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ericlee 04-20-2013 06:24 AM

Re: boston marathon bombing
Someone from Boston needs to teabag his corpse.

HOTWIFE 04-20-2013 12:06 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing
My Uncle Ralph ran the marathon this year as he always does. My brother took a year off after running the past 5 yrs, in which my whole family would have been sitting there with all our kids at the finish line like years past. My sister was in Boston for her friend's dr appt at Tufts..thank God they didn't stop to see the marathon. I sort of feel numb to the whole thing, like I'm used to this bullshit. Every month it seems some asshole decides he wants to take the lives of innocent people and go down ina 'blaze of glory'. And after all the sensationalizing and media coverage of yesterday's 'manhunt'for the cunts who did this I can't help but feel like there were some sick bastards watching fantasizing about their attack on humanity.

ericlee 04-20-2013 03:58 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing
It sickens me to see their families trying to support them by saying they were framed. If that's the case then why were there shootouts with the police? Grenades even? Their family should be locked up too, fucking pieces of shit.

RobMoney$ 04-20-2013 07:53 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing

Originally Posted by ericlee (Post 1805250)
It sickens me to see their families trying to support them by saying they were framed. If that's the case then why were there shootouts with the police? Grenades even?

How fucking great was the Uncle though?


Originally Posted by ericlee (Post 1805250)
Their family should be locked up too, fucking pieces of shit.

I work with a guy who just came over from Russia not too long ago.
He's a former Soviet Union Naval Officer.
I asked him why stuff like this doesn't seem to happen in Russia?
He said because in Russia, they would have took his entire family, Mother, Father, everyone. And shot them all. And they would have made this kid watch it.
Then they would have shot the kid.

And they would have televised it to send a message to anyone else thinking of doing something similar that THIS is what we do to people who do these things.

Not sure if he was being dramatic or not, but pretty fucking righteous of an idea if you ask me.

Waus 04-20-2013 08:00 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing

Originally Posted by RobMoney$ (Post 1805253)
I work with a guy who just came over from Russia not too long ago.
He's a former Soviet Union Naval Officer.
I asked him why stuff like this doesn't seem to happen in Russia?
He said because in Russia, they would have took his entire family, Mother, Father, everyone. And shot them all. And they would have made this kid watch it.
Then they would have shot the kid.

And they would have televised it to send a message to anyone else thinking of doing something similar that THIS is what we do to people who do these things.

Not sure if he was being dramatic or not, but pretty fucking righteous of an idea if you ask me.

Lex talionis.

HOTWIFE 04-20-2013 08:59 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing
I think these bastards may think twice if we had a zero tolerance policy for these types of crimes...maybe torture the fuck out of them after they're convicted. These types are usually cowards who think nothing of inflicting pain and suffering on others but when it comes down to it usually can't muster the guts to even put a pistol in their mouths and pull the trigger at the end of it all. Although I know it will never fly here in the US.

Bob 04-21-2013 12:30 AM

Re: boston marathon bombing
and that's why everybody holds up russia as a great example of a place to live

Dorothy Wood 04-21-2013 08:36 AM

Re: boston marathon bombing
So some of you are in favor of throwing out the court system and convicting/killing/torturing a U.S. citizen without a trial?

I hate that this happened and I hate it more now that I read and see the frenzied reaction. Everyone is focusing their rage on one kid, when it's like not even known if someone put them up to this or not.

Waus 04-21-2013 12:18 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing
You guys see this on reddit?


Yesterday’s show of force actually made everyone more vulnerable by showing just how weak, frightened and cowardly people in the US are. Not only are the government cops a threat to freedom but they actually make you less safe!

HOTWIFE 04-21-2013 02:11 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1805261)
So some of you are in favor of throwing out the court system and convicting/killing/torturing a U.S. citizen without a trial?

I hate that this happened and I hate it more now that I read and see the frenzied reaction. Everyone is focusing their rage on one kid, when it's like not even known if someone put them up to this or not.

"Convicted" it again. Someone who has been convicted of something has been given a trial and was found guilty. And this is just me talking..I know its all kinds of wrong and would fuck up our judicial system but can't I have a moment of voicing what I would love to see happen to these punks?

Bob 04-21-2013 02:43 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing

Originally Posted by Waus (Post 1805264)

i have to laugh at his characterization of the suspect as a "19-year old honor student", as though we should have had the gift of hindsight from the beginning and not been afraid of him. the author seems to forget that the moment the cops started chasing these guys, they murdered a cop and started hucking grenades and bombs at their pursuers. there's not a lot of precedent for this kind of behavior in watertown, they approached the situation pretty cautiously

Randetica 04-21-2013 07:25 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1805261)
So some of you are in favor of throwing out the court system and convicting/killing/torturing a U.S. citizen without a trial?

