinda vauge. I'm horrible about making decisions, always worried I'll make the wrong choice.

is there really any difference between jumping blindly into something and taking a leap of faith?

only in retrospect

09-11-2006, 06:14 PM
only in rotterdam

09-11-2006, 06:23 PM
I've been presented with a career opportunity that is something I've always wanted to do. I'll be able to learn and be mentored by someone who is already established. But the opportunity comes with risk. it's predicted that with in a few months there will be full time work, but someone is needed right now for part-time. I might not make alot to begin with but that would all change with full time. but there's also that chance that full time won't pan out.

er to make a long story short it's an opportunity I really want,and think is very worthwhile, but I may have to take a pay cut to do it. it depends on whether I can convince my current emplyer to cut me back to part time with out him getting mad. that will be a hell of a negotiation but I've already started to come up with some angles to make it more attractive to him.

there are still may details to work out, but even so I wonder if it's wise to take this opportunity. am I seeing all the angles? Should I just have faith that if this is really what I want I can attatin it?

fuck, can I really mold the universe to make it what I want?

09-11-2006, 07:08 PM
do what makes you happiest. when you're 87, do you want to have remembered that when you were 28 you made enough dough to buy that which you wanted or that you made a career move that changed your life?

obviously im biased. i never go straight for money, i tend to go for inner happiness.

09-11-2006, 07:13 PM
do what makes you happiest. when you're 87, do you want to have remembered that when you were 28 you made enough dough to buy that which you wanted or that you made a career move that changed your life?

or that which made you unemployed, potentially

let's not ignore the risk here

09-11-2006, 08:15 PM
not so much

just a glass half empty vs half full kind of thing

09-11-2006, 08:31 PM
i wouldn't put it like that even

i'm stealing a quote from the office, but tim said that it's better to be at the bottom of a ladder you want to climb than halfway up one you don't

however, applied here, it's tricky. because there's no guarantee the ladder's going to stay together, and even if it does, it sounds like you're not totally sure you want to be at the top of it anyway.

i'm not trying to discourage you from acting mind you, i'm just trying to be the counterpoint to all the "go for it, live the dream, carpe diem" stuff that's bound to pop up because that stuff sometimes fails and people seem to forget that

if you're into risks, go for it. if you value security, don't.

paul jones
09-11-2006, 09:06 PM
do it

cos if you don't.......

I don't know

just do it(y) ;)

09-11-2006, 09:09 PM
if you try it, its not failure

failure is when you just sit on your ass and do nothing

09-11-2006, 09:10 PM
if you try it, its not failure

failure is when you just sit on your ass and do nothing

no, you can try and fail too

09-11-2006, 09:12 PM
no, you can try and fail too

that is your opinion

my opinion is different - if you try, and arent successful, you learned something new and to me that is not failure because at least you tried and figured out what works and what doesnt

09-11-2006, 09:16 PM
My biggest regret in my professional life was that I didn't take more chances when I was younger. If you get older, or if you're in a certain kind of job for too long, you stop getting the offers to change career paths.

But the decision also has to do with whether you can make it if it's a big failure. Do you have some kind of a security net (friends, family, or a cheap lifestyle that you know you can maintain at a temp job in the short term, etc.)? You can't take the same risks if you have a kid for instance, or a mortgage.

09-11-2006, 09:19 PM
This is something I think about sometimes:

My brother hires a lot of business people. He always asks the people he interviews, "what was your biggest failure and what did you learn?" He figures that the people who never failed were the ones who played it too safe. I'm one of them.

09-12-2006, 10:42 AM
You seem like a risk taker to me, cp. I think you should go for it.

I agree with Documad that I have taken no risks in my professional life, I stayed at one job for far too long, and its sort of pigeonholed me. At this point, if I want to change career paths, I'll probably have to go back to school.

09-12-2006, 11:55 AM
if you try it, its not failure

failure is when you just sit on your ass and do nothing

and this is exactly what i've been doing. avoiding making any moves because I don't want to or I am afraid to deal with it.

It would really suck to have to turn this down because I can't afford it financially. it's not like I have kids or a mortgage, but at least in the begining I would have to make some scarifices. So we'll see how much they can really offer me, and what i can work out with my current job. I don't have all my eggs in one basket, I'm sending out other resumes and stuff...I just think this opportunity fits my personality and goals best.

thanks to everyone for the input. good points all around.

09-12-2006, 06:18 PM
go with your gut - womens intuition is not make believe

you wont ever gain anything without taking risks

things always fall into place the way they are meant to


when you get too comfterble in your life and situation that usually means you arent pushing yourself to grow

09-12-2006, 06:30 PM
that is your opinion

my opinion is different - if you try, and arent successful, you learned something new and to me that is not failure because at least you tried and figured out what works and what doesnt

yea, i am with you on that!

Cookie, I said try it , do it, jump and do something new and exciting!
MOney is not everything...we need challenge in life, this seem to be one for ya!

And If you dont, you will always think about this missed opportunity , what it would have been and such!