View Full Version : Telepathy (neurons) et al

07-12-2008, 03:21 PM
How can you tell ...

I just thought I'd say a little something while I'm not on my meds they're givin' me.

Anyway, quickly, cemi theory is the going 'theory' of how the brain communicates with itself. Polar dynamics have something to do with it as well. It's something I think we all take for granted more than anything else. In fact, there's nothing else more fantastic you might say. I'll post a blog I worked on while experiencing this phenomena. You could say that many illness are unfortunately 'attributed' to it without integral props in the scientific community/ social realm - my God "just look at them" - Amadeus. Einstein and Upton worked on a book called "Radio Wave". That's why he was fixated on imagination so much ... and there's more to this than meets the eye, then again ... our brain gets 400 billion bits of info, but only realizes 200,000. (What the Bleep) In any case, check out www.randi.org. If you're mentally mature enough to know something about this or if you're willing to check it out further, contact me. Paid professionals have been working on it, but unfortunately are at an impass/ barrier in this social climate of stale dysfunction. Yes, osmosis, or lack of would come into play as well. I won't get into cymatics here either. I'm just interested in getting and splitting the one million dollars at randi.org, while getting science and communication where they need to be, hooah!?!

Back on my meds soon for all you non believing suckerhead static cling.

l. e


PS. It doesn't matter if you don't have a clue what I'm talking about. The beauty is that I can do this with anyone with an open mind, willing, and on 'home base', and preferrably close to where I live. Besides that, life's crazy, get use to it. I'll be posting my blog shortly for you fellow brainiacs, if there are such here right now

07-12-2008, 03:25 PM
Here's the crazy.

Come and get some.


proof x life: alone vs all one: current telepathic connections- universal terms

cemi (conscious electro- magnetic information) & current geological polar dynamics

i'm editing this from satellite beach, fl, though started writing it in arcata, ca., where in january of 07, believe it or not, i began experiencing a 'telepathic' phenomenon. granted, the 'humboldt triangle' can often more likely than not, be a nesting ground for insanity/ disenfranchised waywardness where, like most anywhere these days, most people are, for no real intents or purposes, "out of it" and/ or "on it", and ironically enough, usually both at the same time ... "and that's no delusion"- bb - effectually disenfranchised and poorly conditioned like a general and accepted feeling of social malaise that people have had to accept as 'normal'. anyway, that's the background, or 'ground zero' of the time's unfortunate existential/ circumstantial gridlock ... i'll try to get into the particulars and details sumwhat of all and sundry re what happened. it goes without saying now that it was an especially/ utmost critical and extremely painful time that 'sabotaged' and perhaps forewent my experience there ... akin to a hundred trauma's at once that lasted for weeks on end. in any case, i managed/ had to (re) figure (too) much out for everything/ one ... albeit to no practical avail as yet ... it was an extremely 'crunched' rigormorale... having been gridlocked/ subjected and 'connected' (by physical proximity/ perceived range) to one too many 'devil's advocates' - ("been through that ... this is not [my] fait" –bd).. which can seem crazy already... and believe me i was the first to question it, but i've been around and then some well enough to know that i'm not 'crazy' – and am extremely capable when it comes to analyzing-synthesizing/ identifying-recognizing the nature, dynamic, construct and 'essence' of most anything based/ referenced on integral life experience, micro- macro... down to the very nature, motive, symmetry, and application - not to mention gestalt reality ... of which is unfortunately out of (comfort) range or too 'point blank' for many. adhering to integral life experience/ momentum/ practicality/ prerogative.. etc, while subject and in contrast to such a lost, degenerated, entropic, gridlocked.. place can be absolutely stressful and all but possible in the meliued mechanics and run of the mill. but this went beyond that. though time takes its toll, i've been many places making it from scratch. so please bare with me, as the classic paranoid delusion case only goes so far. why it happened to me? and for where and what else in a world so set up for failure in all 'aspects' of its common place - where common sense can all but prevail at scale.. in any case, i don't know in what capacity.. or where your faith lies, or what you make of anything at all for that matter ... it was quite more than out of the 'ordinary' (paranormal) – aeffects and meanings galore aside, the evidence pertaining to certain scenarios surrounding this experience certainly still exist (there's always proof- holmes) and the facts are stored to memory. this obviously won't be easy, here and now, like this, and will therefore be quite 'rudimentary' and absent of much as it's akin to explaining the theory of everything via a 'one dimensional' ... not to mention that for all that you know, i'm just plain crazy. it was again, in spite of your tendancy to think that i 'snapped', an extremely stressful time of which had been 'building' for too long due to... everything. in any case, cosby's law states that the proof is in the pudding.

if you give any plausibility to someone with braces hearing a radio station, which wouldn't have been believed only decades ago by the majority of the world, or any number of many other phenomena, take a minute. there's a long way to go with everything vs what is readily or capable of being understood in practical terms – in again, such an impeded, exploited, dumbed down, impractical, and obfuscated world with one too many 'stranded seams' (though so far past the tipping point/ at the most pivitol time) ... entirely too much is taken for granted in the mainstream static front/ artificially induced reality/ every facet of human life - socio political, economics, etc etc - that it's effectually 'unbelievable' what the brain will 'officially' recognize/ realize when it has to try and work within these extremely primitive means.. to the extent that mass disenfranchisement goes.., but i'll digress re for now, though it is certainly all relative and can't seem to be said enough.

