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MCAadROCKMiKEd7 07-20-2012 03:58 PM

Re: Breaking Bad

Originally Posted by yeahwho (Post 1795001)
yeah bitch!! MAGNETS!


kll 07-23-2012 06:40 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
Man, that last scene last night with the wife in bed... chills... he's just taking what he wants now...

MCAadROCKMiKEd7 07-24-2012 01:38 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
That bed scene made me think about how awkward id feel kissing on somebody like that, even though theyre just professional actors. Ive got some maturing to do lol.

silence7 07-24-2012 10:08 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
Watched BB from the beginning, and I just love Walt's transformation from a naive teacher to this now BAD ASS that's in a totally different mindset..

Character evolution in this show is great.

Oh and Mike, OMG... That dude scares me. TOTAL bad ass! He's always one step ahead of everyone who opposes him.

Adam 07-25-2012 06:27 AM

Re: Breaking Bad

Originally Posted by silence7 (Post 1795662)
Oh and Mike, ... He's always one step ahead of everyone who opposes him.

I think that will be key to a significant plot line this season too. The way he at first said no to Walt & Jesse.

I also think Skylar will snap, get Walt in trouble but that will put her behinds bar or kill her and Walt, Mike and Saul will be clever with Walt escaping somewhere else - like where ever that Birthday scene was shot.

DandyFop 07-26-2012 12:21 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
I think really it's going to be that Walt makes it all lead back to Jesse, then it's up to Walt if he sells Jesse out to Hank or not.

I've just re watched all the seasons and for some reason I don't fully buy Walt all the time...he's supposed to be turning into an evil genius but really he acts like a completely irrational idiot a lot of the time and really should have been caught by this point. I do love the show but a second watching made this more clear.

I also kind of hate Walt Jr. He's such a convenience child that they throw in randomly. I wish he was more like a real teenage kid who acted out when something is going wrong in the family.

Bob 07-30-2012 09:40 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
re: latest episode

remember that episode where there was a fly in the lab and walt refused to do anything until he killed it because it could contaminate the batch or whatever? how come it's suddenly ok to cook in houses that are infested with bugs now?


kll 08-01-2012 09:33 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
That's what we said too, Bob! The fly seemed such a huge deal and now it's ok? Plus, how do you get the house fumigated if you spend the first 24-hrs or so NOT fumigating? Seemed like a clever idea at first, then the logistics and timing seemed so unrealistic.

Bob 08-01-2012 05:37 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
i guess if you're a fumigator you could just be like "yeah it's gonna take 5 days" when you know it's only really gonna take 4. nobody's gonna call you on it, if they knew how to fumigate they'd be doing it themselves


yeahwho 08-01-2012 05:43 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
If there is any saving grace, fumigation tents are for affecting pests that inhabit the physical structure, such as woodborers and drywood termites.

Not for houseflies or ants, but for structure dwellers who physically live withing the framework.

Plus they've isolated the lab further with a plasticized tent within the house.

Really, it's probably been done several times before.

Genius. So genius I'm pretty sure the writers had heard of this technique firsthand.

Bob 08-01-2012 06:02 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
i guess

plus, the fly episode was less about the fly and more about walt's own bullshit so who knows how much bugs can really screw with things

but still, i noticed something and wanted to post about it on the internet!

kll 08-01-2012 09:07 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
If you have Breaking Bad "liked" on facebook, today's article from AMC was how Vince Gilligan explained the logistics of how they came up with the idea and how they made it as believable as possible.

At the end of the video, he basically says, fuck if I know if it would actually work...

yeahwho 08-02-2012 12:01 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
It's cool we're thinking enough and care enough to say something. I'm convinced it's been done before. Been to too many AA/NA meetings.

On a Clear Day

silence7 08-03-2012 12:22 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
I don't know how sealed their lab tent is, but they turned the foggers on with all their gear still in the house, in the tent.

I can see a future episode when Jesse forgets to close the tent, or close it tight enough, and the next batch gets people ill, or they die because of the poison. Reminds me of the saying "You don't shit where you eat." for some reason. You don't cook where you're killing bugs?

yeahwho 08-04-2012 02:00 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
I do have a larger concern with this show outside of the technical cooking elements.

