View Full Version : Tapes n Tapes

09-22-2006, 03:35 PM
I'm pretty suprised nobody's mentioned them on here yet, other than LOL's one liner thread earlier.

I've been really impressed with this album, it's good to know that there's still music in this genre being produced that isn't getting consistently blander and repetitive as with the artic monkeys, franz ferdinand, etc; You know who i'm talking about. If i hear 'She Moves in Her Own Ways' (Kooks) one more time i will go fucking postal. In my opinion this debut is one of the best i've heard in a long time. The album is really varied as is each and every track - Jakov's Suite builds up and on and then breaks down into a melody resembling a nursery rhyme with an electric guitar interlude. yeah, i know, that probably conjures up something completely different to what i'm intending to say, but it works for them, and it sounds fucking excellent. Every song reminds me of someone completely different - cowbell makes me think of modest mouse, even a bit of kings of leon in 'crazy eights', and i reckon they've taken a page out of springsteen and dylans book too, as much as i've never been quick to praise either of them.

Easily one of the most varied and yet consistent albums of the year, at least.

So yeah, a total piss poor review of a fantastically underrated album. I've not got any idea how they're rated in the US but down UK way i reckon they deserve the limelight for a while, anyway. Any comparisons and thoughts would be cool.

09-22-2006, 08:35 PM
They're pretty good teh,