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brooklyndust 05-09-2012 07:01 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by balohna (Post 1786074)
I think it's been a couple years since I last posted on here, so hello everyone. I've been thinking about MCA and the Beastie Boys almost constantly since I heard the news Friday morning, I've cried a few times, and I've been listening to the B-boys more than I have in years. I moved on musically, to an extent, discovering other music worthy of my obsession and respect. For a long time, the Beastie Boys were pretty much it for me. I was 10 years old when Hello Nasty came out. I heard the name "Beastie Boys" before I had any idea what they sounded like, and with the influx of boybands at the time I just assumed they were another. Then I saw the Intergalactic music video, heard Fight For Your Right on the compilation "Frosh" and saw the boys perform 3 MCs and 1 DJ on the VMAs. They won me over, easily. I bought Hello Nasty, probably the fifth or sixth CD I ever owned, and loved it. The non-rap tracks took a while to grow on me, but they did eventually. I remember listening to Dr. Lee PhD with a friend and finding it hilarious while he just looked at me like I was weird.

My fandom grew a lot when I bought The Sounds of Science. I remember hearing the first track for the first time, an adolescent Mike D screaming "BEE-EE-AY-ESTEEIYEE" into my 11 year old ears and probably scaring me a little bit. I had never heard hardcore before that. I was obsessed with the anthology. I read the booklet countless times, analyzed every track, brought it to school every day and played it on my class's CD player at lunch and during class (when the teacher was nice enough to allow) so much that people gave me a hard time about being obsessed with the Beastie Boys. I used Livewire's lyrics for a poetry assignment, and performed a dance routine to Railroad Blues with a couple of friends that year. Being kid, I didn't have a steady cash flow so it took me another year and a half or so to acquire all the albums and a few other releases. Each one made its own mark on me, especially Check Your Head and Paul's Boutique. It bothered me that nobody else my age seemed to care about the Beastie Boys, but that never discouraged me.

I actually feel like they shaped my adolescence in a huge way. My idea of cool was the Beastie Boys. Not the frat boy LTI Beastie Boys or even the hazy/creative Paul's Boutique Beastie Boys. It was the modern Beastie Boys of that era - socially conscious, accepting, mature. Yauch's write-up on FFYR really stuck with me. The first thing he says is something along the lines of "We decided to include this song because it sucks. Just kidding." which to me immediately made me accept the song as a piece of their past and no longer take it as something that would have any sort of impact one me (I was pretty impressionable... I even took "I'm shopping at Sears because I don't buy at The Gap" to heart). He also wrote about how if you imitate something enough you become it, which I used as a guideline for staying true to myself and living life they way I want to live it. Adam H's write-up on Song for the Man also had a big impact on me.

I only saw the Beastie Boys live once. September 2004 at the Pacific Colosseum in Vancouver. My friends weren't sure about going (none of them were big fans), so I just decided to buy a ticket for myself. On the floor, general admission. I was the first person to show up at the front of the building, at about 3:30 PM. I sat down in front of the door in my internet-bought Beastie Boys shirt. I was 16 and didn't know that wearing the shirt of the band you're seeing is a concert foul. I made a point of not eating or drinking anything so I wouldn't have to go to the bathroom. I think security had seen me there, because they opened the door I lined up at before any other door. I speed walked down to the floor and parked my ass against the barricade and waited for what felt like an eternity and enjoyed the dog show and Talib Kweli. I don't think I need to describe how great a Beastie Boys show is to any of you, but 16 year old me's mind was blown. I saw my heroes just a few feet in front of me, with thousands of people behind me pressing me closer. I touched MCA's hand that night, when he jumped down off the stage and ran with his hand outstretched.