The story arc of Walter White and his complete change to ruthlessness as a criminal. Perhaps I should look to Mike for guidance, he seems to understand Walt the best as a "Time Bomb". The scene last week where Walt was home with the family doing family stuff while scenes of Scarface interspersed the conversation lost me. It seemed like a lesser Lefty (Al Pacino's other character) from Donnie Brasco, who loved wild kingdom shows.

Maybe it's a parody of a parody I'm just getting now as I post.

Walter never has books around, he does no research online, he isn't in libraries and seemingly has no hobbies outside of cooking Meth. That is the weirdest epiphany to have to a seemingly normal guy diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Especially after several high stress deadly failures that almost landed them in prison/graveyards.

Walter and Jesse are happiest cooking, much more happy cooking than being in relationships with family. The purity of science, chemistry and technology is their reliable bitch in a world that's messy. In the lab and in control.

Perhaps the Mike relationship will work. They do what they do, Mike will deal with distribution.

Or maybe, in the end the cockroaches will destroy Walter White!

pshabi 08-18-2012 11:51 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
I just finished season 4 on Netflix. Anyone know of a place to watch the season 5 episodes online without having to enter credit card info?


yeahwho 08-20-2012 12:41 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
Well there is only 2 more episodes this year. Having to wait another year waiting to see how this plays out is just as disappointing to me as maddening.

The opportunity to end this thing at an absolute peak is now. I could get religion, become a Luddite or join a manure powered commune...

Plus I feel as if the writing has hit a peak, a real stride in the past season and a few questionable elements are entering the storyline now. Especially with the Walter/Skylar relationship and the kids staying at Uncle narco's house.

Every episode ends with a cliffhanger and last nights show (spoiler alert) went great, the kid's fingerprints on the spider jar. And that dinner with Jesse, Skyler and Walt! WTF I love how Walt gets Jesse to stay over for dinner, "C'mon it'll be Fun"!

pshabi 08-20-2012 05:31 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
Wait....there are only 8 episodes this season? I'm catching up on amazon for $2 an episode. I'm on season 5 ep 2. I've got last weeks and last night on my DVR.

Cool story?

yeahwho 08-20-2012 08:26 PM

Re: Breaking Bad

Originally Posted by pshabi (Post 1797309)
Wait....there are only 8 episodes this season? I'm catching up on amazon for $2 an episode. I'm on season 5 ep 2. I've got last weeks and last night on my DVR.

Only 8 till the other final 8 summer 0f 2013. :(


Originally Posted by pshabi (Post 1797309)
Cool story?

You know the drill, cool story, great story. Joint is smoking hot I just wish they could make this all happen at once, while it is on fire. That would be greatness.

Rumors of a final episode directed by a famous director for the big screen have circulated, I think it's all rumor no substance. But the writing, acting and cinematography is top notch enough for the big screen.

abbott 08-22-2012 10:29 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
so there is a candy store in albuquerque that sales breaking bad candy labeled "Meth Candy" few stories out yesterday about it.

I am not surprised because the candy store is fucked up. What I mean by that is this candy store is located in a historical district in this cool old adobe building and it called the Candy Lady and from the looks of it from the outside kids can't resist it, and I know I want my kids to go in and get some candy. While you are inside you will notice an 18 years old or older area with several adult toys for sale, visible from the entry. Seems fucked up to me that my kids are asking me, "hey whats that" when I take them to the candy store to find out it doubles as an adult toy store. Shit seems wrong. Anyway, they are making the news with the Meth candy that is blue colored rock candy.

Here is the story from boston..

pshabi 08-26-2012 08:09 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
Holy shit, opening scene to this episode was off the damn chain.

"Say my name."

pshabi 08-26-2012 09:10 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
Sick episode. Walt is outta control.