oddly enough, i attributed it to cemi theory which is the current explanation for how the brain is able to communicate with itself via an em field surrounding it. i say oddly because i found and chose this topic for a psychology research paper i wrote before the experience... (the odd part being that the nature of the experience was 'eerilly' consummative or prescient - as opposed to something my brain concocted after...) it was as if i had watermarked or had been tracking things.. reality - nature – life to a fundamental degree for so (too) long, that things autonomously prepared for/ self fulfilled the phenomenon... relativity/ time - who's to figure it all out... anyway, i've already gotten ahead of myself. i'll try to stick with the 'basics' here initially.

this 'theory' is relatively new. in fact, it only really began to be studied recently (where and with what technological means or fervor i'm not aware besides the googled few..), but even then, the 'ends' haven't seemed to have met entirely - meaning that there's a long way to go... all concerned. i also found out about our current geo-polar dynamics – where the poles are changing.. which probably has a bearing ... in any case, let's not forget "what the bleep do we know" ... electro- magnetism, quantum physics, holographic imaging/ representation (whole in every part as pertaining to the cemi field), collective consciousness, omnipresence, prescience, claire voyance, pre-cognition, cymatics, praxeology etc... check it out. everything - has a dynamic. when you experience/ recognize/ know it (s principles) in short order/ simple form ... it's (like) having the key to a gestalt/ profound dimension.

granted, i may have been/ be in the twilight hour of my life having had to deal with too much static bullshit for too long, fine, but this shouldn't be underrated. i've had more than my fair share of life's 'inocculations', not to mention quite familiar with different chemicals ie lsd, mdma etc which i gotta say have really only been to my benefit all concerned ... also with the territory, i'm (unfortunately) fortunate in being familiar with schizophrenia (treatment advocacy center, narsad, nami...) and other dis-, or just, orders (many times reactions to the disorder (entropy) in the world - "'cause it's just 1, 2, 3...." –311) you can think the nut didn't fall far. in any case, everyone/ body has the gene for it. most anyone purportedly 'normal' or 'balanced', if stressed enough in certain capacity/ measure, would certainly find it difficult to remain in their 'water marked' terms of reality, especially with all the pollution these days. we are very fragile. schizophrenia alone affects approximately 1 out of every 100 people. the exact cause and cure have not been found yet. as 'precursory' or as much as it may be seemingly applied to me in the rudimentary/ only known terms 'available' today, or as the 'nature' of this tends/ seems to indicate the beginning of my own 'demise', in having to confront/ face my experience etc, of which could be classified as technically insane by today's measures, never the less, it may be possible that the initial disturbance or cause of (sum) 'illnesses' (of the same 'genus'/ biological..) ... this 'labeled 'anomally'' could be directly related to the em field – em dynamics of the world, our brains/ consciousness, where one's cemi field (in micro holographic terms- one's brain, and macro- global pole dynamics...) attract or link to anothers' for a purpose or whatever reason ... therein lies a whole gamet of ... which i could intuitively and hypothetically expound on to no end (spiritually). i really hate to get into it here because it's practically all but believable/ or 'ironically', conceivable, or able to be given the due 'time of day' by most ... moving on... in many cases i think that it's possible that a person that has 'contracted' other cemi fields to this degree is unable to identify/ recognize what is exactly happening to them (to date) as integral props (and science) are not feasibly around to offer any justice - make the point (not to mention they're subjected to an onslaught of harmful 'static' in the run of the mill..) ... and the strain changes their physiology – their brain is subjected to a wholly "unidentified" and therefore incomprehensible strain causing a chemical imbalance. this is where i thank goodness gracious that i've been unfortunate enough to be fortunate in knowing better, or 'immune'.. how would you imagine what i'm talking about??? "good night and good luck" in other words, hearing voices could very well be just some sort of 'entanglement' - google if you like, paid pro.. people are studying this including those from "what the bleep do we know". but just in case you've already pinned me for anything but sane – i'm sure you can explain the theory behind most anything ie how does water react to emotion and what it (ultimately/ potentially) 'means', what are the exact dynamics of the inner voice (and what they explicitly 'denote' universally), why the bees are disappearing - or a million other phenomena ... crazy or not, it's 'refreshing' how/ that i can see it from both sides of the coin.. (speaking of... twilight zone- "when a coin lands on it's edge") and be "sane", or insane as it were, about more than most seem to be able to even relate, consider, orientate, or term/ recognize at all. the context and timing, as always, are extremely important as well. in any case, we all go a little crazy once in a life time.

