View Full Version : If someone is training to be a hairdresser and offers to cut yours for free...

02-09-2010, 05:58 PM
Don't be fooled by it.

I got asked to be a 'model' for a girl I regularly see at work and she promissed me she would only snip a bit off the ends and put some shape into it.
But then, unexpectedly, the hairdressers had to swap models and I ended up with an incompetent girl who had 'very interresting ideas' and needed help from her supervisors all the time.
Srly, seeing a professional hairdresser looking worried and saying 'that doesn't look good' is the most worrying thing I've been through in a while.
Also the girl didn't listen to what I want at all, but focussed mainly on creating an original hairstyle. Well, it's definitely original.

The front is ok (just fringe and sortof bob shaped) but the back. OMG, the back! There is this bizarre parting in the middle of my head, after which the hair is VERY short and then there is a bit of long hair at the back. It looks like I have a rats-tail hanging off of it. NOOOOOOO!!!!

I can manage going to school, because I can put a hat on, but I'm not allowed to wear a hat at work. Fuck, fuck, fuckety fuck!


02-09-2010, 06:09 PM
oh dear.

Tell work you have an infectious head disease so need to wear a hat until it goes.

I cut my own hair yesterday, I do that all the time now - I'm getting better at doing the back.

02-09-2010, 06:27 PM
Eek! When I was a kid my mom's friend was training to be a hairdresser and my mom let me be the guinea pig. She cut my hair super short and I was not happy. I don't think I would ever be brave enough to let someone learning do my hair now.

02-09-2010, 06:44 PM
Eek! When I was a kid my mom's friend was training to be a hairdresser and my mom let me be the guinea pig. She cut my hair super short and I was not happy. I don't think I would ever be brave enough to let someone learning do my hair now.

Well, the girl that asked me to model wás good, but she wasn't allowed to cut my hair all of a sudden.
The girl that cut my hair didn't listen when I said 'I DON'T want short hair and I DON'T want anything weird.'
Fuck, I just took a picture to see what the back looks like and I pretty much want to cry right now. I've showed some people and their reactions are all 'Fuck, that's ugly'.


02-09-2010, 06:55 PM
I know you say it's really short...but is there any way you could go to a hairdresser and have them clean it up or something? Maybe they could salvage it? At least hair grows back....

02-09-2010, 07:00 PM
Not even a nice short hair style would work to fix the current look?

02-09-2010, 07:03 PM
post pics or it didn't happen

02-09-2010, 07:05 PM
post pics or it didn't happen

Srsly dude, you don't know what you ask of me...

paul jones
02-09-2010, 07:09 PM
can't you tell them you're upset and get them to put in extensions or something otherwise you'll turn green and do a hulk righ there in the place and start throwing chairs around?

02-09-2010, 07:52 PM
can't you tell them you're upset and get them to put in extensions or something otherwise you'll turn green and do a hulk righ there in the place and start throwing chairs around?

For some strange reason I'd feel embarrassed to go in there and tell them I think it sucks and want it fixed, eventhough I was like 'yeah, interresting, thanks' when I left.
I think I might be too British to make a fuss.
Maybe I'll do the Dutch thing though and be loud and annoying.

PS: http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l170/Caribooo/Foto0420.jpg

paul jones
02-09-2010, 07:57 PM
For some strange reason I'd feel embarrassed to go in there and tell them I think it sucks and want it fixed, eventhough I was like 'yeah, interresting, thanks' when I left.
I think I might be too British to make a fuss.
Maybe I'll do the Dutch thing though and be loud and annoying.

PS: http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l170/Caribooo/Foto0420.jpg

walk in there tomorrow and tell the truth.you are the customer and they should understand.

02-09-2010, 08:17 PM
PS: http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l170/Caribooo/Foto0420.jpg

oh my....I WOULD be marching in there tomorrow...or going to see a real stylist. They could fix it!

02-09-2010, 08:28 PM
Oh fuck!

Time to get even, woman. Bomb the salon.

02-09-2010, 09:30 PM
Oh fuck!

Time to get even, woman. Bomb the salon.

I'll do the girlie thing and cry. Or possibly not.

"Curse you hairdresser, for making me this waaaaay!!!!"

Dorothy Wood
02-09-2010, 09:43 PM
oh, I've seen worse. It's quite short, but you could probably go to a salon and get it fixed so it's not so crazy.

Otherwise, wig?

02-09-2010, 10:26 PM
I'd go in and get a mia farrow and just let it all grow out again.

I'd demand that the girl pay for your next year's worth of cuts/colors.

02-09-2010, 10:29 PM
If she fucked up, they need to know. Go back and get it fixed.

PS I have that green Ikea pillow.

