View Full Version : Richardson: The candidate most likely to rise?

03-20-2007, 09:17 AM
This man seems to think so. (http://www.nmdemocrats.org/ht/display/ArticleDetails/i/1011924)

I like Richardson, and it's true he's the guy with the most experience. And it's also true that he's a governor which means he's got a better shot of getting into office, when one looks at the elections in the past.

The only problem is Richardson doesn't have a lot of funding. I understand why Clinton has the hype - first female with a decent shot at the Presidency, wife to Bill, etc. I don't understand really how Obama got to be so famous. Because he's a minority? Because he's passionate? I mean, Obama himself doesn't really know how it happened, but now he's got a ton of supporters and money flowing in, and that never really happened to Richardson.

I can't wait for the first debates though, they come up in a few weeks, no? I'd like to see how everyone stands up against each other.

03-20-2007, 09:56 AM
I myself don't know enough about Obama to vote for him, but not in a "his middle name is Hussein OMG!" way. More of a, "he gave one speech in 2004 and people fell in love with him" kind of way.

Hillary isn't liberal enough for me on a lot of issues, and she really has yet to come out and openly slam and attack the Iraq war. I won't count her our yet.

Best case scenario? Fuckin Al Gore had better enter this shit.

03-20-2007, 09:45 PM
Is America ready for a woman president? Or a black president?

We should be...we elected a retarded president already. :eek: