View Full Version : So I downloaded that BNP list...

11-22-2008, 07:05 AM
...and I don't know any1 on it that I can spot - although there is 13k of members or so. But it does make interesting reading.

There is not too many people who are members where I live but there is some. The poorer areas of sheffield tend to have more. And some of the richer ones. If we was to talk class, I'd say its those both sides of the lower-middle-class areas that seem to have the highest membership in sheffield.

I was being nosy is all cus it was in the news. I don't really care that some1 believes one thing or the other and I think those that have been attacked (physical and verbal) is a pretty horrible and embarrassing frame of mind by the attackers. Basically terrorists.

11-22-2008, 10:37 AM
I checked it out the other day and there's 3 people on it from my town. One of which name's begins with "Dr.". The papers seemed to find this interesting and phoned him up, turns out he's a vicar.