one of the worst parts was that i seemed to be the only one really prepared to acknowledge/ provide bearing to it – all. as though i, as the "observer" or again, "contractor" of this phenomena, was in the only position, 'dimension' or paradigm (parallax able to see the 3d..) to be able to fully recognize it. it felt as if a magnetic 'prong' was tapped inside my head and others connected, without really perceiving/ conceiving or connecting the dynamic ... a big question re the science surrounding this, and only recently did i found that dna research exists (greg braden...) that corroborates this (thanks to ufotv support project cause and anti matrix..), is, "how are subatomic particles such as electrons seemingly able to 'communicate with each other', or change at the very same time another does.. no matter what the distance between them? thoughts, as if on a grid or underlying frequency, seemed to 'tranfer' via a subconscious or 'metaphysical' connection. like conscious cells/ fundamental dynamics (common denomenators or sense), again, in holographic terms, 'lock' in "place" (metaphysically) to the 'host'. i would really have to get into the chronological and situational details of how this (got) started for one to understand the denotation (sp), mechanics/ chain reaction of it all better, which i will later perhaps. realizing the subliminal/ mark twaining our subconscious equilibrium/ maintaining a certain standard/ solution via osmosis applicable to reality, gestalt to analytical, in an incorruptible manner/ without anomoly is sumwhat difficult for one man vs static/ negative chain reaction of all and sundry in the present extremely confused world ... the 'orientation' process is still stressful in that it is extremely complex and nuanced, yet plain ... though consumingly so in a run of the mill and circumstantial/ subjected place where it couldn't be 'appreciated' [not to again mention maddeningly so to an almost unsolvable point in the (milieued) constant conundrum and confusion of it all]. i'm being too 'abstract' again. sorry. i will say that direct and certain physical responses (in person) resulted/ occured many times to the phenomenon that were all too evident, factual, and definitive... however the person in communicae, for whatever reason or lack of, again, wasn't entirely self aware of what they were responding to all considered/ exactly, (not too much of anything for that matter where 'tapping the matrix' goes...) - not trance like exactly as one may think, and in trying not to give too much of a weak example, but more like when someone wantonly or superficially acts or responds to something that he or she is relatively unaware/ not conscious of altogether, as trivial as it may seem at the time (stuck in the secular..). just to make it clear that this went way beyond the experience of being able to make a general observation/ perceive someone else's thoughts to an extent.. physically before you ... and i see i'm going to have to tell the story from the beginning somehow here, sometime.. but i was alone and hearing others' 'meta-physical voices'/ thoughts in my head (i know, "cukoo" - how would one ever explain it, really...) - actually thinking something and getting an actual physical/ verbal response to it, though physically out of sight - that's how it was confirmed... repeatedly, for a long time at a little 'half way house' apt "complex" i unfortunately had to move into at hsu. this phenomenon occured beyond the adolescent/ 'immature' walls too. now you're thinking (no pun intended), "why didn't you 'confront' and prove this phenomenon?" after it became too much around arcata (though i met alot of people, there were none that had a resounding 'click' with me altogether from where i've been...) and after the proof re-affirmed itself/ manifested ... and i had come to terms with the fact that i was in fact not crazy and that this was in fact a real phenomenon - i tried, but again, it was apparently too 'far out' for their brain to handle/ recognize (a very weak example would be perhaps like walking up to a 3d poster and still wanting to believe there's nothing to be seen) - as if their brains just wanted to believe in absolute 'coincidence' even after 'one too many times'. i didn't know how to get it throught to these people, so i only appeared to come off as crazy, and moreover, after the fact, they more than seemed to prefer it so for their own 'misgivings' rather than ... not to mention that i have a tendancy of knowing people/ calling (reality) ignoble people out instantly more than they'd like.... (so it was like 'our little secret') anyway, so it's an anomoly people don't understand if they witnessed it and therefore dismiss it as their brain couldn't possibly figure it out in time or the "dimension" they're speaking.. again, as if their subconscious was somewhat 'tuned' in but their conscious was not ... effectually disconnected from any practical point or real/ mean time, altogether - which was - 'dramastically' contrasted/ shown by me. there were too many 'tell tale signs' - i know you're going to want more (proof) ... but for now, it'll have to suffice that i was and am simply more 'mark twained' and aware in life not to be convictive of all the timely evidence. so "coincidence" is not feasible in the direct, chronological, or any terms, where again, simply too many direct/ definitive occurances made it shockingly too obvious … of which were just too 'subliminal' and nuanced, as the nature of this dictated ... if i had the wherewithal i'd scientifically prove it. i hope to find the time later to, or perhaps even write a script/ book for the sake of it - i'll have to leave it abridged until then ... to most this phenomena is virtually 'insane' (with that - to me too) ... dealing with it was no easy exercise. the 'responsiblility' was very literally the weight of the world/ total human experience – not to mention the global implications/ explications ... for most, i suppose it's like something that is in their mind's eye (potential), but in today's stifled, hemmed in, impeded, and static world - next to impossible to see/ recognize/ catalyze ... derive if i gave them the etymology of physiognomy ...

