View Full Version : When your cat goes outside...

MC Moot
02-08-2010, 05:28 PM
Does it pretend it doesn’t know you?…mine refuses to acknowledge me…it’s quite the show…I swear when he comes in he looks around to make sure none of his friends see him…then as soon as he’s in and the door is closed the bastard is all purring and wrapping himself around my feet like everything’s supposed to be allright…damn cat…you know?

02-08-2010, 05:38 PM
haha, that's hilarious.

My old cat used to follow me like a dog until we got about a block and a half away from the house. Then she'd go back. It was super cute.

MC Moot
02-08-2010, 05:55 PM
I bet she was “following” you...just like a detective…shimmying from bush to shrub to tree…all incognito…like no one would notice she’s wearing a trench coat and dark glasses…I tell you they’re up to something…and I think it involves tuna for the most part…(lb)

02-08-2010, 06:27 PM
your response reminds me of (http://theoatmeal.com/comics/cat_know) these (http://www.catswhothrowupgrass.com/kill.php)


paul jones
02-08-2010, 07:17 PM
my old cats knew I was nearly home in my car sometimes as they'd position themselves ready on the fence like lookouts.As if they heard my engine from a few miles away or something and I used to get a lot of the 'leave me alone' attitude when they were laying down shits and piss to impress the other cats in the street but then once they were hungry were like they had just taken a paw-full of ecstacy meeowing that they love me so much and I was their best friend ever.

Lyman Zerga
02-08-2010, 08:40 PM
mine are inside cats, they could never survive outside
my home is already too stressy for them like they are scared of every sound they hear

they are true pussies

02-08-2010, 11:24 PM
my cat is an indoor cat as well. It is hilarious when she gets out into the hall of my apartment complex, she has no idea what to do.

MC Moot
02-09-2010, 11:19 AM
just for the record they say all cat's should be "indoor"....just out of kindness as outdoor/indoor cat's have a much higher rate of reaching some bad end...other cat's,car's,coyotes,racoons,evil people,cat suey,etc,etc...we had a cat named Tatters and he got mauled by a coyote...he came home in the morning with his front leg held on by sinew!...it's true...we took him to the vet's and the vet wanted to put him down but no!...my mom order bionic surgery for Tatters and although he never cleared fences the same way again,he moved well for another 8 years...I bet you wish you could have met Tatters and his admantanium arm...

02-09-2010, 11:59 AM
Tatters sounds like my cat Bandit I had growing up. He was always an outdoor cat. Went missing for a few days, came home with his hind leg chewed up and bleeding. Turns out he climbed into my neighbor's car engine and they started the car. That cat lived for 10 years after that...even with the limp he was still able to run and catch birds!

Dorothy Wood
02-09-2010, 12:05 PM
my cat was an outdoor cat for a few months in college. He learned how to open the front door, we couldn't really stop him. When we locked it, he would just cry and wail at the door like he was dying. He got pretty skinny from all the running around. He too, acted like he didn't know me when he was outside.

these days, if he gets outside at all, he just lays down and/or gets all crouchy like he has to hide. I try very hard to keep him inside though, because I know if he gets a taste, he'll just start up with the wailing. He's loud enough as it is. the bastard.

MC Moot
02-09-2010, 12:08 PM
no bandito!...Dad alway's banged the hood of the car before starting in winter...Tatters… (http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x265/mcmoot/tatters.jpg)(y)

MC Moot
02-09-2010, 01:10 PM
these days, if he gets outside at all, he just lays down and/or gets all crouchy like he has to hide. I try very hard to keep him inside though, because I know if he gets a taste, he'll just start up with the wailing. He's loud enough as it is. the bastard.

I've found with the cat's who've been through my life that the more you talk to them in their youth the louder they get as they age...and then they decide to talk to you at the most inopportune times...specifically while you're trying to sleep between the hours of 12am and 5am...mischief and senility!

02-09-2010, 03:55 PM
AW! Tatters was a cutie! I don't have any pics of Bandit on my computer as he passed away WAYYY back when I was 16. I was watching some old home movies and there was one when he was a kitten. So cute.

My cat, Clover, does this weird meow thing in the middle of the night. Kinda sounds like she is looking for me or something. Duh! I'm in the other room sleeping! It's not like the apartment is super big!

I love kitties. They are so hilarious.

MC Moot
02-09-2010, 04:15 PM
Catz!...me too!...What they get up to at night is often so bizarre...for instance another cat in our life long pride,could jimmy open interior doors,like a burgular..little paw would poke under the bottom,jiggle,jiggle,click!...she's in and then she insisted on drinking from the glass of water I keep on the nightstand...I'd often wake up and she'd be looking at me with the glass titled,right about to spill...and I'd say hey Sam,let's be reasonable,now...then she'd tip it over on purpose...or she'd dip her paw in the glass and annoint my forehead as I slept,I'd wake up with water running down my face...good times!

02-09-2010, 04:53 PM
Clover sometimes starts chasing her tail for no reason. She is almost 10 years old and still acts like a kitten sometimes.

MC Moot
02-09-2010, 05:03 PM
^does she think she still fit's in a shoe box as well?...ours does,ass all hanging out,tail in the wind,all like "I'm totally hidden you fools!"...:D

02-09-2010, 06:28 PM
^does she think she still fit's in a shoe box as well?...ours does,ass all hanging out,tail in the wind,all like "I'm totally hidden you fools!"...:D

Yes! I love leaving boxes and paper bags out because she totally has to crawl inside. ;)