Over the years I've grown to love other music, but the Beastie Boys were my starting point. They introduced me to hardcore, which introduced me to bands like Minor Threat, Black Flag and Bad Brains. Adrock's relationship with Kathleen Hanna introduced me to Le Tigre, which in turn introduced me to Bikini Kill and the riot grrrl scene. Minor Threat lead me to Fugazi and riot grrrl lead me to Sleater-Kinney, who I now consider two of my favourite bands. If it weren't for the Beastie Boys I'm not sure I would have even gone in that direction. The music I was listening to before I saw Intergalactic on the MuchMusic Countdown (which I watched every day after school at age 10) was radio-friendly rock and pop-punk.

I have never been impacted by a celebrity death before. I love The Clash, but I didn't listen to them really until after Joe died. I've never really been a Ramone's fan, so their deaths didn't have an impact on me either. When I heard Adam Yauch had died it felt like a piece of my life fell away.

I can relate to this a lot. Beasties turned me onto a lot of great bands, and none of my friends were really into them.

aa ninja 05-09-2012 11:38 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Oh man. The Beastie Boys have always been a great inspiration! MCA has been such a positive influence on so many people! This is a good time to express our love and appreciation for the Beastie Boys and really think about Adam's message. The Beastie Boys always know how to have fun and make the world a better place! The attitude of Beastie Boys music is revolutionary. THANKS MCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Adam and Mike, keep doing your thing! Thanks for all the music

llasaApso 05-09-2012 12:42 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
I want to pay my respects to MCA. I have loved the Beastie Boys since they first came out in the mid 80's over here in Ireland. I am the same age as Adam and just cannot believe he is gone. Back in the 80's we had no internet of course and hardly ever saw them on tv. So we heard them played on the radio and bought the records. Their music was (and still is) so uplifting.
This past weekend i have been looking at dozens of videos on youtube, videos we never had the opportunity to watch back then. And mourning the loss of lovely, lovely Adam Yauch. (Gawd, why can't we find a cure for this scourge that is cancer?!!)

Anyway, I found this lovely tribute by a dj here in Ireland, telling about the day he spent with the boys back in 95. Thought you guys might enjoy reading it.

BrooklynNico 05-09-2012 01:39 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
License To Ill was the second album I ever bought. I vividly remember over 20 years ago going to a block party in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn and the usual guido/wiseguy older kids were playing Paul Revere over and over and over and over. I was absolutely mesmerized and couldn't get enough. It took me forever that day to find out who was singing this song and when I did I went home that night and the seed was planted, I needed this shit. The next morning, while my dad was at work and my mom was in the shower I went into her purse and took a 20 dollar bill. My friend and I walked from my house all the way into Bay Ridge on 5th Ave to Record Factory and I bought the tape. We practically ran our entire way home and when we got there and we popped in that cassette it was like our eyes were opened. We spent the entire day listening to the album, I spent my entire life since enjoying every track put out by the Beastie Boys. It was worth the beating I caught from ma dukes when she realized I lifted the 20 from her purse.
My musical tastes always varied as with many but always and forever on my playlist are the Beasties. You all helped provide the soundtrack of my life, you all represent to me the true essence of New York City that draws millions here yearly and keeps millions here living. From the graf covered subways of my youth to the skyline that's been changed since 9/11 you all covered it with a realness, innovation and love that cannot be matched.
No celebrity death has ever cast the dark cloud of sadness over me like MCA's. While I didn't know the man personally he has in some way been a part of my life. I felt true loss when I heard the news and felt as if a piece of my youth and my life was snatched away from me way to early.
Much love to Adam 'MCA' Yauch and his family and crew, much love to the Beastie Boys for making my life and millions of others a little bit better and much love to the City that enabled them to give us this gift. RIP son, while your body may have passed to the other side your legacy is eternal.

midzi 05-09-2012 01:57 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Last week I was on short holiday in the country, without the Internet, tv etc. My mom called me on Saturday and told me. It was all over the news in Poland. I was shocked, really. Still can't belive it.
Maybe I was naive but it never crossed my mind he could die of this cancer. Never.

My strongest feelings are still of total shock and disbelief. Then it's sadness and disbelief again.

The most depressing is seeing the picture on MSG billboard and watching the R&R Hall of fame induction ceremony knowing now he's no's even difficut to write about it.

