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tuc70021 09-30-2016 08:16 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
I've been coming here since...ekhhhh... the late 90's? I've had a bunch of different user names, and I never really contributed that much. But I'd pop in every now and again, and I still read it quite a bit.

It's weird for me because - and don't take this the wrong way - but the Bboys are and have always been my favorite group of any genre, and I still listen to their records almost every day. So to me they're just as active as ever....... but then I remember that they're not (at least not in the way I remember them), and that MCA is dead, and that this place barely gets a dozen people to reply to anything.

It all just petered out so quietly. No big group break-up, no shutting down of the website when the band retired, so scandal that ended the whole Beastie train.

I just wasn't looking and it all stopped. I never met them and they never even knew I existed, but I felt like I saw the Boys every day for decades. Now... I dunno. Maybe I'll be getting a sandwich sometime and bump into Adrock. What would I say? "When's the new album coming out?" "How's Biz Markie?"

Adam 10-07-2016 12:34 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
Coming here since 90s too. Was a teenager. Now I'm closer to 40 than 30.

I still think about the boys. Still listen to the albums. This place and the band shaped my life more than what seems reasonable. But wouldn't change it. Thanks BBS, thanks BBoys

Bitchamachacha 10-21-2016 01:12 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
Shiiiit, y'all even sound old! "Back in my day , I had to wait on AOL dial up to load before I could log in. And there was no facebook, or Instagram, and the BBMB was different colors and had more threads and blahh..blah..blah....."

Just kidding. Love you guys.

->->-> Will be 41 in one week, joined at age 26. :(

ScarySquirrel 10-21-2016 01:51 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
I just wanted to see if I remembered my password. I do.

I've been coming here since the late '90s, I'd guess. I was still in high school when I started. I'll be 33 in November. So, there's that.

Randetica 10-21-2016 04:05 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
i was like 10 when i started posting here, now im in my 50s
shit got too real too fast

Bitchamachacha 10-21-2016 04:29 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

Originally Posted by tuc70021 (Post 1819076)
I've been coming here since...ekhhhh... the late 90's? I've had a bunch of different user names, and I never really contributed that much. But I'd pop in every now and again, and I still read it quite a bit.

It's weird for me because - and don't take this the wrong way - but the Bboys are and have always been my favorite group of any genre, and I still listen to their records almost every day. So to me they're just as active as ever....... but then I remember that they're not (at least not in the way I remember them), and that MCA is dead, and that this place barely gets a dozen people to reply to anything.

It all just petered out so quietly. No big group break-up, no shutting down of the website when the band retired, so scandal that ended the whole Beastie train.

I just wasn't looking and it all stopped. I never met them and they never even knew I existed, but I felt like I saw the Boys every day for decades. Now... I dunno. Maybe I'll be getting a sandwich sometime and bump into Adrock. What would I say? "When's the new album coming out?" "How's Biz Markie?"

I just got a chance to read this, and damn. It made my heart hurt. So, so very true. I always assumed they'd always be here, and this board and all of you awesome people would always be here. It's like having family, and you get comfortable and think home will be here forever, because it always was.

getoninja 01-01-2017 09:33 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
last time I logged in was 1-1-2009

since then I got my grail, Beastie Boys 12" action figures, now I can move on..............

-T- 01-06-2017 03:01 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
Joel...lmfao!! That fucker was unreal.

silence7 01-07-2017 03:18 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
<3 Big Hugs everyone! :)

Dorothy Wood 01-24-2017 06:07 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

Originally Posted by b-grrrlie (Post 1818913)
I was diagnosed for Aspergers about 18 months ago! It took over two years.... It made me understand myself much better (all the collecting, failing in relationships, bad memory, emotionless for certain things, seeing small details, short attention span....)! :p Also now I get help cleaning and organizing at home (3 hours a week! :eek: ) and free dental care (as I've been scared of dentists) for four years to begin with. I don't know if it covers free teeth (I have two missing), but there could be a chance. :o


Originally Posted by camo (Post 1818931)
I'm currently going through diagnosis for this. My current girlfriend is a teacher who specialises in children with learning difficulties - predominantly Autism and Aspergers. We've been together for over two years now and through that time she has recognised me displaying so many of the symptoms. It started of as a bit of a joke; her noticing my obsessive collecting, forgetting dates, getting super annoyed at tiny little problems with our new house (cracks in skirting boards, scuffs on walls etc), hating being touched and preferring my own space and company.

How has it changed your life now that you've been diagnosed?

Sorry to not respond to you guys. Interesting, the similarities in behavior. I got a new job that is a lot easier for me emotionally, because I am around other quiet people, some who may be on the spectrum as well...though I don't want diagnose...and I've not been diagnosed. But it's kinda funny, I'm like "why is that person so cold to me? What did I do?" And then I realize it's how people see me sometimes, and maybe it's awesome that they don't want to small talk, ha. Definitely feeling better and less anxious and depressed than when I had to work with the public...I was very sensitive to sounds and people's voices, to the point that I would physically shake. I didn't realize how bad it was until I was away from it.
Anyway, hope you guys are doing well!