all this unfortunatley again came about/ occurred (far past the last straw) after i had no choice but to move into a criminally run 'efficiency' apartment complex at/ near HSU, a place where reality's orientation is handicapped/ glass ceilinged as far as the state of outside/ inside world intelligence and practicality goes (doesn't go) - where too much is under and overcompensated for, taken in vain and factioned off. i know i should've never ended up there.. but for this... no-one really belongs in such a disenfranchised, catagorically bereaved place... where one couldn't possibly know what is what for the lack of all and sundry. i won't get into how or what i had been through before i got there, but i initially moved to california as it was the only state i found that offered a full tuition (veteran's) grant - provided to me for my dad's service (back) disability. i wanted to stay north ... get away from the nation's static, and find a remote, ecological area that i could catch up in college after...... and it didn't turn out as i had hoped. ... unfortunately, again, i found myself running into one too many 'unfortunate' pagans (or the like) instead - who tragically felt they had to advocate the way the place was run - down/ situated in a bullshit, half baked eco-front. anywhere, usa unfortunately. not a very concievable place and time ... so even with all the love and patience in the world, the misguided, unfortunate, adolescent presence that surrounded me and the substandard/ dys-function of the place was a thorn in my side – which was not limited to adolescence (certainly not to give the impression that i necessarily disliked everyone either - i'm extremely personable and am friendly/ respectful with most anyone - i just ran into more bad and unrelied.. than any real amount of good or integral). it was the same case with many/ most 'adults' that were/ are on the (fore) front of shit. 'good' ol' us of a/ the world falling behind like no one can tell. "all these people with static..." - bb. there's so much more than meets the eye... as you may or may not tell.. again, and to the detriment of ... certainly beyond the scope of many/ what the average brain is commonly ready to consider/ register altogether at point blank range in this run of the mill business as usual mainstream aahhhhhhhhhhhh, where people are so tied up in it they couldn't see past shit if they wanted to ... so it was the last place to "be" to experience this phenomenon... anyway, think of the most extraordinary phenomenon you've ever seen, heard of, or thought, magnify it, then have to contrast it with mainstream bullshit/ preconcieved notions and labels. only this century, have we made amazing headways/ advanced science to realms never before really even thought possible, yet most people unfortunatley still just don't know how to be. it's truly a science ... most have a 'primal' need to stick to thinking with what they think they know, but never conclude anything in any real summation or have any practical or due application (at scale) ... "well just look at them"/ it all – amadeus.

kevin warwick, a renowned telekinetic scientist, believes that the 'wave of the future' is telepathy. i admit it's something to be desired, but here's a few bits i had to quickly piece together for a psych paper:

running head: the etymology of physiognomy

Consciousness: Who knew? Where are we headed?

Like consciousness, we find that time practically began with wavelike properties. These properties are found everywhere. Even our own brain activity can be monitored in wavelengths. Since the dawn of sentient nature, intelligence has been recorded at the cellular level in all living organisms throughout evolution. In this sense, we seem to know things ad infinitum. Even so, the human brain has long been researched and still its capacity has only been wholly understood in rudimentary terms. Only recently with the advancements of technology and science have we begun to map out and tap into the overwhelming and catalystic nature of our own minds. ... These questions and others may just be fated for a golden age of reality in the not so-far-off future, then again ... We seem to have multiple modes of being aware and this has lead to many theories ... (I'm skipping a lot with the '...')

Researchers around the world are piecing together what they call a spectrum of human consciousness. This includes: instinct, ego an spirit; pre-personal, personal and transpersonal; subconscious, self-conscious and super-conscious … Awareness is only a part of consciousness. Other known aspects of consciousness are free will, reasoning, visual imagery, recalling and making choices. Our visual, auditory, olfactory, somatic, and gustatory systems sense external stimuli that triggers simultaneous electro-chemical reactions that scientists believe to be encompassed by one conscious field, or holographic site. "Transient periods of synchronized oscillating neuronal discharges in the brain have been proposed to support the discrete perceptual moments underlying conscious visual experience" (Smith, 2006). "Light profoundly impacts human consciousness through the stimulation of the visual system and powerfully regulates the human circadian system, which, in turn, has a broad regulatory impact on virtually all tissues in the body" (Brainard & Hanifin, 2005). Johnjoe McFadden (2002), a Professor at the School of Biomedical and Life Sciences and the University of Surrey in the UK wrote, "When we see an object, signals from our retina travel along nerves as waves of electrically charged ions. When they reach the nerve terminus, the signal jumps to the next nerve via chemical neurotransmitters. The receiving nerve decides whether or not it will fire, based on the number of firing votes it receives from its upstream nerves … every time a nerve fires, the electrical activity sends a signal to the brain's electromagnetic (em) field … information that reaches the brain's em field is automatically bound together with all the other signals in the brain" (McFadden, 2002). ... Given that the flow of electrical impulses through the neurons is always changing, the magnetic field produced is guaranteed to change, and likely to induce electrical flows. Ampere's Law and Faraday's Law account for this. ... As such, it is believed that the em field will "fine tune" the neural pathway toward the desired goal. This is believed to be the workings of conscious will. This theory of neuronal integration makes sense as it would explain the inner workings of the holistic phenomenon called consciousness. However, more information and testing purportedly needs to be done for it to be classified as a matter of fact ... The point is that "electromagnetic energy would provide a bridge between mind and matter" (Heller, 2005), and thereby account for the basic dynamic of consciousness ...

