View Full Version : Tony Blair - Republican!!!

01-20-2008, 04:31 PM
http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article-23433246-details/Blair+accused+of+'stabbing+Hillary+Clinton+in+the+ back'+after+supporting+Republicans/article.do

Tony Blair was accused of betrayal last night as he waded into the American Presidential campaign to support George Bush's Republican world view.

As the former PM recommended Mr Bush's policies to 400 millionaire bankers in Las Vegas, former ally Bill Clinton was campaigning in Nevada for his wife Hillary, who hopes to be the Democratic candidate for the White House and is an arch Bush critic.

In a move liable to be interpreted as a stab in the back for Hillary's campaign, Mr Blair – who was paid £125,000 for his 35-minute speech – said: "George Bush is an amazingly strong and steady President...which is what America and the world needs."

Why am I not surprised?

01-20-2008, 08:59 PM
Um...I'm not exactly sure why that was seen as a stab in the back to Hillary. Was he speaking at a fundraising dinner for her, or something?

01-21-2008, 03:03 PM
Well, when Blair was PM during the Clinton era, he was a real Clintonista back then.

Blair essentially believes he has to be close to the United States -- Democratic or Republican. Which is why he remained so close to Bush as well.

His support for Bush isn't really a stab at Hillary since he's happy with whoever is put into the White House all the same. I doubt we'd hear Blair bash on Hillary if she gets the presidency.

01-21-2008, 04:19 PM
He was head of the Labour party, not the Tories.

Thatcher was more liberal than him.