View Full Version : Hillary will "obliterate" Iran if Israel is attacked

04-29-2008, 06:06 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080422/ts_alt_afp/usvoteclintoniran_080422155517;_ylt=An4tvBFi9.1hL8 a5llg4WSlh24cA

I meant post this a few days ago. A weak attempt to appear strong to the warmonger crowd, in my eyes. The next step after "obliterating" Iran is for everyone to kiss their asses goodbye. Good plan, Hillary.

04-29-2008, 07:19 PM
Yeah, kind of old news here. They both stated their stances on Israel during the Pa. Debate.

Hillary: I would agressively respond to any attack on our greatest ally in the Middle East, and let other countries in the region know that they could be protected by the same blanket of protection if they would become an ally of the US.

Obama: I would take appropiate action.

She trounced him pretty bad on all foreign relations issues. A lot of the post debate columns agreed.