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ericlee 02-19-2009 07:27 PM

Re: Genius Thread II
White uniforms, eh?

LongDuckDong 02-19-2009 07:28 PM

Re: Genius Thread II
Easy! That wasn't aimed at you. It was aimed at that sazi idiot. Jeez!

ericlee 02-19-2009 07:32 PM

Re: Genius Thread II

Originally Posted by LongDuckDong (Post 1649350)
Easy! That wasn't aimed at you. It was aimed at that sazi idiot. Jeez!

Oops. Sorry.

Sazi's not an idiot though. He cool.

LongDuckDong 02-19-2009 07:35 PM

Re: Genius Thread II
Monkey business.

Helvete 02-19-2009 07:36 PM

Re: Genius Thread II


Dorothy Wood 02-19-2009 07:47 PM

Re: Genius Thread II

as for the "a monkey could do it", chimps aren't monkeys. so I still don't get it.

I would like the artist to explain!

LongDuckDong 02-20-2009 01:16 AM

Re: Genius Thread II
Dorothy, post your boobs!

YoungRemy 02-20-2009 01:38 AM

Re: Genius Thread II

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1649357)

as for the "a monkey could do it", chimps aren't monkeys. so I still don't get it.

I would like the artist to explain!

this is worth a thread

it's not "a monkey could do it"

the term is "a monkey at a typewriter" and all the different twists on that saying- a thousand monkeys at a typewriter, a million monkeys and blah blah blah

it's called the infinite monkey theorem it has been linked to William Shakespeare and even mentioned in a review for AIFST (see what I did there?)

Regardless, it is also a direct reference to the monkey being shot in Connecticut the other day, we all know that yada yada

but the one thing it is NOT is racist, as it is comparing the writers of the stimulus package, ie Congress, not President Obama, who signed the stimulus package.

the other thing to point out is how many times Bush was shown to look like a monkey, but if Al Sharpton complains about this comic in the Post it's now racist against Obama?

it was never about Obama in the first place.

ericlee 02-20-2009 02:01 AM

Re: Genius Thread II

Originally Posted by YoungRemy (Post 1649414)
this is worth a thread

it's not "a monkey could do it"

the term is "a monkey at a typewriter" and all the different twists on that saying- a thousand monkeys at a typewriter, a million monkeys and blah blah blah

it's called the infinite monkey theorem it has been linked to William Shakespeare and even mentioned in a review for AIFST (see what I did there?)

Regardless, it is also a direct reference to the monkey being shot in Connecticut the other day, we all know that yada yada

but the one thing it is NOT is racist, as it is comparing the writers of the stimulus package, ie Congress, not President Obama, who signed the stimulus package.

the other thing to point out is how many times Bush was shown to look like a monkey, but if Al Sharpton complains about this comic in the Post it's now racist against Obama?

it was never about Obama in the first place.

Thanks, you've went more in depth with it. I was thinking of the stimulus package could have been written by a monkey and also knew it was a connection with Travis being shot.

After seeing it, I knew the shit was going to hit the fan.

TurdBerglar 02-20-2009 02:02 AM

Re: Genius Thread II

Originally Posted by ericlee (Post 1649233)

what does a swan have to do with cananda?

Yetra Flam 02-20-2009 02:07 AM

Re: Genius Thread II
isn't that a goose?

TurdBerglar 02-20-2009 02:08 AM

Re: Genius Thread II
looks like a swan to me

Yetra Flam 02-20-2009 02:09 AM

Re: Genius Thread II
what you're an expert now?

TurdBerglar 02-20-2009 02:10 AM

Re: Genius Thread II
i just know a swan form a goose is all

Dorothy Wood 02-20-2009 02:15 AM

Re: Genius Thread II

Originally Posted by YoungRemy (Post 1649414)
this is worth a thread

it's not "a monkey could do it"

the term is "a monkey at a typewriter" and all the different twists on that saying- a thousand monkeys at a typewriter, a million monkeys and blah blah blah

it's called the infinite monkey theorem it has been linked to William Shakespeare and even mentioned in a review for AIFST (see what I did there?)

Regardless, it is also a direct reference to the monkey being shot in Connecticut the other day, we all know that yada yada

but the one thing it is NOT is racist, as it is comparing the writers of the stimulus package, ie Congress, not President Obama, who signed the stimulus package.

the other thing to point out is how many times Bush was shown to look like a monkey, but if Al Sharpton complains about this comic in the Post it's now racist against Obama?

it was never about Obama in the first place.

again, a chimp is not a monkey...and you really think that the author was referencing a theorem????? let say he was, but also forgot that chimps weren't monkeys, he's saying that a beserker chimp randomly typed out the new stimulus bill? and that this is the same chimp that lived in connecticut and ripped a woman's face off?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I get it now. oh wait, I still don't.

also you can't tell me that this asshole isn't racist when he makes comics like this as well:

he's also a homophobe and completely unfunny.