Randetica 05-09-2012 02:03 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by midzi (Post 1786207)
Maybe I was naive but it never crossed my mind he could die of this cancer. Never.

yeah true
maybe he got a second hidden one, who knows or he was just too wonderful for this world

ghettoverit 05-09-2012 02:48 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
It has been almost exactly a year since I have logged in here, but WAY longer since I have written anything. This is what I wrote on my tumblr right after I found out:
"I can honestly say that I love MCA more than most members of my family and one of my favorite memories forever will be the summer I bought To The Five Boroughs and made EVERYONE I know listen to it on repeat in my car for the entire summer. Didn’t come out of the cd player for months. The Beastie Boys are my favorite band and they changed my musical life, as well as my life in general. And MCA was my favorite part of that. So this seriously sucks a big one."

But what is weird is that I just moved to South Korea. So everyone who knows me is across the world. And because of that I had been craving familiar things lately. I had been upping the amount of Beasties. I even thought to myself, MAYBE 2-3 days before Yauch passed, "Man, if MCA dies, I am going to lose my shit." And I did.

But what is kind of nice, is I found out because people in the US had posted on my fb (middle of the night for me) stuff like: Sorry about MCA, I know how much you loved the Beastie Boys. Like I knew him. Ha.

Anyway, RIP MCA

singletone 05-09-2012 06:46 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
I have just now considered myself ready to check out the boards. Been enjoying the tributes. You gotta love the love everyone is displaying. For me, I feel like Yauch & the Beasites either taught or led to me to everything that was worth knowing in the world. Nonviolence, respect for all peoples, the interconnectedness of life, and other timeless principles. I feel so fortunate that I had the pleasure of learning such important lessons through the band I loved since I was 7 years old (when License to Ill came out in 1986). It always seemed like I was entering the age when I was ready to understand such lessons as their new albums came out (specifically with regard to Check Your Head, Ill Communication, and Hello Nasty as I was 13, 15, and 19 respectively). As they matured, so did I. They have been as important in setting me on my life's path as anyone I know (immediate family excluded).

"There's nothing here that's not been said before, But I put it down now so I'll be sure, To solidify my own views and I'll be glad if it helps anyone else out too."

It has. Thank you Adam. Namaste.


CandiceJC 05-09-2012 06:49 PM

Intergalactic Brass Monkey - International Event Saturday
Hey Everyone,

Some of us got together and are quickly working our asses off arranging a simultaneous international event for this Saturday called "Intergalactic Brass Monkey Pour For Our Homie" in honor and commemorance of MCA. Yes, no kidding, the event name is that long. Please check out or FB page "Intergalactic Brass Monkey", join the page, sign yourself up for the event and then send invites to all your friends on FB (you may be surprised how many of your friends are BB fans but the subject never came up). We also set up a Twitter account - @Galactic_Monkey you can follow on there and help spread the word to others who'd be interested in the event. Basically post about this everywhere in all languages you know. We don't have much time left to invite the entire galaxy -- We need you!!

Oh, yeah, the page is also a place where anyone can post anything BB and MCA related. One subject of interest is to hear people's best BB stories. Also, there's some debate about which Brass Monkey "recipe" was the one of their choosing. Love to get an answer to that... Finally, we're hoping people record their memorial parties and share them with us to post next week so we can all see each other's faces.

That's all for now, but don't be surprised when I repost about this so that people reading at different times of day have a chance to find out about the event. Feel free to ask me anything you can't find on the page or anything at all...

YoungRemy 05-09-2012 07:12 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
there is always something to discover with Adam Yauch and the Beastie boys. I will never stop my borderline obsessive crave for new information about this legendary band.

my next endeavor is to truly dive in to the early hard core stuff. of course I heard Aglio, Pollywog, and Some Old Bullshit etc, but I never truly analyzed every lyric, story, and bassline.