"[Cosmic consciousness] is a transpersonal mode of consciousness, and awareness of the universal mind and one's unity with it. Its prime characteristic is a consciousness of the life and order in the universe" (Sarker, 2001) ...

Life on this planet has been made possible mainly due to H2O. Being that the majority of our bodies are also made up of water, it is interesting to note some of the properties of water and how they correlate within our existence. Water is highly conducive as well as impressionable, as it has been known to actually react to emotion. The biosphere and all that this universe is has direct impact on us, just as we have an impact on it. Our intuition has served us a lot better than many perhaps think, being that most solutions and inventions have come not from "mechanical" knowledge, but from an intuition concerning the nature of something. (Stored memory) In any case, the reflective feature and the electrical currency of water at this point mean more than meets the eye. "Joseph Pearce explains this best: 'Man's mind mirrors a universe that mirrors man's mind.' On the other hand, if a seed of imagination is sewn, a germ of an idea can be planted contrary to existing evidence. The seed will grow and sooner or later produce data to confirm or deny the idea.'" (Sarker, 2001). We will just have to keep striving for the best existence we can via motivational momentum and hopefully one day recognize what we truly are and can become. Maybe our circumscriptions will finally arrive at a point of setting the record of everything straight. Whether it's all about adhering to the tonic in life's biorhythm ebbing of the noble forces that truth relies upon ... In any case, and as a matter of fact, it all settles the same and we will continue to figure it all out ad infinitum ...

during this experience, which again, is practically next to impossible to explain in comprehensive and detailed terms without actually working with oscilloscope ... i consummated just about every theme in the "book" ... nevermind analog/ music/ lyrics/ counterpoint ... in real time, mean time, and practically absolute time where everything was omnipresent and omnipotent.. as if according to a pre-synchronized yet timeless, profound dimension where, at a point, everything seemed to revolve around me ('by proxy') (as bad as that may seem.. i've been around enough to know what humbleness and gratitude really are) - ... (the nines...? infinity and then sum...? serendipitous? turning it all around ... chanoble i figured all this out a long time ago - but without ... it's been a rub/ grind) like life's (-so exploited/ misconstrued) antithesis was so run of the mill, in contrast, i fulfilled an absolute thesis. in any case, it's taxing, though most the time this contrast serves as "the grain of sand in a pearl", or antithesis in dialectic. anyway, after getting too much fill of dealing with it in the gridlocked hell.. i abandoned/ gave away everything i had and left. i boarded the connecting flight in l.a., and asked the lady sitting next to me if she had any sleep medication. she gave me a xanax and when i awoke upon landing in orlando, fl, i was clear headed. to my surprise the phenomena had left me. after all that, to take a fucking plane trip and be ok, to that extent... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

much of what's been coming out in the arts has not been a coincidence in re to this phenomenon either - for real. there's so many i could show and tell after the fact in no uncertain terms of thematically nuanced application. hollywood's all too well done - innerspace, being john..., white noise.. what women want, and i'll throw in escape to witch mountain, fantastic voyage, the truman show.. president's analyst, slipstream, sphere etc etc etc - time to bring it up to speed/ date.

so it's unfortunate that people never get the chance, or refuse... reality and are ultimately unaware of nature/ themselves ... so unprepared that most people don't seem to stand a chance of ever really acknowledging/ accepting much, and if they did, there's no wherewithal to apply ... fucking bush errruuhh. a quicksand country that has engulfed/ amassed so many, if you've got a solid 'grounding', you're a target to most who want nothing more than to bring you down and dismiss it all. take two k-os and call me in the morning. perhaps it's akin to anasagnosia in a way. perhaps it's like a periperal phenomena the brain doesn't/ won't actually realize. rewinding a little bit - 400,000 million (?) bits of info is taken in by the brain and only 200,000 (?) bits (courtesy of w.t.b.d.w.k.) make the cut to our realization at any given time. realization requires practical terms i suppose... which by today's standards... ahhhhhhhh (don't) forget about it. things we shouldn't take for granted to the extent that we're used/ have been conditioned/ 'made' to. i know less is probably more at this point... but..

perhaps i don't give people enough credit- it's not their fault that they continue to run on so many fault lines after the fact, right? why does everything have to be so damn impractical and impossible? i've got too much responsibility and things in life to live for and do that most apparently can't appreciate/ orientate/ term at all, and it's been maddening being impeded every step of the way. people think they can deny being subject to things that 'apply' when in an altogether confounded state/ country where nothing is validated/ on line ...

