View Full Version : Make My Dinner

08-31-2008, 07:41 PM
I got some salmon patties for a burger alternative from Trader Joe's recently. They're frozen, I just gotta sear 'em up and chow down on them. Thing is, I'm scared that they won't take to other burger toppings as well as beef does...

I know I've got a recipe for awesomeness somewhere, I just bought some jalapeņos, some serranos, a couple green bell peppers, green onions, some basil, and a gigantic candy (sweet) onion from the local farmer's market... I'd like to put some of this ish together and make something to knock my damn socks off never to return to beef burgers again (except for Red Robin).

Anyone got some good ideas on making a spread or something with some of that stuff? Or should I just go for the boring ol' "top your burger with some of the chopped up veggies and stuff" approach? Man, creating recipes sucks.

Okay, well I'm going back to watching 'Cops' now.

08-31-2008, 07:42 PM
Put a donk on it.
Or chilli. Chilli on your breakfast cereal.