Dorothy Wood 02-20-2009 02:19 AM

Re: Genius Thread II

yeah, that other dude is totally a swan. this guys a canadian goose. ^

YoungRemy 02-20-2009 02:27 AM

Re: Genius Thread II

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1649424)
again, a chimp is not a monkey...and you really think that the author was referencing a theorem????? let say he was, but also forgot that chimps weren't monkeys, he's saying that a beserker chimp randomly typed out the new stimulus bill? and that this is the same chimp that lived in connecticut and ripped a woman's face off?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I get it now. oh wait, I still don't.

stop with the semantics.

monkeys vs chimps, goose vs. swans, that's not the fucking argument.

and yes, i believe it was a direct reference to "monkey at a typewriter" not the entire theorem.

again, congress wrote the stimulus package, not Obama.


The Post's Editor-in-Chief insists his cartoonist was simply mocking the authors of the fiscal stimulus Bill as no better than a team of trained monkeys. But the newspaper’s critics say Sean Delonas’s sketch was tantamount to calling for Barack Obama to be assassinated.
Dorothy, it's political cartoon satire, it's supposed to be controversial. The author is implying a monkey could have written the stimulus bill.

a monkey got shot and is in current events, he linked the two. did you see the "Beware of Dog" sign in the cartoon and in the photo of the crime scene in which a domesticated pet monkey was given Xanax, stabbed and shot by police?

Al Sharpton linked it to Obama. And the crowd went wild.

ericlee 02-20-2009 02:35 AM

Re: Genius Thread II

Originally Posted by TurdBerglar (Post 1649418)
what does a swan have to do with cananda?

ericlee 02-20-2009 03:03 AM

Re: Genius Thread II

Lyman Zerga 02-20-2009 03:31 AM

Re: Genius Thread II

Originally Posted by ericlee (Post 1649439)

why just showing cucumbers and no peaches in the genius thread? you fuckin sexist!

it looks damn tasty though

Dorothy Wood 02-20-2009 03:40 AM

Re: Genius Thread II

Originally Posted by YoungRemy (Post 1649428)
stop with the semantics.

monkeys vs chimps, goose vs. swans, that's not the fucking argument.

and yes, i believe it was a direct reference to "monkey at a typewriter" not the entire theorem.

again, congress wrote the stimulus package, not Obama.

Dorothy, it's political cartoon satire, it's supposed to be controversial. The author is implying a monkey could have written the stimulus bill.

a monkey got shot and is in current events, he linked the two. did you see the "Beware of Dog" sign in the cartoon and in the photo of the crime scene in which a domesticated pet monkey was given Xanax, stabbed and shot by police?

Al Sharpton linked it to Obama. And the crowd went wild.

I didn't say the monkey thing was racist. I'm just saying I can see how people would take it as such. especially considering that other comic I put up, which is very clearly racist.

I'm actually more offended by the mocking of the chimp thing. it's a really sad story that has nothing to do with politics, and I don't get the connection or think it's even remotely clever...or even a joke for that matter.

altogether, the guy just comes off as an unfunny jerk. I'm not up in arms about this comic, I'm a little surprised and upset that the artist's been able to keep a job at a newspaper considering the homophobic and racist content of much of his work.

and I will not stop with the semantics, I like them!

YoungRemy 02-20-2009 03:57 AM

Re: Genius Thread II
We are talking about the New York Post. Tabloid journalism at its finest. They want you to be angry at their political cartoons.

Page Six.

News Corp.

Rupert Murdoch.

Fox News.


Wednesday's Page Six cartoon - caricaturing Monday's police shooting of a chimpanzee in Connecticut - has created considerable controversy.

It shows two police officers standing over the chimp's body: "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill," one officer says.

It was meant to mock an ineptly written federal stimulus bill.


But it has been taken as something else - as a depiction of President Obama, as a thinly veiled expression of racism.

This most certainly was not its intent; to those who were offended by the image, we apologize.

However, there are some in the media and in public life who have had differences with The Post in the past - and they see the incident as an opportunity for payback.

To them, no apology is due.

Sometimes a cartoon is just a cartoon - even as the opportunists seek to make it something else.

and what is sad is that the lady treated the monkey like it was a human.

Lyman Zerga 02-20-2009 04:22 AM

Re: Genius Thread II
i thought it would have been funny (but still racist) if the monkey or chimp held a flag in his hand saying somethng like GUESS I WAS WRONG, NO WE CANT *dies*

but yeah shooting monkeys, chimps, blacks, whites, presidents is wrong
(in most cases lol)

comparing blacks to monkeys also is

Dorothy Wood 02-20-2009 04:32 AM

Re: Genius Thread II
I'm not going to get into the value of a human's life vs. a chimp's, but the woman was a trainer, you don't know how she treated the chimp. he was a working animal, in commercials and movies and whatnot.

maybe if you listened to the 911 tape of the situation (which I did not do on purpose), you wouldn't take it so lightly.

