View Full Version : another girl thread

12-29-2011, 09:32 PM
i don't know if i'm posting this one for advice or just to bitch but whatever here we go

i've been dating this girl for the past couple weeks, and it seemed to be going really well at first. i won't bother getting into what i mean by that exactly but i will say that on our third date we went back to her apartment and vigorously made out while watching the li'l sebastian episode of parks and rec

so like a jerk, i decided to like her a lot

then we went out tonight (4th date) and we get dinner and it feels kind of awkward, she seems kind of distant, then afterwards she says, to the best of my recollection,

"i have to tell you something...i got out of a pretty serious relationship about a year ago, and within the past few days my ex-boyfriend reemerged, and it's kind of fucking with my head right now, and i just wanted to tell you so that i'm not misleading you." i don't remember the rest of her exact words, but it didn't sound like she wanted to go back to him or have anything to do with him exactly, rather that breaking up with him broke her in some way and that him coming back into her life dredged up old emotional wounds that she felt the need to tell me about on our 4th date

and i kind of can't tell if she just dumped me or not. i even straight up asked her, "was that goodbye?" and she kind of didn't answer it and say "yes" outright, she just kept saying something like "i wanted to say that now, i don't want to mislead you"

it was super out of the blue and i have no idea what to make of it. did i just get dumped? kinda feels like it

and some part of my brain that i can only assume is very smart because it's learned a lot about relationships from TV and the internet is telling me "even if she didn't dump you, walk away, trying to keep things going with her is a bad idea at this point because between the two of you, this wouldn't be a healthy relationship even if it somehow got that far, which it probably won't, so by trying to stay in contact with her you're only setting yourself up for more rejection you dope"

i should probably listen to that part of my brain...but i kind of don't want to? because i really did decide to like her quite a bit, based on stuff i don't really feel like talking about at the moment apart from the li'l sebastian thing (because seriously, when is that ever going to happen again?)

i dunno, it's only been an hour and my friends aren't available, talk me down BBMB. i went from making out on the couch to kind of sort of maybe getting dumped in the span of one date and feel kinda shitty and confused about it, tell me how i should feel

Kid Presentable
12-29-2011, 09:40 PM
If it feels right, pursue it.

12-29-2011, 09:58 PM
yeah...i dunno...i mean i feel like there are two main ways to read this

1) she's dumping me because she's too broken for a relationship right now and she's worried that that's what i want (which is fair, because i think i do)

2) she does like me and wants to to keep going but she just wants to say up front what she's feeling out of respect etc. and that's sort of what i'm choosing to believe, because those first three dates really did go very, very well, and she did keep saying tonight "i just want to tell you this now, it's just bad timing" and so on...

and then the last thing she said to me was "have a good new years!" all smiley and cheerfully, in a way that you wouldn't talk to someone you were dumping as you walked away from them unless you were a cruel and horrible person, which as far as i know she could be, i guess 4 dates isn't really that much all things considered

i really did get my hopes up on this one, i'm not having a great time coming down so far. what shitty timing. maybe i could just kill her ex

12-29-2011, 10:36 PM
They say funerals, weddings, things of that nature are the dates that mean you're in.

Maybe you should shed your good guy image and talk about how the counselors and parole officers all highly recommend you stay out of relationships the next few years as you acclimate yourself back to mainstream society.

Then say, "I wanted to say that now, I didn't want to mislead you"

She'll dig it.

12-29-2011, 11:26 PM
keep dating her and keep dating other girls (not to say you have to make out with them or anything) and be honest about it(y)

12-30-2011, 12:50 AM
Try this:

"I really like you and I'm interested in having more of a relationship with you. But what I'm hearing is that you're not sure if you're emotionally secure enough right now for that. I can respect that, I understand maybe that guy hurt you really badly. But I'm not that guy. So I'm not going to push you, but I'm not going to stand here like a chump with my heart in my hand either. Take some time and think about it, and if you decide you'd like to be with me, you know how to reach me. I can't promise I'll be sitting around waiting, but if I'm available, you'll have my full attention."

