View Full Version : Lawmaker drops anti-spanking effort

02-22-2007, 03:29 PM
Good. (http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/16759411.htm)

02-22-2007, 03:31 PM
Instead Lieber said she wants to clarify what the law considers reasonable parental discipline. Current law is ambiguous on what is justifiable, she said.

The bill would define as unjustifiable forms of discipline:

• the use of an implement such as a stick, shoe, cord, belt;

• throwing, kicking, burning, or cutting a child;

• striking a child with a closed fist;

• striking a child younger than age of 3 on the face or head;

• interfering with a child's breathing;

• threatening a child with a deadly weapon.

...well, no shit. That stuff isn't spanking; that's abuse.

02-22-2007, 03:34 PM
i dunno, using a belt doesn't seem so bad. i got the wooden spoon. joe will tell you about how he got whacked with a jug cord.

Lex Diamonds
02-22-2007, 03:34 PM
When I saw the title and preview of this thread I thought "oh great, another thread about wanking from a-z. He's a lot less highbrow lately".

Luckily it is something honest and innocent, your integrity is safe. (y)

02-22-2007, 03:35 PM
i dunno, using a belt doesn't seem so bad. i got the wooden spoon. joe will tell you about how he got whacked with a jug cord.

Yeah, I got the belt, too. But it can get out of hand -- welts and all -- so at least in this context, it makes sense.

02-22-2007, 03:36 PM
When I saw the title and preview of this thread I thought "oh great, another thread about wanking from a-z. He's a lot less highbrow lately".

Luckily it is something honest and innocent, your integrity is safe. (y)


MC Moot
02-22-2007, 04:25 PM
Spare the rod,spoil the child.....ma Ma delivered the tough love in our house and I deserved and benefited from it.....the wooden spoon!....mouth washed out with soap!....built character and established boundary's,I say....as long as the punishment is not delivered with anger or in extremes......mention that philosophy in my workplace and kiss your career goodbye......(n)

02-22-2007, 04:31 PM
Spare the rod,spoil the child.....
Ignorance masquerading as wisdom.

MC Moot
02-22-2007, 04:38 PM
Ignorance masquerading as wisdom.

I can't really disagree.....Irish/Roman Catholic dogma in our house......

wanton wench
02-22-2007, 05:27 PM
...well, no shit. That stuff isn't spanking; that's abuse.
its a shame that alot of people dont see it that way. while working at a restaurant i once saw a mother cover the nose and mouth of a young girl, (she was maybe 3 or 4) with her hand to stop her from crying. i was walking by when she did it. i took a few more steps and realized what she was doing and turned around but she had already let go of the girl. if she had not i would have lost my job. it took everything i had in me to not say something to her and to this day i still think i should have.

some people are just stupid and should not have children.

02-22-2007, 06:49 PM
The rod was spared with me and some how I turned out alright.

I appreciate the lawmakers efforts.

Hitting is for the weak.

02-22-2007, 07:29 PM
Yeah, I was never hit in any way and I always obeyed my parents and was well behaved.

02-22-2007, 07:36 PM
yep. saying, sigh, we're very disappointed in you :( is SO much more effective than physical punishment. i was a damned good kid - still am -and other parents would ask how they brought us up so well. because they treated us like people.

02-22-2007, 08:19 PM
this debate was better when qdrop was talking about his hypothetical parenting theory

02-22-2007, 08:33 PM
i dunno, using a belt doesn't seem so bad. i got the wooden spoon. joe will tell you about how he got whacked with a jug cord.

if they were not the parents of you both i would say those assholes!

i once scratched my mum cause she wouldnt stop tickling me and i clearly said i dont want it and gave her the 'thats what you deserve for not listening' line lol ..the same shit she always told me

she deserved it anyway for wooden spooning me, spanking me and locking me into my room for days, cunt :)

02-22-2007, 08:43 PM
I will say, however, that most of the spazzoid kids that come into Dollar Tree I just want to punch in their little hyperactive faces.

02-22-2007, 09:50 PM
Kids under 3 should definitely not be hit. Babies are not malicious -- except in The Omen.

02-22-2007, 10:22 PM
after my stance in the corporal punishment thread, you're all going to call me a hypocrite but whatever.

small kids should be spanked. not with items around the house. when you are young you don't understand "disappointment", you need to be taught swiftly what is right and wrong. like a dog. are you going to sit a dog down and talk to it about how disappointed you are, or are you going to give it a light smack to teach it what is right and wrong.

