View Full Version : Hey older people

07-23-2010, 07:10 AM
Now, I like to think I am still quite young, I feel it. I feel a better person now than I was last year, and the year before that. But what is it like when you look back and realise you're getting a bit old and no longer improving? Your hair maybe getting thinner or with more grey, you're not in as good shape and you're not as fit. Does it come as a sudden revelation? Like 'oh shit, look at me!' or is it not such a shock?

I seem to think that when I look back and realise I'm not better than I was last year is going to be very painful. When it will come, I don't know. Could be 5 years, could be 15.

I hope when I do reach this point, I am content enough with my life though other means such as a family rather than if I am still the young man I've enjoyed being for a long time.

So yeah, to the older folk amongst us, how do you feel about getting older and how do you deal with it?

07-23-2010, 07:57 AM
I tend to look back at my younger self and think "why did I do that?" not "I looked hotter then".

I just feel wiser and happier to be as I am now rather than a carefree ** year old. I also often think, "Jesus, those clothes look dated".

I also tend to look back and think "If only I had known where I was going, I wouldn't have worried over this and that".

To be honest, I think your priorities change when you have kid(s). Umm also, this past year has been a rollercoaster in terms of my health. I've had this condition my whole life but it went indiagnosed. If they'd diagnosed it sooner, my lungs would be in better condition.

I think it would be sad if you got to a point and thought "I don't need to improve any more". I learn something every day, it seems.

07-23-2010, 01:08 PM
I just feel wiser and happier to be as I am now rather than a carefree ** year old. I also often think, "Jesus, those clothes look dated".


My hair has turned salt and pepper which tends to attract girls in their 20s. I have no complaints about that what so ever.

MC Moot
07-23-2010, 01:23 PM
The only thing I seem to be at odds with is the length of time it takes the body to heal/recover from injury and extreme physical exertion...like I can still summit the same peaks but the next day there are aches and pains that didn't happen 5 years ago...

07-24-2010, 08:44 AM
I still feel really young, look better than i did back then too, but still have minor panics about oncoming ages. getting old scares the bejeezus out of me. Don't worry about it, there's bugger all you can do about it anyway

07-24-2010, 09:07 AM
The only thing I seem to be at odds with is the length of time it takes the body to heal/recover from injury and extreme physical exertion...like I can still summit the same peaks but the next day there are aches and pains that didn't happen 5 years ago...

I must agree about this one. My muscles take a few days to recover now that I'm in my 30s.

The same goes for drinking. A hangover will sometimes last a couple days.

07-26-2010, 01:07 PM
I wouldn't know. I continue to improve still.

07-26-2010, 01:43 PM
I have grey bits in my hair which is kinda weird to me but my wife likes it.
As for everything else, I've been living the life of an old man since my early 20's now I"m just looking the part.

I feel it most after a night of drinking or travelling, which doesn't happen nearly as much as it did even a few years ago.

paul jones
07-26-2010, 06:09 PM
I can still get erections so that's good enough

07-27-2010, 05:34 AM
At almost 40, I've been carded at pubs 7 times out of 10, I feel young, I still look pretty young, and I have a young man's attitude.

Aches and pains, yeah, I've got them, but age, really is a state of mind. I work in I.T. and get to go to work in Dickies shorts, and t-shirts, in an office environment, and people are cool with it. I love it, and If I had to show up in a suit and tie, I'd probably age a lot faster..... Don't take yourself too seriously, and you can stay young longer.

07-27-2010, 05:49 AM
38... the blisters i got from my new golf shoes are a week in and probably need another week ... back in the early 20s it would be over.

I guess I look back and wish I had been more focused earlier. My biggest problem is my 2 year old wakes me up at 5:30 am every morning no matter what, so any late nights or parties kill me and it takes 3 days to recover from one late night poker game.

Now I am better at a few things today than when I was earlier... older wizer, I have made my biggest financial scores in the past 4 years and I would have been a shity dad at 25. Gray Hairs? I got em.

The only way I wish I could be younger is if I know what I know now.

07-27-2010, 09:59 AM
i guess if you're worrying about what you look like then there'll always be a point when you stop improving. but i think there's no reason for any of us to stop trying to better ourselves and become the best version of ourselves no matter what age we hit. my dad's sixty and i really admire him because he still strives for self-improvement, learning and is open to new ideas and won't resign to the idea that this is as good as life gets just because of age.

07-27-2010, 12:27 PM
I was at a retreat about 2 years ago, there were men of all ages. The guy speaking addressed us all, and near the end of what he was saying he asked the older guys if maybe they weren't the men they thought they should be by now.

I've made a determined effort not to stagnate since then. I hope when I'm 50 I can look back and feel a sense of accomplishment.

07-31-2010, 11:25 PM
"why did I do that?" not "I looked hotter then".

I think both

08-01-2010, 12:23 AM
I think both

*sigh* yeah....

08-01-2010, 03:31 AM
Who are you classing as older people?

Just turned 30 but I had a period from about 26-28 where I was down on life. I did lose my parents during that period (Dad aged 59 & Mum 60) but that wasn't it all as it started before then. Now, after having been fairly close to mortality and people dieing too young imo, as each day goes I try take things a little less seriously.

I do see younger people with so much anger at nothing and down about things that don't seem worth the energy, dating the wrong guys/girls etc...

...but we all did it, will continue to. If I take a hint from my parents ages then I am now middle aged, odds are that I will live longer as each generation does but I know we are all going to die, I don't believe in any afterlife and if there is then I think it'll be too busy and I'll just want to die again - really hate crowds. I have no dependents and no desire to unless I meet the right girl and her life wasn't complete without kids then I would. Some say its a wasted life. Erm, what was the question again.

Deal with getting older? You just do and have no choice to. Laugh, have fun and be careful.