12-30-2011, 12:54 AM

12-30-2011, 01:26 AM

12-30-2011, 01:44 AM
yeah, that's...pretty great

though i might leave out the part where i accuse her of making me feel like a chump, because i bet the last thing she wants in her life right now is another man making her feel like a turd

but the rest i like, particularly the part where i specify that i'm not the guy that broke her feelings

Guy Incognito
12-30-2011, 03:03 AM
yeah peachy has pretty much knocked it out of the park there.

"the have a good new years" is a bit worrying, have you told each other you already had plans?

12-30-2011, 04:06 AM
"the have a good new years" is a bit worrying, have you told each other you already had plans?

that's what I was thinking. shouldn't you be hanging out on NYE if something is going on?

say what peachy said.

sorry, Bob. :( things will get better!

cj hood
12-30-2011, 07:41 AM
you're her dick in the glass case...break in case of emergency. #chrisrock

12-30-2011, 08:47 AM
yeah peachy has pretty much knocked it out of the park there.

"the have a good new years" is a bit worrying, have you told each other you already had plans?

yeah we'd already talked about that earlier--she'd already promised to hang out with a friend

at least so she says

12-30-2011, 09:17 AM
Here is my response..

I feel strongly that I could learn to like you. Sounds to me you might be stuck in the past. If you decide you want to move forward with your life let me know because I am a bad ass mohterfucker and I aint getting played by you in the meantime.

She may never call you again, but her friends will be all over you.

Guy Incognito
12-30-2011, 10:06 AM
is it a possibility that this ex is a bit of a stalker/jealous type and thats why she is telling you?

maybe she was thinking of you.

she's either playing some super weird devious mind game (in which case , dont go chasing) or she's just a bit mixed up and is honestly trying to tell you how she feels.

but i think thats what you have to do, be honest with her and tell her what you think about what she told you.

12-30-2011, 12:22 PM
Never play second string, you are not a bench warmer in life and those who expect you to be are not your friends. Especially in the dating realm. A huge waste of time and emotional mind games.

It sounds like she wants you in a holding pattern circling the tarmac while all the other flights stay on schedule. A relationship traffic controller has just made your relationship a lower priority.

Kid Presentable
12-30-2011, 02:49 PM
Try this:

"I really like you and I'm interested in having more of a relationship with you. But what I'm hearing is that you're not sure if you're emotionally secure enough right now for that. I can respect that, I understand maybe that guy hurt you really badly. But I'm not that guy. So I'm not going to push you, but I'm not going to stand here like a chump with my heart in my hand either. Take some time and think about it, and if you decide you'd like to be with me, you know how to reach me. I can't promise I'll be sitting around waiting, but if I'm available, you'll have my full attention."

He's going to have to put that in a letter though. No dude can say that properly. I mean, it's good. Maybe a little too good.

12-30-2011, 03:03 PM
If she was ready and / or into you, her ex coming back around wouldn't make a difference. If it does, either she still has feelings for him, or doesn't have strong enough feelings for you to feel comfortable telling him to fuck off because he doesn't matter anymore. In either instance, in my opinion, you shouldn't waste your time.

Don't you want to be with someone who prioritizes you? If she can't do that in the early, heart-pounding, ass-grabbing phase, she'll probably never be able to.

Again, just my opinion / female perspective. I'm sorry. :(

12-30-2011, 05:15 PM
Two options:

Walk away. Either she'll contact you or she won't. Then you'll have your answer. It's the 4th date. Too much early drama.
Lock jaw on that and don't let it go. This is dangerous ground fraught with heartbreak but it might be worth it.

kaiser soze
12-30-2011, 05:26 PM
if you're sleeping with her I can understand the emotional attachment

if you're just dating her - don't take it so seriously yet, you're desperation to keep something this casual together will only burn you out.

no offense, but you may be a rebound (n)

let her contact you next, sounded like she didn't have plans for NYE with you so let it go and find some other people to party with

12-30-2011, 07:07 PM
If she was ready and / or into you, her ex coming back around wouldn't make a difference. If it does, either she still has feelings for him, or doesn't have strong enough feelings for you to feel comfortable telling him to fuck off because he doesn't matter anymore. In either instance, in my opinion, you shouldn't waste your time.