02-22-2007, 10:23 PM
or you can just have privileges taken away and be spoken to like a human being...

seriously, i know kids aren't too smart. that's why they're so easily fooled into doing what you want them to do. children need affection, attention, and authority from you, and if you understand how their minds work it's not too hard to, er, condition them. the worst thing you can do is say something and then go back on it - when i see people do this it drives me insane. you can't let the kid think that he/she can make you do what he/she wants you to just by throwing a fit or hitting or screaming etc. because if you let them get their way like this just once, it'll teach them that that's how you solve problems. and what do you think happens if you get them to do what you want by hitting or even lightly spanking them?

i will never agree with physical punishment. i was not touched once and i got straight As, was a great kid, and pay way more than the minimum on my credit card. all of my siblings are the same way. i'm so glad for the lessons my parents gave me. parenting should be about teaching and nurturing, not controlling and tolerating. /rant

icy manipulator
02-22-2007, 10:29 PM
i copped the cane once when i was in primary school, sure it was terrifying but it really wasn't that bad. although apparantly i'm a sociopath now so maybe it wasn't the best thing for me :(

02-22-2007, 10:30 PM
after my stance in the corporal punishment thread, you're all going to call me a hypocrite but whatever.

small kids should be spanked. not with items around the house. when you are young you don't understand "disappointment", you need to be taught swiftly what is right and wrong. like a dog. are you going to sit a dog down and talk to it about how disappointed you are, or are you going to give it a light smack to teach it what is right and wrong.
right, well. dogs can't really understand english...or any other human language for that matter. makes point a little bit moot, imo.

02-22-2007, 11:25 PM
right, well. dogs can't really understand english...or any other human language for that matter. makes point a little bit moot, imo.
neither can very small children. they understand a bit, but not enough for a talk about being disappointed to have any effect.

i will never agree with physical punishment. i was not touched once and i got straight As, was a great kid, and pay way more than the minimum on my credit card. all of my siblings are the same way. i'm so glad for the lessons my parents gave me. parenting should be about teaching and nurturing, not controlling and tolerating. /rant

while i am a total fuck up, my brother is everything you could want in a son, and he was spanked as a kid.

anecdotal evidence means absolutely fuck all.

my parents did teach and nuture. spanking and teaching/nurturing are not mutually exclusive!

02-23-2007, 02:06 AM
It's funny that none of you have kids yet you're experts on this.

02-23-2007, 02:07 AM
kids can't be that different to dogs, can they?

02-23-2007, 02:16 AM
It's funny that none of you have kids yet you're experts on this.
i know, right? :o

i take the responsibility of parenthood really, really seriously. when the time is right, i want to be an awesome mom and raise wonderful kids. personally, i think that child psychology courses should be required for anyone planning on popping one out.

Drederick Tatum
02-23-2007, 02:48 AM
is tying them to the ceiling fan still allowed?

02-23-2007, 08:16 AM
neither can very small children. they understand a bit, but not enough for a talk about being disappointed to have any effect.

Wait, how the hell young are you talking about? A little baby shits in it's diaper, you give it a little hit and rub it's nose in it? If a kid is unable to even communicate, I think that's a little young to begin harming it as a way of teaching it.

I mean, again, don't get me wrong. I love harming children.

02-23-2007, 10:09 AM
....as long as the punishment is not delivered with anger or in extremes......

Parents that would wait until their anger subsides and then systematically beat their kids are serial killers not parents.

02-23-2007, 12:54 PM
like a dog.
My daughter is not a dog, she is a person and as such has the right not to be assaulted, by me or anyone else.

As I said in the other thread, I am willing to keep an open mind, as she gets older, we will have to see what happens. But I truly feel that if I get to a point where I believe my best option is to strike my child, then I can't help but feel that that indicates a failure on my part.

02-23-2007, 01:03 PM
Eh, I don't know. Different kids require different methods at different times. I don't think it's a parent's fault if a kid isn't swayed by discussion, admonition, or restrictions. Some kids are just really stubborn, or they just keep pushing, testing boundaries. I think a lot of kids will keep pushing until they find that they're going to be punished in the way that gets to them and really does hurt them in the way that hurts them most.

One of my brothers, for instance, used to steal shit. My parents lectured him, grounded him, etc., and he kept stealing stuff. Finally, he got busted for stealing 8-tracks at K-Mart and my parents decided they had enough, and he got the belt. Pants on, but he had to take his licks, and my dad was truly pissed. That was that, and he didn't steal again, unless it was in adulthood.

02-23-2007, 06:54 PM
or you can just have privileges taken away and be spoken to like a human being...

seriously, i know kids aren't too smart. that's why they're so easily fooled into doing what you want them to do. children need affection, attention, and authority from you, and if you understand how their minds work it's not too hard to, er, condition them. the worst thing you can do is say something and then go back on it - when i see people do this it drives me insane. you can't let the kid think that he/she can make you do what he/she wants you to just by throwing a fit or hitting or screaming etc. because if you let them get their way like this just once, it'll teach them that that's how you solve problems. and what do you think happens if you get them to do what you want by hitting or even lightly spanking them?

i will never agree with physical punishment. i was not touched once and i got straight As, was a great kid, and pay way more than the minimum on my credit card. all of my siblings are the same way. i'm so glad for the lessons my parents gave me. parenting should be about teaching and nurturing, not controlling and tolerating. /rant

be my mommy :(