most of the brain's activity takes place in the subconscious which interprets images.. everything literally - without the ability to reason. in somewhat of a 'perfect storm' circumstance (whether it was forced.../ meant/ set to happen/ my being was wholly subjected to it in the universal circumstance ...) this was/ is the technical reason/ medium/ cross-over/ osmosis of how this phenomenon seems to have been able to occur in that i was literally tapped into. it's as crazy as it sounds unless you're really conscious of it, then it's even more crazy, unless you are up to speed etc etc etc. anyway, again, i had just moved into a noisy little room in the campus apts where the guy upstairs was always bumping his stereo where i had had to visit him a few times. anyway, one night i was in bed. i had been dealing with the 'world's in-depth stresses' and then sum in my own circumstances for too long ... and in the extremely small noisy space with paper thin walls hear the guy upstairs start tapping on his floor where he seemed to want to trifle with me in the lamest, most irritating way possible - maybe he thought he was going to try to be 'on top' one way or another after having said something to him about the level of his volume - though i couldn't have have been more about plain respect. anyway, after finding that visiting him again was futile and the complex seemed like it would've loved to kick me out and keep my deposit for fighting, i figured i'd talk with the manager in the morning. lying there, i concentrated on what the guy/ people above me could be thinking having disturbed me so much. all of a sudden i found myself talking with them via my thoughts - my inner voice. there was him and his sister. i know it sounds ridiculously impossible, and i couldn't tell you exactly how it happened, but that it did. anyway, i believe my brain interpreted this tapping literally somehow where the subconscious is concerned (instant images/ literal process) taking the tapping literally in my subconsious. the human psyche is fragile yet powerful ... and somehow it was realized. how aware was he? it seemed, like most people, that his subconsious allowed the concept/ phenomenon/ thoughts to make it to his conscious enough to participate - but only in part - like autonomously dismissing the rest of the pi.. for lack of... anyway, it's like thoughts or slides are placed on a clipboard between us where they can get exploited all too easily by people that are really sick. keeping all my sights on isn't so easy in a place and with people like that. after so long, it will do bad things to anyone. that's why i need to be around good professionals and in good element... i can only do what any human can do with the weight - sins and goodness of the world running through me before i realize that it's not worth haggling with most ... it's a top to bottom thing, not a bottom to top, meaning many crimes are done in relation to what's been given to the 'criminal' ... but never a break. i'm not perfect and have seen some shit in my day. they're dying for me to be wrong 99% of the time, and the other 1% they expect me to turn it all around myself. much probably like what jesus went through, if you get that. i can't 'save' anyone per se. further more, in our subconsious connection how does one's thought process.. where others can steer thoughts when one's in a weakened state all considered - it, by default, can get schizmatic esp when the devil is in the details (babylon) wreaking havoc on my brain with pretense always on the clipboard. i make way to clear it daily, but damn - i need out of this hell like everyone's/ no one's business. being 'human', ish practically can't be helped when one is in such malign conditions for all too long. i perhaps give them too much room.. give a hand and they want your whole body and everything in your pockets. didn't expect to have to deal with.. ahhhhhhh. telepathy. i end up getting juiced of reason, or over-exercising it, seemingly in vain ... for whatever it was/ is worth to them. anyway, who was i to be in this little room ... having fundamentally tracked/ mark twained the common denominators of life leaves me to believe that what i had become ... granted a universal plane/ medium for this conscious 'osmosis' where i was literally hacked into, again, with a constant 'intelligent' tapping on the ceiling that cor(responded) to our/ my thoughts - over a long period of time - for weeks on end. i confronted the guy but to no avail, but he was a disenfranchised guy that seemed entirely too bottled up and didn't seem to know how to communicate at all - which caused him more angst and denial. i simply didn't need to be there. it was very strange circumstances. i need a hypnotist to clear things up - put my brain back into a better mode - not to mention ... anyway, the best i'd get if he answered his door would almost be a grunt when i went up to talk with him, and the apt manager was about as delinquent as the kids there. it was ridiculous. the tapping would start when i got into the room (i recorded it so it's not imaginary), and would respond to my thoughts. it was not a big rat or the pipes. any time he didn't like what i said, he'd tap. hell, he'd tap constantly. 'you can't touch them though" - coldplay. coincidence is impossible. again, it was being 'insane' through a sane man's eyes. it subjects me and everything entirely too much. communication with people who speak in tounges and with pretense - very dangerous stuff. an entanglement in a bad situation is all it was, and when i say all ... it throws me out of wack, but i put the title back in place one way or another. that's how it went - not to mention the absolute hell i won't get into here with people (physically) in your head/ body. it began where they didn't seem to realize the phenomena itself or took it for granted.. in a world where the going 'zeitgeist' is all but true - it's time to take it back and change a little something. when they realized, i had to figure it all out.. but being enslaved/ constantly tapped into someone's head where they hear, see, feel if i think concerning them, was hell for us all. his identity unfortunately lacked in any good way that he couldn't face it in reality - i haven't walked in his shoes so i can't say much of anything, but it is what it is. i couldn't go up and talk to him about the tapping a millionth time only for him to deny it face to face - not to mention mention telepathy. i even said come down and listen to the tapping jokingly knowing he wouldn't (hear it) because he was the one doing it. he wouldn't do it. hell is the impossibility of reason - which didn't have to be. you would have to be there. anyway, telepathy was mos def involved. i kid you not. there's many things to be done. damn this is difficult from here. i'll make it more digestable later. need some paid professionals up on a little something and to be in the correct element...! instinctively, it's perhaps a little too alien/ close for most brains to deal with on site - which gets into ... but i had experienced/ prepared for a long time - and it was time for people to know ... there's so much to this, and i feel so sabotaged by it all - but that gets into a spiritual war/ neurons et al. somebody get with me. for most people in daily.., without noble elements in the ecological system/ function of the world where no one has had a chance (subconsciously) to get/ add it all up well/ correctly (gestalt/ intro/ outro-spection/ real environmental comfort zone) for it to surface and situate in their praxeology ... it's a moral, soulful, spiritual, et al thing. "oh, word." anyway, the phenomenon became into/ unto ourself/ itelf/ universal plane - metaphysical & all'at - the whole thing almost kills me. being conscious of the transference/ com via the subconscious spawned a waking hell which can be attributed to when an em field is disturbed/ encounters static/ an incomplete, disenfranchised, unexperienced, ignoble, asymmetrical-recognition factor/ source, or dysfunction in the gestalt universal plane ... creating a conflict/ contradiction/ supplimental anomolies in the all too autonomous sub.. and superficially exploited physical world where, against one's will, can cause neurons to fire uncontrollably ... creating neural pathways/ synapse constructs/ machinations/ figments that can connotate/ exploit things/ images that tend to be taken faster than 'lightning speed'.. where as stated, in an 'entanglement', can be effectually/ unavoidabley 'steered'/ exploited by others (who don't know what the fuck) that are linked/ tapped in (in worst case - a negative static cling/ parasitical physical anomoly) to the one's 'grid'/ underlying frequency – of which i had to keep up with... with no wherewithal or place to go with it all ... so like being hemmed in with 'unwanted guests' that were unfortunately little more than wanton critics/ 'suckerheads' that wanted nothing more than to incite for their own bio-'misgivings', and (without thinking/ reasoning being on a 'subconscious' level) think they'd 'hacked it' for 'tapping' in ("cracked my code" -311 ... only to find they tapped something their biogenics weren't prepared for in any way, shape or form where they got far more than they ever bargained for) - the 'cia' couldn't have done any worse to me for that matter ... "there must be some kind of way out..." it discombobulated my physical and i needed out/ into my own and couldn't get out/ in. i ask, why me, who else knows and how, how is the universal plane devised, how does it work exactly - it's like forbidden knowledge - for lack of knowledge etc ... anyway, at a constant, everything gets congested/ riddled, and composing one's self gets extremely difficult. hell, i thought i was possesed – which may give an age old insight into that/ stigmata (when i say rigormorale - i can't be responsible for everyone's bs fronts after the fact – but with that only spawned another hellish cycle ... in the entrapment - again, because of where i had to remain and who i was 'around'/ had to be in close proximity with) "in my head i just want to take 'em down..." –bb it's unfortunate, and i did all the good i could - really, but ... in humboldt county no less – the opposite of what ... normally stupid shit is nothing to give the time of day to, but under this extreme gridlocked circumstance and with such a sensitive phenomena.. at such a 'point'.. and again having been bereft of "wherewithal"/ 'funneled'/ made to lose out on time in respect to too many prerogatives/ objectives.. in the unrelied matrix - it was a needle in the eye - the story of life ... go see the 'movie'... reality. "just keep [your bs] off my wave". believe it or not... i know that can sound/ seem like, having seen people go 'mad' (fine line's can often be too close for comfort), and though it's uncomfortable for many, i still descry how insane and confounded the world is to a point of ultimate sanity/ reality/ constellation/ contrast (like it or not), and given the right space/ element can do all manner of great things with the potential i've found/ earned ... it was still a construct made of a hell that i really had no damn time for, and still see no end in sight where i'm at now. "where do [i] we go from here" –filter even more disturbing, if i thought about a place or person, they're automatically/ autonomously in the mix (universal consciousness met on/ with universal terms) again, believe it or not. you tell me what it all means and what has to finally give after a point!!!? ok, i think i'm getting too 'abstract' and out there/ close like no one ... "just beam me up, scotty." most of you won't want to read (between) the lines and will put this off to.. whatever. "i need more - i'm going over my borders" -dmb (ohhh these days it's too easy to misconstrue anything/ everything – watch out..!) anyway, so feeling primitive and obtuse writing about this here and now. there was more (meta-) physical hell involved here than i'm going to describe. there were very bad side effects... that i constantly battled and overcame (religiously) of which i got no rest from - a (not so) private stigmata. (look it up)