Bob 08-27-2012 11:10 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
i have a facebook friend who simply cannot help but post spoilers about the latest breaking bad episode within minutes of the end of the episode that i'm sure he thinks are vague and harmless but in reality are pretty damaging when you go into the episode thinking "let's see if i was right about my guess as to what that meant" the whole time

for the latest one, his spoiler was (this is a major spoiler but if you're reading this thread without being caught up, you're an idiot, so you deserve this, this isn't a facebook feed):

"Usually when an old man falls over, it's funny.
Now I'm sad. Damn you AMC!"

literally no other way to interpret that than what it turned out to be. completely ruined that scene, which would have otherwise been pretty incredible

"shut the fuck up and let me die in peace"


seriously considering unfriending him based on that alone, i don't actually like the guy much anymore anyway

Adam 08-28-2012 12:13 AM

Re: Breaking Bad
You can kick people off your feed rather than just unfriending them

kll 08-28-2012 06:26 AM

Re: Breaking Bad

Originally Posted by Bob (Post 1797591)
i have a facebook friend who simply cannot help but post spoilers about the latest breaking bad episode within minutes of the end of the episode that i'm sure he thinks are vague and harmless but in reality are pretty damaging when you go into the episode thinking "let's see if i was right about my guess as to what that meant" the whole time

for the latest one, his spoiler was (this is a major spoiler but if you're reading this thread without being caught up, you're an idiot, so you deserve this, this isn't a facebook feed):

"Usually when an old man falls over, it's funny.
Now I'm sad. Damn you AMC!"

literally no other way to interpret that than what it turned out to be. completely ruined that scene, which would have otherwise been pretty incredible

"shut the fuck up and let me die in peace"


seriously considering unfriending him based on that alone, i don't actually like the guy much anymore anyway

oh no!!! that scene was SO amazing... so bummed for you that you were half thinking of jackass friend's post during that time... definitely grounds for an un-friending... these last few episodes, i just sit there with my mouth hanging open, tears in my eyes and chills at just how brilliant and chilling they are... love, love, love these writers and actors!

HAL 9000 09-02-2012 12:43 AM

Re: Breaking Bad

Originally Posted by Bob (Post 1797591)
i have a facebook friend who simply cannot help but post spoilers about the latest breaking bad episode within minutes of the end of the episode that i'm sure he thinks are vague and harmless but in reality are pretty damaging when you go into the episode thinking "let's see if i was right about my guess as to what that meant" the whole time

for the latest one, his spoiler was (this is a major spoiler but if you're reading this thread without being caught up, you're an idiot, so you deserve this, this isn't a facebook feed):

"Usually when an old man falls over, it's funny.
Now I'm sad. Damn you AMC!"

literally no other way to interpret that than what it turned out to be. completely ruined that scene, which would have otherwise been pretty incredible

"shut the fuck up and let me die in peace"


seriously considering unfriending him based on that alone, i don't actually like the guy much anymore anyway

If its any conciliation, your friends update unspoiled that scene for me because i didnt notice him fall until I read this and rewatched that bit.

Bob 09-02-2012 02:52 AM

Re: Breaking Bad

Originally Posted by HAL 9000 (Post 1797773)
If its any conciliation, your friends update unspoiled that scene for me because i didnt notice him fall until I read this and rewatched that bit.

funny that you mention that—i've actually gone and re-watched the scene myself and you're right, it's kind of incredible how much they tried to hide that emotionally powerful moment from the viewer. upon my second viewing, even though i knew exactly what was going to happen, i literally had to sweep my eyes across the screen a few times before i finally noticed where mike and walt were located, tucked behind some bushes in the lower right corner of the shot.

then, thump

RIP mike

kind of the extreme inverse of the minutely-detail-oriented cinematography that the show's been known for so far, now that i think about it. or, a perfect example of it, depending on how you look at it.

either way, i hate my shitty facebook friend, this would've been an amazing experience if i'd been allowed to have it unprejudiced the first time through

yeahwho 09-02-2012 01:08 PM

Re: Breaking Bad

Originally Posted by Bob (Post 1797779)

kind of the extreme inverse of the minutely-detail-oriented cinematography that the show's been known for so far, now that i think about it. or, a perfect example of it, depending on how you look at it.

I've never considered buying any TV Show, not even the Wire which I still consider to be the "best TV show" ever created.

But the "minutely-detail-oriented cinematography" of Breaking Bad is of such a high caliber I'm gonna break the bank and go for it. Sometimes the story is so gripping the visual technique is over looked or so intense the mind cannot process it all.

It's bad ass inspiring.

yeahwho 09-08-2012 09:50 PM

Re: Breaking Bad

Crystal Blue Persuasion

Oh Shit.

To my other favorite W.W.

It’s an honour working with you.




bullet points season 4

Echewta 09-10-2012 04:57 PM

Re: Breaking Bad
Another year to wait. Thank goodness SOA starts tomorrow.

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