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vivrant 05-06-2012 06:38 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
I'm yet another user who hasn't been active here, but came back after I heard the news this weekend.

My initial reaction was numbness. Read posts on TMZ, Rolling Stone, even the official website... still felt surreal.
So incredibly sad.

As a lot of others have said, my thoughts go out to his family and friends. I can't imagine how hard this must be for them.
But it's amazing to see how much of an impact the Beastie Boys/MCA had on the world. The articles, blog posts, tweets and comments that have been flooding in from so many different people make you realise how many lives have been touched by the BBoys.

I don't come here often, I don't know many of you, but this message board is one of the first things which came to mind when I heard the news. All of you. And while this is incredibly tragic news, it's inspiring to come back here and see all of you being so supportive of each other.

RIP MCA, a great man, father and friend.

/internet hugs for everyone

Stay strong guys, the music and the message lives on.

lrf1211 05-06-2012 06:47 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Even though there seems like nothing else new to contribute to all of the amazing things people have said on these boards over the past few days, I echo the same feeling of loss expressed by everyone. Adam was --and is -- an inspiration as a man, a musician and an innovator. But the music, the lyrics and the genius of it all have been pivotal in my life. Thank you for bringing laughter through tears, showing the world you can be a true talent, have a sense of fun and adventure, make the world a better place, and matter to so many people for so many good reasons. My heart breaks for your family and friends, and for all of us as we realize that no one is going to pass the mic to Yauch.


paulb 05-06-2012 07:00 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
RIP Yauch. This hits me so hard. I owe everything to him and the Boys for making the music they did, that I was able to meet my future wife, and have the best son in the world, and some of the greatest experiences of my life following you guys on tour. This still doesnt seem real and I dont know if ever will. You were a great man, always took the time to be considerate to fans, the world has lost a husband, father and a music icon.

We will miss you Adam. Thank you for everything you've ever graced us fans with.

rydan2011 05-06-2012 07:28 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
I'm so heartbroken. At first I was just angry. Like F*** everything. But, that's not what MCA was about. So, I can't be that way either. I just can't believe it. 25 years of greatness that will be here forever. It's been such a huge part of my life. I can't imagine a world without MCA in it. I never thought it would get to this point. I was sure he'd pull through. Part of me hopes the Boys will carry on. But, I'd understand if they didn't. I just wish he was still here. For his family, if nothing else. My heart goes out to everyone who has ever loved Adam Yauch. He was one of the best.

paul jones 05-06-2012 07:37 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
I like a lot of music and sometimes with the music comes great people who say great things,do great things and just never fail to bring happiness between all the crap in the world.Thank you Beastie Boys for the magic.
Thank you Adam Yauch for making a lot of people happy.(y)

TheMightyAjax 05-06-2012 07:47 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
My hero. My inspiration. I'll meet you when I get there. And I'll bring a bunch of beats!

SwimFinFan 05-06-2012 08:34 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
It's been nice reading everyone's sentiments and I would also like to offer my condolences. My favorite thing about the Beasties has always been their clever humor in their music. It has gotten me through some tough times and it will get me through this as well. I'm so glad we can revisit it at any time- it does indeed live on.

scrappy 05-06-2012 08:40 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
i just gotta say i am torn up inside by the loss of the man who was my hero. I will miss MCA forever and will never forget his awesomeness.

sharonm 05-06-2012 08:45 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
No words! Just gutted. So Sad. RIPMCA You will never be forgotten!

much love to your Family, friends, and fans.

K-ren 05-06-2012 08:48 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Stay with me--you'll like this.

I teach a second grade class of inner city kids. Teachers use a variety of tools to call a class to attention. For example: teacher claps --clap, clap------clap, clap, clap and the class responds in same. This is used as a signal to listen up. Other variations are SpongeBob--Are you ready kids? Aye Aye Captain! and many others. In my class, I say, "Make some noise if you're with me" and the kids all respond with "ooh ooh"(MCA's "disco call"). It infuses my passion (teaching) with my passion (BBoys) in a most excellent, daily way. I also play MIX-UP anytime we do an energetic activity....Make Some Noise if You're with me!