Lyman Zerga
02-09-2010, 11:50 PM
reason why i dont get my hair cut by a hairdresser and why i have long hair

though it happened a few times that i cut my hair a bit too short and was quite depressed afterwards, dont know how i would feel in your situation but i surely would bitch slap that bitch

02-10-2010, 12:20 AM
oh my...

Indeed. I can see why you are unhappy with it.

Can you have bright coloured hair at your job? Because what I would do in this situation is get the rest of it cut equally short, but then dye it some really intense colour, like an intense fuschia or a really flamey orange or something really bold like that. Then leave it to grow for six months or so and then see what can be done with it.

02-10-2010, 12:30 AM
my word!

i like peachys idea. bold color would rock (y)

02-10-2010, 11:31 AM
Sorry that happened to you. I've had some pretty bad cuts in my day. Of course being a guy I just went home and shaved the remaining hair off. I also didn't really have the heart to go back and tell the barber how much I hated the cut and them as a person. Give it time and things will get better.

02-10-2010, 12:51 PM
my word!

i like peachys idea. bold color would rock (y)

I like peachy's ideas as well.

It looks a bit like you have a dog's ear on one side of your head. :(

02-10-2010, 01:04 PM
finding someone who will not kill your hair is very, very difficult. Especially when you are female and especially if you don't want it to get cut short.

Sorry to hear about this miss. And yeah if what you have wasn't what you wanted, I can see being VERY upset. Definitely go back and ask for them to either fix it OR give you a free cut from a PRO next time.

Also, I'd recommend playing around with bobby pins since it won't get in to a pony tail. Sometimes pinning the loose hair up, almost as if it's a casual updo, can be pretty. That way you can wait it out as it grows back. A co-worker who cut her hair as short as yours is in the back does that and I think it looks good.

02-10-2010, 01:22 PM
That cut makes no sense. Seriously, you have to get back in there and make sure the student and their supervisor knows you're unhappy with it and that it is unacceptable. Think about all of the people you'll be saving from this experience!

02-10-2010, 03:01 PM
That cut makes no sense. Seriously, you have to get back in there and make sure the student and their supervisor knows you're unhappy with it and that it is unacceptable. Think about all of the people you'll be saving from this experience!

I just went back and let them know that the cut really wasn't what I'd expected and that I, and many others, were rather shocked
The girl looked quite offended and they then made up all kind of excuses like "Oh but we like it, and this is a very popular cut. We do this to lots of people. Really, we wouldn't let you leave the store if we thought you looked like an idiot' and also "But I thought you said you liked crazy haircuts."
Grrr, I said that I had wanted a mohawk for a while when I was a teenager and that I would like to go back to my bright pink hair days (both being nice to the girl cutting my hair), but that I WASN'T ALLOWED due to work etc.
Also they commented on me being influenced too much by others. "Yeah, you shouldn't care what others say. Is that the only reason you don't like it?!"
Basically, It was my fault, but still they cut it for free. Now really all they did is cut the weird rats-tail off, so now my hair has the long flaps at the front and is entirely short at the back.

Oh well, this is a lesson learned. I am NEVER doing that again.

02-10-2010, 03:56 PM
total bullshit. Did you talk to a manager? If not, definitely go back or call and demand to.

Do you have any review websites or things like that in your area that people look at? You need to write a scathing review of that place as well if they keep making excuses.

HAL 9000
02-10-2010, 04:13 PM
"Yeah, you shouldn't care what others say. Is that the only reason you don't like it?!"

You should remind them what the entire basis for the existence of their profession is.

02-10-2010, 08:39 PM
You should remind them what the entire basis for the existence of their profession is.

Yes really; that attitude is quite unacceptable. Is the salon independent or a chain? Are they affiliated with a hairdressing school? You should write a letter to a higher level of management (or the owner), explain the situation and the response you were given when you went back, and ask them if this is truly the level of professionalism that they expect of their stylists.

02-11-2010, 03:13 AM
^not to mention the bad name you'll give them on the web via blogs, review sites and forums.

A once unhappy customer is more likely to come back with repeat custom for longer than a normal customer if the situation is put right quickly.

02-11-2010, 04:59 PM
The store is part of a chain and are specialised in 'alternative' hairstyles. I knew this and have had my hair cut by them quite a lot in the past. That's why their response kinda baffled me, as I never really had any problems.
It was just that this time my hair was this time cut by a n00b and I was already warned by others to NEVER get your hair cut by someone who is still in training, but ofcourse I wouldn't listen.

Oh well, now the ratstail is gone I feel like it's ok. it's still the strangest haircut I've ever had, but I at least got some comments now that it looks cool.

paul jones
02-11-2010, 05:04 PM
these hairdressers today watch Edward Scissorhands too much