View Full Version : loose change final cut!

11-17-2007, 02:48 PM
watch it! (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2035108967536002048&q=loose+change+final+cut&total=167&start=20&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=5)

and if you still are left believing the stories perpetuated by the official doctrine of the "9-11 commission", you are a fucking idiot.

11-17-2007, 04:05 PM
loose my cut

11-17-2007, 05:00 PM
the ominous music and font selection was too much for me...

and to think, I made it through thirteen seconds of this 130 minute masterpiece...

its on the internet, though, it must be true...

11-17-2007, 05:21 PM
"I would be the first to admit that our film definitely contained errors, it still does contain some dubious claims, and it does come to some conclusions that are not 100% backed up by the facts." Dylan Avery - Loose Change Director.

11-17-2007, 06:27 PM
^ A more honest retraction than we can expect from the 9/11 Commission.

I think that quote refers to earlier internet only versions of the film. If I'm not mistaken this "Final Cut" is a new vetted version. I haven't watched it in any case.

11-17-2007, 06:32 PM
im just done watching it

it was quite interesting even when i saw the most interesting parts before

but yeah answer questions before asking new ones you stupid movie!

11-17-2007, 08:33 PM
i think they took a good lesson from press for truth, another 9-11 movie focused around the 9-11 timeline. its really difficult for those who hesitate to accept that our own government is capable of turning a blind eye, encouraging, or lyinging or whatever happened that day, its hard for those people who dont want to believe that, to hear a 20 sometihng year old kid narrate a conspiracy theory movie witha bunch of cheesey computer animations and seriously huge conclusions that are rifled past the viewer. this movie takes it a little slower, goes into a little more detail, has more sources, more direct footage of interviews, testimonies and documents. this together with the press for truth movie pretty much lays it down, makes it very real.

i didnt see them coming to any premature conclusions in this movie, the final cut version. the first two editions were quite opposite, and i think they learned a good lesson and im glad they corrected themselves.

i really hope people see this movie. and i really hope we do something about it. trust not in politicians!!

11-17-2007, 09:22 PM
and if you still are left believing the stories perpetuated by the official doctrine of the "9-11 commission", you are a fucking idiot.

This here says it all. Your willingness to not see anything that might be factual with 9/11 other than the conspiracy. Saying 'you are a fucking idoit' proves that. It's ok to have your belief and not respect others beliefs but it can be hard for others to respect your belief comming off like that. Peace.

11-18-2007, 06:28 AM
Whattis I agree with you in the sense that being called a fucking idiot would be a big turn off... although after watching the movie, you may well understand why it's very hard to not come away with that: seriously watch it!!!

What i would say is that if you refuse to watch it, and still try an pronounce some kind of opinion as to it's credibility, or validity then you are undoubtedly a fucking moron.
Those who are quick to say it's all a bunch of bull, watch it, then pass judgement.

This is an entirely new film as others have stated. It does not go down the same road as in the 1st, ad 2nd edition. They have fact checked every sentence - and do not offer conjecture, or 'theories', it is purely the information that the media never got round to telling everyone!!

Get the information, and trust yourself to be able to judge if the government story is possible.

11-18-2007, 08:16 AM
didnt some politican or someone get a high ass insurance on the wtc a few weeks/days before the "terrorist attacks" happened?

11-18-2007, 01:53 PM
yeah, that NYC land baron larry silverstein cashed in to the tune of a few billion dollars. there are a small group of people who made a lot of money, and are still making money off 9-11. its good to see, that after a few years, more information has been released, uncovered and spread, and that those who are trusting the government on this one are starting to become minority. when you think about it, really think about it, the ramifications of prior government knowledge of the events, or at the very least, severe negligence and/or ignorance, is worth holding a number of people accountable for some very serious crimes.
dubya's lies regarding the august 2001 PDB in which there were specific threats on the world trade center and the pentagon regarding osama bin laden and hijacked aircraft are alone, seriously impeachable offenses.

the more you look at it, the more you see what stands out as fact or fiction, because fact will stand the test of time, it will make sense and it will be verifiable. the fictional aspects of the story, whether its a group trying to disinform and cast deliberate lies to discredit those who are seeking the truth, or whether its a direction worth investigating, or a source worth verifying, those fictional aspects will be disclosed and must be left behind.

what we need is truth, full disclosure, release of critical evidence and serious investigation. and then of course, to hold those who are to blame for the crimes, on all levels, whether convenient or however painful it may be.

11-18-2007, 07:51 PM
oh ok, thanks

but didnt really a 4th plane (the last one) crash down? isnt there a 9/11 movie where they took original sound recordings from the passengers of that plane?

and the government or whoever took the rests of the crashed plane right away and confiscated it? (which is strange enough)

maybe they "explained" it in that movie but i had trouble to understand everything correctly since english isnt my native language

so im not sure if they doubt if a plane really crashed down there or just ask what happened to the rests of the plane

11-18-2007, 08:08 PM

11-19-2007, 02:18 AM
watch it! (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2035108967536002048&q=loose+change+final+cut&total=167&start=20&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=5)

and if you still are left believing the stories perpetuated by the official doctrine of the "9-11 commission", you are a fucking idiot.

Yes, don't believe anything the 9/11 commission tells you, just believe what this video says, or you're a fucking idiot.

Do you see the irony? You call people sheep all the time, but then tell them to watch this one video and be convinced that the 9/11 conspiricists are correct, or they're stupid. How about ask them to watch it and do their own research and come to their own conclusions?

11-19-2007, 12:15 PM
Yes, don't believe anything the 9/11 commission tells you, just believe what this video says, or you're a fucking idiot.