Rodie 05-06-2012 09:06 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by K-ren (Post 1785112)
Stay with me--you'll like this.

I teach a second grade class of inner city kids. Teachers use a variety of tools to call a class to attention. For example: teacher claps --clap, clap------clap, clap, clap and the class responds in same. This is used as a signal to listen up. Other variations are SpongeBob--Are you ready kids? Aye Aye Captain! and many others. In my class, I say, "Make some noise if you're with me" and the kids all respond with "ooh ooh"(MCA's "disco call"). It infuses my passion (teaching) with my passion (BBoys) in a most excellent, daily way. I also play MIX-UP anytime we do an energetic activity....Make Some Noise if You're with me!

I like this. When I used to substitute I had to give a spelling test and one of the words was shawl. My example sentence was "you look a little chilly, can I get you a shawl?"

In my current job we have to do something throughout the day that we refer to as "checking your holds." People put up various notes and reminders at their desks. Mine is a slightly modified CYH cover to say "Check Your Holds" :cool:

K-ren 05-06-2012 09:28 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by Rodie (Post 1785116)
I like this. When I used to substitute I had to give a spelling test and one of the words was shawl. My example sentence was "you look a little chilly, can I get you a shawl?"

In my current job we have to do something throughout the day that we refer to as "checking your holds." People put up various notes and reminders at their desks. Mine is a slightly modified CYH cover to say "Check Your Holds" :cool:

Love Love Love in so many ways. My spelling tests are somet
hing like this: cream. fresh like a box of Krispy Kreme. cream. My BBoys are always in my heart

pshabi 05-06-2012 10:01 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Worked for 3 hours in my garden this morning and I'm sure my neighbors got sick of hearing Beastie Boys blaring out of the yard. I had all the albums on shuffle. "I Don't Know" was crazy to hear.

One of my favorite Bboys tracks of ALL TIME sucked for the first time today. "Dope Little Song."


MCAadROCKMiKEd7 05-06-2012 10:31 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
I've always wanted to have turn tables and get good but I never had faith in myself, Yauch this new experiences i'm now motivates to do is thanks to you.

Tati Pryor 05-06-2012 11:22 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by K-ren (Post 1785112)
Stay with me--you'll like this.

I teach a second grade class of inner city kids. Teachers use a variety of tools to call a class to attention. For example: teacher claps --clap, clap------clap, clap, clap and the class responds in same. This is used as a signal to listen up. Other variations are SpongeBob--Are you ready kids? Aye Aye Captain! and many others. In my class, I say, "Make some noise if you're with me" and the kids all respond with "ooh ooh"(MCA's "disco call"). It infuses my passion (teaching) with my passion (BBoys) in a most excellent, daily way. I also play MIX-UP anytime we do an energetic activity....Make Some Noise if You're with me!

This is beautiful! I also teach! T_T two passions ...

Shadbells 05-06-2012 11:32 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
One of the best moments of my life was when I met Adam Yauch. This was after I was one of the camera operators for "Awesome....". I went to the Oscilloscope Laboritories loft and did a brief interview about the experience of being a camera operator for the Beastie Boys.

After the interview I waited in the kitchen area of the loft and right behind me Adam came out from his office and asked me how it went. I was in such amazement to see one of the people I've always looked up since a kid that all I could say at that moment was that I was seeing spots from the overhead light in the interview room. This is typical me, so I was able to be myself in a nervous way. I then thanked him for the opportunity and told hime I appreciated it. He replied with a "you're welcome" and was so kind. I wanted to explain my love of the Beastie Boys since a kid, take a picture with him, and tell him how much this group has meant to me but all I could do was say "thank you" and let the silence take over.

I am so heartbroken by all of this. I really hope that his wife, daughter, parents, family, friends, and fans can all find peace in the one thing that we all share; which is the love we have for this incredible person.