on a more physical plane/ level, at one point, many very 'strange' electrical phenomena occured ie lights that were turned off somewhat 'randomly' blinked when i got close and then stopped when i left - like in an entanglement with me etc. but i won't get into that either. they were also somewhat nuanced though all too evident re-occuring in many different ways/ realms. "ok computer"

so granted i went a little "eh eh" -12 monkeys, but chanoble i'm one of the most rational and caring people out there ... and on a 'good day', would beam us all up with some really real.. lego my ego ok... i've contacted just about everyone on "what the bleep...", johnjoe mcfadden, the parapsychological association, and many others including kevin warwick at the university of reading, and continue to reach out... so far to no avail. i hope to really hear something back. maybe stephen king will be interested... maybe it would be scarrier if he did make a movie about it like it was just a movie ... it's horribly tragic/ scarry that most will keep contributing to the static/ off key getting their latest update from the half baked socio poitical wag the dog bs front and the bling "entertainment news" while everything gets exploited the world over to say the least. "i see what the problem is"- enlarged to show detail. without viability to real objectives in/ to life on such a small planet, life can't contend. God knows "i do, what i can do, when i can do it" (courtesy of chris tucker). in any case, "i hope ya hear me somehow..."- ccope. chanoble... triangulating/ orientating.. awsome... watch out!

