View Full Version : Opposing Obama?

11-05-2008, 11:24 AM
It wasn't until this morning that I realised that you had signed in a President whom will face internal threat from the country he presides over.

How do you guys view the safety of your new president? Is it acknowledged that he is now going to be targeted by petty minded racist factions in - dare I say it - life threatening situations. I hope not.

Do a lot of people not like the idea? It's something that the rest of the world is never really privy too.

11-05-2008, 11:42 AM
I am refusing to give this prospect a lot of thought, but I will point out that Secret Service protection has never been stronger towards a President. A LOT has changed since the Kennedys and even the Ford and Reagan attempts.

I know various KKK, neo-Nazi, and general right-wing militia hate groups will have a motivation to try something (and people have already been arrested for it), but I remain confident they will do all they can to protect him.

That's my line and I'm sticking to it.

But, should the unthinkable happen... at least we'd have President Biden. If something happened to McCain, saying hello to President Palin would have been one of the great disasters. So I'm giving myself comfort that way too.

11-05-2008, 11:46 AM
Cool cool, I can imagine a lot of these hate groups are under extremely close scrutiny at the moment and I would be suprised if we start seeing a lot of them arrested under the slightest hint of a presidential threat (y)

Is it something restricted to certain states or is this nationwide?

11-05-2008, 11:51 AM
That anti-glare bullet proof glass last night in Chicago was pretty impressive. I think this is something the government is really very good at.

Which brings up a question that we'll probably never get the correct or honest percentage of, "Which is worse: voting for someone because he is black or voting against someone because he is black?"

* instead of he is the best choice between the two

11-05-2008, 11:57 AM
That's what started this off in my head. The glass. That sucks that they feel the need to have that in place (n)

11-05-2008, 12:04 PM
That's what started this off in my head. The glass. That sucks that they feel the need to have that in place (n)

It was a good thing, this campaign was heated and some of the attention focused on calling Barack anti-american, socialist, radical, muslim and even worse kind of forced the secret sevice's hand. If it were my detail I would of done the same thing. I'm so extremely happy we can all take a breather for a day or two before W fucks us over some more.

11-05-2008, 12:06 PM
surely bullets would bounce off him?

11-05-2008, 12:36 PM
the first thing i was thinking about last night as obama walked out on the stage at grant park was his personal security. i am very concerned about all of the wing-nut psycho loser freak rednecks out there.

11-05-2008, 02:22 PM
The Secret Service has done a great job on the campaign trail. Just think of all the rallies with protestors he's been to. I hope they keep up the good work.

I'm kinda surprised that no one has tried anything with Bush. There's gotta be a lotta nutjobs out there that are pissed their sons and daughters are fighting/dying for an oil war.

11-05-2008, 02:33 PM
Oh I don't doubt for one second there are racist fucknuts out there with dry erase boards, flow charts, strategies etc... if anyone is more aware of it I think it's Barack and his security team. I have immense faith that he will have to be careful and be A-OK. His stepping into that limelight just shows the tenacity and strength of his character. A willingness to face intolerance and hatred head on. I mean, these skinheads got nuthin on Al Quaeda and he's gotta go face them all.... YES. HE. CAN.