Do you see the irony? You call people sheep all the time, but then tell them to watch this one video and be convinced that the 9/11 conspiricists are correct, or they're stupid. How about ask them to watch it and do their own research and come to their own conclusions?

yeah prob wasn't the best way of putting it Drizl :D ..

Queen your last sentence is the key, and is exactly what everyone should do!!!
I would really like your thoughts on it - as I know you watched the first or second edition.

11-19-2007, 12:41 PM
these days, doing your own research means logging in to the internet and reading the latest blog or google video...

so how does that make one more well-read, informed, and in-the-know?



11-20-2007, 05:44 AM
these days, doing your own research means logging in to the internet and reading the latest blog or google video...

so how does that make one more well-read, informed, and in-the-know?



what utter load of wank..

Everything that is in LC final, and more, is covered, in way, way, more detail in David Ray Griffin book Debunking 911 Debunking (http://www.amazon.com/Debunking-11-Mechanics-Defenders-Conspiracy/dp/156656686X/ref=pd_bbs_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1195555084&sr=8-1). With very specific sourcing infact the last 61 pages are for the appendix that lists every source and reference - unlike NIST who do not reference any of their sources.

But as you are far too arrogant, and lazy to even watch LC final remy... not much hope of you bothering to read a book.

The loose change crew, and infact anyone worth his salt would say watch te video, if that gets you asking more questios, then great - go do some serious reserach: which debunkin 911 debunking should be a major part of, in the same way that reading the 911 Comission, and maybe even 911 Myths.. both appear to have been written by high school kids though, and Griffin literally destroys both of them systematically. Using logic, physics, and pure reason.

remy see the problem is you are willing to believe people who are known Bush/neo-con agents (the head of the 911 commission, and heads NIST are all such people), who spout literally non-sense: something that is pysically imposible:

NIST (http://wtc.nist.gov/pubs/factsheets/faqs_8_2006.htm)
Under certain circumstances it is conceivable for some of the steel in the wreckage to have melted after the buildings collapsed. Any molten steel in the wreckage was more likely due to the high temperature resulting from long exposure to combustion within the pile than to short exposure to fires or explosions while the buildings were standing.

this is fairy tale science, never, ever, ever can an hydrcarbon fire get hot enough to melt steel.. Let alone in a smudering pile of non-combustable material (concrete, and steel).. They spout bull, just cos there is no valid scientific reason it should be there if the tower merely collapsed due to fire weakening the structure.. so according to basic scientific principles, we must find another mechanism for what we find. May be able to fool the foolish, but you can't fool physics.

And so here's the crux: if one story/theory is shown to be impossible (which clearly it has been) then we must find another theory to support the evidence. It's called science, and logic.

11-20-2007, 11:12 AM
I'm sticking with this official eyewitness report and video! (http://www.beastieboys.com/bbs/showpost.php?p=1492619&postcount=325)

I mean...come on Youngremy...it doesn't get clearer than this. You've got to open your eyes and find some official research on youtube!

11-24-2007, 02:48 PM
its interesting the part with the head of the NIST report which drew out the conclusions and official story on the collapse of the wtc buildings....how he says he knows of no evidence for their being molten pools of steel beneath the towers for weeks after their collapse- even though NASA thermal imaging and hundreds of eyewitness accounts offer the contrary. typical of the officials involved in covering up the real evidence.
its okay, if you are still a fucking idiot, in time you will realize the truth and you will actually feel like a fucking idiot.

11-24-2007, 02:55 PM
and i love the comments "just cause you read it on the internet doesnt make it true". no shit, brilliant. just because you learned it in school, doesnt make it true. just because your mom and dad taught you this, doesnt make it true.

but there is a method to researching. if your method is to not go out and look on your own, to not keep an open mind to new ideas and to not discern what is credible, incredible, factual, fake, disinfo, discrediting....if your goal is to maintain willful ignoranace in light of a very large pile of contrary evidence that is growing day by day...that is your choice, and so your are, a fucking idiot.

but if your goal is truth, if you want to free yourself from the social, political and cultural ropes which hold you back from being an empowered, realized individual capable of making your own decisions and seeking true freedom, then i think you might be with the group who is now convinced 9-11 was grand coup.

in time, the truth will set us all free. and the internet is a big part of that.

11-24-2007, 02:59 PM
Yes, don't believe anything the 9/11 commission tells you, just believe what this video says, or you're a fucking idiot.

Do you see the irony? You call people sheep all the time, but then tell them to watch this one video and be convinced that the 9/11 conspiricists are correct, or they're stupid. How about ask them to watch it and do their own research and come to their own conclusions?

im not asking anyone anything really. i could care less. i just enjoy putting the link up there in the hopes that others might also see it. i know most of the people out there who have their mind made up that 9-11 was as we are told, are already conned into believing that everyone who says differently is a loon. thats the point of disinfo, and the role of mass media.

11-24-2007, 03:12 PM
drizl, if anyone thinks you're a loon it has nothing to do with mass media hypnosis and everything to do with your failure to give them reason to think otherwise.

11-24-2007, 06:26 PM
im not asking anyone anything really. i could care less. i just enjoy putting the link up there in the hopes that others might also see it.

So you hope that others may see it, but don't give a damn if they agree with you? That makes no sense. Most of the 9/11 "truth"ers out there want people to believe what they do because if they have enough of a mass following, they may be able to have enough support to get their questions heard by the government. You don't want that? You'd definitely be the first one I've met who's passionate about the cause but not passionate about spreading the word and getting others to believe you.