Don't you want to be with someone who prioritizes you? If she can't do that in the early, heart-pounding, ass-grabbing phase, she'll probably never be able to.

Again, just my opinion / female perspective. I'm sorry. :(

makes sense, but i think i'm still gonna go for it

i texted her today, saying more or less what peachy said (though a little less assertively, it's me after all) and she wrote back saying "thanks for being understanding, i've enjoyed spending time with you but i need time to figure out what to do with this situation"

so i'm not dumped, she's just deciding whether or not she wants to dump me. i guess i'll just wait and see how she comes out on that

i should probably walk away. i'm not sure i liked that whole "this situation" thing. what situation? your ex? it seems to me that the best way to handle that situation would be to tell him to go fuck himself for breaking your heart, and if she's entertaining other options that's probably a bad sign. or maybe i'm the situation. i guess that's better

i should probably walk away, and i can kind of watch myself be a chump in slow motion as all of this unfolds but...i can't seem to stop myself, i'm gonna see what happens

12-30-2011, 10:19 PM
i should probably walk away, and i can kind of watch myself be a chump in slow motion as all of this unfolds but...i can't seem to stop myself, i'm gonna see what happens

Well you can sort of do both, really. Leave her to herself, but go on with your life. Don't necessarily go out looking to get into another relationship, but don't be blind to the other opportunities that may be presenting themselves to you. I think it's safe to say if she hasn't gotten back in touch with you in a few weeks, then she's made a decision. In the meantime, you're free to entertain other offers.

12-30-2011, 10:38 PM
Ask yourself this: do you want to be the guy she has to think about choosing over someone else, or do you want to be the guy she wants to be with regardless of her other options?

If you prefer the latter, then it's time to move on.

Done now, good luck, thank you for being a friend.

12-30-2011, 10:58 PM
how picky can i really be, though

12-30-2011, 11:04 PM
Shut up, you stupid idiot. You just haven't found the right one yet, that doesn't mean she doesn't exist and that you should allow yourself to be subjected to other broads' bullshit in the process of finding her.

12-30-2011, 11:08 PM
But more to your point: picky enough to be with someone who wants to be with you. And that's not what I would call being picky, merely doing what is best for yourself.

12-31-2011, 03:20 AM
Relationships born put of extreme circumstances are doomed to fail.

That being said, I've always been a sucker for the crazy ones. They are ALWAYS the best fucks.

I'm guessing this other guy has a her like a puppet on a string. He most likely treats her like a doormat and she worships the ground he walks on. He dumped her at some point, but now that she's found someone new, he is telling her he wants her back. This is an emotionally abused girl. You're the quintessential nice guy, so naturally your protective instincts are kicking in to save this wounded bird. And that's why you can't walk away even tho you know deep down that's what you should do.
She wants you because she knows you're good for her, but she'll never love you like she does him, or at least you'll always wonder if she does. And that will eventually be what drives you apart.
You'll compare yourself to him.
Would she do "that" for me? She did "that" for him.
Who is she texting right now, is it him?
I wonder if my penis is as big as his? Lol.

She'll never be truly yours, even if she chooses to be with you because you won't be able to allow her to be yours.

I already know what choice you're going to make, you just can't say nobody warned you.

12-31-2011, 06:57 PM
how picky can i really be, though

you'll get what you settle for.

Just try it. You'll like it.

12-31-2011, 08:30 PM
The sooner you learn not to pine for those who don't think you are worth the effort, the better. Lots of good advise here. Take it and move on.

12-31-2011, 08:47 PM

Never happy, never happy.

01-01-2012, 09:32 PM
Based on the first post and nothing else, I get the sense that she is either not fully over her ex and wants a victory lap bang, or she legitimately is emotionally flaky right now because of the breakup. I'm leaning towards the latter...

But peachy had it right anyway. She always gives good advice in these "Bob has girl problems" threads.

The Notorious LOL
01-01-2012, 10:41 PM
which Li'l Sebastian episode was it anyway?

