View Full Version : have you ever been SO angry that you blacked out?

02-06-2009, 03:42 PM
it reminded me due to the Christian Bale thing...

I usually don't get angry, ever. I'm extremely avoidant when it comes to conflict. Which I know is just as bad as looking for conflict but alas, it's my nature.

However there was once that I had such a huge blowup with my now ex-best friend.

The reason why I was angry with her is a REALLY long story, but we were on the phone for at least 15/20 minutes. I yelled, screamed, cursed and literally blacked out. I don't remember anything past 5 minutes (the 4 minute mark I finally snapped) and I only remember the last thing I said before hanging up on her.

Am I crazy or has anyone ever blacked out too when extremely angry? :o

02-06-2009, 03:50 PM
no.. i'm a pretty chillaxed person but on the times i have been super fucking angry i have felt disorientated, yeah. to the point where i have shouted and screamed so much that i start to see stars and feel faint.. so i've probably not been far off it.

02-06-2009, 03:59 PM
I once fainted because I was highly stressed - guessing its the same sort of chemical reaction you describe

I scarred my hand punching a computer in half when I lost it once. Fuck I had some problems back then :D

02-06-2009, 03:59 PM
No, I can't say as I have. I think it's the sort of thing that can potentially happen to anyone, but for people who experience this more regularly, I think it is an indication of a chemical imbalance in the brain, and that they should seek help for managing this condition.

02-06-2009, 04:19 PM
you totally turned into she-hulk for those 5 minutes.

Yetra Flam
02-06-2009, 04:31 PM
wow, so i'm not the only person that does this? cool.

also when i'm really really mad or upset or stressed i break out in a rash all over my body. what the fuck?

02-06-2009, 04:32 PM
When I jack off I get red spots all over my chest.

02-06-2009, 06:31 PM
i dont black out but i cant remember what exactly happened when i get so angry. i am completely unable to recall, and im good at the recall for the most part.

02-06-2009, 06:57 PM
i don't black out, i see red and then just completely do shit that i don't know i'm doing. it's only happened a couple times. i know i got that trait from my dad.

02-06-2009, 07:00 PM
wow, so i'm not the only person that does this? cool.


I happened to be out in the middle of San Francisco in a pirate costume (going to a bar crawl) yelling in to the phone. At one point I guess a group of girls were passing commenting that they liked my costume but I called the ex-BFF a "stupid fucking useless cunt" and the girls did not like my use of the c-word.

I don't even recall saying it or those girls passing by. I only know because the friend I was with told me about it.

I think if she happened to be in the same town as me during that conversation, I might be in jail right now for serious physical assault.

:o I usually don't have anger problems I promise. It took a LOT to get me there. A LOT.

Yetra Flam
02-06-2009, 07:05 PM
i have more being crazy problems than anger problems per se.

my most recent example of this happening is when i completely snapped and flipped out at one of my co-workers for some stupid little reason, and i don't at all recall what i actually said. he was actually quite shocked and maybe a little intimidated by the event, because he has been nice to me ever since.

i feel so guilty afterwards

Dorothy Wood
02-06-2009, 08:57 PM
I don't black out, but I got into screaming robot mode where I feel I am no longer in control of what I'm saying. that's only happened to me a couple of times though, once with my ex a few weeks after we broke up because he came to one of my performances and then to the bar with my friends afterwards, but said nothing to me. so I texted him later asking what his problem was and he said "we just need to spend some time apart for awhile". and I lost it and called basically to say "TIME APART?! YOU CAME TO MY AREA, MOTHERFUCKER!" I think I said "my area" like 50 times, ha. it turned into like 20 minute long tirade.

must have been delayed reaction, because when he dumped me, I didn't yell or cry or anything, I just laid on his couch and stared at the clock until morning.

before that, junior year in high school, I went off on some snotty bitch who hated me for reasons unbeknownst to me and was mean to me from 7th grade until I was finished with my rant. I screamed at her for who knows how long because she called my friend fat. it drew a crowd, and people cheered. because she was a jerk and needed to be told off. I'm pretty sure I said, "you think you're all that and a bag of chips, but you ain't". (detroit, whut). she never bothered me again, even though at the end she said, "oooh, you're gonna get your ass kicked!" and then there was a rumor that this big tough girl she was friends with was going to beat me up. but nobody ever did. yay! I was aquiver with adrenaline for hours after. I think I kind of wanted to fight someone. ha.

02-06-2009, 09:01 PM
I said, "you think you're all that and a bag of chips, but you ain't". (detroit, whut)
i love you, k.

Lyman Zerga
02-06-2009, 10:46 PM
as a kid i got so angry that i seriously tried pushing my sister down the stairs (twice)

i still got my emotional moments but it's nothing like that anymore

02-07-2009, 04:34 AM
as a kid i got so angry that i seriously tried pushing my sister down the stairs (twice)

was she a slinky? I could never get those things to work either!

02-07-2009, 04:39 AM
this neighbor kid when i was like 8 couldn't say my name right. and everytime he tried to say my name i would jump on him and bash his head into the sidewalk.

i hated that dumb fuck.

it got so bad that he would run to the center of the front yard because there was soft grass there and i would drag him to the sidewalk while he dug his nails into the grass and dirt.

he never learned! he would never leave me alone!