I hate that this happened and I hate it more now that I read and see the frenzied reaction. Everyone is focusing their rage on one kid, when it's like not even known if someone put them up to this or not.

i agree

"In this video i show you how the Media suspect that is still alive and captured , Left the event WITH HIS BACKPACK ! BUT ……Their Craft aka Blackwater Agent was caught running out of the scene ..WITHOUT HIS BACKPACK ….The one that matches the Bomb Backpack PERFECTLY !!"

Dorothy Wood 04-21-2013 08:35 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing

Originally Posted by Bob (Post 1805266)
i have to laugh at his characterization of the suspect as a "19-year old honor student", as though we should have had the gift of hindsight from the beginning and not been afraid of him. the author seems to forget that the moment the cops started chasing these guys, they murdered a cop and started hucking grenades and bombs at their pursuers. there's not a lot of precedent for this kind of behavior in watertown, they approached the situation pretty cautiously

Yeah, the "police state" aspect was a little freaky, viscerally. But the kid was indiscriminate and an immediate threat, so it made sense to end the violence with a big show of force. I don't really agree with how it all went down, but I can't even comprehend how hard a job it would be to figure out what to do.

Bob do you think people felt abused or oppressed by the cops?

Dorothy Wood 04-21-2013 08:42 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing

Originally Posted by Randetica (Post 1805269)
i agree

"In this video i show you how the Media suspect that is still alive and captured , Left the event WITH HIS BACKPACK ! BUT ……Their Craft aka Blackwater Agent was caught running out of the scene ..WITHOUT HIS BACKPACK ….The one that matches the Bomb Backpack PERFECTLY !!"

Uhoh I clicked that and it shut down the browser on my phone. They don't want me to know the secrets. I really hope none of these conspiracy theories are true, I hope it's just senselessness, misplaced angst.

Dorothy Wood 04-21-2013 08:56 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing

Originally Posted by HOTWIFE (Post 1805265)
"Convicted" it again. Someone who has been convicted of something has been given a trial and was found guilty. And this is just me talking..I know its all kinds of wrong and would fuck up our judicial system but can't I have a moment of voicing what I would love to see happen to these punks?

Well one is already dead and the other has hell to pay, no matter what happens his life is not his own anymore. More violence is counterproductive.

Pardon my pacifism, it's been pissing people off lately.

Bob 04-21-2013 09:13 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood (Post 1805270)
Yeah, the "police state" aspect was a little freaky, viscerally. But the kid was indiscriminate and an immediate threat, so it made sense to end the violence with a big show of force. I don't really agree with how it all went down, but I can't even comprehend how hard a job it would be to figure out what to do.

Bob do you think people felt abused or oppressed by the cops?

i don't know everybody in boston, but i don't personally know anybody who was, no. i can't say that i noticed anybody speaking that way. the closest to that was a few people saying "fuck everybody responsible for turning my city into a police state" but i never got the sense that it was particularly directed towards the cops, more towards the people running around throwing bombs indiscriminately

but again, i don't know everyone in boston and it's not like i did a poll. maybe some people did feel that way. i imagine that anyone who had troopers marching through their homes in watertown might have felt a little oppressed (though perhaps not nearly as frightened as they were of the two jerks who woke them up at 1am when they started throwing grenades around--but again, i can't say, i don't personally know anybody who had that happen to them).

overwhelmingly, the sense i got was that people were obviously unhappy to be on lockdown, but they understood it. it was a well and truly unique situation and they were willing to cut the authorities a bit of slack on this one to put an end to it. people really liked the cops this weekend, is how i'll put it.

TurdBerglar 04-21-2013 09:27 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing

Originally Posted by Randetica (Post 1805269)
"In this video i show you how the Media suspect that is still alive and captured , Left the event WITH HIS BACKPACK ! BUT ……Their Craft aka Blackwater Agent was caught running out of the scene ..WITHOUT HIS BACKPACK ….The one that matches the Bomb Backpack PERFECTLY !!"

this guy is a tool.

Kid Presentable 04-21-2013 09:34 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing
These reactions on this forum make me wonder about the reactions in countries and cities where America has blown shit up. Not strictly America, though. Could just as easily be, say, Australia. Bombing the everlonging fuck out of Baghdad or some other target of strategic significance, for example.

It's been the elephant in the room ever since this awful event occurred.

Still, interesting.

TurdBerglar 04-21-2013 09:47 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing
a target of strategic significance is different from a foot race, no?

Kid Presentable 04-21-2013 09:50 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing
I dunno, man. Is there a list?