01-01-2012, 10:44 PM
which Li'l Sebastian episode was it anyway?

harvest festival

thanks for the advice, everyone. i hate it when the truth isn't what i want to hear

i'm about 90% sure she's gonna dump me, but i'm gonna hang in there and see what happens anyway, i don't have a whole lot else going on in my love life at the moment

01-02-2012, 06:26 AM
your not her boyfriend, right? so technically you cant even really get dumped. shes just going to "stop seeing you."

don't contact her anymore, it makes you look needy and pathetic. (overly harsh to emphasize the point).

if she wants to continue seeing you she will, i think thats pretty obvious right. if not, whatever, 51% of this country is woman right? has to be someone else out there.

Kid Presentable
01-02-2012, 06:30 AM
Yeah there's mad fish out there

01-02-2012, 06:54 AM
for real, first you catch the fish, than you fuck the fish.

01-02-2012, 07:08 AM
Then release the fish so it can go tell all the other fish your fucking fish.

01-02-2012, 12:17 PM
before i die...i'm gonna fuck me a fish (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Bd9lkZ1epY)

01-02-2012, 10:54 PM
She sounds like me when I'm dating someone I'm not that into...the ol' ex excuse. She may even be lying about it. That is the absolute worst part of dating for me. I'm an honest person for the most part but when it comes to telling a guy I'm not feeling it, its so hard for me. Rule of thumb in dating and relationships...if there's a spark and chemistry with someone and you're both feeling it, it WILL happen and it will be lovely. There should never be a need to over-analyze someone's thoughts and actions to determine how they feel about you. Trust me, move on.

01-03-2012, 12:34 AM
you wacky broads and your games

01-03-2012, 01:31 AM
Erm, Bob, what HW was saying was that the girl didn't want to play games with you; HW believes she was trying to let you go in a way that lets you save face. If she wanted to game you, she'd have been all like "ooh, please protect me from big bad old ex boyfriend", then not calling, then calling, then not calling and keeping you twisting like a fish on the line. This one has cut you loose; she isn't playing.

01-03-2012, 01:35 AM
but we're agreed that she's lying to me

01-03-2012, 02:15 AM
No I don't necessarily think she is. But it is possible that she might be. The point is though that either way, you shouldn't be spending a lot of time breaking it down and analyzing it. For whatever reason, she's handed you your walking papers, it doesn't really matter why. I know you might feel like it does, but it really doesn't.

01-03-2012, 02:20 AM
i guess i just feel like lying to someone should be considered head games

i'll also note that she hasn't ever actually said "we shouldn't see each other anymore", all she's said is "i need time to figure things out"

that's got to be at least a little gamey, right?

01-03-2012, 02:23 AM
The odds are slim mate. I'd move on. If she happens to pop into the picture again, bonus.

01-03-2012, 02:36 AM
i guess i just feel like lying to someone should be considered head games

i'll also note that she hasn't ever actually said "we shouldn't see each other anymore", all she's said is "i need time to figure things out"

that's got to be at least a little gamey, right?

I guess it's possible to read it that way, IF, in fact, she didn't simply mean, "I need time to figure things out." Which she might. Or not. But again, you don't know, and you can drive yourself crazy thinking about it forever if you want, but you still won't know. So this is why I'm saying: it doesn't matter why. You feel like it does. But it doesn't. It really, really doesn't.

01-03-2012, 02:37 AM
The odds are slim mate. I'd move on. If she happens to pop into the picture again, bonus.


01-03-2012, 06:28 AM
Monogamy is overrated, don't see what the fuss is about.

01-03-2012, 07:44 AM
all she's said is "i need time to figure things out"

Yeah, dude, that's just her being too big of a wuss to tell you it's over or to maybe leave things open for the future. Make no mistake, both scenarios sound like they're resulting in her blowing the ex. Either way, you're not being prioritized here and it seems like you're pretty focused on scoring a legit relationship. This obviously isn't it, so there's no need wasting your time.

