View Full Version : Todays My AA B-Day

02-15-2012, 08:17 PM
I'm headin' down to the Double A hall to get my Chip and shoot the shit!

I haven't had a drink or drug for over 10 years today.

Stark Raving Reality!

Here's my Drunkologue in song form; We're Desperate (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1jsmv7ICPs)

02-15-2012, 11:20 PM

02-15-2012, 11:24 PM

02-16-2012, 01:54 AM
good on ya mate

Kid Presentable
02-16-2012, 05:42 AM

MC Moot
02-16-2012, 08:48 AM
Heres a tasty cake you deserve with sprinklings of serenity,lucidity and consciousness...(y)

02-16-2012, 10:26 AM
We're Desperate (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1jsmv7ICPs)

Love that song. And grats (y)

02-16-2012, 11:16 AM
keep on keepin' on.

02-16-2012, 05:24 PM
Thank you guys, I'm not trying to be a braggart or anything about quitting booze/dope... I figure every once and awhile it's good for other people to know you can live without the destruction if you happen to be a chronic.

I never knew that, I just sort of always felt I was a fuck up and that was that.

All I'm doing is giving myself and society a break.

Here is an interesting bit of information that "used to be" in AA literature until the mid-80's. It was a pamphlet about the medical aspects of AA and statistical information on sobriety was included. Today statistics are sort of frowned upon in AA

1 in 36 people who go to AA sober up

If you stay sober for a 1 year, you have a 70% chance of staying sober the rest of your life.

If you stay sober for a 5 years, you have a 80% chance of staying sober the rest of your life.

If you stay sober for a 10 years, you have a 90% chance of staying sober the rest of your life.

and that 90% is as good as it gets, I've been friends with a few people who went out and got fucked up after staying sober after 10 years.

OK. Enough, I sound like an ass. Everybody I hang out with drinks, I just don't drink... I try and stay humble enough to go to meetings and shut up and listen.

02-16-2012, 06:51 PM
i for one don't think you sound like an ass, i like it when you talk about quitting. i think i drink too much, and sometimes i'll not drink for like 3 days straight and i'll pat myself on the back and be like "nice job self, you've earned a 6 pack"

i guess that wasn't a relevant story but my point is that i like to hear about people who have successfully quit drinking

Dorothy Wood
02-16-2012, 09:16 PM

I'm starting to realize how destructive alcohol is as I get older and i can't believe how much I used to drink. It's just ingrained in every social activity, especially in Chicago. My boyfriend's been sober 8 years I think, so I don't spend time in bars like I used to, and the fact that alcohol is paired with every activity everywhere has become super apparent to me now. I learned to just not drink or have a couple instead of drinking to get drunk, something I never fathomed before. And I feel a lot better overall, I can't believe I used to suffer hangovers 2-3 times a week, or even the debilitating full day hangovers that make you wish you were dead. It's nuts, there's no reason for it.


02-16-2012, 10:29 PM
I have massive respect for you. I think it's great that you talk about what you've been through and the milestones because it reminds us that we can make a major change in our own lives. But recognition in your own right for what you've accomplished is important too.

02-17-2012, 07:59 AM
I'm one of those 35 of 36


02-17-2012, 09:13 PM
I was one of those 35 in 36 who didn't quite get it. Even though I consequently drank to oblivion daily, blacked out hundreds of times, had two dui's, wrecked a dozen cars, multiple court dates, mandatory in and out patient rehabs, lived in my car(s) for a spell, slept on multiple couches everything seemed to be "just fine" as far as my drug use and drinking.

My addiction to drugs and alcohol was so strong I would do anything to keep using including pathological lying (http://depressiond.org/pathological-liar/). Even though I didn't know I was sick some punk rock friends figured it out. One was in AA and another was going to Al-Anon. I ended up at a low bottom AA hall that could only be defined as hardcore tough love. I hid in the corners during meetings and shook the booze off, thus my nickname became shaky.

