View Full Version : Shawty Mane the next Eminem snatchin the sniz!

kaiser soze
10-15-2010, 08:05 AM
fawking eh mate


10-15-2010, 10:12 AM
Someone needs to give this kid one gigantic face palm.

kaiser soze
10-15-2010, 10:15 AM
better yet - he needs a time out

do these rappers really believe he has talent, or is it the cro$$-promotion with his fan base?

Lex Diamonds
10-15-2010, 10:44 AM
About half those lyrics are straight up bitten. What an embarassment to the culture.

And the people watching are even worse.

darthVaderPrincess weighed in with this gem:

Okk... 1st he is stealing lyrics ok.. So WHAT!! HE SAID HE"S SHOWING HIS SKILLS OF A WHITE BOY... Man yall don't understand shxitt for nothing... i mean i thought him saying "IM WHITE AND WHITE BOYS CAN HAVE SKILLS" was a hint... or even when he said " HE WAS DOING IT TO SEE HIMSELF RAPPING."..??? Ummm serious paay more attention then talk... you dumb people! every artist steals something from another artist... Soo how about u STFU!

And let's not forget this wise comment by "Paligurl123":

WOW. So basically is he in illuminati yet?? i'm still waiting lol. cuz apprently ur career is over if u aint in it. and he had his " good year" second year its time to kiss but. good luck justin. do the right thing.

Brilliant. I can't believe some of the shit you see on YouTube, it makes me despair for the human race.

kaiser soze
10-15-2010, 11:12 AM
he tain't frontin'.....heeeez for rizzle!

<3 Shawty Mange 4-evah! 8====D~

Sucking The Thumb is the ropa dope dizzy!

10-16-2010, 12:52 PM
I actually like Justin Bieber.

Sorry, did I say like? I meant abhor.

10-17-2010, 06:33 AM
I absolutely love Justin Bieber.

Sorry, did I say love? I meant loathe.

Lex Diamonds
10-17-2010, 06:47 AM
Yeah, everytime I see him I think "wow, he's really great!"

Sorry, did I say really great? I meant irritating to the point I want to strangle him with his own intestines.

Guy Incognito
10-17-2010, 07:35 AM
christ ,that was awful, confusing and it made me sick

kaiser soze
10-17-2010, 09:12 AM
yo dat Shawty Mane - he's the guy who sings Baby, got a yellow bone, can kill it, and is white - don't make no mistake