01-03-2012, 07:49 AM
i'll also note that she hasn't ever actually said "we shouldn't see each other anymore", all she's said is "i need time to figure things out"

that literally means, wait around while i decide what i want to do. she prefers her ex and wants to get back together obviously or else she would not even entertain the thought. but she wants you to wait around just in case.

so basically decide what you want to do, sit around and be the chump or go find some other girl you'd like to hump.


01-03-2012, 07:50 AM
The odds are slim mate. I'd move on. If she happens to pop into the picture again, bonus.


01-03-2012, 07:54 AM
Come On! You would honestly entertain the thought of dating this chick again if she popped back up in a year or two? Snap the fuck out of it, Bob!

She must have big boobs or something.

01-03-2012, 08:41 AM
I know I am no dating genius

Today is my 14 year Anniversary, so I probably don't know shit as I have been in one relationship for 20 years now. Also, not so sure others should follow that path, shit maybe you should have a new lady every year?

Anyway back to my original point .. If I was Bob..

... "Seems your stuck in the past, let me know when your ready, I'm a bad ass and not playing games..."

Now she cant stop thinking about you or she is happy to have the clean break, but regardless when she goes and tells her friends... "you wont believe this, this guy doesn't play games and he said he is a bad as mother fucker"

Now the ladies all want to know what you got.

Finally, I don't believe any of this and I actually believe your hooking up with multiple ladies right now and your playing all of us?

01-03-2012, 08:47 AM
Bob, it is time to move on. I agree with everyone...she was trying to let you down easy. Possibly keeping you around for the future.

A quote to live by:"Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option." -Maya Angelou

01-03-2012, 11:45 AM
Text and call her often asking her if its been enough time yet. Maybe buy her a nice stopwatch that is already ticking backwards to help push her along.
If that doesn't work, stop by her parents house and see if you all can come up with a plan to get her to commit to a decision.

01-03-2012, 12:32 PM
....and by "a decision," he means marriage.

01-03-2012, 04:39 PM
I used to say stuff like that when I was trying to wriggle away from a guy who was coming on too strong, but still retain the ability to hang out with them in the future.

At the time I thought it was fair, but looking back it's actually quite selfish and manipulative - not giving someone who is interested in you a clear direction, whilst enjoying the benefits of a friendship whenever you feel like it.

"I need time to figure things out" = "I don't want a proper relationship, however you're nice enough and I'd rather not burn you completely"

01-03-2012, 05:17 PM
You would honestly entertain the thought of dating this chick again if she popped back up in a year or two?

A year or two? Who said anything about a year or two? We're talking like maybe a month here.

Listen: The relationship I was in before I was with mr.peachy was really shitty, and it took me way longer than it should have to pull out of it. But I had gotten kind of used to being treated like crap and emotionally manipulated. When mr.p came on the scene and was, like, this really decent guy, who was doing all the right things, I was still trying to come back from dealing with a guy who would build me up just to knock me down twice as hard as he had the last time. It's not like I consciously thought mr.p was going to be the same way, it's just that I'd learned to be so guarded, being with someone who was just actually genuinely nice was unsettling. It's hard to explain to someone who hasn't been there, but anyone who has will know what I mean - if your sense of self has been eroded by a bad relationship, sometimes it takes a bit of time before you can believe that you are capable of being in a good one. So I definitely held him at arms length for a littel while, because I knew there was something about him that was special and that I really liked, but it was true that I needed a bit of time to get my head straight, figure out what I wanted in a relationship and, and this is really key here, to convince myself I deserved to be happy. And maybe that's where this girl is at.

01-03-2012, 10:14 PM
^ Maybe. She should probably sort that shit out before she involves other people in her emotional turmoil though, wouldn't you agree? Your situation seems to have worked out, but most people (not just women) who have been through something like that are not capable of having a healthy relationship without first spending some time alone rebuilding their self esteem, ability to trust and be intimate, etc. Best case scenario in many situations like the one you're describing is that both people end up in pain because they give the relationship a whirl, then more serious feelings develop, then things fall apart in the end anyways because the baggage from the previous relationship was never unpacked. I think your successful relationship is an exception to that rule.