in any case, i've experienced and am what i am for a reason and need physical affirmation/ aid asap all considered, not to sound desperate or anything people. i can barely contend with this alone. i've been on myspace for how long?? and no one's even commented on this or my ecooperative. it's all in english/ absolutely literal. what. the. hell? i can expound to no limit and to the t (not to be on the cross) but need practical application, trust etc...

be in touch!!!

tap any part of the matrix and the truth will appear. i know some, if not most of you will not want to look too closely.. and probably need a story line to provide 'traction'.

the point/ moral is: in fundamental terms, we still... haven't scratched the surface.. or really even begun to map the brain/ mark twained/ provisionally appropriated - and all considered, as a race, don't seem to have a clue what the truth relies upon or how vital it is, and therefore haven't learned how to 'communicate' practically, effectively, or proficiently by any means with ourselves/ each other..., nevermind adhering to the implications, or explicit intro/ outrospections of and via an entirely too susceptable and 'nuanced' phenomena like telepathy.

"so just forget it 'cause i know you ain't with it" - fbs

(it's difficult to digest in my situation here altogether, and so much has occured since ... i can go on and on ad infinitum - i'm so tired, words have become the chair in contact. gotta edit the hell out of this - it's not even 1% of ... neurons et al)

casting call: if anyone hears me, or believes and wants to try for half of a million dollars (sorry don't mean to sound so secular), check out www.randi.org and the prize for proof of the paranormal. i have considered that it's probably a front of some kind, and what the effects will be all considered, and think it's time to break through. even if it is a front, they can't front on science. it's time to find communication, figure out what's what and who we really are ... or just give me a call anyway - preferrably you're a professional with wherewithal.

321 contact

now - i'm in indian harbor/ satellite beach, ...enough, and am currently torn between this phenomena and the responsibility of the world. i can't be 'butterfly effected' by 'dark matter powers of the 'age(s)'' into a box and then be expected to do something about it with people dying to qwell and further sabotage me/ it for wrong/ anti-reason. this phenomena has made me as sensitive as a human being can be and anything not good wrecks it, kinda like the movie, sphere. it's seemingly a catch 22 for me when this phenomena has me making everyone feel this way or that and visa versa, esp when i'm so stuck in a place where things have been and are 'treated of' so badly. meaning, bad ish has infiltrated everything for so long, including my psyche (you'd have to see the movie maybe to even be able to validate it to yourself). why am i what i am? who am i to... well, all i know is i am a servant of God in all the best ways and can't afford to be here with hethens tying up my time with subjective bs. i literally can't tell who's in my head anymore, but know there are some 'serpents whispering'. scarry shit. hell. sabotage of the age of man in one man. so, i'll do what i can, but it's really up to you.. who's up..! hurry up 'cause without you, like the world (universal plane), i'm not going to be able to fulfill what i'm here to do. it's about as crazy sounding as... it sounds but it's time to check your head and go with whatever good instincts you have at all, et al.

past the tipping point in the most pivitol time - case in point, when everything's been on the line, the only thing left to say is 'action', because the devil is in the details of today's language where if you rely too much on words, you're doomed to subjective devastation, hence today for the most part. schisms and pretense are the devil's game. it's very simple stuff - don't let the devil bring us down to his level. but i need contact and wherewithal just for starters. of course i'm good for it, or it wouldn't have happened.

'oh no i've said too much, i haven't said enough' - don't worry, always got it.

oh, check out music of the quantum lattice on reality sandwich's site for starters.

and i gotta say, the powers that usurp the state of being have all but set this world up for failure where communication goes. but, as fatboy slim says, 'why try harder?'.

just do it. let us take it from here.

07-12-2008, 03:28 PM
too long didn't read

07-12-2008, 03:41 PM
we all really missed you

07-12-2008, 03:57 PM
thanx. just maintenance needs ...

07-12-2008, 04:23 PM
doin' what i can do when i can do it
when we all in we all win

Mr. Boomin'Granny
07-14-2008, 03:53 AM
long post is long.

07-14-2008, 03:53 AM
i'm tripping balls man

07-14-2008, 08:44 AM
I came in this thread only to find it was full of 'ignore' posts and nothing else of substance.

07-14-2008, 11:42 AM
ha ha
i wouldv'e edited the ending quite a bit, taken a lot out, but fuck you so.
it could'a just all been a large in the margin soundsystem thing. sorry folks.

07-14-2008, 12:53 PM
I came in this thread only to find it was full of 'ignore' posts and nothing else of substance.

How many people do you have on ignore? Are you some kinda weenie?