ProfJIM 01-27-2017 03:35 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
This is weird now.

camo 02-21-2017 04:49 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

Originally Posted by ProfJIM (Post 1819392)
This is weird now.

So un-weird it.

Adam 03-22-2017 05:25 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
Over the passed 20 years (of being an adult) I've learned that a lot of people suffer from crippling-anxiety. Three of my closest friends do but I wouldn't have known when they were not close friends as they hurt themselves (mostly mentally but sometimes physically) to not show it.

A lot of us self-manage with drink and drugs which makes us OK for a brief moment but it's no cure long term with side-effects that are often worse than what we started with.

It doesn't help that there are some extroverts in the world who seem to be the life of world and we all think 'why am I not like them, they are normal' so we think that there is something wrong with us and we try to emulate. We see others trying to emulate and when you only catch the highlights of someone's life you think 'they have it sorted too, they are normal too' when actually they are screaming inside.

Life is weird. But this thread isn't weird.

bigblu89 03-28-2017 09:34 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

I used to be on this shit literally all 8 hours of my shift at work back in the day.

Unbelievably, the last time I logged on was exactly 364 days ago.

Clicking though some old threads is like hearing a song from your youth that you haven't heard in a decade. It instantly takes you back to that time. A time when things weren't necessarily better, but definitely so much simpler.

ericg 03-29-2017 08:45 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
"You can't go wrong when you have a guy rapping in response to himself over 200 times.."

word up

abbott 04-07-2017 07:46 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
I had an opinion

Then I realized I was wrong so I changed my opinion

I had an opinion

Then I learned something new. The new information leads me to change my opinion

I had an opinion

Then I realized I did not know all the facts, so again I learned something new and changed my opinion

I don’t understand why people call me all of these things for changing my opinions.

Seems to me if I learn something new and don’t modify my thoughts accordingly, that would be worse. According to my fellow colleges, seems I should make an opinion and stick to it no matter how bad it is. I should even fight and stir shit up once I realize I’m wrong. I should just fight harder to make sure people think my wrong is right.

Or just change my opinion and be known as some wishy washy guy who cant make up his mind.

Unfortunately I have this issue of not giving a fuck about bullshit, so I just say how a really feel for better or worse. The funniest thing is how a room full of people bust out laughing when I speak a hard truth that nobody wants to say.

camo 04-10-2017 03:43 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

na§tee 04-28-2017 08:49 AM

oh hey guys

i'm here cos of kid p.

KingPsyz 06-19-2017 01:59 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
so old

mate_spawn_die 07-13-2017 01:05 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
Wow, I remembered my password. I never really made any friends on this, but I sure wasted a bunch of hours between '04-'09 attempting to do so.

mate_spawn_die 07-13-2017 10:23 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
Looking through Beastie-Free like...

Richard Dawson 07-24-2017 10:22 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
Very old. Last login for me was 2008. Once a decade!

mikizee 09-22-2017 08:15 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
Great now I'm sad

DroppinScience 09-26-2017 09:36 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
I first came here in 2002 (I would have been 19 or 20 depending on the time of year), but I don't think I became a "serious" or regular poster until 2004 or so. This place was a big deal for me in the 2000s. I've forgotten to look at this board until recently. Hey it's still here, you guys!

jayjacobson16 09-30-2017 05:32 AM

Re: I miss what this place used to be

miss soul fire 10-14-2017 06:20 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
I've been eating corn for the last 20 years now! :eek::D
Hopefully I don't turn into the lady in my avatar!

Oh, wait! She was cool back in the old days!

ma belle 10-24-2017 04:13 PM

Re: I miss what this place used to be
Originally Posted by b-grrrlie View Post
I was diagnosed for Aspergers about 18 months ago! It took over two years.... It made me understand myself much better

Good for you - one of my close friends eventually got diagnosed and it made sense to all of us! Made his life enormously better, I'm happy for anyone who gets to understand how they are wired differently.

I used to spend a lot of time on here while I was supposed to be editing movies - but no one was around while I was in overnight regularly so I went at my own pace!

It was a great time, 2003 - 2006 particularly. Lots of sass, ridiculousness, mostly in good humour and taste. Lots of gigs to talk about, the BBoys hub to share all our bootlegs and videos on. Magic times.

One of my favourite gigs was when they played in Inveraray Castle grounds at a festival, totally bonkers. i love it when the sound doesn't come bouncing back from the walls - coz there are none! Awesome setting and they played on fire.

One of the maddest was outside the (non) gig in Liverpool UK - anyone who knows that story knows it was unreal.

Still listen to their music sometimes, loud of course. nice to see some of you still popping on from time to time. May we all grow old disgracefully!

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