P.S. Can't say I've been in a relationship like the one you had with your ex but I would venture a guess that if I had, I'd need more than a month to pick up the pieces and be ready to date again

01-03-2012, 10:58 PM
A year or two? Who said anything about a year or two? We're talking like maybe a month here.

Listen: The relationship I was in before I was with mr.peachy was really shitty, and it took me way longer than it should have to pull out of it. But I had gotten kind of used to being treated like crap and emotionally manipulated. When mr.p came on the scene and was, like, this really decent guy, who was doing all the right things, I was still trying to come back from dealing with a guy who would build me up just to knock me down twice as hard as he had the last time. It's not like I consciously thought mr.p was going to be the same way, it's just that I'd learned to be so guarded, being with someone who was just actually genuinely nice was unsettling. It's hard to explain to someone who hasn't been there, but anyone who has will know what I mean - if your sense of self has been eroded by a bad relationship, sometimes it takes a bit of time before you can believe that you are capable of being in a good one. So I definitely held him at arms length for a littel while, because I knew there was something about him that was special and that I really liked, but it was true that I needed a bit of time to get my head straight, figure out what I wanted in a relationship and, and this is really key here, to convince myself I deserved to be happy. And maybe that's where this girl is at.

oh no, don't tell me this. i had just gotten used to the idea that she flat out lied to me to keep me away after getting used to a whole bunch of other ideas (all of which ended up with her never seeing me again in some way shape or form), i don't need hope thrown into the mix

and yeah, digi, i never said anything about holding a torch for 2 years, there's no need to jump on me about that

even i have limits to my sad sackedness and it's a year and a half, tops

Lex Diamonds
01-04-2012, 06:26 AM
ToucanSpam giving Bob sex advice. Man, this place has changed.

01-04-2012, 08:25 AM
and yeah, digi, i never said anything about holding a torch for 2 years, there's no need to jump on me about that

Peachy's post is pretty confusing. She's assuming this girl may pop back up in a month, but then goes on about her needing time to get her shit straight after a nasty relationship. Like Lara said, if you don't want a total train wreck on your hands, I'd like to think it would take a bit longer than a month for a proper recovery. A few weekends on the couch watching Ryan Gosling movies probably won't cut it.

01-04-2012, 09:19 AM
Peachy's post is pretty confusing. She's assuming this girl may pop back up in a month, but then goes on about her needing time to get her shit straight after a nasty relationship. Like Lara said, if you don't want a total train wreck on your hands, I'd like to think it would take a bit longer than a month for a proper recovery. A few weekends on the couch watching Ryan Gosling movies probably won't cut it.

Oh lordy. Go back and read the first post. Here is what Bob said the girl said:

"i have to tell you something...i got out of a pretty serious relationship about a year ago, and within the past few days my ex-boyfriend reemerged, and it's kind of fucking with my head right now, and i just wanted to tell you so that i'm not misleading you."

She got out of the relationship a year ago. The ex has resurfaced, and this has churned up some past emotional shit that she hasn't quite put to rest. It's not a relationship that just ended, for crying out loud.

01-04-2012, 09:30 AM
that to me says shes stuck on him/never got over him. she got out of this relationship a year ago, and as soon as this guy pops up she basically is dropping bob like a sack of potatoes to see what might come about again with the ex bf.

01-04-2012, 09:40 AM
Is she? Or has the reappearance of the ex made her realize that she's still got some shit to unpack before she gets more involved?

Or, is it as suggested before, just a 'let him down easy' excuse?

See, this is why I keep saying 'it really doesn't matter why'. We can go on and on for pages (and have done) speculating about it. But we don't know, do we? And we never will. And, it doesn't actually matter. What difference does it make?

01-04-2012, 09:52 AM
i think in the end we can all agree to disagree to agree that bob is getting second fiddled here regardless of the reason (which is her being stuck on the ex, but i digress).

01-04-2012, 10:04 AM
I would call it 'back burnered' but yes.

01-04-2012, 10:35 AM
Okay so it's been a year already. She should be ripe for the picking in another month, Bob!

