View Full Version : so someone probably died right in front of my eyes this evening.

Drederick Tatum
11-06-2006, 05:24 AM
so a couple of hours ago I'm down at the field hockey astro turf about to play a six-a-side game and the game before us has stopped and people are crowding round someone on the ground. I assume that because it's a social grade that some poor part-timer has hit themselves in the kneecap or something and now they're applying some ice. a hockey stick to any part of the anatomy really hurts and it's not unusual for someone to stay down for a lengthy period of time, so I don't take much notice...however, a few minutes later I look back and there's people giving CPR ...then I hear sirens and suddenly an ambulance and a fire truck pull up and paramedics jump out and dash over. they take over the CPR, but after about a couple of minutes everyone takes a step back and the body convolses. they continue pumping as a stretcher is brought out. a white sheet is unwrapped and I think "holy shit, they've given up", but thankfully, they lift the guy onto the stretcher and keep pumping away...he's wheeled to the ambulance in front of about 30 dead silent people...

so, I don't really know what they would have done at the hospital, but I hope it was good because he definitely wasn't moving after a good ten minutes of CPR. but yeah, thoughts are with that guy whoever he was.

give your parents or someone a call and say hi.

Pres Zount
11-06-2006, 05:30 AM
he's wheeled to the ambulance in front of about 30 dead silent people...

dead silent because they were dead? Was there some kind of hockey massacre?

11-06-2006, 05:34 AM
well they probably had a little hope for him... because when someone died in the shopping centre i worked in , right in front of wendys , the ambos came but it was too late, so they just covered him up with a sheet and left him RIGHT THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SHOPPING CENTRE till the coroner or morgue people came or whoever picks up dead bodies to take the poor guy away.
Ambos only take people away that are alive it seems.

11-06-2006, 06:13 AM
^that's correct, well in australia at least

a guy died in a boating accident when i was on holidays recently and they didn't move him from the boat for hours until the coroner arrived. it was out in the middle of nowhere too, so the coroner had to come down from the city

11-06-2006, 08:43 AM
That's okay cus I...I just died in your arms tonight

Otis Driftwood
11-06-2006, 08:50 AM
So don't move til the Coroner tells you to.
And don't argue with the doctor if he tells you you're dead, cause he's the doctor and whaddauno?

11-06-2006, 08:51 AM
in the US only little highschool girls play field hockey and they wear little skirts

11-06-2006, 09:10 AM
It must have been something he said.

It must have been some kind of kiss, actually (!) :cool: .

11-06-2006, 09:12 AM
so did 30 people die or just one?

11-06-2006, 09:14 AM

11-06-2006, 12:24 PM
in the US only little highschool girls play field hockey and they wear little skirts

Oh yeah, sportsmen in the US only do sports where they have 30lbs of padding and a helmet. I'd forgotten that.

Field hockey can be fucking brutal. Just like rugby, another sport the Americans are too wussy to play.

11-06-2006, 12:25 PM
i wanna see tatum in a little plaid skirt

11-06-2006, 12:27 PM
and oh yeah

with the fucking pleats and high socks

11-06-2006, 12:28 PM
i wanna see tatum in a little plaid skirt

I thought I told you about that whole "thinking out loud" thing

11-06-2006, 12:40 PM
who wouldn't want to see that?


11-06-2006, 03:02 PM
Shit, that sucks a lot. I almost commited suicide a number of times on Friday.

Well I'm glad you didn't

Pres Zount
11-06-2006, 03:51 PM
Shit, that sucks a lot. I almost commited suicide a number of times on Friday.

That's the lamest thing I've read all week.

Lex Diamonds
11-06-2006, 04:05 PM
Sometimes when you are in the lowest of the lows you forget you have a great family and friends.
Don't you mean "sometimes when you're spoilt and middle class you forget you're from the most unfairly priveleged nation in the world"?

Lex Diamonds
11-06-2006, 04:12 PM
It means if a severely underpriveleged third-world child was given your upbringing they would be appreciative and wouldn't dream of being so selfish and cowardly as to end their own life.

Lex Diamonds
11-06-2006, 04:19 PM
The act is invariably MORE selfish than one thinks, as the very act of suicide in itself shows short-sightedness and lack of understanding of others.

I'm not going to argue about this with you, so I'll sum it up simply: SUICIDE IS FOR JUNKIES AND MORONS.

11-06-2006, 04:21 PM
Hey cut the kid some slack....we all have problems and moments of weaknesss. Obviously he hasn't given up yet so that is a good thing

11-08-2006, 01:29 AM
i am 99.9% sure that the dude is one of my old school teachers :(
no jokes.

11-08-2006, 05:16 AM
that's crazy.

but yeah, witnessing death... you start to realize how much you take life and people in your life for granted.

11-08-2006, 08:17 AM

give your parents or someone a call and say hi.
well i would, but they're in New Zealand! say hi to them for me please :)

sad story. poor man :(

11-08-2006, 08:54 AM
norcen, if you were faced directly with the possibility of dying prematurely, you appreciate life. so much more. i hope that something this serious never happens to you, but this is coming from my own experience. for christ's sake, appreciate life while you have it, don't waste all your goddamn time thinking about wanting to die.

11-08-2006, 09:23 AM
I was covering a court case in the late 90s on a really hot humid day. It was Juvenile court and we were covering a internet stalker crime. Because it was Juvy court I had to hangout with my camera in the courtyard. I noticed a kid and his father. The kid was in trouble and looked like a Hellraiser and his father was smoking cigarette after cigarette. Anyway, later in the day I went to my car to get a battery and heard a noise in the back of the parking lot. It was the man waving me over to his car. He was in his 50s and was leaning out of the drivers side of the car. I walked over and as I got closer saw he was having trouble breathing. I got to him and he had the air conditioner blasting. He was struggling to breath and all of a sudden his eyes rolled back and all I saw was the white of his eyes. He then lost control of his bodily functions. He urinated down his leg and started shaking. I pulled him out of the car and layed him on the ground. I started screaming across the parking lot and my reporter (a female named Marlo Burdash) came running. I yelled-call 911! call 911! I was CPR certified at the time so I began CPR. A security guard ran over and also knew CPR he took over after a couple of minutes. I was a wreck and very scared. In about 5 minutes the ambulance showed up and a crowd had gathered. They put him on oxygen and loaded him in the ambulance. The tech said we had sustained a heartbeat but it was a massive heart attack and did not look good. I could see they were using the shock paddles in the back of the ambulance. He died on the way to the hospital.
I will never forget the look of his face as he was in full arrest. My reporter Marlo was very shaken and we had to go back to the station.
A couple of weeks later a letter was sent to the station from the man's wife. She thanked me and Marlo for attempting to save his life.
I still think of the kid that was in trouble at Juvy court and watching his father pass due to the heart attack.
I felt very bad that I could not help and wonder what would have happened if the courthouse would have had a portable CPR machine. Other thoughts about that day pop in my head from time to time.
My old NBC job put me in many sad situations. I showed up on a shooting scene before the police and found a teenager laying in a field. He had been shot in the head and was DOA. I saw many murder scenes in Richmond, Va. My friend who is a SGT in the local county police dept always said to me that I had seen more deaths than him and he was a policeman. I hated covering shootings and murder scenes. The worst was interviewing family members.

Drederick Tatum
11-08-2006, 04:42 PM
it's the same guy that Gareth knew.