I can't wait to dive in.

cltaylor12 05-09-2012 09:12 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
My nephew was 12 years old when he purchased and listened to Licensed to Ill and to Paul's Boutique when each came out (first kid in line at the store). He didn't understand sampling and refused to believe that the tracks had work in them from other artists. I had to sit him down with Paul's Boutique and for each track, play him the song from which the samples originated. He was blown away.

Paul's Boutique was very special to me. Up until it I had been mostly into Beatles, U2, and had just discovered The Dead Kennedy's, The Clash, and The Sex Pistols. As more Beastie's LPs came out I nabbed them and enjoyed them along side of Jane's Addiction, and assorted other bands. I feel remorseful that I didn't take advantage of seeing Lollapalooza's 2 through 5 (I only made it to Lolla 1). But all the bands from 1991 to 1995 from those tours are still bands I listen to today.

MCA's "bohisattva vow" track I found to be amazing - it turned me onto exploring theology and comparative religion. One thing is for certain: MCA must have achieved enlightenment. I had lit a candle intended to burn for three days in hopes that it would light his way,.... apparently he must have made it to where he is going sooner because it went out in one. As a poet, a prophet, and a Buddha, and as a chosen child of God, I feel confident that not only will he always be in our hearts but he will return to this world and make it a better place.

I'm selfish. I wanted him here longer. My deepest empathy to Adam, Mike, and all the family and friends whose lives Yauch has touched.

Revisiting live video - the joy at the shows just can't be measured. I don't know if any band can make me feel the way Beastie Boys did live. Pure Joy.

WesleyOHSnaps! 05-09-2012 09:40 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Today was hard.

Today was the first time in my life that I listen to the beastie boys and got angry

Today was a bad day at work

Today was the day I was quite all day

Today I missed Adam Yauch more

RIP Adam


benchillin 05-09-2012 10:21 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by WesleyOHSnaps! (Post 1786320)
Today was hard.

Today was the first time in my life that I listen to the beastie boys and got angry

RIP Adam


me too. i got angry about it all today.


MCAadROCKMiKEd7 05-09-2012 11:17 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
I still haven't listened to their music, don't think hearing Yauchs voice would be okay. Too hard to accept, hearing it won't help yet.

kindness09 05-10-2012 12:48 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Adam Yauch

and 'dead' do not go together :mad:

stupid headlines....fricking cancer.


i HATE cancer :mad::mad::mad:

Matchstikk 05-10-2012 04:38 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
I just realized I'll never be able to take my sons (10 & 7) to a Beasties concert. DAMN. That's something I had always envisioned us doing together. F CANCER. RIP MCA.

nypb 05-10-2012 06:47 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by YoungRemy (Post 1786285)
my next endeavor is to truly dive in to the early hard core stuff. of course I heard Aglio, Pollywog, and Some Old Bullshit etc, but I never truly analyzed every lyric, story, and bassline.

Not really early but I found the lyrics to Mullet Head the other day and listened/read along; that track is hilarious.

M.C. Guevera 05-10-2012 06:49 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
I'm actually finding myself still getting lost in the Beastie Boys' music. I don't think about his death or get sad at all when I just sit back and listen to their music or watch their videos. I get happy. Like I always do.

JasonP 05-10-2012 06:55 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by M.C. Guevera (Post 1786419)
I'm actually finding myself still getting lost in the Beastie Boys' music. I don't think about his death or get sad at all when I just sit back and listen to their music or watch their videos. I get happy. Like I always do.

Me too! Its not just a cliche...he will live on forever.

M.C. Guevera 05-10-2012 07:00 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by JasonP (Post 1786421)
Me too! Its not just a cliche...he will live on forever.


MCAadROCKMiKEd7 05-10-2012 07:17 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by Randetica (Post 1786208)
yeah true
maybe he got a second hidden one, who knows or he was just too wonderful for this world

Him being to wonderful for this world is soooo beyond true.
He just didn't deserve to have the life he created taken from him.

laurie_hammy 05-10-2012 08:02 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by YoungRemy (Post 1786285)
there is always something to discover with Adam Yauch and the Beastie boys. I will never stop my borderline obsessive crave for new information about this legendary band.

my next endeavor is to truly dive in to the early hard core stuff. of course I heard Aglio, Pollywog, and Some Old Bullshit etc, but I never truly analyzed every lyric, story, and bassline.