The best thing to do at this point is to move on. It's not worth the ag, man. She's doing this now when you guys are just getting friendly? How about she decides to stick with you and 4 months down the road while you're both out she spots Johnny Quarterback she dated from high school and decides to give him an hj in the bathroom while you're eating nachos at the bar wondering if she's taking a number 2 because she's been gone a while. But I agree that further speculation is pointless.

Good luck!

01-04-2012, 12:59 PM

from what i remember, you are, or you're studyign to be a lawyer?

01-04-2012, 04:54 PM
decides to give him an hj in the bathroom while you're eating nachos at the bar wondering if she's taking a number 2 because she's been gone a while.

Make sure that it's sour cream that you're licking off her fingers.

01-04-2012, 05:09 PM
Is her mom hot?

01-04-2012, 09:19 PM
Is she? Or has the reappearance of the ex made her realize that she's still got some shit to unpack before she gets more involved?

Or, is it as suggested before, just a 'let him down easy' excuse?

See, this is why I keep saying 'it really doesn't matter why'. We can go on and on for pages (and have done) speculating about it. But we don't know, do we? And we never will. And, it doesn't actually matter. What difference does it make?


alls i know is i told her what i had to say and left the ball in her court, so whatever is actually happening in her head and whatever level of chumpitude i might be suffering right now, it doesn't matter because my course of action is gonna be the same: do nothing, get on with my shit, and not expect to ever hear or see from her again, and if i do (in a positive way), it'll be a pleasant surprise, and if for some reason it comes at a time when it's not a pleasant surprise, i won't feel bad about telling her to go fuck herself because she's probably lying to me or something

(that slut)

01-04-2012, 09:50 PM
That's the spirit, Bob. (y)

01-05-2012, 12:13 AM
i might leave out the slut part actually

01-05-2012, 07:35 AM
I can't wait to bump this thread when Bob makes the wedding announcement. Lol.

01-05-2012, 09:16 AM
i might leave out the slut part actually

except when your banging. they like that.

Dorothy Wood
01-05-2012, 01:53 PM
If there's anything I've learned in life, is that relationships don't have to be so hard. Sure, there's give and take at the start, but if it's going to work out you really don't need to do much.

For all the belly-achin I've done on this messageboard in the past about boys...the one I ended up with just sort of happened, and it happened differently and in spite of a lot of the advice I'd received here. and I'm still the same chubby weirdo I always was...I didn't have to get a makeover or get a different personality to land a man, and the man I landed is not really the kind of man I'd pictured for myself. And I have no idea if it'll last forever, but I know if it doesn't there'll be a good reason, because we are definitely committed to making it work.

So yeah, if you wanna ride a rollercoaster, keep it up with this chick...but if you want a real relationship, just give her up and move on to look for someone who's on the same page as you. If you really have a connection, you'll come back together. A friend of mine is in a 2+ year relationship with a dude she'd previously dated in high school. He was married, had two kids, then got divorced. They ran into each other a few years ago, sparks flew, happiness flowed, etc.

uhh, yeah, so go after other girls. Go on a ton of internet dates, seriously.

01-05-2012, 03:02 PM
At first glance, I thought you typed "Go get a tan for internet dates, seriously."


01-05-2012, 06:21 PM
I can't wait to bump this thread when Bob makes the wedding announcement. Lol.

i wouldn't hold your breath, people were talking about wedding bells in the last thread i made about a girl who dumped me after 4 dates too

Kid Presentable
01-06-2012, 04:55 AM
Maybe you're being too nice, Bob.

01-06-2012, 07:33 AM
put the slut part back in then?

01-08-2012, 05:15 PM
I quite like the term 'sluzza'

01-08-2012, 09:29 PM
Bob, I saw this show the other night called flash mob. This guy decided he was in love with his best online female friend of 5 yrs whom he's never actually met and with the help of the show he had her swarmed with a flash mob of about 3 million dancing singing people telling her he loves her and he asked if she wanted him to move across the country to where she lives and she said yes. food for thought. lol

01-08-2012, 11:46 PM
hmm. that seems a bit much. i think i'll just try calling her a slut first and see where it goes from there

01-08-2012, 11:47 PM
haha right on!