DAPPER_DIVERGE 05-06-2012 11:41 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
i don't think I've been on this message board since i graduated high school about a decade ago. its crazy...i even had to start up a new account its been that long but NEVER forgotten. life just went on....but when i heard their newest album was out the hot sauce committee pt2 i made sure i got it as soon as it hit stores...shocked with delight that even now almost 30... i can still listen to a triple trouble trio that brought so much happiness to my youth. but when i heard of the death of Adam MCA Yauch, like many i went numb. i thank Yauch so much for introducing me to the teachings of Buddhism when i needed it in my life so badly when i was younger. Yauch made such a positive impact on my life. he was a good person...whether it was a son, father, friend, activist or musician. i will always remember you...and love you. to say thank you can never be show you my gratitude is the peace i know you were longing for, fought for and died for. forever in my heart...mind...and spirit. namaste.....

shine 05-07-2012 02:16 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
I have no words...What a sad Day...
Rest in Paradise Adam Yauch.

samthebarber 05-07-2012 02:39 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

the only way i know to express myself 0% of artist do what the beastie boys do

damodafoca 05-07-2012 02:53 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Big influence, very very sad days... RIP Mr Yauch.

(For those who can read french=> )

Aart 05-07-2012 04:09 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Much respect to MCA, you've been a big influence in my life and I love you guys! May you rest in peace brother...

peterclamp 05-07-2012 04:49 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
RIP MCA. You, Adam and Mike shaped who I would become, back from 1986/87 when I first heard you at the age of 14 through to the present day as a 39 year old man. To this day having owned Paul's Boutique on vinyl, CD (twice) and download...I discover new layers all the time, the rhymes and beats are still as fresh! When you transitioned into men, opened my eyes to the world and great issues such as the Free Tibet cause. I even learnt to snowboard due to you Mr Yauch at the ripe age of 37! Hitting a red run to the sound of "Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun" in my eargoggles was a sweet, sweet moment!

Thankyou so much for the great times and helping me fight through the bad. Adam and Mike, part of me hopes you'll carry on making Beastie music but I know it won't be the same without Yauch.*

Much love to you all x*

gbsuey 05-07-2012 06:06 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
I'm forgetting which bits i've posted in, if i even have or's all so messed up. I still haven't put any Beastie Boys on to listen to, not sure why,don't want to just yet. But i think i already said this somewhere, IC was playing saturday afternoon at a new skatepark locally, that was awesome, some incredible skaters out that day, and just the best soundtrack, if bittersweet.

I never really had heroes before, until them, and Yauch. It's literally like a huge gaping hole opened up, in my imagination it's in NY, but i suppose it's everywhere. Big love to those that truly knew him and he was their everyday in a more real sense.

na§tee 05-07-2012 06:42 AM

i'll miss you yauch. the outpouring of grief here and elsewhere has been really moving. it has made me stop and listen and consider things. i could eulogise for a long, long time, but i think i'll just leave it at this and say i hope everyone close to him is feeling that love right now.

dave790 05-07-2012 07:20 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by Shadbells (Post 1785174)
I really hope that his wife, daughter, parents, family, friends, and fans can all find peace in the one thing that we all share; which is the love we have for this incredible person.


M.C. Guevera 05-07-2012 09:50 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
I don't know if the "R.I.P. MCA" Run DMC logo was created on here, but either way, I'm now seeing it on Twitter.

Randetica 05-07-2012 09:54 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
someone on youtube wrote "nyc lost another tower"

Jay Stone 05-07-2012 10:48 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by M.C. Guevera (Post 1785337)
I don't know if the "R.I.P. MCA" Run DMC logo was created on here, but either way, I'm now seeing it on Twitter.

There's also shirts on eBay already...

gbsuey 05-07-2012 11:00 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
You know, i think they're ok, but i'm fucked if i'd ever line the pockets of some prick making money off the back of this. Now, if the money was going to the milarupa fund, or something else in the name of Adam....i'd consider it. Still a bit tacky though, eh?

M|X|Y 05-07-2012 11:08 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
i kind of don't like the smell of any of these "buy x and a certain amount will go to charity"

instead of buying something like that, why not just give $ to charity?

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