My dad dropped bombs on Dresden in WW2. I can only ever use the term 'target of strategic significance' with tongue planted firmly in cheek.

TurdBerglar 04-21-2013 09:56 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing
comparing the situation in boston to Dresden is a bit weird.

Kid Presentable 04-21-2013 10:01 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing

Originally Posted by TurdBerglar (Post 1805278)
comparing the situation in boston to Dresden is a bit weird.

I wasn't. I was explaining what I meant by strategic significance, and how farcical it is to try and discriminate or justify some types of killing and get the arse about others.

Just reading some of the reactions (and I completely get it, this is a horrible time) gets me thinking about how angry crew must get when you/us/whomever blows up a city full of kids and women and general bystanders. And I'm certainly not singling out America, just the anger. I mean, anger is really where all these things start.

TurdBerglar 04-21-2013 10:06 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing

your general bluntness and directness comes off as disregard/disrespect at times. which Is ironic because I'm pretty much the same way.

Bob 04-21-2013 11:48 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing
it's definitely been something that's been sticking in my mind, even since monday. i watched a video of the explosions--nothing gory, but still pretty powerful stuff--and in the back of my mind i keep thinking "this is terrible, but this shit happens near every day in some parts of the world, and at some parts of history."

and sure, at some level there's a difference between planting bombs at a marathon with the intent of killing as many civilians as possible, and carrying out a bomb strike on a military target that also happens to kill a bunch of civilians, but when you're sitting there and you learn that something exploded in your city for the second time in a week, and once again your first thought is "i wonder if anybody i know could have died in that?" i feel like the difference probably gets a bit...

i dunno man the world is fucked

Yeti 04-22-2013 08:20 AM

Re: boston marathon bombing

Originally Posted by ericlee (Post 1805250)
It sickens me to see their families trying to support them by saying they were framed. If that's the case then why were there shootouts with the police? Grenades even? Their family should be locked up too, fucking pieces of shit.

The Uncle that lives in Maryland is awesome. He is a family member and he was great in his interview.

JoLovesMCA 04-22-2013 12:50 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing
Now that we know he will be charged with using weapons of mass destruction via civilian court what are y'all's opinions on the sentence?? I have always been a supporter of the death penalty. I know many say life in prison will be worse than death, but I don't look at it that way.

RobMoney$ 04-22-2013 06:17 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing
People making accusations of the Police being oppressive or unconstitutional in their pursuit and sweep of watertown mass. while an extremely dangerous individual who was on some real life GTA type shit make me sick.

Bob 04-22-2013 06:43 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing
i dunno, i think it's a question that's at least worth keeping in mind, or maybe even talking about--the police literally did shut down the city and say "you're not allowed to leave your homes, and we're allowed to send heavily armed men into them to search them without your consent." it's a drastic measure for sure, and when the police do that, i think it's absolutely worth wondering "is that an ok thing to do?"

i just happen to think that under the circumstances (namely the urgency and insanity of the threat and the extremely temporary nature of the lockdown) it was fine, and i get the sense that most people that were directly affected by it basically (if occasionally begrudgingly) agreed. like, yeah, this is essentially martial law and it sucks, but there is a psychopath out there with grenades and nobody knows where he is, so whatever let's give the cops a pass on this one for a little while and just do what they say till they catch the guy

it was a fucked up situation and the cops did (what under normal circumstances would be considered) a fucked up thing to deal with it, but they had to act fast and it all worked out so i'm not about to fling shit about it. i wouldn't have wanted to be in charge of deciding what to do in that shitstorm. the guy had bombs for fuck's sake

RobMoney$ 04-22-2013 07:08 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing
And if they didn't exhaust every option, look in every corner, and search every crawl space, boat, garage, ect. and the guy had gotten away and gone on to kill again then people would criticize the cops for being incompetent and then they'd say the blood is now on Boston PD's hands.

They weren't being oppressive, they were trying to protect.
And everyone should be smart enough to realize that.
This was a fluid situation. There's no rule or law that can be written to fully cover every situation.
Law enforcement does not need to be criticized on this one AT ALL.
They should be thanked for protecting the public.

Bob 04-22-2013 07:14 PM

Re: boston marathon bombing
i'm with you in that i think they did the right thing on friday too. i'm only saying that when something as drastic as martial law happens, it's absolutely worth questioning whether it was the right thing to do. and my answer to the question, as someone who was basically there, is "are you kidding, it was totally an ok thing to do because that fucker had bombs and was hiding in a residential neighborhood, do whatever you have to do just get him, get him now"

but i don't see the harm in asking. if anything there's more harm to be had in never asking

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