View Full Version : The Big Four

04-24-2007, 08:50 AM
I heard Slayer on the radio the other day (Angel of Death, BTW) and Megadeth today and I thought about how these two, Metallica and Anthrax were once known as the big four.

So the question is: who is/was the best? For me its a no-brainer. Slayer destroys the others hands down, followed by Anthrax who seemed to have disappeared down some hole in the past few years cause of their name I suppose. Metallica were alright, although Kill 'Em All is a complete balltearer. Megadeth always seemed to be a parody of a metal band, with Mustaine being all bitter about being thrown out of Metallica.

04-24-2007, 09:15 AM
anthrax had the best riffs and a sense of humour about their metal-ness

04-24-2007, 09:17 AM
Metallica for me outta that selection. The only reason being that I didn't really get into those other bands. :rolleyes:

04-24-2007, 09:18 AM
Slayer were the best.

Otis Driftwood
04-24-2007, 10:30 AM
Metallica stopped being good pretty after four albums. Megadeth followed a while later. I still listen to Peace sells a lot. But choosing between Slayer and Anthrax? That's harsh. I'll pick Anthrax cause they had two guys playing for S.O.D. too!

04-24-2007, 03:59 PM
I say Metallica but I've never really heard anything by the others.

Metallica's first few albums were pretty good anyway.

MC Moot
04-24-2007, 04:30 PM
easily Metallica....despite St Anger and the therapy movie.....

Drederick Tatum
04-25-2007, 06:06 AM
Slayer easily.

Manowar are awful.

04-25-2007, 07:04 AM
It's really, absolutely Slayer. Personal tastes, schmersonal schmastes.

Anthrax are cool, and had the whole skateboard/hip-hop thing happening, but Metallica lost the plot in the 90's. And Megadeth<<<<<Iron Maiden.

Otis Driftwood
04-25-2007, 07:16 AM
"I'm sorry, I don't listen to country music." -Joey DeMaio when asked what he thought about Metallica.

(y) (y) (y) Best Bassplayer in the world knows what he's saying!

04-25-2007, 02:44 PM
Slayer kicks all thier asses. They tour alot and sound killer live, and keep putting out good metal.

04-25-2007, 04:13 PM
I saw Anthrax a little over a year ago (with Joey BelladonnaaaaaaaAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAaaaaaaaaa).

One of the best shows I have ever seen. They still got it.

Out of the 4, I listen to Anthrax the most. But still throw the rest of them in rotation.

I finally got my wife to realize that Metallica was good before the catchy song filled "Black" album....just today actually.

Rock On
04-25-2007, 05:31 PM
The Big 4?

Coming from someone old enough to remember all of them in their primes, I've never heard of anyone call them the Big 4. I've heard Metallica's first 4 albums talked about like that though.

Anthrax and Megadeth aren't in the same ballpark as Metallica or Slayer.

Close call when it comes to these 2.
I use to love them both, but I gotta give Slayer the nod for never losing it like Metallica did after "...and Justice for All". After they cut their hair, it was over for them.

Slayer is the correct choice.

04-25-2007, 06:52 PM
The Big 4?

Coming from someone old enough to remember all of them in their primes, I've never heard of anyone call them the Big 4. I've heard Metallica's first 4 albums talked about like that though.

Slayer is the correct choice.

Maybe they were'nt universally known as this. I remember them being referred to as this from magazines when metal was the only game in town and its just stuck with me.

Otis Driftwood
04-26-2007, 02:00 AM
I forgot In Flames (y)
You must not be into Metal that long cause they didn't even exist when I stopped paying attention to it. Makes me feel old. You should check out Running Wild, dude, I'm sure you'll dig 'em.
They're a lot like Manowar except they're pirates instead of barbarians.