I really don't remember 90% of what was said at those meetings. It was the 10% that got through to me and those were the shouters. I would be withdrawn into myself then all of a sudden a screaming voice would protrude into my soul "You Can't Drink Anymore MotherFucker" or "You Have to go to Work Now" or one time at an AA meeting in NYC an old frail man stood up and spoke all whispery and quiet... we all leaned in as he said "the common denominator that brings us together today is.... (screams at top of lungs) PAIN! Excruciating PAIN! Incomprehensible Demoralization!

Shit Worked. I've simplified my life, got a job and quit trying to be a grandiose rockstar/street person or some other lie. I have a valid drivers license, home, clean socks and underwear etc.

I have choices.

02-18-2012, 02:31 AM
Can you make your way to NY, or should I make my way to you?

I saw my pops die from going down this path. Yes, he has an excuse, a marine in the nam. Yes, I can find my excuse, stress factor but I also know that once you're gripped into it, the only thing you can do is find excuses.

For at least 3 weeks, I have went into work drunk, a few times I have drank on the job. People have noticed. If the wrong people notice, no more job for me.

I started the treatment program yesterday, it wasn't much. Watched a video, had some discussions. I listened to everyone and they're far more worse than I am but I can see myself in their shoes within a year or less from now.

I just can't believe. Back in highschool, I was so hardcore on being sober and I was a vice president for being drug free. Mainly against alcohol because I saw it rip away my moms and pops and now here I am, having the same problems they had.

02-18-2012, 08:55 AM
For at least 3 weeks, I have went into work drunk, a few times I have drank on the job. People have noticed. If the wrong people notice, no more job for me.

I started the treatment program yesterday, it wasn't much. Watched a video, had some discussions. I listened to everyone and they're far more worse than I am but I can see myself in their shoes within a year or less from now.

I just can't believe. Back in highschool, I was so hardcore on being sober and I was a vice president for being drug free. Mainly against alcohol because I saw it rip away my moms and pops and now here I am, having the same problems they had.

I was always looking for people who were way worse off than me with their drinking... the bottom (The Big 3) is prison, mental hospital, death.

The best advice I can give you at this stage just of starting treatment is "Don't compare other peoples outsides with your insides" do not give your self an "out" by proclaiming you haven't hit bottom hard enough. That's just bullshit, you have a serious problem and it's not going to be addressed by downgrading the symptoms. I lived, ate and breathed AA meetings. If somebody told me pushing a peanut across the Brooklyn Bridge would keep me sober that day, I'd do it.

If you haven't had a drink today, you're batting a thousand.

02-19-2012, 09:56 PM
good work :)

03-22-2012, 05:07 AM
I don't think I would ever give up drinking but St Patrick's Day made me think of this thread.

I didn't drink all weekend. Wasn't planned but early on we saw someone knocked out on the floor and a group of lads running away with a screaming girl chasing and it put us off just heading into any bar.

Instead we opted for a nice meal in a quiet place before heading off to a gig where we stayed out of the way and enjoyed the show without going crazy in the pit or heading to the bar.

The next day we heard a lad say in passing "I drank some vodka, threw up then I had a double gin and tonic and felt loads better..." which put us off wanting to drink that day too. It made the whole thing a very enjoyable 72 hours.

We did drink on the plane on the way back though (it's complimentary so you have to).

A similar thing was the reason we did nothing but walk around in Amsterdam two weeks earlier. If I get a minute or two to people watch in an unintoxicated state, the older I get the more I'm put off by humans 'enjoying themselves'.

03-22-2012, 06:18 AM
I am a looser. I drink and annoy people all the time.

I do have great respect for those who control or give it up.

Someday, maybe Ill join you.

paul jones
03-26-2012, 11:43 AM
I've been sober since early December.

03-27-2012, 05:09 AM
I've been sober since early December.

(y) Out of choice or accident?

paul jones
03-27-2012, 11:38 AM
(y) Out of choice or accident?

choice.I'm sick of hangovers and it's just too expensive to go to the pub these days or concerts or anything.rent and food are more important and keeping a car running.And buying DVD box sets.

03-28-2012, 02:04 PM
For some odd reason I haven't had a drink since christmas.
But I know I will be drunk 3 times in April (y)