View Full Version : military poison

alien autopsy
02-23-2008, 12:09 PM
what is with the militaries of the worlds thinking they can get away with nuking the planet, the atmosphere, its people?
whats with the military thinking its okay that they can test sonar in the pacific and force hundreds of peaceful whales up to the surface so fast their heads ears explode and they beach themselves to death?
whats with the military thinking the murder of millions of innocents is justifiable for the cause?
whats with the military launching poisonous satellits to circle our earth in the hundreds within the upper reaches of our atmosphere?
whats with the military thinking its cool to shoot nuclear weapons at comets, and crash nuclear fueled spacecraft on the surfaces of other planets?
whats with the military thinking it would be a good idea to mess with weather patterns and scalar technologies to wage wars on other people?
whats with the military thinking its a wise move to scoot around environmental laws and trash some of the most beautiful lands of our country?
what are we going to do with all this nuclear waste we have stockpiled?
how are we going to fix the situations we have created?

maybe its not the military, but the people who are running the military and their corporate counterparts in the defense industry...what do we do about all this!? who needs war anyways

02-23-2008, 01:49 PM
War gives me a job!

02-24-2008, 01:25 AM
Your very last question made your argument void. To those who say war is not necessary, you are wrong, HOWEVER, the invasion of Iraq was wrong. In that particular case, war was not necessary. If you're talking about war in general, then you're just an idealist. Human beings are a war-mongering species. This is undeniable. As long as us humans are living on this hunk of rock, we will create more wars. I don't even mean wars that we could have helped, but wars that must be engaged because of some future dictator who decides to wreck havoc in his region. And I'm referring to some World War scale event, or something smaller than that. Am I making sense? Not sure, I don't comment in this forum very much, but I just felt like doing some typing in here.

alien autopsy
02-25-2008, 01:48 PM
congrats on making a living based on the suffering and deaths of others.

i agree miho, it would appear that we are a war making species. and it is true that nature is not all peaceful and pretty 100% of the time. ants make war, bees make war, people make war. sharks eat people.

i wasnt trying to say anything at all really. just expressing a sadness i feel that we accept such things.

alien autopsy
02-25-2008, 01:50 PM
id like to think that humans are able to use their creative intent to overcome such things, but maybe we arent capable of that. we just think we are.

02-25-2008, 03:09 PM
congrats on making a living based on the suffering and deaths of others.

Completely absurd. I'm not even going to pretend I'm on some 'save the world' shit, but it appears you have absolutely no clue about the subject matter you are trying to speak on.

alien autopsy
02-25-2008, 03:53 PM
didnt mean to upset you...but what you said did sound a little enthusiastic. what do you do if you dont mind me asking?
i dont pretend to know what im talking about either. i do have a right to an opinion though.

02-25-2008, 04:02 PM
I am a tank crewman in the British Army. We are due to deploy to Iraq in May/June and I will be driving armoured infantry vehicles.

alien autopsy
02-25-2008, 07:21 PM
well, it appears you are, within, in an interesting situation...personally, i couldnt do it. but if you feel so much as to risk your own life for something which you believe in, then you are a better man than i. such a confusing situation there, to be honest, i dont know what to think about it.

i would risk my life for other things perhaps, but then again, im only saying so and im not signing up to do it. you are brave, good luck to you, i hope you return safe. and i hope what you are doing there helps straighten the situation out.