I can't wait to dive in.

Iv been listening to some of the Yauch solo songs an my goodness he was a smart man. I always just rapped them but when I actualy listened to the words he says some crazy awsome shit.

alleyezonme6198 05-10-2012 11:20 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by M.C. Guevera (Post 1786419)
I'm actually finding myself still getting lost in the Beastie Boys' music. I don't think about his death or get sad at all when I just sit back and listen to their music or watch their videos. I get happy. Like I always do.

Me too, I have been getting a few more chills down my back during an MCA verse lately though. Thats one thing I love about them, no matter how long I listen I still get that excited to where it makes me get goosebumps because of how talented they are.

Space 05-10-2012 11:24 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by laurie_hammy (Post 1786456)
Iv been listening to some of the Yauch solo songs an my goodness he was a smart man. I always just rapped them but when I actualy listened to the words he says some crazy awsome shit.

haha yea :)

M.C. Guevera 05-10-2012 07:55 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
It keeps popping up, and it's so true: Adam Yauch was one of those special people you could learn something from and be influenced by. You wouldn't think so, since he was a celebrity, and celebrities typically aren't like that, but it's a fact. The world could use more people like him.

Adrock was the heart, Mike D was the brains and MCA was the soul of the Beastie Boys.

YoungRemy 05-10-2012 10:53 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by M.C. Guevera (Post 1786650)

Adrock was the heart, Mike D was the brains and MCA was the soul of the Beastie Boys.

I love this

brooklyndust 05-10-2012 10:57 PM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
I was just watching some old videos. I still can't believe he's gone.

weiner girl 05-11-2012 05:56 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Can't believe it's a whole week since he passed and I still cut up. I don't usually post much on these boards but I always check in regularly to catch up with what you other users are thinking and saying. This week it has certainly helped.

There has been no other place to find solace than here, where it feels like everyone is going through this together. I don't think anyone I know gets the grief I'm feeling.
I've spent all my adult life listening to the Beastie Boys, looking out for news of the next release or a possible tour, and to know it's not going to happen has been difficult to deal with.
I haven't been able to play the CDs that have been sat in my car since I bought it five years ago, the Beastie Boys music always cheered me up on my journey to work, and this week has been so weird in that I haven't wanted to hear them.

I can't even begin to imagine what his friends and family are going through, my deepest sympathies to them.
I'll never forget Yauch and the impact he's had on me will stay with me forever.

DNForever 05-11-2012 10:22 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Thanks for all the great music - I was in NYC visiting when I got a text from my brother, whose Licensed To Ill tape got me listening to the boys in 1989 ish and I haven't stopped since then. It's such a loss especially for his family. The Beastie Boys will always be legends and Adam Yauch will be heard forever.

Swooziemoonshoe 05-11-2012 11:08 AM

Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012
Hi peeps, I hope you won't mind me joining just to post here. I've actually lurked on the Beastie boards on and off since 2000, fan since about '94. My interest in the Beasties has waxed and waned over the years and the news took me a bit by surprise, but I have found it so incredibly sad, and a week on I am still getting tearful. I'm 34 and have never reacted like this to the passing of a musician before, I'm quite overwhelmed by my sadness and I just wanted to hang out here with other people who get it.

I think the Beasties inspire loyalty for so many reasons; their great music, incredibly entertaining personalities and performances, and their extremely cool attitudes being some. As everyone is noting, MCA was a great artist but the way he pulled off his public social conscience while maintaining a sense of humour and a lack of pomposity has never been replicated by anyone else ever. Plus the dynamic between the three of them was always so joyful, and the loss of one member of the indestructible three-piece is too heartbreaking to bear.

Anyway sorry again for leaping in for the first time at this sad time, but this is the only place I can think of to join with others feeling the same way. Love to you all, RIP MCA x

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