I'm done with this. you think it's fine, I don't. big deal.

dude's mega unfunny. and it's sad to me that he's able to make a living at it.

Pres Zount 02-20-2009 09:12 AM

Re: Genius Thread II
My first thought was that it was calling Obama a chimp. I then thought, hey, that's racist. Then I thought that it doesn't have to be.

Then I thought, the artist probably made it look like it could be racist so that people think it is, then cleverly not have it completely racist so he can say HA I'm not racist.

So the artist is a scumbag.

saz 02-20-2009 11:12 AM

Re: Genius Thread II

Originally Posted by ericlee (Post 1649339)
I really don't see why you're upset over a simple cartoon that was posted by me onto a message board with a small community when all I'm doing is mocking a dipsht artist who doesn't know how to get his point across and he did it for millions of readers to see. Also, am I known as a racist here? No so for real, ease up.

dude, we all know you're not racist and that you're a good guy, but the cartoon was a veiled racist attack on obama.


Originally Posted by LongDuckDong (Post 1649342)
So a pic of a monkey being shot is insultful, but 'faggoty white uniforms' is ok?

You're a fucking idiot.

Easy! That wasn't aimed at you. It was aimed at that sazi idiot. Jeez!

it's a line from a few good men, obviously a movie you haven't seen, otherwise you'd understand the irony behind it and wouldn't resort to hurling insults.


Originally Posted by YoungRemy (Post 1649414)
Regardless, it is also a direct reference to the monkey being shot in Connecticut the other day, we all know that yada yada

but the one thing it is NOT is racist, as it is comparing the writers of the stimulus package, ie Congress, not President Obama, who signed the stimulus package.

the other thing to point out is how many times Bush was shown to look like a monkey, but if Al Sharpton complains about this comic in the Post it's now racist against Obama?

it was never about Obama in the first place.

are you so sure about that? a lot of the redneck mouthbreathers out there in the media are using this same line of justification, however their argument falls flat in that the stimulus package was something that obama campaigned for very recently, travelling to both indiana and florida. it's the most crucial, defining aspect of his presidency thus far. the mouthbreathers weak line that it's congress' bill and not obama's is ludicrious. i suppose then that every piece of legislation in the next four to eight years will have nothing to do with obama? please. regarding the chimp that was shot recently too, i'm not sure i'm buying that also. this comic afterall was published in the new york post, one of the most sleaziest, right-wing sensationalistic tabloids.

b i o n i c 02-20-2009 11:34 AM

Re: Genius Thread II
:rolleyes: jesus, take a chill pill! ®

YoungRemy 02-20-2009 12:33 PM

Re: Genius Thread II

Originally Posted by sazi (Post 1649497)
are you so sure about that? a lot of the redneck mouthbreathers out there in the media are using this same line of justification, however their argument falls flat in that the stimulus package was something that obama campaigned for very recently, travelling to both indiana and florida. it's the most crucial, defining aspect of his presidency thus far. the mouthbreathers weak line that it's congress' bill and not obama's is ludicrious. i suppose then that every piece of legislation in the next four to eight years will have nothing to do with obama? please. regarding the chimp that was shot recently too, i'm not sure i'm buying that also. this comic afterall was published in the new york post, one of the most sleaziest, right-wing sensationalistic tabloids.

what is it about the chimp that you aren't buying? like I posted earlier, did you notice the "Beware of Dog" sign in the cartoon? that was from the scene in Connecticut.

Political cartoons use current events and broad sweeping generalizations to get their points across.

did I think it was funny? no
did I think it was insensitive? perhaps
did I think it was racist? absolutely not.

to answer your question, sazi, no I'm not sure. I'm an average reader with an interpretation of the cartoon. it's the NY Post.

If the monkey had the word "Congress" written over him in true political cartoon fashion, or if the artist never used the word "stimulus bill" this would never have been an issue.

but the mere fact that president Obama is tied to the story, it's a veiled racist attack on the president.

PC run absolutely amock.

LongDuckDong 02-20-2009 12:42 PM

Re: Genius Thread II
it's a line from a few good men, obviously a movie you haven't seen, otherwise you'd understand the irony behind it and wouldn't resort to hurling insults.

Good movie. Seen it several times. Funny line too. But you're still a fucking idiot just like your parents.


b i o n i c 02-20-2009 12:53 PM

Re: Genius Thread II

terrorists are happy republicans didnt win. im failing to see the racism here. are 'terrorists' supposed to be offended that they are not depicted in tuxedos?

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